Time for COH 2.0?




Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
This game has too much story to finish up and too much in it currently to launch a 2.0

Imagine starting CoH 2.0 with the amount of content that CoH had when it launched in 2004. Think about it.

Yes, dividing the playerbase/community would be bad.

If ever it were to happen, considering this is a Superhero MMO - the universe would have to fail, collapse, and be "rebooted" with most of what we know retconned out of existence So, I'd imagine in that scenario, CoH 1.0 would have to shut down for CoH 2.0 to launch.
Why would that be?

Imagine, if you would... oh, a "World War MMO." We get a run through WWI. After a run of several years, we get peace - the MMO goes free for those that want to keep messing with it, but the sequel comes out. Many years have passed, there have been changes in the world due to the way the first one ended... now we have the second WWMMO.

Honestly, I think it'd work for COH, too.

*Spoiler warning for anyone who hasn't gone through that much of the game *

I mean, there are several storylines that are just coasting as "finished" right now, and another that is being worked on that, once it's done - don't you think the world would have a breather?

After all, superpowered beings seem to wax and wane in the COH world. Nemesis has tried uploading himself to the Rikti mental network - and failed. The Rikti have to sort out things at home - something our supers would likely not be welcome to - and those that stay on Earth and want peace would need time to integrate. Arachnos... well, that whole storyline just sort of stops when you hand Recluse his head. Not that it really had a continuing, evolving direction.

Once the Coming Storm is finished... then what? It'd be fairly sensible to have a breather in there. The world's shaken up, the political structure and alliances get reworked (in order for 2.0 to have a "worldwide" focus) and things pick up again a few decades afterward ("Ten minutes into the future.")

What I should have said is that I have never, ever played a game I loved playing that had a sequel that I also loved playing.

See... I have.

Mechwarrior - starting with MWII, then MW3 - loved those. MW4 a little less, but I still have them.

The Command and Conquer series, while under Westwood's actual care, was great. C&C 1, 2 and 3 are a lot of fun, as are RA 1 and 2. Then they handed things over to a different studio, got something completely and totally unrelated, different mechanics, etc. and called it C&C4 (which stinks on ice) and RA3 (which doesnt' stink as badly, but isn't RA.) But again - totally different studio doing that.

Just for two (or three depending on how you count it) series off the top of my head.

Wanted: Origin centric story arcs.
If you've only played an AT once (one set combo) and "hate" it - don't give up. Roll a different combo. It may just be those sets not clicking for you.



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
Tribes 2? Not so much.
Tribes 2 is my most favorite game ever, after COH. Personal preference, I guess.


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville



Seriously? I dont see any real need for coh2 atm simply becuase we are murdering the rivals. CO is a poor wasteland of a joke. DCU has a very small niche fanbase that may last but I doubt it. Also NC Soft as our company is still working on GW2 atm so even though I dont think its a direct thing I doubt a company wants to dump funds into to many development projects atm.

Not to mention a good chunk of the cox pop I think is here because of our history here and all we have put into it. a full on new game rarely means any major data transfer and I dont exactly think many want a fresh start in a revamped paragon. so much as a fresh paragon for a revamped game.



Originally Posted by NuclearToast View Post
Tribes 2 is my most favorite game ever, after COH. Personal preference, I guess.
Curiosity-inspired question, not a prelude to judgment of your opinion by me: did you play the original?

Tribes 2 was a much slower-paced game than Tribes. Community mods did bridge the gap some ("classic mod"), but it was never the same. Tribes 2 also failed to port over the game types I and all my tribemates* most enjoyed: Defend and Destroy and Capture and Hold. While I played it a lot because it was everywhere, Capture the Flag was not my passion at all.

* In the Tribes community, it was a "tribe", not a "clan".

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
Stuff I want in a super hero MMO, that just aren't feasible outside of a sequel:

-Total graphics overhaul to characters and environments. Fingers. Detail in faces. Non-static hair. We really can't do them without re-doing every animation in the game. If it comes down to that, you may as well be starting over. Same with ditching the old costume pieces and zone models.

-Destruction and environmental interaction. I want to punch people through walls. I want to rip a lamppost out of the ground and swing it at some one. I want collateral damage you'd expect from a super powered battle. I WANT TO THROW A CAR.
To do it right and not half-***, you'd have to redo every zone and map in the game, so again you may as well be starting over.

