C'mon Newb!




I got mapservered in a mission during the launch week and stood outside the door screaming at the team in broadcast, local and request to let me back in. (I didn't know what an instance was.)

There is a difference between retreating and giving up.

"A good evil villian kills with style"-Galgarion
"Ha you're more full of yourself than I am!"-Jack Spicer



Originally Posted by Doctor Roswell View Post
Resting, waiting until both bars are filled, then being unable to figure out why you can't move. Lag? Bug? Did your computer freeze up?

Because you didn't turn off Rest yet, no0b!

(I did this probably a dozen times myself during my first two months or so...)
Did that too, but only once that I recall.

My other was: my first toon to really take off so fast I had to hold on tight was a Kat/Regen scrapper. I think I was around 40 or so when I teamed with some guys and we ran into the Clockwork King, which was probably my first Real AV meeting. So, thinking like a scrapper, I thought sure he cons purple but hey how bad can he really be? I have regen powers afterall and charged in before everyone arrived. That was a pretty embarrassing fail, in front of a whole team to boot.



My most vivid newb moment.....

Waaaay back in the day, I was tooling around Talos on my absolute favorite toon, a bs/inv scrapper. (That was a hot ticket early on.)

I ran around a corner on the way to a mission....and ran headlong into a pack of things out of a damn nightmare. Rularuu was invading, I learned later.

First, WTF are these huge creepy things!

Second, eh, I'm on my best toon! Attack!


Yeah, they were blues and greens, too. (sigh)



Originally Posted by Party_Kake View Post
Oh I got another one.

When I was complaining about how hard the low level praetorian missions were as a stalker, someone mentioned that all they did was pop a few purples and reds and auto-win the fight.

my response: Wait, you can use more than one of those at once?

It had been like 2 years total playtime across 3 years of the game's history at that point and I never figured out you could stack inspirations. Suddenly I started USING them. and the game became so much easier.
Hey, I remember hearing that complaint and giving that answer! Small world!

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



Playing with my daughter a while back, she got fly for the first time on a character and went to exit Wentworth's using this new power. All I heard from across the room as I watched her character take off straight up into the air?

"Oh crap, a window!"



Originally Posted by Razia View Post
I also insisted (coming from Everquest) that we try to single pull enemies
Actually, this is still a very useful tactic. Ask anyone with a snipe

And on topic, I don't know what everyone is talking about since none of that stuff has ever happened to me



My group often gets together in RWZ to help level our lowbies and farm stuff from Rikti misssions. After the Alpha wass out about a month we got together to farm some sharids (this is when they only dropped from 50s). The blaster was lamenting loudly all night in Skype how everyone was getting shards BUT her.. not a one.

At the end of the night I finally asked.. You did Ramiel's arc, right? She replied "Of course I did!!". Me- did you talk to Ramiel at the very end?........ her reply....


Much hilarity was had (and still is) by all...

"Well, there's going to be some light music and a short note of apology saying, 'The universe ended last week, we're really sorry, we don't know what you're doing here, didn't you get the message?'"- Steve Moffat



Several of mine:

-"Theres two Atlas Parks!?!?!"

-"Duel and Single Origin enhancements? They're better than Training ones?"

-"Wait, that giant rock form and glowing alien are not costumes?"




I loved reading all the posters comments so far. Being that I'm uber new to the whole CoH/CoV/CoP thing I thought for sure I'd be laughed at for doing, or asking stupid things. I was right but at the same time a lesson was learned through each trial. I guess it reminds me of the time I've spent on WoW, seeing as I started in Closed beta thru the game today.

This community is truly more sympathetic and forgiving when it comes to PvE but being an avid PvP'er I was pondering how their community reacts to newb questions.

Keep the regular C'mon Newb! Moments coming but anyone got any PvP moments of Doom?



Lulipop, you may never find a nicer Forums outside of CoH/CoV. Can't say much on PvP theres a few(very few) pricks hiding in PvP but i know of a few(more then a few) nice ones. I PvP rarely but i am thinking of making a PvP type build for my Demon MM.

On topic: When i 1st jumped to virt (before i knew it was RP) i didn't understand why ((People would often talk like this)) ((OOC)) if i recall.

Here's another 1st day of playing i thought it would be fun to look around the city so i hopped on thou the Steel Cannon Gate and meet a outcast who then punched my Lv3 face in. Had a hard time getting back to atlas.

I fell prey to a few things that already been said before, Tram other door, etc.

Going to miss the fun and nice people here at CoH. Feel free to add me on PS3/XBox360
PS3X360: OmniNogard
Currently playing: Mass Effect 3(PS3) Minecraft(X360) Skyrim(X360).



Originally Posted by Party_Kake View Post
YOU don't become less powerful. It's your equipment that's out of date. It's exactly the same as using low level equipment on a high level character in every other MMO that's ever existed.
It's completely different, actually.

