Street Justice and general points refunds.

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Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
What was that line from Dr. Manhattan? Something like, "And the universe will not notice."
i've always preferred the version that goes, "And nothing of value was lost."

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
It really doesnt matter why I dislike it, I come to the conclusion that it is irrelevant.

Also buying points is a silly sheild in this case

That would be like mcdonalds saying you cant buy a hamburger, you have to buy a gift card with points on it, then use that to buy the hamburger.

Therefore negating any obligation from them to actually provide a tasty burger instead of a bad one. Because what you paid for is merely the card, and not the actual burger.

A point system is not insulation from customer dissatisfaction, its merely way to make it feel like you arent spending money.

To take the McDonalds example and put it in proper context.

You bought a hamburger.
You ate the hamburger.
Now you aren't feeling the love anymore.
So you barf it back onto the wrapper and try to return it.

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
But they do need to come up with a clear and concise refund policy.
They already have one. It's as clear and concise as is possible in the english language (or any other).


Also, also Walmart has a no questions refund policy and I do believe they are the biggest retailer worldwide, best buy however sometimes hassles customers, sometimes not. Not nearly as succesful.

This would be a really good point if they were a Wal-Mart clone.

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



So much...anger in here.

I like waffles.

I also like Street Justice.

No one pays attention to me, cause I listen to the voices in my head.



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
They already have one. It's as clear and concise as is possible in the english language (or any other).


This would be a really good point if they were a Wal-Mart clone.
Except many people are saying that if you can convince customer service they will give refunds, now I have to explore that because if they do thats going to create quite a mess.

Boycott Ncsoft if they close down Coh.



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
To take the McDonalds example and put it in proper context.

You bought a hamburger.
You ate the hamburger.
Now you aren't feeling the love anymore.
So you barf it back onto the wrapper and try to return it.
I didnt eat it, took one bite, said its nasty and am trying to send it back

Eating it would be getting a StJ to 50,

getting to 15 and saying, this stinks, thats a bite.

I did play it on beta, but I dont remember it being this bad, and I cant remember the numbers so I cant say why it feels worse if it wasnt changed.

Boycott Ncsoft if they close down Coh.



Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
I did play it on beta, but I dont remember it being this bad, and I cant remember the numbers so I cant say why it feels worse if it wasnt changed.
What AT and secondary (primary in the case of Tanks) were you testing it with? Powerset synergy plays a big part in the 'feel' of a character.


Also on Steam



First reaction, oh, look, shubbie's complaining again. Anyone bother informing him that the AOE isn't centered on his character, so it doesn't need a wider radius?

I believe you said you were leaving for a bit. Probably a good thing. Take a break. You sound burned out. And 15 isn't really far enough to judge a powerset, IMHO.


Ah. Here, Cactus:

Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
Not exactly true, unless you are the same AT as the one you wish to use the power on, you need more than just the name. Otherwise you get for example the defender version of Ribcracker.

Plus unless you know the name of every power in the set, how are you going to find that out?

And no, none Paragon sources of information shouldn't be the soloution.

Put in the power name, as normal:
[Rib Cracker]

When you click to look at the info, click on where it has your AT name in green. It will have a dropdown list. Pick the other AT you want to see the info for. The other AT doesn't even need to have the set to see what it would be like.

(Used to be able to do so by doing something like [] or [at.power] but that doesn't seem to do it now.)



Originally Posted by Kioshi View Post
You REALLY think that's a good solution?
Yep. Been working for tens of thousands of CoH customers for almost 8 years.

Most players ingame don't even know about the test server
Pure bull. People have been talking ingame about what was on in open beta for on the test server for weeks.

imagine the f2p ones.
What about them? If they are F2P they won't have access to Street Justice. Only VIP's and Prems can get it.

May work for you, for me, but we're regular forumites, most players aren't.
I've met hundreds if not thousands of players on the test sevrers over the years that never read the forums.

And some people won't want to install another game instance
Willful ignorance is never an excuse. If you choose to buy something sight unseen you have no one to blame but yourself if you have buyers remorse.

not all have fast internet and you have to search the forums to find out that you can 'shorten' the install process by copying files.
Impatience is not an excuse for buyers remorse.



Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
I didnt eat it, took one bite, said its nasty and am trying to send it back

Eating it would be getting a StJ to 50,

getting to 15 and saying, this stinks, thats a bite.

I did play it on beta, but I dont remember it being this bad, and I cant remember the numbers so I cant say why it feels worse if it wasnt changed.

Simple. You don't like the price so you want to believe you aren't getting what you paid for.



Stj/Fire and Stj/ea both brutes.

Its not the price that I mind, I happily payed for beam and I am very very happy with the set, even though its supposed to be a single target set. Paired with time on a corruptor, with chronoshift you can spam cutting beam, also disintergrate spread makes a psuedo-aoe. Also it has a very nice nuke.

I dont think beam would be nearly as impressive on a blaster, but on a defender or cor it rocksors socksors.

But StJ you can look at the set, 2 aoe, both tiny, with low target caps.

Its just not impressive.

Dark melee is low aoe, but it makes up for it with some nasty tricks, SS with having one heck of a whopping aoe.

Stj doesnt look or feel like its going to get better..

But as Ive said before, its moved past why I dont like the set, thats not relevant to the issue.

If they are going to have paid for sets, they need a refund policy and not no refunds other than those you can talk out of customer service, thats not a policy thats trouble.

Boycott Ncsoft if they close down Coh.



"All At's are not created equal." This is also true for powersets. I'm sorry you don't like it, but you really need to stop comparing it to what SS or Dark or any other melee set gets. They are different for variety. And for moving past why you don't like it, you keep bringing it up.

And remember, Martial Arts only has 1 AoE.