-A more flexible power and AT system. Deadpool, Ironman. You can't do characters like that who mix ranged and melee attacks. Even gadget guys like Batman, you're limited to their hand to hand capabilities only for the most part. Could be solved with Pool/Epic powers, if they were rolled them together and the devs created more of them and they were treated more like a Tertiary power set. But that's not likely from what I've seen.

-An extensive revamp to enemies AI and mission design. More elaborate missions that can be approached by a variety of play styles.

You get a mission that someone had been kidnapped and is being held in a warehouse.

You go to the mission door, click it. You enter into an instance of a stark warehouse map by the front door, all the enemies are standing around in neat little groups waiting for you to engage them one on one. The Boss is standing in the last room. The hostage stands there while you grind the boss down and then you lead the hostage out. End mission.

What I'd rather see as an approach:
You go to the warehouse, gain entry via an unguarded skylight. Inside you sneak through the vents, making your way to the security room. You quietly take out the thug watching the security cameras and disable the alarms. From the security monitors you find out where the hostage is being kept. Then you make your way through the warehouse, avoiding detection or taking out anyone before they can alert others to your presence. You get to the boss, catch him unawares and fight them and the free the hostage.

Or, you could do the exact same mission with another approach:
You go to the warehouse and crash through the wall. Immediately the enemies start to swarm you amid alarms going off. You cut your way through the crowd and topple some machinery to block more from arriving. You free the hostage but the boss is trying to make a run for it in a delivery van. You block his exit, grab and flip the van onto it's roof and pull him out.

Now likely neither of those can be realized in an online MMO yet, but they should be what the devs aim for. The kind of complex and thrilling action you find in comics.

Guys standing around in static warehouses, waiting to be systematically defeated while you navigate a static maze of corridors (with occasional ambush) never screamed 'super hero action' to me. Neither do the current Trials, which are more like nonsensical dances; a series of hoops you must jump through to receive food pellets.

Um techncially you are describing champions online, however if you go check it out you likely will see that although in theory it sounds better then our older game, it really isnt.

And some hopes like maybe one day pool powers being made more interesting and flexible to let us make more diverse concepts could happen. a pistol pool a sword pool etc could all hapen one day. and its clear with the other revamps to travel power pools we have had they are looking at those things and not just AT sets.



I vaguely recall hearing somewhere that some old old MMO (older than CoH) once had its game engine replaced with something newer.

I mean, could that not happen here? Replace the old Cryptic engine with... what, a Paragon Engine? Something that could be backwards compatible with the old content, but allow for much easier and more powerful upgrades, changes and additions.

I have no idea how possible or feasible something like that could even be, though.



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
I have never, ever played a game I loved playing that had a sequel that I also loved playing.
I can think of two examples of this, speaking only for myself of course:

Baldur's Gate and Baldur's Gate 2.


Age of Empires and Age of Empires 2.

Both going back quite a ways and neither having anything to do with MMO's...


"We must prepare for DOOM and hope for FREEM." - SirFrederick



Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
I vaguely recall hearing somewhere that some old old MMO (older than CoH) once had its game engine replaced with something newer.

I mean, could that not happen here? Replace the old Cryptic engine with... what, a Paragon Engine? Something that could be backwards compatible with the old content, but allow for much easier and more powerful upgrades, changes and additions.

I have no idea how possible or feasible something like that could even be, though.
maybe if mr. fantastic, lexx luthor,tony stark, batman, Forge, cable, The Watcher, Apocolypse, and Mr sinister all came to paragon studio then maybe it could.



Originally Posted by SlickRiptide View Post
If you looked back to 2004 you'd realize that you're already playing CoH 2.0.
Actually comparing today's CoH to April 2004's CoH I'd say we're currently playing CoH version 1.98 now. The Devs have done a remarkable job pushing the limits of what this 10+ year old (counting pre-launch development time) game system can do. But I think to believe that this game can continue much past another few years without major overhauls is betting against reasonable reality.

Eventually either someone will create an -actual- CoH 2.0 or this game will come to an end without a path forward.

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀



Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
I vaguely recall hearing somewhere that some old old MMO (older than CoH) once had its game engine replaced with something newer.

