Maelstrom's Pistol Craftable Costume Recipe

Adeon Hawkwood



But please, why we dont have Resistance pistols YET?



Seems like a cool idea to me. I'll reserve comment on the rarity after I run it a few times and poll my teammates. They can always adjust the drop rate.

I know that different players have different likes, dislikes, and tolerances, but it does not bother me in the slightest if this is a very rare item that sells for hundreds of millions. I have one DP character that would want them as a trophy. He'll try to get lucky (or rely on lucky friends) and if not he'll buy them with merits, not influence.

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad



First off, thanks for the replies to my original question.

Now, it seems odd that we would need two recipes to be able to use guns in both hands. Will the unlock option at Empyrean Michael, for those DP and Thugs toons, require two purchases as well, one for each hand? If not, why the difference?

I find your lack of signature disturbing.



Originally Posted by Smersh View Post
Well. That's not a throwback to the idea of running a raid over and over for a chance at a drop, no sir.
Don't you know that arbitrary gating of costume parts is the new In, Citizen?
You WILL love the raids! LOVE THEM UP!!

Yeah, still not amused with the 'enticements' for certain raids. I just find them frustrating and disconnectedly patronising.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
Unless they're releasing a single pistol powerset sometime soon, it seems pretty asinine to make you craft the weapon twice in order to have a matched set.



Originally Posted by Matthew_Orlock View Post
isn't this like.. the first NEW costume piece recipe added ever since they went live all those years ago? If you ask me that's a whole aspect of the Invention system they should have been fleshing out as much as the IO system itself has.. but it just kind of..sat there forgotten by everyone that didn't use Wings.
I know this is kind of buried in the thread, but I had to address it:

Drop-obtainable costume pieces is not a system that needs to be fleshed out. It's a system that needs to die in a fire and all the costume pieces it's restricting released into the general pool. Or at the very least put on the Paragon Market.

Costumes as loot is the WORST idea this game can implement, considering one of its primary selling points is that costumes ARE NOT loot.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I'll say it, since people aren't angry enough about it yet.

There's absolutely no reason this needs to be a one-hand only piece that requires you to unlock it twice. The recipe or the emp purchase needs to give it for both hands.

I only have two DP toons, one which I don't play, and on the other I'd rather stick to classical guns. I have no intention of getting this gun. But I still don't like the precedent it sets. It's not a good idea and it doesn't need to happen.

Look, I know sometimes games try to put emphasis on realism. But if you really want this to be realistic, the gun should be non-colorable (which clearly it is by the picture). It needs to drop 100% to one person. And then after that, Maelstrom doesn't have a gun anymore. So there's only one gun on the entire server.


Yeah, that's a terrible idea. Yeah, realism is kind of stupid in video games. Realism sometimes needs to take a back seat to "having fun." In this case, there's nothing "fun" about having to acquire the unlock twice. There's no reason for it other than an arbitrary "it's more realistic" which still doesn't make any sense. So please throw away this idea, and just have the acquisition of the gun apply to both hands. Because all locking it to one hand is going to do is make tons of complaints over something that doesn't need to exist in the first place. It'll drive up the recipe prices and double the emp unlock cost. For no reason.

Recipes don't have to make perfect sense. I can already "craft" working wings to apply to my character. Just pretend I made my own extra gun after having the original in my hand. Pretend he drops two at a time because he obviously has a few dozen of them if he drops them all the time and still comes back with more. Don't lock this to one hand per recipe/purchase. You're just asking for trouble.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Originally Posted by Flower View Post
Just a quick correction since I bumped into this once. Purple enhancements are not slottable until you are level 50. They don't work like others where you can slot them 3 levels lower.
Since it's a costume piece, and not an enhancement you slot, I'm guessing that will not apply here.

I think the purple color is just to denote rarity, not ability to slot it being gated by level. At least it SHOULD be that way.

Unless the devs are going to say you are actually carrying Maelstrom's exact pistols, picked up off the ground after defeating him.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
There's no reason for it other than an arbitrary "it's more realistic" which still doesn't make any sense.
On the contrary, there is a very solid reason - it makes people grind more Trials. It's a time sink, pure and simple. It's designed to push solo-mostly players like me who like costume design into running Trials many times over.

It's not going to work.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Errant View Post
If we are getting this drop as a "representation" of Maelstrom losing his pistol, why not have it as a 100% drop to SOMEONE in the trial? Obviously, someone went and scooped it up. 4% per player for an aggregate of 7.84% max per instance (as you said, 2 per successful trial) is an absurdly low percentage for a cosmetic option. Didn't the player base already go through this with previous costume recipe drops? Additionally, while I approve of the notion behind someone "scooping" it up in through only the iTrial... we kick the crap out of Maelstrom multiple times through the Alignment system... Why gate this cosmetic item behind an even more restrictive drop rate than PvP IO's?

Have two recipes drop per successful instance... if you want, have it be that the recipes aren't awarded until completion of the trial. But don't place this miniscule chance out there. Please, Positron, this will set a bad precedence.

