Gender Equality in Costumes - A lack thereof

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Originally Posted by Obsidius View Post
I guess the real moral of the story is: don't bother with feedback to anything related to the Art Team, because if there's a problem with something, it won't be addressed at all or will take a very long time due to backlogging.

Don't get me wrong, I love the art of CoH. But there's a pretty big flaw in the process, especially if you open a feedback thread regarding art assets in testing (in addition to a bug report thread) with little to no intention of actually using any gathered feedback. Feedback threads are customarily created to immediately address concerns the playerbase may have with items, not as a "circular file" for players to send feedback into a vortex.

I think that's the big problem a lot of players see with this issue. You've basically admitted that, even if there were issues with pieces, such as the pre-tinting or lack of options, nothing could have been done before the set was launched. If that was truly the case, there was little to no need for a feedback thread at all. It's like trying to give feedback on a ship that's already careening down the slipway ("Oh wait, there's a hole in the bow? Oh well..."). It makes a feedback thread an empty, futile gesture at best.
Feedback threads are useful.

We'll make changes where we are able to, such as the case with the COT revamp. In the event we don't act on it, we still store feedback in the collective data banks for future reference. Just because we don't make an immediate change to something doesn't mean we aren't listening (P.S. We are ), it just means that we didn't immediately act on it, for whatever reason.

Sometimes things take awhile to change one way or the other. Sometimes they don't change at all. Sometimes they change immediately. It's a part of the creative process when working on live product. We are listening and taking your thoughts into account. Sometimes we just have different viewpoint, and sometimes those viewpoints change .

Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
Feedback threads are useful.

We'll make changes where we are able to, such as the case with the COT revamp. In the event we don't act on it, we still store feedback in the collective data banks for future reference. Just because we don't make an immediate change to something doesn't mean we aren't listening (P.S. We are ), it just means that we didn't immediately act on it, for whatever reason.

Sometimes things take awhile to change one way or the other. Sometimes they don't change at all. Sometimes they change immediately. It's a part of the creative process when working on live product. We are listening and taking your thoughts into account. Sometimes we just have different viewpoint, and sometimes those viewpoints change .
Isn't there a way to just remove the pretinting on the past few sets? It's not just one set, it's what, three?

It'd make a lot of people happy and get them to actually want to use the costume parts.

So long as you guys kept the texture files and didn't just throw them away, it really shouldn't take more than a few hours.



Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
Again, no argument. I want to see a broader range of additional options too, but keep in mind that there's a demand for revealing costumes. This is what I meant by "throwing the baby out with the bath water."

Edit: And I just saw the Masked Shrike's feedback. Hope this thread sees more like that.
I won't pretend to speak for all female players... or even for the majority of them. I can only speak for myself.

That being said, while I really have nothing AGAINST the skimpy outfit pieces we've been given on principle, they're absolutely not my first choice when it comes to outfitting a female character and I do like to have other options available. The more "mix and match" we can do between types, the better, since I do a lot of that in my designs, even when I do go for the bits that show more skin.

Shade in Shadow, for instance, has this outfit. Black leather mini-shirt, fishnets, completely impractical boots and the Syndicate corset. It's a very sexy combination to my eye, but like I said upthread, I still think she looks pretty bad-*** in it, and I like that... But it isn't her primary "signature" costume or my favorite of the ones she has. This is. Still very feminine, still pretty bad-***, but much more conservative... You aren't likely to mistake her for a guy in that outfit, but at the same time you aren't likely to mistake her for a stripper, either.

Corsets and such are fine, and do have their place in the costume editor, but I like to see the kind of pieces in Shade's primary outfit, too. I loved the Martial Arts sets... they're far and away the pieces I've gotten the most use out of for my crew. It disappoints me that we don't see sets like that very often, as trapped as the art crew seems to have become in that whole girls-get-sexy/guys-get-cool division of labor thing. That's a change I'd like to see, getting them out of that mind-set.

By all means, make corsets and such sometimes... But don't let that be all you make for the girls. Make enough unisex or more practical pieces to allow some choice for those of us who want it.

@Brightfires - @Talisander
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Instead of costume equality!

How abotu we ask that the new shirt (which is good imo) option for females with this pack, not clip with the different stances.

