C'mon Newb!




Lol. Awesome stories, it's nice to have a hot cup of cocoa and read over everything. Thanks for the laughs everyone.



Whenever I see a topic like this, I'm reminded of something that you real old-timers will undoubtedly remember.

There used to not be an Exit button on the nav window when you completed a mission. Instead, you had to click on the little "i" icon that brings up information for the mission. (Yes, this means that after you completed a mission, you couldn't get the information for it any more; clicking on the i icon would exit the mission.)

I think that buried in the bowels of the tutorial during the mission to rescue Flower Knight this fact was mentioned, but I missed it. So for a couple of weeks, I exited missions the only way I knew how--by running all the way back to the door in from which I came when I entered the mission.

Finally, I was working on missions with some teammates one night and noticed that after each mission, everyone was simply vanishing into thin air. For the first couple of missions or so, I just chalked it up to some glitch or weirdity. After noticing it happening with consistency, though, I finally asked, "Hey guys, how are you all getting outside so quickly?" Someone told me about clicking on the nav window to exit.


Of course, now there's a button explicitly labeled "Exit" that's pretty hard to miss. You kids have it so easy these days.

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



Ooh, another. It took me a few days to realize that you can steer by holding down your right mouse button. Until then, I had been using Q and E to turn left or right.

In fact, I had a little mini-game where I would run on top of fences as far as I could without falling off. It was quite challenging, trying to get lined up just perfectly using the course grain keyboard controls... Until I found out about the right mouse button functionality. All of a sudden, my little game became trivially easy.

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
Ooh, another. It took me a few days to realize that you can steer by holding down your right mouse button. Until then, I had been using Q and E to turn left or right.

In fact, I had a little mini-game where I would run on top of fences as far as I could without falling off. It was quite challenging, trying to get lined up just perfectly using the course grain keyboard controls... Until I found out about the right mouse button functionality. All of a sudden, my little game became trivially easy.
/guilty also lol



I kinda love this thread.

Here's one: I was on my third character ever and she was about, say, level 8? And this high level character said to a bunch of us under Atlas, hey, do you wanna go to the tailor?

This was back before the Tiki Lounge, even. Anyway, I'd never seen a tailor so I was all hell yes.

And so he put us all on a team and turned on group flight. Then after a bit he said it was too hard having us all keep up and used inertial reduction, at which point we started bouncing like mad to the tailor. He warned us that the enemies were very very dangerous.

I still remembered getting debt at level four when I first started, so I was all D: when suddenly the servers went down.

And I logged on again later, all alone in the back of Steel Canyon. I didn't know how low the enemies actually were over at the front and that I could probably make it safely to Atlas/King's Row again. So I stood there in utter terror of the purple Outcasts a bit away from me and then did the most logical thing and started going 'helllllp' in broadcast.

End of the story is someone tp'd me to the train, gave me money, and told me to have a good day.

I still remember that utter terror of higher level enemies and that I'd take the invis power pool on so many characters before realizing I was actually perfectly safe.

In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.



I'm such an experienced player, my awesomness forces newb moments.

I've got an amazing Shield/Super Strength tank, capable of taking enemies at like +2x8, and who normally plays primary tank and does damage comprable to the scrappers. She almost never falls.

Except when she does, One with the Shield is sitting there, full charged, wondering why I didn't use it to help her survive.

This isn't a "oh, I forgot that one time." Or even a "sometimes, I forget." No. She's had One With The Shield for a very long time, and I never, ever remember to use it. I remember to use my brute's Demonic Aura accolade more than I remember this one with the shield. So on the rare occassions she falls, I notice it sitting there, fully charged, and I facepalm, and I swear I'll remember it next time... And I never do.

And seriously /everyone/ does the train doors thing.

NPCs: A Single Method to Greatly Expand Bases



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
Whenever I see a topic like this, I'm reminded of something that you real old-timers will undoubtedly remember.

There used to not be an Exit button on the nav window when you completed a mission. Instead, you had to click on the little "i" icon that brings up information for the mission. (Yes, this means that after you completed a mission, you couldn't get the information for it any more; clicking on the i icon would exit the mission.)

I think that buried in the bowels of the tutorial during the mission to rescue Flower Knight this fact was mentioned, but I missed it. So for a couple of weeks, I exited missions the only way I knew how--by running all the way back to the door in from which I came when I entered the mission.