I mean, could that not happen here? Replace the old Cryptic engine with... what, a Paragon Engine? Something that could be backwards compatible with the old content, but allow for much easier and more powerful upgrades, changes and additions.

I have no idea how possible or feasible something like that could even be, though.
Big Spacefaring MMO at one point ran 2 seperate graphics engines.... they dropped the older one a few years ago.

I believe Anarchy Online is due an engine upgrade, and as of sep 2011, still hasnt receieved it (3 or 4 years after its initial announcement).

So it is possible, and i would like an updated engine, especially if its the limitations of the current engine for Warwalls...



Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
Actually comparing today's CoH to April 2004's CoH I'd say we're currently playing CoH version 1.98 now.
I'd put it at version 1.75, myself.



Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
I'd put it at version 1.75, myself.
Well we could quibble over the exact sub-version number, but I can at least accept that you understood the basic idea I was going for.

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀



Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
Well we could quibble over the exact sub-version number, but I can at least accept that you understood the basic idea I was going for.
LOL well, yes!

I say then that while we don't really need or want a sequel to City of Heroes, what we really want is for its aging engine to be replaced.

The old Cryptic Engine is dying. It's been on life support for a while now, and it can't remain so for much longer. We need a Paragon Engine!



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
-A more flexible power and AT system. Deadpool, Ironman. You can't do characters like that who mix ranged and melee attacks.
Man, I've been waiting for a Blade/Gun Dominator secondary forever.

Even gadget guys like Batman, you're limited to their hand to hand capabilities only for the most part.
Well, we've got Ninjutsu. Maybe the devs could work on something more gadgety and less ninja...ey...somewhere down the line.

61866 - A Series of Unfortunate Kidnappings - More than a coincidence?
2260 - The Burning of Hearts - A green-eyed monster holds the match.
379248 - The Spider Without Fangs - NEW - Some lessons learned (more or less.)



I don't know if a COH 2.0 would live up to our expectations. Firstly you can forget such a game having anyway near the amount of content this one has and will have by the middle of 2012. The endgame also wouldn't be anyway nearly as fleshed out as this one is starting to become.

Also does anyone really think the have the development resources to keep both this game and the new game fully ready for market with constant content churning out for BOTH games. If they hadn't just launched COH freedom I'd say yes. But with them having to constantly release "stuff" as you have to in a hybrid Free-2-play/sub game, no.

Something would have to give and I fear COH 1.0's now constant content would be what would.

EDIT: I can see them in a few years announcing 2.0 while at the same time starting to put THIS game into maintenance mode. But we'd know that they were coming with 2.0 as they'd probably announce it and we'd DEFINITIVELY feel the slow down in updates for this game.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
Curiosity-inspired question, not a prelude to judgment of your opinion by me: did you play the original?

Tribes 2 was a much slower-paced game than Tribes. Community mods did bridge the gap some ("classic mod"), but it was never the same. Tribes 2 also failed to port over the game types I and all my tribemates* most enjoyed: Defend and Destroy and Capture and Hold. While I played it a lot because it was everywhere, Capture the Flag was not my passion at all.

* In the Tribes community, it was a "tribe", not a "clan".
Yes, I did, and I much preferred the larger Tribes 2 (although I'll share your grief about Capture and Hold). As such, I'm looking forward to Tribes:Ascend. And, for the record, I hated Tribes:Vengeance. I still have a Blood Eagle t-shirt around here someplace...


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville



Originally Posted by Demetrios Vasilikos View Post
Um techncially you are describing champions online, however if you go check it out you likely will see that although in theory it sounds better then our older game, it really isnt.
It isn't because of the technical aspects. Well, part of it is - the balancing of the free power system was a major pain in the butt with constant revisions until they kinda gave up and introduced archetypes anyway; and the game is mostly open world questing with all the problems that entails (lots of heroes queuing at the quest mob's/glowie's spawn point waiting for their turn). And quite a lot didn't like the cel shading technology.

The main reason that the other Cryptic superhero game sucks is content. Or lack of it. There was just enough content for ONE journey to the level cap, if you hoovered the zones for every mission there was. A lot of it was open world questing as well.

