Super Packs Update - 12/2/2011

Adeon Hawkwood



In the interest of making this information more readily available (the other thread , while a great conversation, is nearing 1300 posts), I'm going to summarize some details we've shared since the Pummit regarding Super Packs, as well as let you in on the results of our continuing internal discussions.

First to recap:

  • The price for Super Packs has been set at 80 Paragon Points Each. There will be a discount for buying in bulk, ala a box of packs, which is TBD.
  • We are still discussing/considering concerns expressed regarding the exclusivity of costume pieces. We're open to the idea of making them available through an alternate method in the Paragon Market, however a decision has not been made regarding this particular topic.
Now for the new stuff:
  • ATOs (Archetype Enhancements) will be purchasable from the Reward Merit Vendor, for a combination of Reward Merits and Inf, and from Astral Christy, for a combination of Astral Merits and Inf. There will be a cooldown timer on the purchase of these items. The amount of Inf and duration of the cooldown are still being discussed and will be evaluated once all of this hits beta. This is in addition to their availability in Super Packs.
  • Enhancement Catalysts will be added to the game as rare drops from enemies defeated during Incarnate Trials and in the upcoming newly Incarnated Dark Astoria. Like ATOs, this is in addition to their availability through Super Packs.
I'll keep everyone updated as more decisions are made. Please be sure to check these out when they hit beta.



Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



Will the odds of getting specific items (such as ATIOs) out of the Super Pack be revealed?



Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
Will the odds of getting specific items (such as ATIOs) out of the Super Pack be revealed?
If we do, it won't be until after we've had a chance to evaluate it based on beta feedback.

Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



Definite improvements, but I'm not getting my hopes up until the costume problem is fixed and we see the costs. 80 points remains way too much for a bunch of crap inspirations.



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
[*]ATOs (Archetype Enhancements) will be purchasable from the Reward Merit Vendor, for a combination of Reward Merits and Inf, and from Astral Christy, for a combination of Astral Merits and Inf. There will be a cooldown timer on the purchase of these items. The amount of Inf and duration of the cooldown are still being discussed and will be evaluated once all of this hits beta. This is in addition to their availability in Super Packs. [*]Enhancement Catalysts will be added to the game as rare drops from enemies defeated during Incarnate Trials and in the upcoming newly Incarnated Dark Astoria. Like ATOs, this is in addition to their availability through Super Packs.[/LIST]I'll keep everyone updated as more decisions are made. Please be sure to check these out when they hit beta.


Thank you.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



Originally Posted by Lazarillo View Post
Definite improvements, but I'm not getting my hopes up until the costume problem is fixed and we see the costs. 80 points remains way too much for a bunch of crap inspirations.
Windfalls and XP Boosters currently cost 90 apiece, best price. If they stay that way then the Super Packs are still worth it.

I'm pretty sure we're going to see more rioting over the uncertain costume exclusivity, though. You gave 'em an inch, Z, and they'll be out for blood.

De minimis non curat Lex Luthor.



I had no issues with the packs as is but im sure this should make alot of folks happy and I won't begrudge them happiness



Huh... Well, that's surprising. I came in here ready to be outraged, but the new information is actually pretty encouraging. The specifics are obviously up in the air, but hearing that "ATIOs" (you need a better name for them) will be available for in-game activity is a pleasant surprise. I probably still won't actually want them, but as a matter of principle, this is very, very good to hear.

As for making pack-exclusive costumes available through other means over the Paragon Store... Sell them. Simply delay the sets by six months from the time they show up in the gambling packs to the time they show up as a regular purchase and then price them either normal or double. That way, people who don't have the patience of a saint will be inclined to try and get the pieces they want early by gambling on them, and people like me who have ZERO patience for uncertain returns for my money will simply wait it out.

Additionally, consider making these costumes available for purchase immediately, but restrict that purchase to VIPs only and release these costumes to Free and Premium players only in the gambling packs. That way, I have one more reason to maintain a subscription.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
Now for the new stuff:
  • ATOs (Archetype Enhancements) will be purchasable from the Reward Merit Vendor, for a combination of Reward Merits and Inf, and from Astral Christy, for a combination of Astral Merits and Inf. There will be a cooldown timer on the purchase of these items. The amount of Inf and duration of the cooldown are still being discussed and will be evaluated once all of this hits beta. This is in addition to their availability in Super Packs.
  • Enhancement Catalysts will be added to the game as rare drops from enemies defeated during Incarnate Trials and in the upcoming newly Incarnated Dark Astoria. Like ATOs, this is in addition to their availability through Super Packs.
Thank you, this solves a large portion of my objections.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Bosstone View Post
Windfalls and XP Boosters currently cost 90 apiece, best price. If they stay that way then the Super Packs are still worth it.
That's assuming these are worth 90 points to begin with.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
As for making pack-exclusive costumes available through other means over the Paragon Store... Sell them. Simply delay the sets by six months from the time they show up in the gambling packs to the time they show up as a regular purchase and then price them either normal or double. That way, people who don't have the patience of a saint will be inclined to try and get the pieces they want early by gambling on them, and people like me who have ZERO patience for uncertain returns for my money will simply wait it out.
Snark aside, I think this would be the best route, while putting a new costume set into the super pack. Cycling costume sets through various methods of acquisition is a good way to make sure everyone who wants to buy a particular set can, and to make sure that everyone who likes a particular method of acquisition is rewarded for repeat business.

