Player Summit Ustream Highlights: Keynote and opening Q and A
Your pictures are all borked. But thanks for the transcript!
You want to know the secret of the world? It's this: Save it, and it'll repay you, every second of every day.
@Dr. Reverend - My DeviantArt Gallery
Crow Call - Gods of the Golden Age
I truly luv ya VK.
Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit
Just wanted to say, as per usual, you are awesome, VK.
Thanks for posting this!
Veridian Dynamics. Mistakes. We all make them. But sometimes mistakes lead to great discoveries. Mistakes are how we learn and grow... so we can do amazing things.
When you think about it, shouldn't you be thanking us for making mistakes? Veridian Dynamics. We're sorry. You're welcome.
I thought the next Trial was Delimma Diabolique?
Some other things:
Darkness Control is free for VIP. Staff must be purchased.
The Loyalty Program comes with a Badge, Costume Change Emote, Vanity Pet, Helmet, Chest Emblem, and Aura.
Loyalty Program Pic by @PollyMatronic. Here's a link to the LARGE image (1920x1260).
War Witch said Boomtown is not on shcedule for a revamp yet. They're open to Top 10 Lists players may have for zone revamps.
Busted: They know nothing about the supposed rumors of a supposed Atlantis TF. However, there WAS an interesting pause before they denied it...
Positron confirmed City Vault is still dead.
When asked about gifting items, there was no real reply. Just lots of muttering.
Server mergers? Nope. (Besides, DCUO showed it don't work. Not said by Devs, but by me, Kheldarn.)
New Incarnate Slots might be talked about at Powers Panel.
More on transfering characters between accounts: A dev said, "when I was making server transfers there was a bug that transferred your toon to someone else's account so yes its possible!". Nate joked that you should just keep making transfers, and it might end up on someone else's account.
When asked about adding long hair option to hats, Nate said, "Behind the scenes, Hats are just hair.".

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Biggest Troll on the forums? I'll give you a hint:

You the man VK. Thank you.
Until I see something that states to the contrary, going to assume VK is right
![]() |
Great information with some really good news there. Thanks VK!
It could very well be. I was guessing on words I had no idea about and was half distracted at the time.

[ ProTip: The banner is a link to art refs!! | The Khellection | The HBAS Repository | Brute Guides (4/16/10) | How To Post An Image - A Quick Guide ]
Biggest Troll on the forums? I'll give you a hint:

Beautiful, Von Krieger! Thank you, thank you!
Man! How do you keep up typing notes AND getting screenshots? I tried to grab a few from Ustream and ended up missing half the info.
Kudos for your fantastic highlights!!
Really, really bummed that they aren't going to show the Endgame & Beyond panel on Ustream.
Hopefully someone can record those panels and, I dunno, post them to YouTube or something. Or the devs are recording it and can post them for us. Please?
You want to know the secret of the world? It's this: Save it, and it'll repay you, every second of every day.
@Dr. Reverend - My DeviantArt Gallery
Crow Call - Gods of the Golden Age
RECLUSE HELM. WANT. I also wish I was there. My friends are, and they're trolling me over text messages.
Aded to the fun. After Samuraiko asked her video question: "Please do some more so I don't have to keep making them all the time." From the peanut Gallery at the back drifts "or hire her."
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
Also, many thanks to Von Krieger for providing this great recap. There's a lot of good news and things to look forward to. It's just a shame there's a metaphorical turd in the punchbowl.
Randomization of available items on the Paragon Market is such a jaw-droppingly bad idea I'm still trying to comprehend how the devs thought it would be acceptable to the playerbase. I'll post later about the psychology behind the lottery syndrome and the problems it presents in gaming.
Ouroborii being merged?
Nate: "Isn't Ouroburos a dirty, dirty hack?" It would be really hard. |
If you're a Vigilante in the Rogue Isles, or a Rogue in Paragon City, when you use an O-portal you'll be taken back to your default ouros, but can simply take a portal to the other ouroboros where you can rejoin the SF/TF you were on.
Deamus the Fallen - 50 DM/EA Brute - Lib
Dragos Bahtiam - 50 Fire/Ice Blaster - Lib
/facepalm - Apply Directly to the Forehead!
Formally Dragos_Bahtiam - Abbreviate to DSL - Warning, may contain sarcasm
Just an update - Second Measure said fingers are too time-consuming to make.
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
Randomization of available items on the Paragon Market is such a jaw-droppingly bad idea I'm still trying to comprehend how the devs thought it would be acceptable to the playerbase. I'll post later about the psychology behind the lottery syndrome and the problems it presents in gaming.
Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093
Keynote starts, Zwill talks about the Player Focus Group and how they got a lot of good info from there, and wanted to do that, but bigger. Thus the Pummit.