My main has minimum waist and psysique on the sliders, and yet if she's not standing upright, it clips at her stomach.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
Feedback threads are useful.

We'll make changes where we are able to, such as the case with the COT revamp. In the event we don't act on it, we still store feedback in the collective data banks for future reference. Just because we don't make an immediate change to something doesn't mean we aren't listening (P.S. We are ), it just means that we didn't immediately act on it, for whatever reason.

Sometimes things take awhile to change one way or the other. Sometimes they don't change at all. Sometimes they change immediately. It's a part of the creative process when working on live product. We are listening and taking your thoughts into account. Sometimes we just have different viewpoint, and sometimes those viewpoints change .
I don't know if this is practical, and I know it creates other problems, but I wonder if at least *sometimes* the players should be allowed to see concept art before it gets implemented to offer early feedback to the concept of a costume set. Very specifically, when its not going to be a surprise, when its going to be offered in the store, and when its not explicitly tied to downstream content. What if one out of every three costume sets were developed that way, as an experiment. The whole closed beta process was itself an experiment, and mostly a successful one: offering players limited access to provide feedback before feature freeze allowed for faster and smoother development of certain kinds of content. Perhaps its time to try such an experiment for something much more purely art-driven. Just once or twice, to see if it will work at all.

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Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
Feedback threads are useful.

We'll make changes where we are able to, such as the case with the COT revamp. In the event we don't act on it, we still store feedback in the collective data banks for future reference. Just because we don't make an immediate change to something doesn't mean we aren't listening (P.S. We are ), it just means that we didn't immediately act on it, for whatever reason.

Sometimes things take awhile to change one way or the other. Sometimes they don't change at all. Sometimes they change immediately. It's a part of the creative process when working on live product. We are listening and taking your thoughts into account. Sometimes we just have different viewpoint, and sometimes those viewpoints change .
Zwill, I really think this post should of been said in the Feedback thread, then maybe this whole thread could of been a non-issue.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
Feedback threads are useful.

We'll make changes where we are able to, such as the case with the COT revamp. In the event we don't act on it, we still store feedback in the collective data banks for future reference. Just because we don't make an immediate change to something doesn't mean we aren't listening (P.S. We are ), it just means that we didn't immediately act on it, for whatever reason.

Sometimes things take awhile to change one way or the other. Sometimes they don't change at all. Sometimes they change immediately. It's a part of the creative process when working on live product. We are listening and taking your thoughts into account. Sometimes we just have different viewpoint, and sometimes those viewpoints change .
Fair enough.

That being said... are you honestly telling us that we might get what we've asked for in time? It's been a long, long time since the magic pack came out, and there's still no baron jacket for females.

How long will we have to wait for a decent Gunslinger outfit for females? Will we have to pay for it separately?

The more I look at it, the less I want to buy the Gunslinger pack. I might buy individual pieces of it, but there's just so little that I actually WANT in this pack that should have been there.

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Originally Posted by Commander View Post

Would it be time consuming to make new .geo's for each new costume set? Hell yes. Would the players pay TOP dollar to have a little more work go into each set? Hell yes!

I realize everyone there goes on to the next big thing rather quickly, but sometimes putting in that little extra effort is what really make the payoff that much more worth it.

Just to add an aside here. Im sure the way you described this is possible but would take many more man or woman hours and cost more money. Yet in another posted discussion peeps are railing at the ways CoX is trying to increase revenue which could be used for these very sorts of things. Interesting.



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Zwill, I really think this post should of been said in the Feedback thread, then maybe this whole thread could of been a non-issue.
Given that the whole fuss with this thread was the lack of dev response in the inital one, /any/ response in the Feedback thread could've made this a non-issue, I'd wager. As long as it wasn't a generic response.



Originally Posted by Obscure Blade View Post
Well, for the NPCs I understand that the original reason was that CoH beta testers were asked if they wanted a greater variety of enemies, or male and female models for the same enemies; the former was chosen. I agree they should have added more females since then though.

You rescue a female cop in the first Loyalist: Power story arc. Her bio mentions that there are very few female cops in Praetoria.