Content is king. And that is the real problem: if you want to revamp the character system with fingers, animated hair, asymmetric cossies, 3 or 4 colour picks per piece, animated eyes, eyes that are not part of the face bitmaps etc; if you want to revamp the zones for destructible objects; if you revamp the story engine for different choices affecting the quest outcome (something that The Other Game lacks as well), or revamp the mission engine for allowing different entry points and playstyles (also not in The Other Game), you quickly find that to do that you have to redo ALL content in the game, even if you don't use open world questing and free power picks.

And there's no chance in Helgoland that you will be able to compete with the current almost 8 years of content if you have to redo it from scratch. Fact is, chances are pretty good that you will end up with the same major problem as The Other Game: there's not enough content at launch save for one journey to level cap.

Still @Shadow Kitty

"I became Archvillain before Statesman nerfed himself!"



Originally Posted by NuclearToast View Post
And, for the record, I hated Tribes:Vengeance.
Mine never made it out of the box. I tried a pre-release/beta build of it at the last of the UVALANs, wasn't very impressed, bought it anyway, saw the reaction of the rest of the community, and never bothered with it.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



I agree with some of the sentiment going on in here. The current engine has had so much stuff tacked on to it its not running the way it should. The game is far from seamless and the bugs we get each issue are just , well, they shouldn't be there.

They can announce that (for example) taunt auras on willpower tanks will be increased to 1 second, then all of a sudden purple sets don't work anymore as a result. What the hell just happened??? We see stuff like this crop up nearly every issue. The engine just doesn't handle polygons and all the added UI like a more refined engine would. Having tried half a dozen newer MMO's (and really not paying attention to any of them for long, don't worry about me there, I have to many friends and fun here), I am constantly reminded of just how bad CoH can look and perform in comparison. Now don't mis-understand me, by bad im talking about a purely technical aspect, nothing more.

CoH2? nah. Now if all they do is replace the current engine with a better one, that'll make all the difference we need

For the time being, we should look at streamlining the current engine. All the base salvage we used to use before IO's is STILL in there, i'll log onto the occasional character I might have floating around and its still holding base salvage, its time to wipe all that off the system. Same with all the different currencies, bring it down to 1 or 2 systems, not the 4 or 5 we have now, having a smaller database for the game to worry about is bound to help.

Anyway, its time to log in and spend some fun decimating mobs on my fire/fire/pyre tanker

Combat Kangaroos, Justice Server. First 50's
Jirra Roo Plant/Storm/Stone/Musculature Controller
Combat Kangaroo Rifle/Energy/Mace/Spiritual Blaster
Kung Fu Kangaroo Martial Arts/Reflexes/Body/Spiritual Scrapper
Tribal Arc Shield/Elec/Mu/Spiritual Tanker



What I would like to see from a CoH2:

1. Not to be named CoH 2.
Obviously, we can't call ourselves World of Heroes, but we could go to Country or Continent and keep the abbreviation, or alternatively expand on the multi-dimensional side of our game universe and call it Multi-verse of Heroes or Omniverse of Heroes.

2. To retain all the systems we know and love.
This is the hard one. I couldn't upgrade to a CoH 2 with less to do, even knowing it had better graphics/mechanics. I'd want SSK, Flashbacks, Bases, and MA at least. Adding these to a new engine instead of an old would allow them to be more functional and hopefully would make the game much more enjoyable.

3. To increase the potentials of the game engine.
The developers have done a lot with engine, but nevertheless they have been trapped by it. A new engine would hopefully allow much more options, even if the basic gameplay isn't largely changed. Said engine should allow things like negative Knockback (pulling instead of pushing) and get rids of quirks like an inability to slot for damage resistance debuff.

4. A greatly increased focus on lore and storytelling.
The original CoH was largely a blank canvas, with very little in-game story (the background was fine, but was largely not exploited). In essence, it was a large number of newspaper missions with more annoying objectives. We've gotten better through the years, but I'd like to see focus on story-telling throughout the game, perhaps with a system similar to SWTOR. I'd also like to see the game embrace its roots more, with more comic-book like cutscenes. Another cool option would be phases of the game featuring different comic-book eras, which could done by traveling in time or across dimensions.

There is a ton of stuff that could be exploited. I would love to use ouroboros to see the Nemesis take-over, for instance. Additionally, I'd like to see more exotic locations and threats, like fighting Shiva in space or Rularuu in the Shadow Shard.