Zwill introduces the devs at the table
Second Measure, War Witch, Giant Monster, Positron, and Lynn Lang. (sp?)
Brian "Crossscheck" Clayton is introduced.
CC tosses out an autographed ultimate frisbee.
"Did you clear the contest with Legal?"
Arbiter Fabulous apparently gets the one thrown.
CC talks about how 2011 has been the biggest year for content and quality.
Titan Weapons
CC: "You didn't hear it from me, but it's coming out December 6."
Gunslinger Costume.
TPN and Minds of Mayhem trials.
Posi is introduced to give us the dirt on new stuff.
-Players asked for: update to old zones
-Solo Incarnate Path
We're getting both at once!
Issue 22!
Death Incarnate!
Banished Pantheon and Tsoo upgraded to Incarnate level.
More info at the SSA and Lore panel.
Posi: "That one is really creepy in person."
Love of Diabolique Trial.
New solo incarnate path.
They'll talk more about them at the Endgame and Beyond panel.
You can go through arcs, get IXP and salvage and stuff.
More proliferation.
The leaked Staff video airs, and apparently we have a video playing error.
Posi: "Keynote is cancelled since we can't see the video."
More info at the Power Sets and Abilities panel.
New Tier 9 VIP rewards. Fire and Ice Armor sets.
Flying Carpet power.
Introducing "Super Packs," a pack of 5 random rewards. Costume pieces, consumables.
ATIO's are going to be exclusive to those packs.
More info at the Paragon Market Panel.
They're not going to be very expensive.
Costume set that is exclusive to the packs.
Ton of new costumes in 2012.
1:30 panel where Noble Savage is going to concept out some stuff that players suggest.
New loyalty program open Dec 1-March 31
Schedule for the panels.
Flowbee time!
The winner is bald.
Posi: "You've got to have some hair somewhere we can shave."
???: "You ever heard the term manscaping?
Posi says he is desperately in need of a haircut. The contest winner gets to Flowbee Positron.
"Okay now your best evil laugh."
"Is the vacuum on?"
"I don't think it's cutting."
"If he gets hurt, I think it's covered because it's at work."
"Matt's getting a mullet, that's what I love most about this."
"This was a brilliant marketting idea..." "For Flowbee!"
"Can you imagine the animation rigging for that?"
"After 10 years we add animated hair to the game and it's a mullet."
"Carve your initials in the back of his head!"
Posi: "That might have been the most embarrassing thing in my life, but I got my pants pulled down in a bowling alley."
Q and A time.
They want to expand the pet system and keep the load off the servers, thus why you only get one 'companion' pet. Pets take as much server effect as a player, so they limited the pets as they're expanding them.
The base editor was written a long time ago by someone who is no longer at the studio, and is very fragile. Every time they've tried to alter it, they broke it. So they want to get back to bases.
Epics and pool power customization?
Posi: "It's inevitable."
Samuraiko: "Can we have more videos? I can't make them all for you!"
Black Pebble has been working with the Seattle team on the next videos.
The Freedom launch trailer was worked on by an agency, rather than in house.
Posi: "There's some... stuff coming with weather. It's probably not what you're thinking, it's a lot more subtle. But it opens doors for new things in the future."
Posi: "I still want a moon base."
Nate: "Whenever we get a bug, it gets assigned to a default setting. One of the QA guys to tweak Posi's nose named it Moonbase. When is this bug going to get fixed? Moonbase."
WW: "Definitely Boomtown has come up for a revamp, it's been on the list."
At the end of the third session they'll be passing out surveys for player ideas and such.
Texas Justice notes his server, and pauses for a moment. "Hold on, I was idle too long. I just got logged out."
Talk about the buff pet and vanity pet clashing. Once they've got the data mined they'll take a look at changing it.
PvP, duels.
Nate: "We've had a lot of people saying "oh, just do this!" But that's how we got it to where it is in the first place. We want to have a robust design in mind for it."
GM asks who has PvPed in the last month, few hands. Asks if they would PvP with some changes, lot of hands.
They would love to do a Hero Con again. They were really busy this year.
Zwill (in Team Spirit Bill's Hat): "Hi Nate, you're so dreamy."
Nate: "You smell wonderful."
The Pummit is essentially a proof of concept for future events. They want to increase interaction in events.
Chances of getting a wolf mastermind.
Posi: "Your chances now are better than they ever have been."
3D figure printing?
GM: "We thoroughly examined that. We just have some fundamental challenges with our in game models and making that work. Right now we don't have any realistic way to do it."
Female MM pets?
GM: "I just leaned over to Melissa and said "Fembots.""
Peanut Gallery: "Machine gun jubblies." "Jiggle physics."
Mastermind pet customization, even with preset pet types would be a UI nightmare. They're looking into it, but it will not be in the next few releases.
(deep masculine voice) "Hi, Golden Girl from the threads."
(riotous laughter.)
Arbiter Fabulous introduces himself and congratulates the team as he's not seen only one instance of Atlas Park since Freedom, always more than one. He asks about the AE filter.
Randomizing AE facial features and hair. "That sounds like something we'd want to use."
They have a few ideas for rewards (salvage, recipes, etc) in the future that will help out with juggling all the drops and such.
If you run across a mission that doesn't tell you that it's a kill all, bug it.
Zone phases are going to be used sparingly, and used rarely for things like task forces in the future, since it breaks zone events.
Sharing stuff across an account, rather than having to e-mail it every 15 seconds. Someone from engineering "He's the two brightest people I know!" says that it wouldn't be difficult at all to do.
Ouroborii being merged?
Nate: "Isn't Ouroburos a dirty, dirty hack?"
It would be really hard.
They could, possibly, create moving characters between accounts. They managed to do it accidently when they set up the server transfer system. I didn't hear anything about plans to do it, however.
They've been thinking about incarnate/hard mode TF's like the LRSF and STF.
Two beacons per teleporter limit? They'd have to go in and take a look at why it's there and what the consequences might be.
Being able to invite your alts in your SG. Mass cheering. Posi says that it's been noted, but it runs counterintuitive to what SG's are supposed to be. Posi shoots it down "Blah blah server resources, blah blah, antisocial."
There's a very good chance we'll get a summer event at some point.
The staff fighting video airs. It is said that the video was made by "A supa fan." There will be an extended version at the art panel.
Break for lunch.