Finally, I was working on missions with some teammates one night and noticed that after each mission, everyone was simply vanishing into thin air. For the first couple of missions or so, I just chalked it up to some glitch or weirdity. After noticing it happening with consistency, though, I finally asked, "Hey guys, how are you all getting outside so quickly?" Someone told me about clicking on the nav window to exit.


Of course, now there's a button explicitly labeled "Exit" that's pretty hard to miss. You kids have it so easy these days.
This. I did this for the first month I played because I soloed the entire time and didn't realize you could exit with the Nav. I remember getting into CoT maps and getting lost and spending hours trying to find my way out of the map. Then the first time I actually teamed someone pointed it out to me, in which I then proceeded to run outside and yell all sorts of profanities at the gods themselves.

My own personal newb moment though would have to deal with my power selection with my first tanker. I leveled a invul/EM tanker all the way to lvl 30 without any of the passives and invincibility, and I never used unyielding because it wouldn't let me jump anywhere and I found it annoying constantly retoggling it everytime I needed to jump. Instead I ironically took every attack power I could get my hands on, including the power pool choices. I kid you not when I say I had taken the attack from each of the travel pools, effectively tieing up all my power pools. Needless to say, I died a lot. In my defense I soloed the vast majority of those levels so it wasn't until much later someone told me why I was dieing so much, in which case I proceeded to /facepalm myself. A lot.



and now that I read your PvP post, I got a PvP newb tale too. When CoV came out I literally spent 4 months leveling different toons to PvP with. Problem was by the time I had leveled one everyone had figured out how to own it and had moved on to another FOTM. So like the nice little PvP newb I was, I went and leveled the FOTM. Only after I got him high enough level the same thing happened. The sad thing is it took me 4 months to realize my methods wasn't going to work. Needless to say, I realized it just isn't worth it to be a FOTM junkie.



Originally Posted by ZephyrWind View Post
Ah, jeez, I did the exact same thing. I had Thunder Kick slotted with one each of ACC, DAM, ENDRDX, RECRED and dropped a fifth slot on it and went, "Oh, you idiot...it can't take any more enhancements!"

So I figured, what the hell, and tried dropping another DAM in the empty slot. The heavens opened up and light shone down

Even better when I finally learned you could COMBINE enhancements! w00t!
I remember the exact time I discovered this on a street sweep in Perez Park back in I4. It really was like a light shining down. I was playing an En/En blaster and not only had acc/dam/end/rech, but also knockback!




Originally Posted by Razia View Post
You can't die from falling dmg in CoH though. Something must have hit you.
I had no life. I assumed it was the falling damage. Nothing appeared to hit me. I wish I had the logs



I remember when I first ran across a Sky Raiders shield generator. I had outleveled Kings Row, but hadn't gotten to be in any missions with the Sky Raiders yet. For some reason, I found myself in a remote corner of the zone, and I see this little contraption with a huge bubble around it. Someone had apparently defeated its accompanying spawn, so it was just sitting there, all by itself, not doing anything.

I honestly thought it was something special that was supposed to be there. It wasn't attacking me or anything, so I hypothesized that maybe because there were high-level enemies (relative to most spawns in Kings Row) around, it was some sort of force field set up to help protect the players. I drew in some enemies to try to fight them within the bubble, and they got bubbles around them! I think I actually contemplated that maybe it was bugged, but I didn't file a report or anything.

Eventually, I noticed that it was targetable, so with a bit of trepidation, I tried attacking it. *whiff! I tried again. *whiff! More. *whiff, whiff, whiff! Nothing. It was very purple to me.

It was probably at least a couple of weeks or so later that I finally encountered the things within a Sky Raiders mission. OH!!! THAT'S what that thing in Kings Row was!!!

I don't even know if those high-level missions still spawn like they used to. I also remember wandering around Kings Row as a tiny little level 10 or so and running across this wrinkly, shriveled up thing on a fire escape while I was trying to get to the top of a building to clear out some Thorns. I had just enough time to target it, notice it was a level 50 something called "Rikti," and letting out a brief gasp of surprise before being thorougly faceplanted with one shot.