*I say this with having only 2 DP toons, and little to no interest in grabbing this recipe.
You know, I really don't have a problem with this. It's because you can get it later with empyrean merits. Unlike the ITF, where you have to finish the ITF successfully to get the armor and swords, here you don't have to finish the new trial to get the recipe. The drop is just a little story-based / gameplay reward.

Must we always gnash our teeth and bring out the Frankenstein mobs for every quirk in the gameplay rewards/loot mechanic?



Originally Posted by Frostbiter View Post
Not to worry, I'm sure we'll be able to buy it from the store too.
I used to think that about all the other Emp/Astral costume unlocks. Please note that you STILL can't buy those in the store.

Their trial design for the incarnate stuff NEEDS lots of people to be running them. So, they're not going to remove any of the things people run them for.

"I do so love taking a nice, well thought out character and putting them through hell. It's like tossing a Faberge Egg onto the stage during a Gallagher concert." - me

@Palador / @Rabid Unicorn



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I know this is kind of buried in the thread, but I had to address it:

Drop-obtainable costume pieces is not a system that needs to be fleshed out. It's a system that needs to die in a fire and all the costume pieces it's restricting released into the general pool. Or at the very least put on the Paragon Market.

Costumes as loot is the WORST idea this game can implement, considering one of its primary selling points is that costumes ARE NOT loot.
Haven't read the whole thread, but pretty much this: have we not already thrashed this idea of costume pieces that drop "randomly" out? Nay, have we not run the idea through a grinder, then stomped on it wearing Doc Martens, then beaten it senseless with baseball bats, then run over it with a fleet of Humvees and then set it on fire for good measure?

Was this not one of the most horrible, divisive ideas ever implemented in this game? How well did that turn out? I remember the forums being torn to shreds for weeks.

Can't wait NOt to care about this costume item again and again. Thank you God that I don't want it.



Hm. 1/100 isnt as bad as you all seem to think it is. On a given trial, from 16-24, you actually have anywhere from a 16-24% chance of having it drop. On someone. Which means, selling it on the market will probably be more common than you guys think. I know for sure I would sell it on the market, because I have no DP char, nor do I really have any beamrifle or AR char (or thugs mm?) that would have any use for it. For me, its easy money.

Hew in drag baby



Originally Posted by OneFrigidWitch View Post
Hm. 1/100 isnt as bad as you all seem to think it is. On a given trial, from 16-24, you actually have anywhere from a 16-24% chance of having it drop. On someone. Which means, selling it on the market will probably be more common than you guys think. I know for sure I would sell it on the market, because I have no DP char, nor do I really have any beamrifle or AR char (or thugs mm?) that would have any use for it. For me, its easy money.
If I ever got it I'd just delete it. Not worth my time to craft it just like the other DOZENS UPON DOZENS of useless temp powers that drop and clog up my recipe window.

EDIT: I also find it funny that you need two for it to apply to both hands. And I don't mean funny "ha ha".

But I'm not going to rage (despite how terrible an idea this is for a game in which costume options haven't generally been used as uber loot--the one time they tried they ended up rolling it back due to all the rage) as I couldn't care less about random costume drops. Haven't in 3 years.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



If its a recipe drop which can be sold on the market then i dont see the recipe costing that much, sure it will cost a fortune the first day or two [maybe even a week] but after that it'll shoot down in prices.

I am still yet to get insect wings as a recipe drop since they were released, last time i checked they go for hardly anything when at first they cost a fortune.

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
If its a recipe drop which can be sold on the market then i dont see the recipe costing that much, sure it will cost a fortune the first day or two [maybe even a week] but after that it'll shoot down in prices.

I am still yet to get insect wings as a recipe drop since they were released, last time i checked they go for hardly anything when at first they cost a fortune.
Just a history lesson: Costume Pieces used to be a fortune because they were on the RARE drop table. The devs actually moved them to a more common table BECAUSE there was so much rage about their rarity and thus price. Mind you this was back when the invention system first started when 100 million was seen as being a lot of inf. (LMAO, those were the days.)

They didn't drop in price because of the niceness of the marketers. Had the devs not moved them to another drop table they probably would STILL be expensive to this day. They are less so now, because they drop like candy in a suburban neighborhood on halloween.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I'll say it, since people aren't angry enough about it yet.

There's absolutely no reason this needs to be a one-hand only piece that requires you to unlock it twice. The recipe or the emp purchase needs to give it for both hands.

I only have two DP toons, one which I don't play, and on the other I'd rather stick to classical guns. I have no intention of getting this gun. But I still don't like the precedent it sets. It's not a good idea and it doesn't need to happen.

Look, I know sometimes games try to put emphasis on realism. But if you really want this to be realistic, the gun should be non-colorable (which clearly it is by the picture). It needs to drop 100% to one person. And then after that, Maelstrom doesn't have a gun anymore. So there's only one gun on the entire server.


Yeah, that's a terrible idea. Yeah, realism is kind of stupid in video games. Realism sometimes needs to take a back seat to "having fun." In this case, there's nothing "fun" about having to acquire the unlock twice. There's no reason for it other than an arbitrary "it's more realistic" which still doesn't make any sense. So please throw away this idea, and just have the acquisition of the gun apply to both hands. Because all locking it to one hand is going to do is make tons of complaints over something that doesn't need to exist in the first place. It'll drive up the recipe prices and double the emp unlock cost. For no reason.

