Maelstrom's Pistol Craftable Costume Recipe

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Energizing_Ion View Post
However, I think when I was on a TPN trial in beta and we completed it, Arbiter Hawk asked, "anyone get any purple recipe drops?"
Ohhhhhhhhh that would piss me off so much.

...oh, wait, it's just stupid Maelstrom's stupid gun.



Originally Posted by Lazarillo View Post
Ohhhhhhhhh that would piss me off so much.

...oh, wait, it's just stupid Maelstrom's stupid gun.
hehe yeah....I can see that now.

One of the recipe sets I hate is Undermined Defenses. It's such a long name and with the whole title of the recipe it fills the whole reward window text when I receive one.

So when I'm fighting and get one of those recipes and notice the reward text with a really long title (because at the time I'm looking at the chat window so I noticed a large/long reward text recipe) I'm like, "OOoOoOoOooH, a purple!...." *goes to actually read the title of the recipe* "dang it, another Undermined Defenses recipe "

On the other hand, there were only about 5 of us that were still around when he asked that idea if the other 12-16 people got it or not.

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Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
And Dopp. And Phreeoni. And Drac. And Drake. And... @_@
My server had a Tao Gunka MR Pally. One of the only things that could kill me (outside of GF).

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Arbiter Hawk is in a meeting, but he wanted me to post this:

Hey all, just popping in here to give some clarification on this point:

There are two ways to obtain Maelstrom's Pistols as a costume piece. The recipe has a 4% chance to drop each time you see a pistol get knocked out of Maelstrom's hand in the TPN Campus incarnate trial. This occurs twice per playthrough on a successful trial - once when you defeat him inside the main TPN Campus building, and once when you defeat him outside during stage 4 of the trial. That means there's a 7.84% chance of somebody in the league getting the Maelstrom's Pistol recipe that you are currently seeing in the auction house listing. This recipe is tradeable and can be used by any dual pistols character or thugs mastermind at any level, meaning you can send it to your friend's new level 1 character to make a cool pistol for him to use. Using the recipe allows you to craft either the left pistol or the right pistol.

The other method of obtaining this costume piece is to complete the TPN Campus trial with an Incarnate character who uses either dual pistols or thugs, and then visit Empyrean Michael. You should then find that he will allow you to unlock both pistols on that character for a moderate Empyrean Merit cost. This ensures that all characters who can use dual pistols have a way of eventually unlocking Maelstrom's guns if that's what they want. The main goal with this reward is to give players multiple ways to earn a signature costume piece from an incarnate level villain, while making sense within the story of the trial (each time you beat him, he loses a gun, until he's left with only his fists and feet in the grand finale.) The idea here is that the recipe drop feels like a "bonus" - it allows you to use the pistol on a low level alt, or on a character you haven't done TPN with - but that any Dual Pistols or Thugs character who wants to unlock the piece for having defeated Maelstrom at TPN Campus is also able to do so.

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hmm, seeing that makes me wonder, so we have to get this drop TWO times in order to get both pistols and thats only per character?

is the version we can buy with emp merits account wide?



Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
And Dopp. And Phreeoni. And Drac. And Drake. And... @_@
What about billions of hours in Glastheim Prison?



Originally Posted by Positron View Post
Arbiter Hawk is in a meeting, but he wanted me to post this:

Hey all, just popping in here to give some clarification on this point:

There are two ways to obtain Maelstrom's Pistols as a costume piece. The recipe has a 4% chance to drop each time you see a pistol get knocked out of Maelstrom's hand in the TPN Campus incarnate trial. This occurs twice per playthrough on a successful trial - once when you defeat him inside the main TPN Campus building, and once when you defeat him outside during stage 4 of the trial. That means there's a 7.84% chance of somebody in the league getting the Maelstrom's Pistol recipe that you are currently seeing in the auction house listing. This recipe is tradeable and can be used by any dual pistols character or thugs mastermind at any level, meaning you can send it to your friend's new level 1 character to make a cool pistol for him to use. Using the recipe allows you to craft either the left pistol or the right pistol.

