CoX Q3 Earnings Result (w/ Freedom's first weeks)




Originally Posted by Obitus View Post
That said, the photo you link was just before what I gather was a rather massive round of layoffs. The staff was at its peak to produce Going Rogue.

Think you might be referring to this round of layoffs, but BackAlleyBrawler mentioned there were only 9 people including him that was affected.

[For clarity, just so we're not comparing apples to oranges:]

The operating cost number i previously mentioned is the cost NCSoft incurred not by the studio (Cryptic at the time). Unless i read this article incorrectly. Though now, i would think since Paragon Studios is actually owned by NCSoft, it would be different. How much, we won't know.

NCsoft is spending another $18 million a year to market and operate the game and provide customer support.



Originally Posted by gameboy1234 View Post
Er, only "massive" round of layoff that I'm aware of consisted of like 4 people.

Seriously you need to stop spreading rumors dude.
The number reported for the layoffs in October 2010 (when BAB was let go) was 9 people.

A few have left since then (Castle, pohsyb, possibly others I haven't heard about) and others have been hired or promoted (Arbiter Hawk, TheNet, Honey Badger, and more). I know a few have been hired that have no actual redname yet (Honey Badger for one, but I know of a few others).

Also, there have been some OCR changes (Ocho, EMPulse leave, Zwankelheimdal, Freitag, 7deCouer come aboard and Beastyle gets a red name instead of just being Moderator 5).

I'd say it's likely that the number is somewhere between 45 and 65.

EDIT: Scooped on the number in the layoff due to taking my time trying to find a particular Dev introduction and not finding it.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Originally Posted by Pebblebrook View Post
Think you might be referring to this round of layoffs, but BackAlleyBrawler mentioned there were only 9 people including him that was affected.
Fair enough.

The operating cost number i previously mentioned is the cost NCSoft incurred not by the studio (Cryptic at the time). Unless i read this article incorrectly. Though now, i would think since Paragon Studios is actually owned by NCSoft, it would be different. How much, we won't know.
Yes, of course. From NCSoft's point of view, whatever they spend on Customer Service is part of their budget for CoH. The only point I was making is that it probably costs NCSoft less. You can have a CS agent answer calls on multiple games, or even if each one only handles one game, they can all be based in the same place.

In other words, I was trying to distinguish between employment costs that can be wholly applied to Paragon's budget (whatever that is), and employment costs that are only partially applied, in some cases probably at a small fraction of what they would cost otherwise. It's like outsourcing to your host company, and I imagine that it's pretty standard procedure for a game's publisher to leverage its greater resources in that sort of way.

But hey, I probably shouldn't have opened my (virtual) mouth. Seems I was way off. In any case, we're no closer to knowing what the profit margin is (or isn't); on first glance the OP looked pretty encouraging to me. Now, it's the obvious wait and see.

Originally Posted by Iggy_Kamakaze View Post
Nice build



Originally Posted by Beber View Post

2812 millions KRW, which is something like 2.5 millions US dollar, for the months of july, august and september. It's less than a 1% increase from previous trimester (2787), but it still is the second lowest result for CoX.
Well, previous to this last piece of data, I was calculating CoH's Doom would come about in about 6 years based on trends. But, now, based on the trends of the last two quarters, I can confidently predict that CoH will last infinitely and make as much money.

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7 years of doom and counting...

The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.

If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-



The bad news is that the small uptick seems to be due to a currency fluctuation, and CoH actually made a tiny bit less than the previous quarter. The good news is that regardless, CoH bucked the general trend downward for everything except Aion (which was up 3%: that's also probably entirely due to currency). The biggest unknown to me is whether the first two weeks of release are significant for Freedom's launch, because it was a somewhat soft launch in terms of new players joining, and because VIPs would have been burning through their accumulated points first. We'll almost certainly need to see at least the first two full months of Freedom launch to get good data on the net incremental effect of Freedom, which in effect means the next quarter's numbers.

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I wouldn't expect Freedom to have any significant effect on revenue for this period. The F2P period included in this report is only about the same length as a free trial, so I don't think even people who decided that CoH was the game for them would have any serious spending in this time period.

Also, revenue from Paragon Point sales *may* be deferred until point redemption. I've been out of accounting too long to remember for sure the GAAP on this, but it's a possibility. If so, that will smooth the revenue spike from initial sales over the following quarter or two.