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
That's assuming these are worth 90 points to begin with.
I think they are, but I also think the inspirations have value too. A few insps plus a few temp powers/reward merits plus a shiny is worth 80, even if individually none are worth more than 10.

De minimis non curat Lex Luthor.



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
  • ATOs (Archetype Enhancements) will be purchasable from the Reward Merit Vendor, for a combination of Reward Merits and Inf, and from Astral Christy, for a combination of Astral Merits and Inf. There will be a cooldown timer on the purchase of these items. The amount of Inf and duration of the cooldown are still being discussed and will be evaluated once all of this hits beta. This is in addition to their availability in Super Packs.
  • Enhancement Catalysts will be added to the game as rare drops from enemies defeated during Incarnate Trials and in the upcoming newly Incarnated Dark Astoria. Like ATOs, this is in addition to their availability through Super Packs.
Now those are changes I can definitely get behind*.

*Approval of changes, contingent upon reasonableness of final merit price. Offer Void In Nebraska.



Originally Posted by Bosstone View Post
Snark aside, I think this would be the best route, while putting a new costume set into the super pack. Cycling costume sets through various methods of acquisition is a good way to make sure everyone who wants to buy a particular set can, and to make sure that everyone who likes a particular method of acquisition is rewarded for repeat business.
im perfectly fine with this too , great idea .



As the person who started the 1300 post thread, I take full credit for this change.

Seriously though, I'm glad to see that all of our feedback has been well-received. I'm still concerned about costume exclusivity, but based on the change to ATOs I'm confident you'll find some way to put a reasonable asterisk next to the word "exclusive". I like Samuel_Tow's idea of putting the sets on the market but delay release beyond their first appearance in the Super Packs. Okay, "like" is a bit of a strong word, but it's acceptable enough. I like the "immediate purchase availability for VIPs, frees/preems can only get them in Packs" idea even better, but I'm not holding my breath for that one.

Edit: No torches and pitchforks here...yet.

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...



Works for me. Though I was fine with the super packs.

Now to make way for the people with the pitchforks and torches about the elemental order costume pieces



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
Now for the new stuff:

ATOs (Archetype Enhancements) will be purchasable from the Reward Merit Vendor, for a combination of Reward Merits and Inf, and from Astral Christy, for a combination of Astral Merits and Inf. There will be a cooldown timer on the purchase of these items. The amount of Inf and duration of the cooldown are still being discussed and will be evaluated once all of this hits beta. This is in addition to their availability in Super Packs.
Awesome. I eagerly await seeing how many RMs/AMs they will cost in addition to influence costs. Please keep in mind that these will affect market (Wentworths/Black Market) costs as well. I reiterate : Awesome.

Enhancement Catalysts will be added to the game as rare drops from enemies defeated during Incarnate Trials and in the upcoming newly Incarnated Dark Astoria. Like ATOs, this is in addition to their availability through Super Packs.
Very interesting. I'm going to enjoy testing this.

I'll keep everyone updated as more decisions are made. Please be sure to check these out when they hit beta.


No sir, thank you.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
HAs for making pack-exclusive costumes available through other means over the Paragon Store... Sell them. Simply delay the sets by six months from the time they show up in the gambling packs to the time they show up as a regular purchase and then price them either normal or double. That way, people who don't have the patience of a saint will be inclined to try and get the pieces they want early by gambling on them, and people like me who have ZERO patience for uncertain returns for my money will simply wait it out.
This would work for me.




All excellent news!

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by Bosstone View Post
Snark aside, I think this would be the best route, while putting a new costume set into the super pack. Cycling costume sets through various methods of acquisition is a good way to make sure everyone who wants to buy a particular set can, and to make sure that everyone who likes a particular method of acquisition is rewarded for repeat business.
And I was serious, too. I would have no problem with a business model which emphasised a specific business practice for early releases, but offered an eventual out if I were willing to trade enough time in return. In fact, if you look at the in-game Market, you'll find plenty of clear evidence that impatience sells, and it sells at a ridiculously high price.