Recipes don't have to make perfect sense. I can already "craft" working wings to apply to my character. Just pretend I made my own extra gun after having the original in my hand. Pretend he drops two at a time because he obviously has a few dozen of them if he drops them all the time and still comes back with more. Don't lock this to one hand per recipe/purchase. You're just asking for trouble.
The one flaw in your realism idea, is that the game is not setup, even story wise, for 1 person on the server.

It's story and history is setup for a team of 8 (untill the trials) when it comes to any sort of story.

Yes, some of the basic story arcs mention other heroes, and yes the game assumes there are more than the 8 heroes, but the over all story is setup for a group of 8.

What? You think everyone discovered Hero One became a Rikti? For the TF stories to work at all, it means 8 heroes did it.

So one gun drop per server doesn't fit the realism angle, as that goes counter to how the story is setup.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



I always thought costume pieces as drops were a cool idea, and I much preferred that as opposed to the old Booster Packs. I think that, more than anything else, is why we didn't see more costume piece recipes put into the game. Why put something in the game for free when the could charge money for it and earn money above and beyond the subscription fee?

Back then, and I was of the option (pre-Freedom) that booster-pack costumes should have some in-game way of obtaining them, like the costume recipes. Buying them for RL cash a) seemed like double-dipping and b) was much more immersion-breaking than any in-game alternative.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Costumes as loot is the WORST idea this game can implement, considering one of its primary selling points is that costumes ARE NOT loot.
I'm sure I'm in the extreme minority here, but I like the idea of costumes as loot. I like the idea of some visible indicator that I did something special/unusual/hard. I dislike it when a level 1 character can look just as cool as a character of mine that I've played for hundreds of hours. I loved stuff like the special Rularuu unlockables and the ITF unlockables, and I'm a big fan of the Incarnate-only custome pieces.

Please don't break out the torches and pitchforks, just wanted to share another point of view.

Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.



Originally Posted by Rabid_M View Post
I used to think that about all the other Emp/Astral costume unlocks. Please note that you STILL can't buy those in the store.

Their trial design for the incarnate stuff NEEDS lots of people to be running them. So, they're not going to remove any of the things people run them for.
He's talking about the auction house. The recipe can be traded like any other recipe.

"Nothing is impossible for the man who doesn't have to do it himself." ~Midnight Flux's former boss.

There are usually two sides to every argument but no end.

Everything placed above this line is always IMHO, YMMV and quite certainly not to be taken too seriously....



Originally Posted by Hobbes View Post
He's talking about the auction house. The recipe can be traded like any other recipe.
I think in that context it was the reference to other costume parts only being available via iTrialing not being purchasable in the Paragon market as an incentive to run the iTrials to obtain said recipe for sale/consumption.

And I have to agree with it being a monumentally stupid idea for only one hand to be unlocked by one recipe but then again the rarity of the players that can use it will balance it out with those obtaining it.

Tyger (50), Mutation-Controller Mind/FF - oldest Mind/FF on Union
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
Just a history lesson: Costume Pieces used to be a fortune because they were on the RARE drop table. The devs actually moved them to a more common table BECAUSE there was so much rage about their rarity and thus price. Mind you this was back when the invention system first started when 100 million was seen as being a lot of inf. (LMAO, those were the days.)

They didn't drop in price because of the niceness of the marketers. Had the devs not moved them to another drop table they probably would STILL be expensive to this day. They are less so now, because they drop like candy in a suburban neighborhood on halloween.
True, however one thing to keep in mind is that while the pistols will be less common they will also be much less in demand. Only two powersets use them and none of them are extremely popular.



I remember way back in the day when custome piece recipes were very hard to come by due to their drop rate. It was a terrible idea then and an even worse idea now.

Listen up Paragon Studios, stop trying to fix **** that isn't broken.



Also probably in the minority, but I like this.

Issue 23: All your base are belong to us?



I'm all for unlockable costume pieces. I actually find getting a costume piece that comes along with a badge more rewarding than just getting a badge for the sake of it.

In fact, I'd say we need more unlockables, like some of the souveneirs in game. Hellions Headband, Skull Mask are just two such things. I wish there was more stuff like this.

I never liked the costume recipes concept myself. Even though it makes more sense to need a recipe (schematic) for say, rocket boots, than it does for a mutant to need something that further augments his powers (science mixed with mutation?).

Which means I'm teetering on the edge of that fence when it comes to a dropable recipe from a raid. I hated raiding for dropable gear in other MMOs. At the very least, CoH raids are fairly short instead of the multi-hour, sometimes requiring a day or two in several hour gaming sessions just to get to that boss that might drop that loot that everyone will want to bid / roll on etc...In that reguard, CoH does things better, I'll give the devs that.

Yet still, I'm not sure I like this as of now minor implementation of dropable, craftable loot from a specific mob. It kind of opens the door to this happening more often with other mobs. Which can be a slippery slope that slips CoH away from it's unique loot drop design to something that looks a little too much like those other types that I abhore.