*pew! ...And now I'm dead. Meanwhile, he went right on about his business as if I were just a squashed bug not even worth throwing into the trash.

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



Originally Posted by Lulipop View Post

I loved reading all the posters comments so far. Being that I'm uber new to the whole CoH/CoV/CoP thing I thought for sure I'd be laughed at for doing, or asking stupid things. I was right but at the same time a lesson was learned through each trial. I guess it reminds me of the time I've spent on WoW, seeing as I started in Closed beta thru the game today.

This community is truly more sympathetic and forgiving when it comes to PvE but being an avid PvP'er I was pondering how their community reacts to newb questions.

Keep the regular C'mon Newb! Moments coming but anyone got any PvP moments of Doom?
I hate PVP I never won a fight, in PVP in fact I don't think it is even possible as anyone willing to pick a fight in PVP is better than you.

Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
My favorite newb moment was what I used to inflict on other people...

When newcomers would show up to the game, wondering why some heroes could fly (and they couldn't), I explained that they had to train for it.

"Oh really? How?"

"You see that really big statue behind us? You need to keep jumping off it..."

So I'd port them to the top of the globe, and watch them swan dive, over and over and over, and they were MYSTIFIED at how long it was taking them. Then someone else would explain how it really worked... (at that point, I'd usually give the poor sucker a good chunk of inf or somesuch for being a good sport).

Uh you should be a villain.

Doom/Batman in 2012

The Resistance has boobs too, and better hair!



Not long after I started playing, I got onto a PuG that was running a mission on an office map. Partway through, the leader decided he wanted to do a different mish (or maybe he just wanted to raise the difficulty, I forget), and told everyone to exit. Everyone else made a beeline for the door, but I somehow got turned around, and for the life of me, could not figure out how to get back to the entrance. I was running around in circles while the rest of the team was going "Pls exit so we can reset". I was too embarrassed to admit I was lost, so I finally just said "Gotta go!" and quit the team. Eventually, I found my way out.

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191775: How the Other Half Lives
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Originally Posted by JKCarrier View Post
Not long after I started playing, I got onto a PuG that was running a mission on an office map. Partway through, the leader decided he wanted to do a different mish (or maybe he just wanted to raise the difficulty, I forget), and told everyone to exit. Everyone else made a beeline for the door, but I somehow got turned around, and for the life of me, could not figure out how to get back to the entrance. I was running around in circles while the rest of the team was going "Pls exit so we can reset". I was too embarrassed to admit I was lost, so I finally just said "Gotta go!" and quit the team. Eventually, I found my way out.
I get lost alot on some of these maps like the ones with the graveyard. Sucks!



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
Whenever I see a topic like this, I'm reminded of something that you real old-timers will undoubtedly remember.

There used to not be an Exit button on the nav window when you completed a mission. Instead, you had to click on the little "i" icon that brings up information for the mission. (Yes, this means that after you completed a mission, you couldn't get the information for it any more; clicking on the i icon would exit the mission.)

I think that buried in the bowels of the tutorial during the mission to rescue Flower Knight this fact was mentioned, but I missed it. So for a couple of weeks, I exited missions the only way I knew how--by running all the way back to the door in from which I came when I entered the mission.

Finally, I was working on missions with some teammates one night and noticed that after each mission, everyone was simply vanishing into thin air. For the first couple of missions or so, I just chalked it up to some glitch or weirdity. After noticing it happening with consistency, though, I finally asked, "Hey guys, how are you all getting outside so quickly?" Someone told me about clicking on the nav window to exit.


Of course, now there's a button explicitly labeled "Exit" that's pretty hard to miss. You kids have it so easy these days.
I had a bind with "/requestexitmission 1"

Victory Wiki
Login Screen changer (OS X/Windows/*nix)
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Originally Posted by Sailboat View Post
Are you saying there's a way to avoid getting caught on stuff? 'Cause my arch-enemy is the humble post or torch.
Posts, Torches, Missing a door by "that much" and faceplanting into a wall at full tilt, missing jumps ...

I'm sure there's no end to the lulz from my team mates watching me clumsily flail around sometimes.



There is one little bit of thing that happens all the time to me...

I normally group a few temp powers together on a power tray...