Conserving resources I understand; male and female variations on the same critter take about as many resources and making two separate critters. So sometimes they add some gender variety while saving resources by doing both at once and making the different members of a faction different genders. Like Carnies with Strong Men; there's no Strong Women, nor any Ringmasters.


Unrealistic? Yes. But heels are all over comics. And with some characters they aren't even an especially bad idea; if she fights by flying around and blasting, it doesn't matter if a superheroine wears heels, or even if she has legs at all.
It something i been complaining about since I was 16 and i first noticed it, that nearly 20 years ago.

Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Yup, it's official. Second post just got deleted off the Facebook post. Censorship is alive and kicking in Paragon! Woo!

Nice job guys! Y'know what, I think I'm done. My last 6 month sub hit this month, so, come next year? Well, I'll see when it gets to it. But I think you can kiss any more money from me goodbye. I think I'm through.
POST REMOVAL ON FACEBOOK IS NOT CENSORSHIP. it is a controlled space run by the Game Company it is in my best interest to keep that as no confrontational as possible. If Facebook took that down from your own wall then you "might" have some kind of theory case [since you signed a agreement to obey facebook's rules, you would in the end have no case.

Addressing other point i think people need to chill out! it really not worth getting this worked up about it. Granted that might be because I seeing a lot of point being restated and not a lot of points being address or refuted. Most of mine were ignored but i think the fact that in something like four hours this page count has nearly doubled, says something.

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Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Instead of costume equality!

How abotu we ask that the new shirt (which is good imo) option for females with this pack, not clip with the different stances.

My main has minimum waist and psysique on the sliders, and yet if she's not standing upright, it clips at her stomach.
I have the same problem on poor Eco. She can't walk without her belly clipping through her shirt!

But I do like the new shirt. It's nice, and I can find a lot of purposes for it.

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Originally Posted by Commander View Post
Female version of Male Gunslinger
That honestly doesn't look half bad. Hell, the hair actually looks better on the girl than it does on the guy.



Originally Posted by Futurias View Post
Ah, that's the 'guess I don't need to bother buying that pack, ever' nod from the developers.
Because Sexy Jay left? Your post doesn't seem to make sense after what you quoted.

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Originally Posted by Daimyo_Shi View Post
POST REMOVAL ON FACEBOOK IS NOT CENSORSHIP. it is a controlled space run by the Game Company it is in my best interest to keep that as no confrontational as possible. If Facebook took that down from your own wall then you "might" have some kind of theory case [since you signed a agreement to obey facebook's rules, you would in the end have no case.
You are right. It isn't censorship, per se.
But it is social networking. Trying to limit the commentary of those that you have given social access to could very well be worse for your image than the negative feedback.

It becomes worse when so many comments were deleted, that remaining comments referencing the now deleted comments are confusing, and you then post a response to the comments that are now gone....

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Originally Posted by Daimyo_Shi View Post
POST REMOVAL ON FACEBOOK IS NOT CENSORSHIP. it is a controlled space run by the Game Company it is in my best interest to keep that as no confrontational as possible. If Facebook took that down from your own wall then you "might" have some kind

There have been multiple, completely respectful posts pointing out to people that the female costume options in the "gunslinger" pack are not "gunslinger" options at all. Nothing but deletion when they show up, though.

If they were insulting, then maybe you'd have a point there.

If they were putting out misinformation, they'd have every right to remove them.

However... they weren't. I've been watching them - it's amazing how hard they work to block that information. (Of course, go "Oooh, I bought it!" or kiss butt like certain metallic-themed people and they'll keep that up.) They've deleted more posts than currently exist on that announcement - no, not kidding there.

Makes PS look *really* bad, frankly.

Wanted: Origin centric story arcs.
If you've only played an AT once (one set combo) and "hate" it - don't give up. Roll a different combo. It may just be those sets not clicking for you.



For those wanting the Quick and the Dead outfit from earlier, this was done without a single thing from the Gunslinger pack, and didn't take all that long to piece together:

Yes, it could use a holster belt. Yes, it could use better pistols and a better hat. But it's not like there aren't options available at all...

Edit: original concept idea:

Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
Hm... I should have looked it over again before redoing it. I missed on a few colors.

