New Powersets




Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
One could say you're getting the audio version of mud tracked around your house.
I do admit, I wish they'd silent the grunting and howling. It's sort of what made me not want to touch my demon summoner anymore. Especially as a headphone user.
Of course it's his SG so he calls the shots *Shrug*.

On an on topic note, Kinetic blast maybe?



Wouldn't Kin Blast be just like Energy Blast?



Mastermind sets:

Blaster sets:
actually does more damage than other ATs by enough to matter blast
utility which makes a meaningful difference manipulation

Defender sets:
A set labeled "HEALING" which is actually useful.

More seriously:
Elemental sets which have the option of either always or never having a weapon. I don't use any elemental melee sets because I want a consistent combat style, and "some of my attacks use a sword, others don't" doesn't work for me.

I'd sort of like to see Radiation Melee.

Oh, and another mastermind set: Cats. You can't control them but they're adorable.



Buzz Saw Melee

Buzz Saw Blast



Originally Posted by warden_de_dios View Post
Buzz Saw Melee ...
Buzz Saw Blast ...
Nice pics and idea.



Put me on the list for those that want a Pirate mastermind set.

And Clowns.



Dual knives/daggers (a proper underhand-style set)

Cybernetics (like mounted machine guns etc.)

Speed Melee (not the drug )

Pistol Melee (movie-style Gun Fu)

@Leetdeth - Virtue | MA Arcs(all challenge arcs): Big Magic Blowout! #369774 | Who Really Cares About This? Z! #509577 | That Meddling King! (teams recommended) #21450



for the immediate future, id prefer if they cooled it on the powersets and went hog wild on alt animations. that said, it would be nice if we got new ancilliary pools and expanded pool powers. and a few more themed incarnate powers. More breadth of concept for existing pcharacters would eb great.



Originally Posted by VoodooGirl View Post
I would be interested in MM pet set where you summon clones of yourself with randomized powers.
I would probably actually play a MM then.

Willpower has more passive regen than Regen does. Who thought that was a good idea?

Can we get a fix for Energy Melee instead of more new sets?



Originally Posted by MisterD View Post

Heaven forbid you turn your sound down cause an SG mate wants to play with demons.
See, the problem is, I like to hear things when I play, like the music that I may have in the background, or my friends on Vent.

Demon MM's, and that damnable Beam Rifle set make it hard to do so.

Willpower has more passive regen than Regen does. Who thought that was a good idea?

Can we get a fix for Energy Melee instead of more new sets?



Originally Posted by ShadowMoka View Post
Martial arts secondary for blasters.
Such low hanging fruit. C'mon already, let's do it! :P

Member of:
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Current Team Project: Pending



All the powersets I suggested?




Originally Posted by Rubberlad View Post
What do you mean by this? We have a Magic Origin... EVERYTHING can be magic/sorcery.



Real flying pets for masterminds and alien mastermind.

Prunejuice is warriors drink.



Some of these are my ideas, others I've seen suggested before

Leadership--A defence set focused on the ability to lead others into battle and discourage the enemy
Luck Manipulation--another defence set altering luck to help you and hurt your enemies
Luck Aura--Armor set. You're so lucky attacks just seem to miss you or do less damage.
Berserker--Armor set that gets better the more damage you take.
Throwing--Blast set for throwing knives/shuriken
Bombs--AoE focused blast set using bombs/grenades/potions
Whip Manipulation/Domination
Riot Control--AR based control set



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
What do you mean by this? We have a Magic Origin... EVERYTHING can be magic/sorcery.
I'm guessing something obviously magic. With runes and sigils and the like (like those from Demon Summoning).

As much as people/the Devs say they like to keep powersets origin neutral, there already exist powersets that are obviously of specific origin (mostly Tech).

Traps/Devices are obviously Tech. Sure there could be Magitech... but there are no Customization Options to do that. Trick Arrow is also fairly distinctly Tech origin for the same reason. Could you play it off as Magical Arrows? Absolutely, but the powerset's sounds and available customization options don't support that in any way. (Specifically the very Techy arrows used by many of the powers.)

Demon Summoning is plainly Magic in Origin.

Most other sets are fairly concept/origin neutral.

