New Powersets




I just want some Nunchuks.



Originally Posted by AkuTenshiiZero View Post
How about they stop releasing new powersets for a little while and make some of the old ones look less like a**? Mastermind pet customization. Alternate Claws animations (Actually, every melee weapon set, claws is just the worst offender). Gun options for Blast sets.
Originally Posted by Darth_Khasei View Post
There is no new money in that, but with new powersets they can charge us so its a no brainer.
Sadly, this ^

I think after Staff melee and (wishfully) a pistol/sword set it'd be cool to have more animations.
Chances of that happening? PFFFT! Not on your nelly.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
There are water-y attacks already in the game. I don't know how water became the holy grail of powerset graphics, but sometimes the perfect is the enemy of the good.

FWIW Energy Blast looks and sounds terrible as water.
Which enemies have water attacks?

That'll be;
- Corolax

...and thats it. And, if I remember rightly, they have about, oh, one or two water-like powers? That look like total rear-end?

Besides, what exactly are you going to get with a Water Blast set?
-Little Water Blast
-Water Blast
-Big Water Blast

Not to be picky, but that doesn't exactly sound that riveting. At least it makes vague sense with Energy, and can masquerade as other effects (i.e. magic blasts, energy gauntlets, thermal/steam power etc)
Water is...well. Water. And it's not exactly the most threatening of powers. 'Make them all soggy' isn't going to do much to mobs.

So, technical hurdles and being something of a 'too niche' concept?
Just my opinion, anyway. But the Devs *are* still on record of saying 'not happening any time soon and we actually mean it this time™'

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Which enemies have water attacks?

That'll be;
- Corolax

...and thats it. And, if I remember rightly, they have about, oh, one or two water-like powers? That look like total rear-end?

Besides, what exactly are you going to get with a Water Blast set?
-Little Water Blast
-Water Blast
-Big Water Blast

Not to be picky, but that doesn't exactly sound that riveting. At least it makes vague sense with Energy, and can masquerade as other effects (i.e. magic blasts, energy gauntlets, thermal/steam power etc)
Water is...well. Water. And it's not exactly the most threatening of powers. 'Make them all soggy' isn't going to do much to mobs.

So, technical hurdles and being something of a 'too niche' concept?
Just my opinion, anyway. But the Devs *are* still on record of saying 'not happening any time soon and we actually mean it this time™'
Its unfortunate the games engine can't really pull off water effects extremely well. Water powers in any video game is generally extremely taboo because of how it looks and generally in games that have water spells (not solid water ice) like just water are visually amazing and fun to work with cause of the dynamics.

BUT CoX has one thing going for it that can lend itself to give the most basic look of liquid. With the comming of dark control and how they said they wanted to go for a more inky look its possible it might pass off as watery effects if the colour tints work well enough maybe.

The steampunks pack Oil strike costume change emote

is probably the closest to a water burst in this game, it looks very cool and I wish they could expand some of those costume change emotes animations into attacks. They could find a work around and surprise us. Im hoping for it still.



Originally Posted by MisterMagpie View Post
Psychic melee! A sonic shield set for melee.
That was one thing I absolutely loved in CO. The pyschic blades power set. Ooooh.

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post

Ergo; no water sets. Energy Blast is it. Just saying.
kin melee colored light blue/aquamarine works for a water melee set too. Think it was fleeting whisper who showed me that trick
Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post

FWIW Energy Blast looks and sounds terrible as water.
not to come across as hostile, but why exactly? they have bubble effects at their point of emanation, they knock back like a powerful hydraulic force would be, they have a land wave that basically is what the coralax use for their water power. outside of the sound, which was never coh's strong suit, I'd say it fits the bill as best you can without pushing the settings up.



Originally Posted by catwhowalksbyhimself View Post
Berserker--Armor set that gets better the more damage you take.
That would be kinda....opposite the concept of a berserker. Berserkers don't get better at defense the more damage they take, they get better at dishing out punishment.

...which kinda describes the entire Brute AT.

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



Originally Posted by AkuTenshiiZero View Post
Mastermind pet customization.
Won't happen. Can't happen. The look of the pets is too deeply rooted in the power. Tints on auras and powers they use is about the most they can manage.

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
not to come across as hostile, but why exactly? they have bubble effects at their point of emanation, they knock back like a powerful hydraulic force would be, they have a land wave that basically is what the coralax use for their water power. outside of the sound, which was never coh's strong suit, I'd say it fits the bill as best you can without pushing the settings up.

Because it still looks and (especially) sounds like glowing energy, not water.

The exploding fire hydrants, water fountain spigots, and Water Spout power do look like water though, as does the oil explosion costume change, and to some degree Bile Spray, the ooze aura, Dark Armor colored blue, some of the powers in Poison, and Mud Pots. None of that requires Ultra Mode to see. Water powers (not necessarily even "attacks") just somehow got associated with a standard of quality nothing else in the game is held to.



Originally Posted by Tyger42 View Post
That would be kinda....opposite the concept of a berserker. Berserkers don't get better at defense the more damage they take, they get better at dishing out punishment.
No it's not. Real life Berserker warriors were so drugged up that they were able to ignore pain. The idea here would be to encourage a playstyle where taking damage, not healing it, and charging suidically against the enemy is actually encouraged, which if very much a berserker.

Also note that this one was not my idea. There's a thread around somewhere by the original author.

I should also add here that I believe the devs have stated that it takes almost as much work to make alternate animations as it does to make a full new powerset, hence we won't be getting much of the former.



Originally Posted by Mallerick View Post
6) Size Alteration (Maybe thsi could be a Power Pool) Two sizes of Small that give +Def and -Target Perception, Two sizes of Large (Inside Large and Outside Large) with +Res and Ground Movement. Make this pool work on yourself, or on others as well!
Having suggested that four posts above you, it does seem likely there /will/ have to be two kinds of large, one for indoors and outdoors to minimise those supposed clipping issues with building interiors. But I'd have to say there should be only one size of small mainly because power pools are traditionally a set of four powers (travel pools are the exception at this time)

Two powers change your own size, the others can affect ally/enemy targets.

Self-Reduction could grant Defense, Minor Stealth radius and ToHit. Self-Enlargement could grant Resistance, Damage, Movement speed and Mezz-resistance. If the values were high enough to warrant it, Reduction could result in -Movement-speed, -Resistance and -Range. Enlargement with -Defense and -ToHit.

To allies it might grant similar bonuses, while enemies it would deal mostly debuffs.

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Martial arts/street fighting secondary for blasters. They can even construct it from existing powers, so it won't be that resource intensive to create.

@True Metal
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