Super Packs Update - 12/12/2011

Agent White



Honestly, just make the costume pieces recipes that people can sell on the market. It will still mean that someone paid for each individual costume piece in the game, even if it's not the person that is wearing it. The only reason to not allow this is to deliberately create wasted purchases. TCGs thrived because people were able to trade or sell ones they didn't want. Without the perceived secondary market value of collectible cards (whether TCGs or sports cards) the primary retail market would not survive.



Question for Zwillinger and the Community Team:

Are any of the items in the packs limited quantity (For example: Only 100 Black Wolves can ever be given out)?

If this is the case, will we be told which items are limited quantity in advance and will we be told when the limited quantity has ran out?

I apologise if this question has been answered already, but the above just gave me a terrifying thought. If they are planning to do this I think it should be as open and honest now. If they get the idea to do this they must understand that it should be as open and honest as possible FROM BEFORE IT BEGINS.

Forse: lvl 22 FF/NRG Defender
Tam Krannock: lvl 37 Shield/Mace Tanker
Toppa Grace: lvl 25 Fire/Ice Blaster
Red Commissar: I'm in the Queen Mother. Only more awesome. And alive



I did not have time to read the whole thread, so if this has been addressed already - sorry.

When I was still healthy and working, I played a card game for serious. I found it most efficient to purchase, not boxes of packs, as mentioned in the OP, but a case of boxes, generally consisting of 6 boxes to the case. These were available at a much larger discount. I hope this type of true bulk purchase will be made available with Super Packs.




Originally Posted by Forse View Post
Are any of the items in the packs limited quantity (For example: Only 100 Black Wolves can ever be given out)?
Costumes and the wolf pet are limited to 1 per account and are not able to be traded. I don't think anything in the packs are limited in the way you've asked.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Nice to see prems can post now.

I still don't like the basic super pack idea, but at least there are other ways to get them.



Well, we won't know Snow Globe unless they tell us - it's not the sort of thing that'll come out in Beta Testing unless it's actually made visible. And I've not seen it stated anywhere, nor have I noticed it being asked and answered.

I ask this because there's been a lot of comparisons made to actual collectable card games when describing these packs. Limited Run cards in those packs are something that happens routinely.

And in this case, it'd be a terrible idea to copy unless handled very carefully and openly.

Forse: lvl 22 FF/NRG Defender
Tam Krannock: lvl 37 Shield/Mace Tanker
Toppa Grace: lvl 25 Fire/Ice Blaster
Red Commissar: I'm in the Queen Mother. Only more awesome. And alive



Originally Posted by Forse View Post
Well, we won't know Snow Globe unless they tell us - it's not the sort of thing that'll come out in Beta Testing unless it's actually made visible. And I've not seen it stated anywhere, nor have I noticed it being asked and answered.

I ask this because there's been a lot of comparisons made to actual collectable card games when describing these packs. Limited Run cards in those packs are something that happens routinely.

And in this case, it'd be a terrible idea to copy unless handled very carefully and openly.
They can make the comparisons all they want, but they will not hold up. Without a secondary market for every rare pull, the primary market will not be sustainable. How far would M:TG have gotten if you couldn't trade cards with your friends or buy singles?



Originally Posted by Forse View Post
Well, we won't know Snow Globe unless they tell us
No, we don't. However, I don't see any reason to assume or even GUESS that they are if they haven't even vaguely hinted at them being limited that way. It seems you're just making up things to object to...

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



Originally Posted by Forse View Post
Well, we won't know Snow Globe unless they tell us - it's not the sort of thing that'll come out in Beta Testing unless it's actually made visible. And I've not seen it stated anywhere, nor have I noticed it being asked and answered.
Given that players have come up with a list already that contains 205 items, and multiple people are coming up with those lists separately, I don't think your speculation has any basis in reality.

Originally Posted by Forse View Post
I ask this because there's been a lot of comparisons made to actual collectable card games when describing these packs. Limited Run cards in those packs are something that happens routinely.
That is the difference between digital production and print runs. Your worries are unfounded.

