Entrance Requirements for iTrials




Hey All,

Just a comment about joining iTrials: I'd be interested in hearing what the consensus is regarding entrance requirements for iTrials...

I just tried to join a trial with my level 50 support character, and was turned down because I was too low a character. The trial leader had asked me my level, which I assumed meant they were checking to make sure someone below 50 didn't join the league. I was apparently wrong - I never heard back from the trial leader, and no, the Trial league was not full. They continued recruiting for the Trial league.

I asked in broadcast, and was informed (probably by a League member) that I would not be accepted unless I was at least 50+. How is a level 50 support character going to get to level 50+ or higher if they are not even allowed in an iTrial. Yes, I know I could do a ton of task forces, etc but the iTrials tend to be a quicker way. I have seen many a person reach level 50, and start iTrials without first unlocking their Alpha slot.

I suspect this situation I experienced is because the newer trials are so difficult that leaders are being more picky with who they invite. This does not make it easy for new level 50's to become Incarnate.

Has anyone else had this happen to them?



Heard of it happening, but never seen it.
Normally where I join trials (Virtue RWZ) all that is asked is for someone willing to join.

I have seen people request xxx for certain trials.

The newer trials might be making some people more anal about who to invite.

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



Couple possibilities.

Recruiter was a jerk.
Or they were trying a harder trial.

Which trial were they recruiting for?

Given that two new trials did come out today, I wouldn't be surprised if in the short-term there's a lot more folks running the new shiny [that is harder], but I also expect it to settle down to the norm in not too long either.

The trials you want to start looking at doing early on are BAF and LAM. Keyes is also good, but a little bit harder, but I don't think there's any reason that someone without level shifts can complete it [now especially]. Underground is also doable, but that's more in the air wrt to level shifts.

Perhaps in a few weeks when folks get TPN and MOM down they too will be acceptable for folks without level shifts, but for the mean time, I'd really suggest staying away from them until you have shifts.

Let's Dance!



Hasn't happened to me, but that'd really bum me out.

In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.



Some people just want to have certain AT or levels or whatever in team/league. There is still lot of people that doesn't mind that. For every one leader that require 50+ comes at least 2 that don't require anything (except what are trial/tf requirements).

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- Il Numero Uno (The Number One)



On my personal account I play a support character as well. I've personally shared your experience when Keyes first came out (the leader said I *had* to be 50 +3) to which I shrugged and promptly found another group which one shot the whole thing.

I'm sure that some people out there will have their own prerogative when it comes to recruitment for these groups, especially for newer content. We don't put any sort of hard gating mechanism on iTrials, aside from level 50, so as long as someone is willing to learn, they should be able to contribute to the group in some way.

Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



My guess is that it was someone who was recruiting for one of the 2 new Trials, but they hadn't beta tested them, and they were assuming that they would be super tough.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



heroic: I just tried to join a trial with my level 50 support character, and was turned down because I was too low a character. The trial leader had asked me my level, which I assumed meant they were checking to make sure someone below 50 didn't join the league. I was apparently wrong - I never heard back from the trial leader, and no, the Trial league was not full. They continued recruiting for the Trial league.
This has been increasingly common lately, and I despise this mindset so much I can't even tell you. I have one-starred more than one recruiter over it.

Sometimes the leader of the league is cool, but then someone in the league starts complaining that not everyone present isn't at least +2. Hate. So. Much.

If people want to do this, they should be running private trials with their SG or coalition,. or whatever. Don't start this crap on a PuG.



When I see someone recruit that way, I refuse to join, even if I am in lvl range and it's the only game in town.



People can chose to play or not play with anyone for whatever reason they like. You have no more right to tell people how to form their teams than they have to tell you how to play your character.



Not endorsing their 'recruitment methods', but I'm confused about how much damage a level 50 hero would do against a 54+2 AV featured in the MoM trial.

I know being lower level should affect their damage potential versus higher level mobs, but how much difference does a level 54+2 AV have?

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SOunds like you found that rare pokemon...players known as a tw*t ... Most people only care if you 50 unless their doing a Mo Run
Don't let tht put you off



It's nice when people aren't bringing completely non lvl shifted toons to UG or the new trials. On champion, I and other league leaders usually ask that people are at least +1 for the UGT, will probably be the same for TPN.



Originally Posted by Necrotron_RO View Post
Not endorsing their 'recruitment methods', but I'm confused about how much damage a level 50 hero would do against a 54+2 AV featured in the MoM trial.

I know being lower level should affect their damage potential versus higher level mobs, but how much difference does a level 54+2 AV have?

Assuming the purple patch works the same way as with the 1-50 stretch, the AV would be +6 to you, so I believe your attacks would do 15% of normal damage (that, is, have an 85% damage debuff) before resistance from armor is factored in. You would also take 66% more damage from the AV.

In other words, it's not quite as bad as showing up for Apex or Tin Mage without an alpha slot (8 level difference between character penalized at -4 levels and the +4 enemies). But with that amount of debuff don't expect to do much to the AV other than provide support.

[Note that in a current best-case scenario, level 53s also suffer penalties fighting the AV. They all fight him at -3. But the difference between -3 and -6 is very large. I'm having a hard time finding the words to explain it, but basically the gap between 50 and 53 (3 levels) versus a level 56 is not the same as the gap between 50 and 53 (also 3 levels) versus a level 53. It's the level difference from the target that matters. I believe that is why Tier 1 Mastermind pets were buffed in trials to no longer be -6.]