The other method of obtaining this costume piece is to complete the TPN Campus trial with an Incarnate character who uses either dual pistols or thugs, and then visit Empyrean Michael. You should then find that he will allow you to unlock both pistols on that character for a moderate Empyrean Merit cost. This ensures that all characters who can use dual pistols have a way of eventually unlocking Maelstrom's guns if that's what they want. The main goal with this reward is to give players multiple ways to earn a signature costume piece from an incarnate level villain, while making sense within the story of the trial (each time you beat him, he loses a gun, until he's left with only his fists and feet in the grand finale.) The idea here is that the recipe drop feels like a "bonus" - it allows you to use the pistol on a low level alt, or on a character you haven't done TPN with - but that any Dual Pistols or Thugs character who wants to unlock the piece for having defeated Maelstrom at TPN Campus is also able to do so.
Oh that's faboo actually And I like the hint that there will be future 'signature' costume pieces. Very cool



Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
is the version we can buy with emp merits account wide?
No. The idea is that if your Dual Pistols (or Thugs) character is playing through the Incarnate system you don't need to wait for the recipe drop to unlock the piece.

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Originally Posted by Positron View Post
No. The idea is that if your Dual Pistols (or Thugs) character is playing through the Incarnate system you don't need to wait for the recipe drop to unlock the piece.
thank you for clarifying, it still seems kind of silly to have to unlock the left and right pistols seperately cause if you wanted them to match you couldnt use the unique awesome pistols till you unlocked both unless you wanted to be asymmetric (personally im a little OCD and prefer them to be mostly symmetric lol)



Having to unlock each pistol separately does sound a bit unnecessary. It would double the demand for the recipe on the market and thus double its price. And no other unlock works this way.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Story-themed costume drops aren't just for players - in the MoM Trial, Metronome tells us that he's using the repainted body of Siege after we defeated him in the BAF

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Originally Posted by eth_Nargy View Post
What about billions of hours in Glastheim Prison?
*Rocks back and forth*

Hunter Fly Hunter Fly Hunter Fly Hunter Fly Hunter Fly Hunter Fly Hunter Fly Hunter Fly...



Originally Posted by eth_Nargy View Post
What about billions of hours in Glastheim Prison?
Originally Posted by Zortel View Post
*Rocks back and forth*

Hunter Fly Hunter Fly Hunter Fly Hunter Fly Hunter Fly Hunter Fly Hunter Fly Hunter Fly...
Uh-oh I think Zortel is broken



Anyone have a close up picture of his pistols?

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Originally Posted by Draugadan View Post
Anyone have a close up picture of his pistols?
There's a pretty good shot on the i21.5 announcement page.

They're...really not worth all the rigamarole, honestly. I can barely tell the difference between them and the default Match Compensators.



Originally Posted by KuriositysKat View Post
Uh-oh I think Zortel is broken
No he was always like that. :P



Originally Posted by Positron View Post
...Hey all, just popping in here to give some clarification on this point:

There are two ways to obtain Maelstrom's Pistols as a costume piece. The recipe has a 4% chance to drop each time you see a pistol get knocked out of Maelstrom's hand in the TPN Campus incarnate trial. This occurs twice per playthrough on a successful trial - once when you defeat him inside the main TPN Campus building, and once when you defeat him outside during stage 4 of the trial. That means there's a 7.84% chance of somebody in the league getting the Maelstrom's Pistol recipe... ...Using the recipe allows you to craft either the left pistol or the right pistol.