So... sometimes... when someone asks for a card, I reply with:


** Guardian�s Crazy Catgirl **
************* 22 XxX 10 *************

Yes. I can get lost on a straight-line map.



Originally Posted by KayJMM View Post
There is one little bit of thing that happens all the time to me...

I normally group a few temp powers together on a power tray...

So... sometimes... when someone asks for a card, I reply with:

I did that for a while too, I use to always put my Blaster Nukes tray 3 #0 and thats where SD is now. So for a while i would think im hitting a nuke in a way i am just not what i was aiming for >.>

Going to miss the fun and nice people here at CoH. Feel free to add me on PS3/XBox360
PS3X360: OmniNogard
Currently playing: Mass Effect 3(PS3) Minecraft(X360) Skyrim(X360).



In the old Tutorial (Outbreak) wondering why I was getting XP for defeating NPCs.



For a while, I had no idea you could replace any TO/DO/SO by placing a new one on top of it. I thought I was doomed to be stuck with TOs forever... until about lvl 23.



First newb moment for me was seeing a mob with a pretty color name, can't remember if it was red or purple, and thinking "I can take it." Not my best idea with a new low lvl blaster.

The tram door almost got me, but then I backed up and noticed the main door.

hmm.... now that I think about it moment number one still happens..... should stop trying to be a scrapper with everything.

Then, perhaps your butt cheeks will relinquish their grip on your chin." -The_Zekiran



Originally Posted by OmniNogard View Post
I did that for a while too, I use to always put my Blaster Nukes tray 3 #0 and thats where SD is now. So for a while i would think im hitting a nuke in a way i am just not what i was aiming for >.>



SD=Self Destruction its a 'Nuke' like power. Aiming for the Blaster Nuke got the Self Kill Nuke.

Going to miss the fun and nice people here at CoH. Feel free to add me on PS3/XBox360
PS3X360: OmniNogard
Currently playing: Mass Effect 3(PS3) Minecraft(X360) Skyrim(X360).



Not sure if this counts but.. Leveling my First toon. My Main a INV/SS tanker. Early 40's still on So's I was Super jumping through Peregrine Island heading to another mission.

I had forgotten I hit Unstoppable in my last mission against Arachnos.

Mid Super jump it crashes de-toggling me and draining 90% of health..followed by me being KB'd by a Crey Sharpshooter ...in mid fall landing down below in a spawn with hardly a sliver of health.

Needless to say I had to make a walk of shame from the Hospital to my next mission

Moral of the Story? Don't forget if you've used your T9 when you have one with a major crash. It'll totally bite you in the rear when you least expect it.



Not so much a newb moment as a humiliating defeat.

Way back in 2004, when the game was new and I'm on my first character - an elec/elec blaster. I've just entered Crey's Folly. First thing I see is a trio of Crey Protectors (those are bosses if you don't know). They con green. I'm thinking, "eh, green. Easy enough."

What I didn't know is that they have a "freeze ray" power that puts you to sleep (along with a very low amount of damage). And the sleep lasts longer than it takes the power to recharge. And this is in the days before break frees existed: we had an inspiration called discipline that you had to remember to use *before* you ever got mezzed. And I forgot to use it.

I got off one attack. Then I was asleep. I have no idea why, but all the three Crey Protectors ever did was fire off that freeze ray. Over and over again. So I stayed asleep constantly, taking little snippets of damage.

I kid you not, it took them something like *ten minutes* to finally kill me. I would literally get up and do some chores, then come back and check to see whether or not I was dead yet so I could go to the hospital.

To this day I don't know why I didn't think to just log out, wait two minutes, and log back in... (maybe *that* was the actual newb moment).

EDIT: Oh, and I did think of one of my true newb moments. My second "favorite" character was my Invul./Axe Tank. I'd be embarrassed to admit the number of times I ran into a large spawn to "gather" them for my blaster partners to destroy, and *totally* forget to turn on any of my toggles. Death would come quite swiftly after that...

M.A. Arcs
Intended for high level play: The Primus Trilogy (Arc #s 10931, 283821, 283825), "Freakshow U" (Arc #189073), Purification (Arc #352381, Dev's Choice! )
Intended for low level play: "Learning the Ropes" (Arc #100304), "Cracking Skulls" (Arc #115935), "The Lazarus Project" (Arc #124906)