5. The closing of CoH1
I wouldn't like to see a huge division between the new game and the old one, as our playerbase is narrow enough as it is. Instead, I'd like all current CoH subscribers to get a free download of the new game, which would probably use the same freemium model as this one. I'd also like to see this game's servers shut down so that all of our population would be in the same game.

This means that CoH 2 cannot change so much that it alienates players from this game. For example, it cannot become a WoW-clone with superheroes, and it can't rely on the old MMO holy trinity.

6. A move away from Paragon
I'd like to see us find another city. Alternatively, Paragon could get a huge revamp. I'd like to see a much more "city-like" city, instead a bunch of boring buildings and more locations around said city. Oh, and no walls. I'll address that later.

I mentioned earlier that I'd like more exotic locations, but I also want the "normal" zone to be upgraded. Preatoria was a set in the right direction (new Atlas was not). Such a city would have: more than three types of buildings, a difference between zones greater than sky color, differing types of architecture (little China-town, residential areas, "old-town", etc.), and each building would have a history. Instead of a building being randomly picked for an instance, I'd like for the locations to be set, for example the mission "Go to the Crey, Inc. offices and stop the Countess!" would send you to the Crey office building, which would probably be obvious in-game with Crey logos, statues, etc.

7. Remove the War-Walls!
They have some fiction behind them, but they are basically an example of in-game limitations. Instead, I'd like to be able to travel from one zone to another without going through a gate or being stopped by a wall. To do that, I'd like to have more travel powers. Instead of just having flight, I'd like to have an option for "Very-Very fast flight", which would allow me to travel between zones. In ordinary zones, you would use regular travel powers (which would be more customizable than the travel powers of today), but when you get to the land between zones you would pick up your speed at scream across the zone to get too the next area. This would make you feel like more of a superhero, but the fast-movement segment would basically be in place of a loading bar (ie, it would be a loading-bar game).

8. Improved graphics
Specifically, on our characters. I'd like to see realistic faces and skin textures, and more options to make our characters distinct (as opposed to just our costumes). I'd also like to retain the costume options from this game, but updated for 20xx. With a totally new engine, I'd like to see options for moving fingers, swaying hair, and vastly improved power customization (location customization, emanation from an object, etc.).

I'd also like to see improvements made so that even the vanilla of the game looks realistic. I like the general graphics style of the game, but it could be less plasticy for characters and cardboardlike for zones.

I'd also like to see more animations rigs, so that we can fight enemies that are currently impossible. On the same subject, I'd like to see the ability to fight much larger enemies, starting on the scale of Rularuu and the Super-Meks and going up from there. I see Shiva as being the size of a small moon, for instance.

9. Keep the AT-powerset mechanic
I'd like to see a return of our ATs, but probably with a little combining of classes. I'd probably end with Blasters/Dominators, Controllers, Defenders/Corrupters, Scrappers/Stalkers, MMs, and Tanks/Brutes, with the classes with a / between them combined. This means blasters and dominators would be combined into one class that focuses on blasting with a minor in crowd control (improve blaster secondaries or swap dominators around), defenders and corrupters would be combined as a higher damage defender with scourge, scrappers would have options to either scrap or stalk, and tanks would get the Fury mechanic.

TW/Elec Optimization



For what it's worth, during today's Ustream, Zwil introduced us to a new team member (whose name I regretfully cannot recall) who replaced The Television. Why? Because The Television has been moved from CoH to Paragon Studios' "upcoming project".

Ain't saying it's CoH 2, but you never know ...

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."



I also think the next version shouldn't be "City of Heroes 2", just a new "City of Heroes".

It will be a very different game, because it's a very different MMO market out there. It needs to be a much smaller game, but with an emphasis on replayability. For example: missions would be given certain parameters at random, so even if you've done it before, you may need a different plan this time.

I think player-driven (but not necessarily player-created) content would be a good idea, like setting up challenges for other players, or being able to control NPCs on certain maps to see how much havoc you can cause/loot you can steal before a PC arrives.

It will obviously be free-to-play, so get ready to buy a lot of costume packs!



Originally Posted by Goliath Bird Eater View Post
For what it's worth, during today's Ustream, Zwil introduced us to a new team member (whose name I regretfully cannot recall) who replaced The Television. Why? Because The Television has been moved from CoH to Paragon Studios' "upcoming project".