"Trust me, it worked in the Simpsons." - Calash



It will be interesting to note over the next few months if that uptick we see is from the initial offering of Freedom and people purchasing points right away. As months wear on, we might see the decline resume as less points are purchased. The key to stop this decline to for CoH to continually offer new products in the market that people want; Titan Weapons, Staff Fighting, etc. Any sort of dry spell will result in plateau or decline.



I doubt Paragon salaries are that high, probably average is around 50K or less. I am assuming they are using the asian salary model more than the US one. (I have worked with several large Korean company staff members over the years and their compensation is fairly low range for their positions -- I assume the managers and seniors may are making more but the lower end positions are making less)

I assume that with benefits they are a bit over $3M, plus even if NC soft is providing GMs and servers I can promise you that Paragon pays for it on their balance sheet as a transfer payment.

Most likely the largest expense historically was backbone/transport. Fortunately those prices have been dropping like a rock in the last 5 years. I saw some interesting studies about the backbone costs on Eve many years back. The serverfarm/data costs were more than half their outlay including development.

One other thing, for GR you can assume that at least some of the ramp of employees was based on contracts and not full time hires. Those would NOT be counted in a layoff but they would be gone when the downramp occurred.

Personally I think the surge in FTP games is driven in part by the fact that backhaul is so cheap now that as long as they don't have to scale their serverfarm up with NEW equipment that there is very low to no net cost for the free players.

For an example of a dead game that is still running, look at the state of Warhammer... Once they killed off Mythic and merged them into Bioware the staff on Warhammer was transferred to other products.

CoH is nowhere near that point, and after the streamlining recently I suspect their localization costs are down as well.

Its certainly in better shape than any other game in the Genre.



I still want an answer as to what "sales" refers to. Are we counting the Paragon Market? Are we counting the PlayNC Marker before that? Are we talking just box sales? Are we counting VIP subscriptions? Are these numbers representative of ALL of the game's revenue?

I looked for an answer in this thread, but all I saw was "it doesn't matter," which I don't agree with.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Thanks, Beber! Unlike Goliath Bird Eater, I appreciate these updates and especially appreciate you taking the time to put it in chart form with the added issue releases.

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

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Originally Posted by TrueGentleman View Post
Is the incorrect use of "you're" there intentional?



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
Is the incorrect use of "you're" there intentional?
That just proves that we're doomed.

@Doctor Gemini

Arc #271637 - Welcome to M.A.G.I. - An alternative first story arc for magic origin heroes. At Hero Registration you heard the jokes about Azuria always losing things. When she loses the entire M.A.G.I. vault, you are chosen to find it.



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
Is the incorrect use of "you're" there intentional?
Killface: “Why does it say Welcome to you are ‘doom’? What does that even mean and why for God’s sake is doom in quotes?
Valerie: “I don't know”
Killface: “Is this some sort of ironic doom? Is the wink implied?”
Valerie: “You know, I don't know.”
Killface: “No, it isn't! So please tell me how and why I'm suddenly a laughing stock!”
Valerie: “Umm...Because you signed off on the proofs.”



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I still want an answer as to what "sales" refers to. Are we counting the Paragon Market? Are we counting the PlayNC Marker before that? Are we talking just box sales? Are we counting VIP subscriptions? Are these numbers representative of ALL of the game's revenue?

I looked for an answer in this thread, but all I saw was "it doesn't matter," which I don't agree with.
The sales numbers definitely count subscription revenue, and almost certainly count all in-game sales since the consolidated report noted increased costs for soft promotions of in-game item sales. They can't be counting the costs to sell in-game items and not count the revenue from that same activity at the same time. Since the total Q3 sales number on that page (147,603 MKW) matches the total for sales by region on the breakdown page (also 147,603 MKW) and since the sales by region matches the sales by game number factoring out royalties (as they mention) all those numbers must factor in in-game item sales.

The only question is what are "royalties" and whether City of Heroes is entitled to any. I don't think so, but NCSoft seems generally reluctant to answer questions regarding how they compute royalties publicly.

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Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
The only question is what are "royalties" and whether City of Heroes is entitled to any. I don't think so, but NCSoft seems generally reluctant to answer questions regarding how they compute royalties publicly.
The only thing I can think of is whatever NCSoft might be possibly paying Cryptic for their initial work on the game. Would that be reflected as a reduction in income, if it exists?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Softcapping an Invuln is fantastic. Softcapping a Willpower is amazing. Softcapping SR is kissing your sister.



Are the numbers in their report "smoothed" for the exchange rate? The dollar actually strengthened about 10% against the won between 6/30 and 9/30 (1069 to 1186).

It's hard to make sense of multinationals revenues when everyone's beating their currency with a stick.