In City of Heroes, when you level up, your enhancements (unless they're IOs) get weaker, and provide less of a bonus.
In addition you start fighting stronger enemies.

In Diablo, when you level up, your sword is exactly the same as it was before.
Your sword is less effective than it was before because you can now fight stronger enemies, but the sword hasn't changed.



Originally Posted by Vexen777 View Post
Several of mine:

-"Theres two Atlas Parks!?!?!"
Guilty of that one too. And now there's even up to 3 (on Freedom) . Also, I just remembered this one from just after GR came out.

Blueside: Knight'Hawk, lvl 50, Scrapper
Yellowside: Dark'Falcon (Loyalist), lvl 20, Blaster

That Stinging Sensation #482183



My favorite newb moment was what I used to inflict on other people...

When newcomers would show up to the game, wondering why some heroes could fly (and they couldn't), I explained that they had to train for it.

"Oh really? How?"

"You see that really big statue behind us? You need to keep jumping off it..."

So I'd port them to the top of the globe, and watch them swan dive, over and over and over, and they were MYSTIFIED at how long it was taking them. Then someone else would explain how it really worked... (at that point, I'd usually give the poor sucker a good chunk of inf or somesuch for being a good sport).


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



Logging in on my Fire tank back in Issue 3 - having an SG mate brag about how I could herd hundreds (I could - herded the entire shard room in the Eden trial once). Then I join the team jump in hit taunt and die instantly, I forgot to toggle up.

Yeah that took several years to live down.



In beta of COH there was mention of testing special button Dev have and asked of peoples to helping for this test. I learn to never trusting Dev who saying they just needing volunteer. Kill All button not work properly so of instead of just enemy it of everything in zone at time.

I guessing of PVP when I taking of defender into newly open first PVP zone to attempting battle Matt. He squish me alot.




Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
The tram has two doors...
Five minutes. I waited five minutes for that door to become clickable again.

I still sometimes have newb moments. Like two months or so ago? Someone told me about putting end reducers into my end hog character's attacks.

I'm still me, so my reaction was just 'WITCHCRAFT'

In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.



This was really not a "newb" moment so much as it was a "high on cough medicine and not really paying attention to what the hell I was doing and thus made a huge mistake" kind of moment.

Last night I did my first successful TPN. When I was done, I was sitting with 27 Astrals, 7 Empyreans, and 88 Threads (along with some other specific components I don't recall, besides the VR Forbidden Technique). I had one T3 Degenerative Interface, and a T1. With all of this salvage I decided, to hell with it, I'll just buy the rest of what I need with Threads in order to get my T4 Interface. So I did.

As soon as I finished crafting I realized what I had done. Although I had the Forbidden Technique needed to craft a Degenerative Core Flawless (75% -Max HP, 25% Toxic DoT), I had actually wanted to craft a Degenerative Radial Flawless (25% -Max HP, 75% Toxic DoT), which meant I needed to sidegrade my VR first.

So now I need to work my way up the tree all over again.

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...



Originally Posted by Machariel View Post
It's completely different, actually.

In City of Heroes, when you level up, your enhancements (unless they're IOs) get weaker, and provide less of a bonus.
In addition you start fighting stronger enemies.

In Diablo, when you level up, your sword is exactly the same as it was before.
Your sword is less effective than it was before because you can now fight stronger enemies, but the sword hasn't changed.
Indeed. In COH, your equipment actually gets weaker or even stops working altogether (if this mirrors anything in other MMOs, it's similar to equipment wear/durability sans the ability to 'repair' rather than replace). IMO, that behaviour should have been nixed about the same time as ED went into play (at least), either with Enhancement bonuses steadily scaling up by level as they do with Basic IOs, or with levels entirely removed from TOs/DOs/SOs.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
My favorite newb moment was what I used to inflict on other people...

When newcomers would show up to the game, wondering why some heroes could fly (and they couldn't), I explained that they had to train for it.

"Oh really? How?"

"You see that really big statue behind us? You need to keep jumping off it..."

So I'd port them to the top of the globe, and watch them swan dive, over and over and over, and they were MYSTIFIED at how long it was taking them. Then someone else would explain how it really worked... (at that point, I'd usually give the poor sucker a good chunk of inf or somesuch for being a good sport).


Wish someone would of paid me some high INF after giving me the advice to just keep trying against Lusca. I was out there for hours chopping away on a level 12 - 14. Then on a level 1. I really thought I had a chance.

So I got to try my hand at PVP for the first time in this game and was starting to pwn some people until this stalker appeared out of no where and was like WHOSE YER INVISIDADDY? I swear I saw the word in inking, dripping crimson '' FATALITY '' flash across the top of the screen with a deep voiced creepy announcer yelling somewhere from a near by bush, '' FINISHHER '' which he did with extreme prejudice lol.