If you want to object to the packs, I can give you several legitimate points to object to:
  • The packs contain stuff they know will sell (ATOs, Costume Parts, Vanity Pet) to make a business model for items that wont sell (consumables).
  • They are preying on players that can't determine odds of getting the items they want.
  • They are preying on players with addiction problems.
  • They have a ton of interface problems where to go from a normal in-game activity to the market to buying a pack to actually opening a pack requires over 20 mouse clicks. This doesn't actually include claiming the end result.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Given that players have come up with a list already that contains 205 items, and multiple people are coming up with those lists separately, I don't think your speculation has any basis in reality.
They don't need to Beta Test limited run in advance publicly. In fact it would be in their interest not to.

If you want to object to the packs, I can give you several legitimate points to object to:

The packs contain stuff they know will sell (ATOs, Costume Parts, Vanity Pet) to make a business model for items that wont sell (consumables).
They are preying on players that can't determine odds of getting the items they want.
They are preying on players with addiction problems.
They have a ton of interface problems where to go from a normal in-game activity to the market to buying a pack to actually opening a pack requires over 20 mouse clicks. This doesn't actually include claiming the end result.
I have already objected/agreed with people previously on these topics. I thought of something new to ask. Do I need to preface everything I say with a summary of what I've said previously on the topic?

No, we don't. However, I don't see any reason to assume or even GUESS that they are if they haven't even vaguely hinted at them being limited that way. It seems you're just making up things to object to...
Because no-one would have assumed that in a costume pack called Gunslinger there'd be few to no parts capable of making a female gunslinger, would they?

My trust in the company has been seriously affected by their recent decisions.

As such, one of my advantages as a customer is to ask questions - an advantage that exists because they have a community team.

Because my confidence and trust in the company is shaken I will question every doubt I have, but will do so by taking that question to the people that can answer it.

All they have to do is answer. No-one else can answer for them unless the question has already been asked. As no-one's repeated/quoted an answer from the community team or developers already, then I can assume that the question hasn't been asked.

Or would you prefer this come bite us later, with the defence used "Well, no-one asked..."?


Seriously people, I'm all for protecting your own interests and defending people that have done no wrong. But right now you seem to be jumping to protect the company against... someone asking a valid question? I mean, sure it has nasty implications, but the question just needs a "No, we're not planning ever doing that", and the problem is gone!

This isn't a battle worth fighting to defend the team against, just let someone answer the question, and I'll move on.

Forse: lvl 22 FF/NRG Defender
Tam Krannock: lvl 37 Shield/Mace Tanker
Toppa Grace: lvl 25 Fire/Ice Blaster
Red Commissar: I'm in the Queen Mother. Only more awesome. And alive



Originally Posted by Forse View Post
Because no-one would have assumed that in a costume pack called Gunslinger there'd be few to no parts capable of making a female gunslinger, would they?
Tell me more about how that apple compares to this orange.

But you're wrong there. It's just that you have a different idea of what a female gunslinger should look like.

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



Nevermind. I'll address the question privately to the community teams. Wait a while for a response (if any), then if I'm still here - share the answer.

I would have thought the question was in the community's interest, something no-one had yet to consider as a possibility; though a possibilty all the same. But clearly I was mistaken and should be falling into line with how I'm supposed to be correctly complaining about this development.

Forse: lvl 22 FF/NRG Defender
Tam Krannock: lvl 37 Shield/Mace Tanker
Toppa Grace: lvl 25 Fire/Ice Blaster
Red Commissar: I'm in the Queen Mother. Only more awesome. And alive



Originally Posted by Forse View Post
I would have thought the question was in the community's interest, something no-one had yet to consider as a possibility; though a possibilty all the same.
I considered your question, but dismissed it as I seriously don't think that the development team could be that stupid. It would be such a serious waste of development time and resources that I don't think they'd be able to recover from without heavy losses in personnel.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



When I started playing this game I paid one price per month and got everything the game has to offer.

Then super boosters were introduced and I had to pay a little extra to get everything the game had to offer.

Then Freedom was introduced and I could CHOOSE what I wanted and how much I paid. But at least everything was there for me to choose from.

What I want is to pay one price per month and get everything this game has to offer.

All Freedom has done is simply exchanged one of my valuable resources for another: money for time, as I now have to sift through new offerings and determine what I want. This takes time, time away from actually playing the game. Time away from being entertained. Which is why I am here.