Ain't saying it's CoH 2, but you never know ...
It's still to early to care about something that's three to four years out. And if it's not that far out, I won't care for certain. Because if it's another two years and shove out the door like those other two super hero MMOs, I'll be passing on it.




Originally Posted by Goliath Bird Eater View Post
For what it's worth, during today's Ustream, Zwil introduced us to a new team member (whose name I regretfully cannot recall) who replaced The Television. Why? Because The Television has been moved from CoH to Paragon Studios' "upcoming project".

Ain't saying it's CoH 2, but you never know ...
It could be another expansion - War Witch and Hero 1 have also been very quiet - and the last time that happened, they were world building on Praetorian Earth

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
Stuff I want in a super hero MMO, that just aren't feasible outside of a sequel:

-Total graphics overhaul to characters and environments. Fingers. Detail in faces. Non-static hair. We really can't do them without re-doing every animation in the game. If it comes down to that, you may as well be starting over. Same with ditching the old costume pieces and zone models.

-Destruction and environmental interaction. I want to punch people through walls. I want to rip a lamppost out of the ground and swing it at some one. I want collateral damage you'd expect from a super powered battle. I WANT TO THROW A CAR.
To do it right and not half-***, you'd have to redo every zone and map in the game, so again you may as well be starting over.

-A more flexible power and AT system. Deadpool, Ironman. You can't do characters like that who mix ranged and melee attacks. Even gadget guys like Batman, you're limited to their hand to hand capabilities only for the most part. Could be solved with Pool/Epic powers, if they were rolled them together and the devs created more of them and they were treated more like a Tertiary power set. But that's not likely from what I've seen.

-An extensive revamp to enemies AI and mission design. More elaborate missions that can be approached by a variety of play styles.
None of those things are infeasible to add to this game. They are infeasible given the resources available to the developers to add to this game. The only reason its "feasible" to do in a new game is the presumption that a new game will start with a huge amount of resources in initial development costs pre-allocated. Where is that going to come from?

There are some pros and cons to making a sequel, but there are some absolutes that people can argue with, if they want to argue with reality. Any sequel or pseudo-sequel of City of Heroes will fall within these parameters. Not should, or would, or is likely to. Will, as certain as the developers will continue to obey gravity.

1. No one spends huge amounts of money to reimplement the same game with different technology. CoH2 will not be CoH1 but with better technology.

2. No dev team wants to reinvent the same wheel. CoH2 won't just be not the same thing as CoH1, it will be completely different in as many ways possible.

3. CoH2 will not be an extension of CoH1. That would be targeting two games at the same group of players. No, period.

4. No MMO launches with every feature originally slated for launch. CoH2 won't even have all the features of CoH1 that the devs *want* to be in CoH2.

I've heard some stuff about what MUO would have looked like. It looked nothing like CO at all: when Cryptic restarted, they ended up in a completely different place. I was in the CO beta from before there was an actual beta, and the launched game bears no resemblance to what the devs were first thinking, just from the beta discussions about mechanics and what changed over time (the game's combat and powers design changed in fundamental ways at least three separate times during beta). I've even had off the record hypothetical discussions about what a CoH2 would be like, if certain devs over the years had the chance to start from scratch, and it would look nothing like this game in lots of ways.

Every developer - and every player - has their own ideas for what really works in existing games, what doesn't work, and what hasn't been done yet in quite the way they envision that they want to try. Anyone who thinks that the reason why a sequel to this game would be a good idea is because this game is good EXCEPT for FILL IN THE BLANK and a sequel would provide an opportunity to fix that, is frankly holding out for something that will never happen. The one thing that definitely will never, ever happen is Paragon Studios deciding to spend tons of money on a game that is just like City of Heroes except for.

I don't care if Bill Gates decides to fund the effort personally and Israel and the Palestinians commit to a peace treaty if they get to play the game for free. Never ever ever will that happen. If you like this game except for, advocate to change that. Hoping for a new game that preserves what you like but fixes what you don't like would be like hoping to win every lottery on earth simultaneously on the same day, except at least with that you can always pray for a miracle. No miracle generates a CoH2 that is just like CoH1 except for. Especially because everyone's "except for" list is different, and often incompatible. Its not just infeasible, its impossible, except for one person's except-for list, that person being the lead developer.

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