You can, of course, still very easily kill civilians and fail the trial for everyone.



Originally Posted by Laevateinn View Post
People can chose to play or not play with anyone for whatever reason they like. You have no more right to tell people how to form their teams than they have to tell you how to play your character.
I do have the right to one-star anyone that excludes players for such stupid reasons and I have the right to let everyone I can know how much of a jerk said person is.

I have every right to promote Trials and Groups that are open to anyone the game rules will allow to join and to pour derision upon anyone that won't.

So, to the OP, make a note of the recruiter, and ostracize them.

Or, in the words of my Hero, Mal, "If someone tries to kill you, you try and kill 'em right back."

"The side that is unhappy is not the side that the game was intended to make happy, or promised to make happy, or focused on making happy. The side that is unhappy is the side that is unhappy. That's all." - Arcanaville
"Surprised your guys' arteries haven't clogged with all that hatred yet." - Xzero45



Originally Posted by MajorPrankster View Post
I do have the right to one-star anyone that excludes players for such stupid reasons and I have the right to let everyone I can know how much of a jerk said person is.

I have every right to promote Trials and Groups that are open to anyone the game rules will allow to join and to pour derision upon anyone that won't.

So, to the OP, make a note of the recruiter, and ostracize them.

Or, in the words of my Hero, Mal, "If someone tries to kill you, you try and kill them right back."
Agree with everything except the part in bold. I agree they are being a jerk but I don't think its a good idea to be anything other than polite and I certainly don't think you have a right to be rude.

Blimey, that sounded just like my mom

This is a song about a super hero named Tony. Its called Tony's theme.
Jagged Reged: 23/01/04



Originally Posted by Jagged View Post
Agree with everything except the part in bold. I agree they are being a jerk but I don't think its a good idea to be anything other than polite and I certainly don't think you have a right to be rude.

Blimey, that sounded just like my mom
There was a time when I might have agreed with you, but that time has passed.

I think everyone has every right to be rude if they so choose.

I also think that anyone that does not like said behavior has every right to react as they see fit.

For instance, freedom of speech, if you have it, does not mean "Freedom from being offended" or "Freedom from hearing rude comments".

While I applaud your sticking to your morals, I must also stick to mine.

Sometimes rude must be fought with rude. Or Arthur. You can fight anything with Arthur.

"The side that is unhappy is not the side that the game was intended to make happy, or promised to make happy, or focused on making happy. The side that is unhappy is the side that is unhappy. That's all." - Arcanaville
"Surprised your guys' arteries haven't clogged with all that hatred yet." - Xzero45



This is a game for fun... And therefore I will always let ANYONE in that can get in through the hard game rules.

When your playing COX you are in a game that can ace TF's with only blasters or defenders. You can ace even an Master Off... itrail with a few non level shifted level 50's. Keeping people from playing is a big asocial treat I will never participate in!

- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
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- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
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- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
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Originally Posted by MajorPrankster View Post
For instance, freedom of speech, if you have it, does not mean "Freedom from being offended" or "Freedom from hearing rude comments".
Outside of the game you might have a point. Inside the game I expect a certain level of behaviour and for NCSoft to police that behaviour. So I actively report rude behaviour I see in game channels.

Originally Posted by MajorPrankster View Post
I also think that anyone that does not like said behavior has every right to react as they see fit.
It would be a shame for you to get banned when the other guy is being a jerk. The Jerk is not breaking any of the rules by being a jerk.

This is a song about a super hero named Tony. Its called Tony's theme.
Jagged Reged: 23/01/04



Honestly, I could see requiring +1, from the Alpha Slot, for the newest Trials, but just until people learn them. Anything beyond that is a bit silly.



Since my signature hero turned 50 (first 50 in 2.5 years since the start!) I began his journey of the incarnates and self-controlled not to participate in Apex/Tin-Mage TFs until he got his first alpha ability, in just a few regular taskforces I managed to get his first one slotted (Agility Boost) which means I will no longer get debuffed doing those TFs.

But the itrials? If I could only start playing them if I had at least one incarnate shift it might take me waaay longer based on shard drops needed to get the rares. But hey, I've got time, still working on my stat-boost accolades before he's ready for epic battles proper, I can wait

Plus i22's going to have solo incarnate content, so if all fails, Dark Astoria!

Home server: Victory
Characters on: Victory & Virtue
My first 50(0)! 18/11/11



Oh yeah, waiting on shard drops? That's pointless, ridiculous and time consuming. Get in an BAF or Lambda where the person running it isn't a pain in the butt, and you can have your Alpha slot filled so quickly it isn't even funny. You're not at -4 on those, anyway. I haven't even run Keyes yet, and just off of running BAF and Lambda a few times (and extra threads/Astral merits from parts of the SSA), and I already have a Tier 3 Alpha, and Judgement and Interface are unlocked.



Not to stir the pot, but if they were recruiting for MoM I can understand them requiring level shifted participants. A league full of normal level 50 toons wouldn't stand a chance against a 54+2 AV.

The part that bothered me about the OPs story was that the leader never responded after they found out you were level 50. It takes all of 15 seconds to send a polite reply explaining why they prefer level shifted toons.