So now to get some of the things I want, I have to play a virtual CCG for a chance to get some of the things I want. I have to purchase the packs, then open the packs, then claim the items, then remove what I don't want. That all takes time.

I'm fine with paying more per month to get everything in the game. Just tell me what the monthly sub is, and I'll sign up for it.

The more you continue to shift my free time away from actually enjoying the game, the less likely I am to spend my available free time in CoH.

I am fine with a money sink; just tell me what the price is for everything, so I can enjoy the game without having to jump through these ridiculous hoops.

I am not OK with a time sink; the more time I spend on this game out-of-game, the more likely I am to spend my free time somewhere else, taking my entertainment $$$ with me.



Why not give VIPs one or two super packs a month as part of the VIP subscription, one more reason to stay VIP and a little bit of 'the first taste is free',... may help spur more sales of the packs



Originally Posted by OmegaS View Post
Why not give VIPs one or two super packs a month as part of the VIP subscription, one more reason to stay VIP and a little bit of 'the first taste is free',... may help spur more sales of the packs
Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
  • Super Packs will be available as a Tier 9 Repeatable Paragon Reward Program option. Right now the idea is that players will be able to redeem a Paragon Reward Token for 5 Super Packs. This number is, as is the case with all things in beta, subject to change.

De minimis non curat Lex Luthor.



Originally Posted by JHimes View Post
I now have to sift through new offerings and determine what I want.
They're not realeasing that much new content each week

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
They're not realeasing that much new content each week
The rather kludgy market interface does make it somewhat annoying if you're not in the habit of checking the Announcement section of the forums. And even then it's sort of hard to keep track of what old offers have been withdrawn if you didn't buy them at the time since it changes every week.

It hasn't been an issue for me, but i can easily understand why others wouldn't enjoy it. Not everyone wants to research the market weekly just to know what's available or unavailable.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
The rather kludgy market interface does make it somewhat annoying if you're not in the habit of checking the Announcement section of the forums.
There's a solution to the problem in the second half of your sentence

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
There's a solution to the problem in the second half of your sentence
True, but the market interface is still terrible.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
They're not realeasing that much new content each week
Not sure what that has to do with anything. Any time spent sorting through items that is greater than 0 is more time than I had to spend previously.

Trying to collect costume pieces through the Super Packs will add a considerable amount of time to my out-of-game column. Which is what this thread is about.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
There's a solution to the problem in the second half of your sentence
Not being the sort who likes to read the announcements or go to the official site is a solution? Or are you just saying "suck it up, Buttercup" to anyone doesn't want to spend a lot of time reading the forums?

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
Not being the sort who likes to read the announcements or go to the official site is a solution? Or are you just saying "suck it up, Buttercup" to anyone doesn't want to spend a lot of time reading the forums?
Looking at the top of the forums for the market items once a week doesn't really take a lot of time

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
Not being the sort who likes to read the announcements or go to the official site is a solution? Or are you just saying "suck it up, Buttercup" to anyone doesn't want to spend a lot of time reading the forums?
I have no intent of defending the Paragon Store interface, which if they had any self-respect the implementation team would be credited as "Alan Smithee" (and then throw themselves into a river like Jean Valjean) but I am unaware of any MMO which doesn't essentially require checking with forums or other similar information outlets on a regular basis to find out what is happening in the game or in microtransaction stores. No one seems to have especially commendable in-game documentation when it comes to that stuff.

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Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
I have no intent of defending the Paragon Store interface, which if they had any self-respect the implementation team would be credited as "Alan Smithee" (and then throw themselves into a river like Jean Valjean) but I am unaware of any MMO which doesn't essentially require checking with forums or other similar information outlets on a regular basis to find out what is happening in the game or in microtransaction stores. No one seems to have especially commendable in-game documentation when it comes to that stuff.
Good point. i think it's really the much rapid release of material now that's made it more annoying for some. Personally i have no problem with it, but i do sympathize with those who do. It would be another "first to do it, and do it better" for the game if CoH did become the first MMO with really good in-game documentation of market material. i think that's a matter for the people implementing the Paragon Store, so...

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...