Discussion: The 2012 Salute to Statesman Loyalty Program

Agent White



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post

And please, don't pre-tint them. If I want them to be black black or white white or neon blue, let me do so. I don't want five indistinguishable shades of silver.

Going to miss the fun and nice people here at CoH. Feel free to add me on PS3/XBox360
PS3X360: OmniNogard
Currently playing: Mass Effect 3(PS3) Minecraft(X360) Skyrim(X360).



Yeah. It makes mixing and matching parts from different sets much more difficult when so many pieces seem to have their own arbitrary shade, tint, or glossy/reflective surface that you can't disable(Celestial set, crab pack, Ascendant, etc...)



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
At least the 'zeus' helmet has a backing and doesn't look like it's been hot-glued to the cheeks.

And please, don't pre-tint them. If I want them to be black black or white white or neon blue, let me do so. I don't want five indistinguishable shades of silver.
Well thanks to the pummit. they know we don't like that now.

cuz the threads all over the forums weren't a big enough hint >>



Originally Posted by Lazarillo View Post
Guess we know who's gonna die in the SSAs now.
Lord Recluse...

Where to find me after the end:
The Secret World - Arcadia - Shinzo
Rift - Faeblight - Bloodspeaker
LotRO - Gladden - Aranelion
STO - Holodeck - @Captain_Thiraas

Obviously, I don't care about NCSoft's forum rules, now.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
And please, don't pre-tint them. If I want them to be black black or white white or neon blue, let me do so. I don't want five indistinguishable shades of silver.
But if they don't do it that way, how will we get them to match the Celestial Armor, or the DUST Cannon, or...

Yes, what ZM said. Multiplied by a Sagan.

Where to find me after the end:
The Secret World - Arcadia - Shinzo
Rift - Faeblight - Bloodspeaker
LotRO - Gladden - Aranelion
STO - Holodeck - @Captain_Thiraas

Obviously, I don't care about NCSoft's forum rules, now.



Originally Posted by CBeet View Post
I can't not think of this.

Interesting theories on the wording for this loyalty program. I'm keeping subbed so hoping the goodies are worth it I also hope those helmets are properly colour tintable rather than some of the more recent items.

I didn't mean it like a retarded Dino trying to run I meant it like a cross the ninja with the arms perhaps in a different position.. Something better for "dragon" or things with tails n stuff.. But it's just a concept

VIG0S: 1356 badges in counting
Something for ppl to use



Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
the helm of tartarus is VERY similar to what recluse wears

the helm of zeus doesnt really resemble what statesman wears at all (the valkyrie costume set faceplate is prolly closer to what statesman has)

for references:
lord recluse

It always seemed to me that the inspiration for Statesman's helm was a barbute (bar-BEWT, I think).




People, don't resub just for this stuff. Resub because you enjoy playing the game enough to spend money every month on it. If you think this group of rewards (nice as it all is) is worth 4 months of subbing when you otherwise wouldn't, there's some priorities out of whack.

You'll enjoy these things more if you don't equate having them to having to resub just to get them.

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
So I was just talking to some friends last night about how my VIP status ends on Dec 16th since we probably won't see new incarnate tiers until late spring/early summer. Ironically that happens to be around when the loyalty program ends also. Makes ya think. This is probably just a last ditch attempt to keep people subbed while they continue to release content at a snails pace.
Actually I think the loyalty program is an obvious and desperate attempt to prevent to many subs wandering off to a galaxy far, far away.

It has actually made me think twice about dropping to premium come December 20th but with all the nonsense going on with the paragon market (you want me to gamble for costume pieces, errr, no thanks) and their total inability to get the account reward systems straight (I still don't have my 6 year vet badge a month after it was due) I'm not sure it's enough.



I would like it if all the sig's gave out costume stuff like mabey Scirocco's sword or BaB's Fists



Originally Posted by gameboy1234 View Post
It always seemed to me that the inspiration for Statesman's helm was a barbute (bar-BEWT, I think).

Actually, the inspiration is the Greek Corinthian helmet, from which the barbute (a much later Italian design) was derived. Although most versions look like the CoH/V Valkyrie faceplate in front, many were shorter and looked a lot like States' faceplate.

^^^6th century BC^^^

By the way, I'd like to put a good word in for a loyalty item...the Freedom Corps uniform pattern, so I can outfit my Longbow characters in an official uniform finally, rather than the knockoff they've had to wear for so long.

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The Internet



Great. My sub runs out March 26, and I had no plans to renew since (1) I've been a veteran so long that according to what I've heard the only thing I'll miss out on is Incarnate and Signature content, and (2) I've never gotten a character to level 50 yet so I won't miss the Incarnate content.

So, yes, I'd definitely like to see some more concept art so that I can determine whether this stuff is worth paying an extra $15 to extend my sub a measley month.



There's a few things i'd be interested in knowing about these helmets.

Are they made from multiple parts so we can adapt them to your own uses (I hope its a detail for the face plate, the top of the helmet and the flanged bottom as well like a samurai helmet is setup.

Will the versions we get be tinted with colour? or will we be able to apply any colour we want to them without some sort of inbuilt colour shift. (I don't mind a metallic sheen but the pre-done textures for things like the Victorian chest details is horribly inconvenient)

- Raith



Originally Posted by Redd Rumm View Post
I would like it if all the sig's gave out costume stuff like mabey Scirocco's sword or BaB's Fists
Just like when I draw a picture, I always sign it Piccaso.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
That is the definition of all loyalty programs, so, to answer your question, 'yes.'

See, I was thinking the answer was, "Duh."

I have no intention of letting my sub lapse any time in the near future, so I'm just thinking, "Yay! More stuffs."



Ha ha, suckers! I was planning to stay subscribed anyway! You didn't have to bribe me with silly hats!



Add to it that wonderful battle cry the Roman Soldiers make and I'm sold.

There is always a lot to be thankful for, if you take the time to look. For example, I'm sitting here thinking how nice it is that wrinkles don't hurt. ~Author Unknown



My VIP was listed as Playable Through December 1st, I used "Extend VIP" to add another month today (December 1st). As I never actually "lost" VIP I should be fine for this, right?



I dunno. I am happy with COH, and they fixed my rewards points (finally, but better late than never), so really, I am happy. Plus TW comes out on Tuesday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I might use the helmet, who knows. The Reculse one looks pretty nice. Shrug. I feel stupid buying the boosters tho. I just found out that we can get 25 boosters at a time for each reward token we burn.........

Happy subber, not leaving.

Hew in drag baby



I spaced on VIPing yesterday... I don't suppose I can sneak in on this since I subbed this morning? Was really intrigued by the States/Recluse masks

Sgt Liberty - 50 Martial Arts / Super Reflexes
Verdigris Eagle - 50 Archery / Energy Manipulation
Stormeye - 50 Storm Summoning / Electric Blast



I'm curious about the vanity pet considering it's the only thing that we don't have a name for. (Mini-Statesman? Related to the end of the current Signature Story Arc? Your guesses are as good as mine.)

Otherwise, I'm subbed right through past the target period, so bonus for me!



Originally Posted by Avatea View Post
We will be releasing more images of those Loyalty Rewards at some point during the upcoming weeks, just not right now
So it's been a few weeks any chance for some new sneek peeks yet Avatea..like the aura? goo on u know ya wanta