The other method of obtaining this costume piece is to complete the TPN Campus trial with an Incarnate character who uses either dual pistols or thugs, and then visit Empyrean Michael. You should then find that he will allow you to unlock both pistols on that character for a moderate Empyrean Merit cost. This ensures that all characters who can use dual pistols have a way of eventually unlocking Maelstrom's guns if that's what they want. The main goal with this reward is to give players multiple ways to earn a signature costume piece from an incarnate level villain, while making sense within the story of the trial (each time you beat him, he loses a gun, until he's left with only his fists and feet in the grand finale.) The idea here is that the recipe drop feels like a "bonus" - it allows you to use the pistol on a low level alt, or on a character you haven't done TPN with - but that any Dual Pistols or Thugs character who wants to unlock the piece for having defeated Maelstrom at TPN Campus is also able to do so.
If we are getting this drop as a "representation" of Maelstrom losing his pistol, why not have it as a 100% drop to SOMEONE in the trial? Obviously, someone went and scooped it up. 4% per player for an aggregate of 7.84% max per instance (as you said, 2 per successful trial) is an absurdly low percentage for a cosmetic option. Didn't the player base already go through this with previous costume recipe drops? Additionally, while I approve of the notion behind someone "scooping" it up in through only the iTrial... we kick the crap out of Maelstrom multiple times through the Alignment system... Why gate this cosmetic item behind an even more restrictive drop rate than PvP IO's?

Have two recipes drop per successful instance... if you want, have it be that the recipes aren't awarded until completion of the trial. But don't place this miniscule chance out there. Please, Positron, this will set a bad precedence.

*I say this with having only 2 DP toons, and little to no interest in grabbing this recipe.

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Originally Posted by Obsidius View Post
It should be awarded with a badge for completing the trial, just like every other unlockable weapon in the sodding game. If they're going to get a costume piece, at least they could have used precedent. Having it as a random rare drop just makes it feel like an armor or weapon drop from any other grindy MMO raid ever.
In the case of incarnate trials, I'm glad it's not like that. It means all of us who don't want
to run that crap, don't get locked out. The way we'll have access to it is a bit of a hand
me down, but I'm fine with that, just like I was fine with having to get my pool c/d recipes
as hand me downs when the invention system first came in, since I don't like running TFs
that often either.

The drop odds and neccessity for two recipes concerns me, but something I'd have to see
how it shakes out.



Did you not see where he said that the recipe will be available for purchase via Emps once you complete the trial? It's a low drop chance, yes, but they're also putting in a guaranteed way of earning it too.

I think they just announced this backwards. It should've been presented that once you beat the trial you can buy it, and *then* added that, hey, there's also a chance the recipe can drop when taking him out.

The chance to drop should be considered icing and not the main way to try to get the recipe.



As long as I have a way to make it on a level 1 (or level 2) I'm okay with this.

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Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
Did you not see where he said that the recipe will be available for purchase via Emps once you complete the trial? It's a low drop chance, yes, but they're also putting in a guaranteed way of earning it too.
Nope, I did not read that, neither did you. It's what you wanted to read.

What Positron said is

Originally Posted by Positron View Post
The other method of obtaining this costume piece is to complete the TPN Campus trial with an Incarnate character who uses either dual pistols or thugs, and then visit Empyrean Michael. You should then find that he will allow you to unlock both pistols on that character for a moderate Empyrean Merit cost.

and what I read there is that a dual pistol AT will be able to unlock the pistols, not buy the recipe, after running the trial for X empyrean merits.

So if you want a non-incarnate character with Maelstrom's pistols, you need the recipe drop whether you get them yourself or buy them on the AH.

"Nothing is impossible for the man who doesn't have to do it himself." ~Midnight Flux's former boss.

There are usually two sides to every argument but no end.

Everything placed above this line is always IMHO, YMMV and quite certainly not to be taken too seriously....



*shrug* oops, misinterpreted. Either way, it's a way to unlock it without relying on the recipe drop.



Great to see some loot that's actually hard to get (even if it's just cosmetic), although I hope they made the emp merit cost high enough to be noticeable. I'm sitting on hundreds of the things and have no use for them.



Unless they're releasing a single pistol powerset sometime soon, it seems pretty asinine to make you craft the weapon twice in order to have a matched set.

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Originally Posted by Hydrofoil_Zero View Post
No he was always like that. :P
She. Madam's gender has always been female, you philistine.

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