Originally Posted by Bosstone View Post
I think they are, but I also think the inspirations have value too. A few insps plus a few temp powers/reward merits plus a shiny is worth 80, even if individually none are worth more than 10.
Given that the "worth" of an item is unique to the person judging it, that assessment is valid for a given non-zero estimated worth for consumables, which I simply don't share. That's a complicated way to say I refuse to buy consumables. They could give me that stuff for free and I'd refuse to take it. My reasons for this notwithstanding, this greatly changes the return I get out of these packs for what is effectively a dollar.

Let me put things in perspective. Recently, I spent right around 80 Euro on a Nerf N-Strike Longshot CS 6, and I did this without much of a second thought and much of a feeling of regret. I'm not going to spend a dollar on inspirations and enhancements. Ever.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
I like the "immediate purchase availability for VIPs, frees/preems can only get them in Packs" idea even better, but I'm not holding my breath for that one.

Edit: No torches and pitchforks here...yet.
I really like this idea , we should get a little something extra for being veeps . not looking for freebies but immediate purchase availability for veebs and everyone else has to buy packs or wait a month or three sounds nifty .


im eagerly waiting on my pitchfork emote to make forming angry mobs much easier



Originally Posted by Bosstone View Post
Windfalls and XP Boosters currently cost 90 apiece, best price. If they stay that way then the Super Packs are still worth it.
Just because they sell for 90 points a pop doesn't mean they're worth that much. Heck, because of the way they're consumed, they're practically without any worth at all. If they worked more like, say, the Experienced power, they'd be worth attaching a price tag to, at least, but even then, more than around 20 points each would be a rip-off.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Let me put things in perspective. Recently, I spent right around 80 Euro on a Nerf N-Strike Longshot CS 6, and I did this without much of a second thought and much of a feeling of regret.
...Suddenly I want a Nerf Arrow powerset for Blasters, Defenders and Corruptors.

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
And I was serious, too. I would have no problem with a business model which emphasised a specific business practice for early releases, but offered an eventual out if I were willing to trade enough time in return. In fact, if you look at the in-game Market, you'll find plenty of clear evidence that impatience sells, and it sells at a ridiculously high price.
I meant my own snark, sorry, the "out for blood" comment in my first post.

Given that the "worth" of an item is unique to the person judging it, that assessment is valid for a given non-zero estimated worth for consumables, which I simply don't share.
Well yes, that's true for everything, isn't it? But if you consider that they have any value at all (which, based on the previous monster thread, appears to be a binary thing), then I believe ~10 points per insp is reasonable based on various arguments I'm not going to get into here because it's off-topic and still subjective.

Either way, I personally like everything that could potentially go into a Super Pack that 80 per is worthwhile, though I wouldn't be buying them like scratcher addicts do. Probably one hefty discounted box every month or two.

Originally Posted by Lazarillo View Post
Just because they sell for 90 points a pop doesn't mean they're worth that much. Heck, because of the way they're consumed, they're practically without any worth at all. If they worked more like, say, the Experienced power, they'd be worth attaching a price tag to, at least, but even then, more than around 20 points each would be a rip-off.
I agree, which is why the Super Pack would be worthwhile to me. In exchange for a little randomness which I'm capable of coping with, I can get useful things for much cheaper per item than if I bought them directly.

De minimis non curat Lex Luthor.



Originally Posted by Bosstone View Post
I think they are, but I also think the inspirations have value too. A few insps plus a few temp powers/reward merits plus a shiny is worth 80, even if individually none are worth more than 10.
Similarly, here, if purchased Inspirations lasted longer, and didn't disappear on death...maybe. But in their current form, they are zero value, when you consider they can be purchased in-game for 50 influence. When I can pick up a full tray by defeating a single group of enemies, there's no reason to think they should be worth blowing real money on.



Originally Posted by Lazarillo View Post
But in their current form, they are zero value, when you consider they can be purchased in-game for 50 influence. When I can pick up a full tray by defeating a single group of enemies, there's no reason to think they should be worth blowing real money on.
Point me to where I can buy team inspirations that will immediately heal all my Bots in a heated firefight, or will buff everyone's defense instantly without me having to spend 7 purples and the time needed to activate them all, and I'll readily agree.

Obviously their usefulness is going to vary based on personal views, playstyle, and AT, but you see my point, I hope.

De minimis non curat Lex Luthor.