Either way, can we stop saying "I can't make that!"?

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



Originally Posted by Chyll View Post
You are right. It isn't censorship, per se.
But it is social networking. Trying to limit the commentary of those that you have given social access to could very well be worse for your image than the negative feedback.

It becomes worse when so many comments were deleted, that remaining comments referencing the now deleted comments are confusing, and you then post a response to the comments that are now gone....
Anyone who doesn't expect this sort of thing on corporate Facebook walls is, unfortunately, kind of out of touch. I'm not saying I think it's great, but it's standard fare, and I don't just mean for Paragon/NC.

Personally, I think it's a poor use of Facebook, but most companies that use it for stuff like this seem to treat it like a billboard that other people on the network can see, but then don't expect to have to deal with negative feedback. And they don't want it there, because they're treating the update like an advert.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



I rarely address moderation publicly, however I will make this exception, then I ask you all to please feel free to PM me with any additional concerns you may have:

We more than welcome your critical feedback here on the forums because this is the appropriate place for it. Helpful comments and informative statements, sans vitriol, flaming or otherwise disruptive statements are very welcome on Facebook. If someone chooses to make such a statement on Facebook about the costume options, I'm sure you will find that it isn't deleted.

I respectfully ask that we please discontinue this particular discussion on the forums. Should you have any additional questions or concerns, I invite you to send me a PM.

Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



Originally Posted by NightWarrior View Post
Just to add an aside here. Im sure the way you described this is possible but would take many more man or woman hours and cost more money. Yet in another posted discussion peeps are railing at the ways CoX is trying to increase revenue which could be used for these very sorts of things. Interesting.
Which leads to another problem. Those willing to pay for the items and those that think they shouldn't have to pay for anything.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by IndyStruck View Post
Given that the whole fuss with this thread was the lack of dev response in the inital one, /any/ response in the Feedback thread could've made this a non-issue, I'd wager. As long as it wasn't a generic response.
Well yeah. That was my point. Maybe now we'll see Gunslinger 2, and it'll have Gunslinger options for females, bartender getup for males AND holsters!

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Siolfir View Post
For those wanting the Quick and the Dead outfit from earlier, this was done without a single thing from the Gunslinger pack, and didn't take all that long to piece together:

Yes, it could use a holster belt. Yes, it could use better pistols and a better hat. But it's not like there aren't options available at all...

Edit: original concept idea:

Hm... I should have looked it over again before redoing it. I missed on a few colors.

Either way, can we stop saying "I can't make that!"?

Please try making it with anything provided for females in the 'Gunslinger' pack, bet you can't.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Well yeah. That was my point. Maybe now we'll see Gunslinger 2, and it'll have Gunslinger options for females, bartender getup for males AND holsters!

Not any time soon, not like within a year.

However do expect the Super Pack's to go live as designed, and the next costume pack to once more be cool for guys and stripper fashion for females.

Because that's what Feedback means according to Zwill, we give them our feedback and they might act on it some time in the future. I mean it's only been how many months since people gave negative feedback on the 'slutty' witch costume and lack of sensibly covering cool stuff?

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
Please try making it with anything provided for females in the 'Gunslinger' pack, bet you can't.
I can add in the belt, but then you'd have to spend points on it. But I already addressed that point earlier in the thread - there's not much gunslingery in the female selections. But you can use a couple of the parts in a gunslinger outfit.

I also posted that I felt it was unrealistic to expect people to just make a gunslinger costume with what they already had available earlier in the thread, too - it's so much more gratifying to complain incessantly than it is to not give them your money and/or spend points on something that you don't like. But when something that you can already make is presented as something that people want to pay extra for, I thought that maybe people should take a step back from the emotion and start talking with their wallets instead.

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



Originally Posted by Siolfir View Post
I also posted that I felt it was unrealistic to expect people to just make a gunslinger costume with what they already had available earlier in the thread, too - it's so much more gratifying to complain incessantly than it is to not give them your money and/or spend points on something that you don't like. But when something that you can already make is presented as something that people want to pay extra for, I thought that maybe people should take a step back from the emotion and start talking with their wallets instead.
Uh.... you do know we can complain and also not buy it? It's not an either/or thing.