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



Water Domination: a control set containing several of the powers from Leviathan Mastery and utilizing Ultra Mode for whatever water effects that are included.

Water Blast: a ranged attack set utilizing Ultra Mode.

Psychic Melee: something akin to Fiery Melee, but with psi damage.

Whip Melee: Demon Summoning without the demons and with more substance.

Radiation Armor: a defense-based armor set with PBAoE debuffs/mezzes; basically Dark Armor with defense instead of resistance. The tier 9 would obviously be Positron's Overcharge power.

Random Summoning: Mastermind set that spawns random in-game enemies as pets.

I'd also love to see new Judgement powers for the other damage types: lethal, psi, and toxic.



1) Tech Blast -- tech based ranged sets.
Ranged Heroes would use some focus....blaster gun, phaser, boomerang, globe etc.
for their powers. Different skins should be available to add variety and spur acceptance.
So it could be used for blasting, defender, corrupter ranged powers.
In fact primary powers could have one focus and secondary powers another.

2) Gaucho / Whip Melee
Use of whip for single target attacks.
Net, Bolo or Quarter Stick (cherry bomb) to hold or stun mobs.
Fireworks, Boomerang could be used for cone, aoe attacks.

3) Shield Melee
Use shield to attack, sharp edged like saw blade
Envision like claws but with edged sheild instead.
Should be able to toss shield like boomerang when surrounded for aoe and cone attack.

Some MM possibilities: BTW have no MM hero/villians don't like any of the possible pets available.

4) Angel Summoning -- Mastermind Set.
Not sure of heroes main attack power. Could use whip with white or blue energy balls.
Or could have hero hurl fire or lightning bolts.
Summon white guardian angels to engage foes.

5) Gangster Summoning -- Mastermind Set.
Illusion / Deceive Attacks. Summon typical gang mobs to fight for you.
For Example : Choice of Hellions, Skulls, Lost, Outcasts, Trolls.

6) Monster Summoning -- Mastermind Set.
Use Dark Blast attacks. Summon Zombie, Cadavers. Summon Werewolf, Vampire for Lt and Boss.

7) Beast Summoning -- Mastermind Set.
Use thorn assault attacks. Summon wolves, Bears, Big Cat ( Choice of Tiger, Lion, Panther)

Just a couple of Ideas of the top of my head.

50's on Freedom--12+ Lone Eagle INV Tanker, Crey Avenger NRG Blaster,
Dnase EMP Defender, Paradox? GRAV KIN Troller,FireFox FIRE Blaster,
Irish Ember FIRE EMP Troller, Marble ST Tanker, Archangel FIRE Kintroller



Shield Assault/Melee
You may consider it a joke BUUUT there /is/ historical and comicbook proof that using a shield offensively is effective and viable. Mix a few close range bashes and include some shield throwing and returning attacks for distance. May also have some synergy for Shield Defense.

Size-shifting Pool
Simple premise, being able to enlarge or reduce the size of yourself and potentially others. It would alter the damage, defense, HP...etc of targets corresponding to the advantages and pitfalls of unusually large or small sizes that represent. Shrinking things could work in all maps though enlarging may have special capped character scales to avoid people being halfway through the ceiling of indoor maps and caves.

Gun and Sword Assault
In an effort of coolness factor and the chance to introduce a 'put on the bus' CoH character. This set would have left-hand pistol, right-hand broadsword setup where close range attacks would be sword swipes and pistol-whips with distance attacks being gun-shots and perhaps even Kinetic shockwave sword swipes. This will allow Spark Blade to make a return as a functioning NPC.

Home server: Victory
Characters on: Victory & Virtue
My first 50(0)! 18/11/11



Some cool suggestions. Sign me up for 'Sword and Pistol' something, anything.

Oh, and 'Water Anything' is not happening. Not in CoH1. That's fact. Unless you fancy forcing Ultra Mode as the base-line graphics level, and the ensuing utter firestorm that would create. The Devs are on record for saying that to make a 'Water -X-' set look good enough they would need Ultra mode. And, thus, would have to make Ultra mode mandatory, something they are totally not cool with having to do.