The best way to tell if a game is failing is when they start giving away the store and giving you powers/abilities that they always said were too powerful for the players or unbalancing or don't fit the game.

Every MMO I've watched close shop (and there have been a few) went through this the last months. "We've increased the drop rate 10X permanantely!" Things like that. (oddly in Auto Assault 10X the drop rate was STILL nothing lol).

They are still investing in the game so I don't see it going away any time soon.

The one I find odd is WoW. Subscribers down approx 10% two years running and they start giving away Diablo III? They still have 10 mill subscribers and the only ones that are gonna sign up for annual sub are probably ones would wouldn't have left anyway. Who buys a subscription specifically so they can play another game? Seems dumb.

You can't please everyone, so lets concentrate on me.



Originally Posted by Void_Huntress View Post
The only thing I can think of is whatever NCSoft might be possibly paying Cryptic for their initial work on the game. Would that be reflected as a reduction in income, if it exists?
Possibly, but that would be an expense, not sales revenue. And I don't think they are paying Cryptic royalties for CoH, since I thought at the time NCSoft bought out Cryptic's stake in the game completely.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Ultra_Violence View Post
The one I find odd is WoW. Subscribers down approx 10% two years running and they start giving away Diablo III? They still have 10 mill subscribers and the only ones that are gonna sign up for annual sub are probably ones would wouldn't have left anyway. Who buys a subscription specifically so they can play another game? Seems dumb.
A possible explanation is that it's intended as a sweetener to encourage people to continue subscribing until the next expansion is rushed out.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
And I don't think they are paying Cryptic royalties for CoH, since I thought at the time NCSoft bought out Cryptic's stake in the game completely.
Unless i'm misremembering or i missed more recent info, they did buy it out except for the Cryptic Engine. Not sure but i think NCSoft still licenses that from Cryptic. That's why the Cryptic logo is still on the login screen.

The quarterlies don't really define what royalties are but i'd imagine it's what it sounds like...payment by other companies that has agreements to use/license NCSoft prodcuts.

There is a clue in page 5 of the quarterly report:
Royalty edged down QoQ from reduced micro-transactions for Lineage 1 serviced in Taiwan through Gamania
And it does separate royalty from royalty expense.



Freedom may have come out for old and existing players on the September 13th but it wasn't available to new players until the 27th. That's not a lot of days to make an impact.

I know as a VIP who doesn't have any spare trial accounts to upgrade to premium, I have yet to buy any additional PP (yet) but relied on my four months of PP stipend to purchase the few new items that came out during that period. If the majority of VIP players were like me, no additional income was generated via the Paragon Market.

Plus the various "box" sets as well as boosters and packs vanished from the store at the end of August. There may have been an uptick in sales before they were pulled but their departure without the Paragon Market online yet didn't help the bottom line either.

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Tempus unum hominem manet



Hmm interesting...

always have wondered why I6/CoV was waaay more out there then GR ...

tho.. even the game looks like sales are here n there...i care more about comparing them to other games..pointless (but interested) about comparison to WoW, Champions, DCUO etc..thts what i care about more- how well we're doing compared to those losers :P



Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
A possible explanation is that it's intended as a sweetener to encourage people to continue subscribing until the next expansion is rushed out.
Maybe it's too keep people signed on after they fins out what ELSE is coming with the panda expansion...



Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
Freedom may have come out for old and existing players on the September 13th but it wasn't available to new players until the 27th. That's not a lot of days to make an impact.

I know as a VIP who doesn't have any spare trial accounts to upgrade to premium, I have yet to buy any additional PP (yet) but relied on my four months of PP stipend to purchase the few new items that came out during that period. If the majority of VIP players were like me, no additional income was generated via the Paragon Market.


One of my longtime CoH friends dropped about $100 on Paragon Points when they came out, once he understood the system. He wanted to be able to get any new powerset and costume piece that hit the market, instantly.

Paragon Studios has received about an extra $50-$75 in Paragon Point purchases since I wanted new powersets, costumes, an extra reward token to unlock all the Tier 9 VIP rewards and so on.

Conversely, I know a bunch of PvPers that went free to play and just don't put anything into the system outside of an invention licence.

I'd wager that NCSoft is going to make some money out of free to play. Those that stay subbed are a constant stream of income while completists and impulse buyers will funnel more money into their coffers. If they make an extra few hundred thousand, maybe a million off Paragon Point sales...that would be fantastic. I doubt we'll see that much of an increase, but people are spending money on the stuff.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
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