As explained to me and I quote word for word + spelling, '' Tahts wat u get 4 no havng IO slot in PVP z newbie ''

Don't worry Invisidaddy, I'm going back for you in round two. You know who you are



Ummm...Im not sure this is a noob moment, although I have one of those Ill share too.

First- My Blaster, whom I love was taking heavy in one of those big underground areas with stairs. I had a thread of life and the team wiped. The tank yells "RUN!" So I ran down the stairs.

Then I died and fell on the ground. the Tank was like...WTH no one was attacking you.

Apparently I took 12 falling damage from running down the stairs and died.

Noob moment 1 - Freaking out and having people freak out on my Grav/FF controller for not casting shields on people, or being able to attack. Complaining in global that my toon is bugged, and then being asked if I was running PFF! Face Palm!

Noob moment 2- Accidently leaving Force bubble on while sprinting through atlas. I thought it was Dispursion bubble. I dragged a whole bunch of low level baddies into atlas and got people killed.




You can't die from falling dmg in CoH though. Something must have hit you.

Originally Posted by Megajoule
We're being invaded. Again. This time, instead of aliens, zombies, or eyeballs with teeth, it's the marching band.



My newb moment came way back when I was really a newb. I was 3-4 days into my 7 day trial (this was back right after Issue 4) and got up to level 5 or 6 and heard I should go to King's Row to face baddies of my level so I could level a little faster than the abysmal rate I was leveling on Hellions and Skulls misssions in AP by this point. I was used to MMO's so I looked for the zone entrance for King's Row. Didn't see it, so I figured it must be through another zone. Checking out maps from a website somewhere I figured I could go through Skyway City and take the zone entrance into King's Row from there.

So I sell my enhancements and stock up on Inspirations and take off. About 83 deaths later, I finally pull into King's Row, wondering why the hell would they put a 10-14 level zone between Atlas and a 5-9 level zone. My first mission was to bring in Toothbreaker, yeah, you guessed it, the mission was in Atlas Park. I started to say "this is pancake" but I took off anyways, piling up more deaths. After the mission, getting ready to come back to King's Row, I was starting to wonder if I wanted to go through this again, when by chance I stumbled into the tram station. Eureka! So THIS is how you're supposed to travel to zones! Wow, okay! NOW this makes sense! Cool!

Aaaaaaand I was hooked from then on.



The first time I tried CoH, my brother let me use one of his level 20ish characters to check out the game.

I was running around IP and then fell off one of the boats into the water.

After 10 minutes of trying to get back on to land, I had to go and ask him for help, at which point he activated Super Leap and got me back on land.

... and then a few minutes later I was back in the water, jumping really high in the air, and still having trouble getting back on land.

It was a sad, sad day.

[ @Zombie Fryer ][ @Zombie Smasher ]
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Twitter: @ZFLikesNachos Save City of Heroes (Titan Network) [Successful "The Really Hard Way" runs: 4] [Click ^]



Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
What was worse was that I somehow got it into my head that you could only have one of any type enhancement in a power. So they all got one accuracy, one damage, one endurance reduction, etc...
Ah, jeez, I did the exact same thing. I had Thunder Kick slotted with one each of ACC, DAM, ENDRDX, RECRED and dropped a fifth slot on it and went, "Oh, you idiot...it can't take any more enhancements!"

So I figured, what the hell, and tried dropping another DAM in the empty slot. The heavens opened up and light shone down

Even better when I finally learned you could COMBINE enhancements! w00t!

Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
English does not borrow from other languages. English follows other languages down dark alleys, hits them over the head, and rifles through their pockets for loose grammar.



Originally Posted by NekoNeko View Post
My newb moment came way back when I was really a newb. I was 3-4 days into my 7 day trial (this was back right after Issue 4) and got up to level 5 or 6 and heard I should go to King's Row to face baddies of my level so I could level a little faster than the abysmal rate I was leveling on Hellions and Skulls misssions in AP by this point. I was used to MMO's so I looked for the zone entrance for King's Row. Didn't see it, so I figured it must be through another zone. Checking out maps from a website somewhere I figured I could go through Skyway City and take the zone entrance into King's Row from there.

So I sell my enhancements and stock up on Inspirations and take off. About 83 deaths later, I finally pull into King's Row, wondering why the hell would they put a 10-14 level zone between Atlas and a 5-9 level zone. My first mission was to bring in Toothbreaker, yeah, you guessed it, the mission was in Atlas Park. I started to say "this is bull%#&@" but I took off anyways, piling up more deaths. After the mission, getting ready to come back to King's Row, I was starting to wonder if I wanted to go through this again, when by chance I stumbled into the tram station. Eureka! So THIS is how you're supposed to travel to zones! Wow, okay! NOW this makes sense! Cool!

Aaaaaaand I was hooked from then on.
Same happened to a friend of mine. We were soooo used to Everquest.

Originally Posted by Megajoule
We're being invaded. Again. This time, instead of aliens, zombies, or eyeballs with teeth, it's the marching band.