Ergo; no water sets. Energy Blast is it. Just saying.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



How about they stop releasing new powersets for a little while and make some of the old ones look less like a**? Mastermind pet customization. Alternate Claws animations (Actually, every melee weapon set, claws is just the worst offender). Gun options for Blast sets.

The off-beat space pirate...Capt. Stormrider (50+3 Elec/Storm Science Corruptor)
The mysterious Djinn...Emerald Dervish (50+1 DB/DA Magic Stalker)
The psychotic inventor...Dollmaster (50 Bot/FF Tech Mastermind)

Virtue Forever.



Originally Posted by AkuTenshiiZero View Post
How about they stop releasing new powersets for a little while and make some of the old ones look less like a**? Mastermind pet customization. Alternate Claws animations (Actually, every melee weapon set, claws is just the worst offender). Gun options for Blast sets.
There is no new money in that, but with new powersets they can charge us so its a no brainer.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



First, I'd like to see a version of the current power types distrubuted across all five "AT Roles". i.e., Radiation Melee and Radiation Armor, Sonic Armor, Sonic Melee, Electrical Debuff and the like.

Second, I'd like new ancillary power pools that are mini- power sets that ATs not able to take the main sets could use. These pools would not pack the heavy-hitting powers from the main set, just a sampling of the basics. They would use the Appropriate AT modifies and have increased recharge.

Half-though-out new Ancillary Power Pool Examples:
KINETICS (Not available to Buff/Debuff ATs)
Siphon Power
Siphon Speed
Interial Reduction

MARTIAL ARTS (Not available to Melee ATs)
Thunder Kick
Storm Kick
Cobra Strike
Crippling Axe Kick
Dragon Tail

INVULNERABILITY (Not available to Melee ATs)
Resist Physical Damage
Temporary Invulnerability
Resist Energies/Elements combined (at lesser values?)
Dull Pain

EARTH CONTROL (Not Availabel to Control ATs)
Stone Prison
Salt Crystals

3) I'd like to see a tremendous amount of alternate animations for all powers in all sets. A Blaster's Fire Blast using Martial Arts Thunder Kick animation, or Energy Torrent using Dragon Tail animation.

4) A Master Mind set with generic minions that are customizeable as a large variety of minion types.

5) A Side Kick! (Perhaps a toggle?) Fully customizeable as any AT with appropriate Power Sets. Fights one level lower than you? With the four-legged rig, you could design a faithful companion (with powers) instead!

6) Size Alteration (Maybe thsi could be a Power Pool) Two sizes of Small that give +Def and -Target Perception, Two sizes of Large (Inside Large and Outside Large) with +Res and Ground Movement. Make this pool work on yourself, or on others as well!

American Dawg, Starblaze, Neanderthal Joe, Shining Dawn, Tokamak Dragon, Stinger Incarnate, Burning Tyger, Dover Tornado, Big Roach, Dark Paladin, Archmage Wylde, Kings Row Hornet, Prancing Deer
Avogadro, Science Lord
Edgar Nightcraft, Doc Cicada, Chupa Macabre, Dr Forchtenstein, Blood Shrew



Originally Posted by Gobbledygook View Post
See, the problem is, I like to hear things when I play, like the music that I may have in the background, or my friends on Vent.

Demon MM's, and that damnable Beam Rifle set make it hard to do so.
So turn down the FX under options? It is seperated out into multiple sources of sound

Jay Doherty: Yes, there was this one night that I was ready to go home but had to drop the browns off at the super bowl before I left for home. While on the throne it hit me. I stayed for a few more hours and that why we have the pain pads in the game.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Some cool suggestions. Sign me up for 'Sword and Pistol' something, anything.

Oh, and 'Water Anything' is not happening. Not in CoH1. That's fact. Unless you fancy forcing Ultra Mode as the base-line graphics level, and the ensuing utter firestorm that would create. The Devs are on record for saying that to make a 'Water -X-' set look good enough they would need Ultra mode. And, thus, would have to make Ultra mode mandatory, something they are totally not cool with having to do.

Ergo; no water sets. Energy Blast is it. Just saying.

There are water-y attacks already in the game. I don't know how water became the holy grail of powerset graphics, but sometimes the perfect is the enemy of the good.

FWIW Energy Blast looks and sounds terrible as water.