It's been said in the thread, no one on the forums can give a refund. If that is what you want, you need to contact support. I think you realize from all the responses, you aren't getting any help here.

No one pays attention to me, cause I listen to the voices in my head.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
No, I said, and its sufficiently self explanatory I can simply requote:

Its perfectly acceptable to disclose the details of the powerset in the same manner the numbers are disclosed for all sets. Going farther than that is going too far.
Yet that means isn't available to players. However, does that mean you'd be okay with being able to open up the character creation and see a locked power set's numbers just like every other power in the game before buying the power set? Or how about putting in a power encyclopedia into the help files? Click on a power (in game help files have can have active links) and a window showing the power comes up.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Given the specific words "more information", the answer is no, I don't agree. I agree the disclosure should be timely. I disagree there's any special requirement on the release of the numbers beyond that.
The "more information" is more than they are currently providing, like having the player be able to see what is in the power set(s) in the character creation. Just like the Costume Creator lets you see locked parts.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
The numbers are there, and should be there, solely as an optional information source that describes the set without promising performance of a set.
I actually agree with that. Yet they haven't met that standard yet though.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
The devs are only accountable to the powerset numbers for purchased powersets as they are for all other powersets.
And yet, they haven't done that with purchased power sets on the live servers.

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Here. You just said it here.
You do know that consumer protection acts and civil trials are not criminal trials, right? Well, they are if you go out of your way to defraud someone, but that isn't happening here.

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Also: No, I don't believe Paragon Studios are under any obligation, ethical, moral, legal or religious, to inform players what they are buying. As long as they don't actually LIE about what it is that they are selling - which they aren't - then they can offer whatever they damn please with as much or as little explanation as they please. If people agree to buy these things, then people should be responsible for their own money.
It seems that you might not understand the concept of ethics as it pertains to vendors. In this case, you really can't say that Paragon Studios doesn't have an ethical duty to disclose to the player what they are buying.

Originally Posted by Hydrophidian View Post
This thread has gone a long way in convincing me that something as comprehensive as a full power set shouldn't be a store product. At least not until PS gets its act together a little more.

One thing is certain. The person in charge of marketing needs a StJ kick right in the head.
I agree with this. I would add the producers to the list of people that need a boot to the head though.

Originally Posted by Hydrophidian View Post
Also, whatever was done prior to Freedom isn't really applicable here. This is a new model with different expectations and different responsibilities. Everyone's going to have to accept that. Apologetics won't fly.
That is what I've been trying to say, yet I'm apparently not saying it well enough.

I expect the following about any product (not necessarily just power sets, but costumes and boosts as well) on the Paragon Market:
  • Timely information about the product. Either before or at launch of the product.
  • Easily accessible in-game information about the product.
  • Easily be able to tell what has, and has not, been purchased.
Paragon Studios has failed on all these points.

Originally Posted by Hydrophidian View Post
When someone--anyone--wants to sell a product, they need to provide information about that product. They need to pimp that product. That's absolutely fundamental. It applies to PS as much as it does to anyone else.

No, these forums aren't sufficient. No, the beta server isn't sufficient. The appropriate places for this information are the website's frontpage and the store itself. And the information should be available, in full, at or before the product's release. It shouldn't arrive in dribbles over a series of days afterward. That's just dumb.
I agree with you, yet I think a lot of people disagree with this position.

Originally Posted by Hydrophidian View Post
If PS wants me to start spending money above and beyond my monthly sub and point allotment, it's going to have to generate some trust and good will. And it can do that by actually treating me like a customer. I don't need hard numbers, but I would at least like something, some modicum of effort to tell me what I'd be paying for. I'm not going to keep digging for it myself. That's not my job.
I agree with this as well.

Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
Paragon Studios offered something for sale. If anyone bought it without knowledge of the numbers, it is solely the buyer's responsibility. They did not have to buy it under those conditions. They chose to.
I partially agree. The person that buys a power set without checking it deserves what they get. However, that does not absolve Paragon Studios from being partially at fault for not providing the information in either a timely (holding onto the Informer at least 6 weeks till the day AFTER it is released on the market) or not having the information accessible in either the market itself or in the character creation.

Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
Paragon Studios has provided ways to get those numbers.
My point is that they haven't done so in a sufficient manner.

Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
Now, I do not believe they've done a good job of providing the information, but they have not done anything that it is unethical.
I agree with the first half of this statement, but disagree with the second half. They want us to buy the products on the market. By not providing adequate information prior to purchase, they are hoping people buy without knowing what they are buying. That, to me, is unethical.

Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
The only thing that their delay (on the release of info) really may have hurt was their own means of making money. They may have made more, right away, by making more potential buyers informed (those who decided to wait).
They released the powerset... and, a day afterward, they presented further information about that powerset.
It was entirely up to the consumer to make their decision of whether to purchase it unseen.
Actually, they lost a sale. I've bought Beam Rifle, I doubt that I will be buying Street Justice even with the "free" points. How it was released has left such a bad taste that I doubt that I'll ever warm to the set. I was "meh" about it this morning, and have since gone actively to "dislike".

Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
Yes, it takes two to make a sale. However, that does not mean that the seller is at fault for not providing information (or bears any responsibility) if the buyer is unhappy with what they bought without knowing anything "enough" about it.
Over the individual purchase? No. In their business practices? Yes, they are at fault. They need to take steps this doesn't happen again.

Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Yeah, they have no way to bring up the power info in the game and adjust the a level slider to give them stats.
It would be acceptable if they:
  • Provided that information at the time of character creation.
  • Provided that information in the help menu (clickable links to the specific powers in the power sets).

Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Price point is irrelevant.

Did you get early public access to DP and EC? If you did, you most CERTAINLY did NOT get it for free.
I had access to dual pistols on the test server for the week before it went on sale. I can't really say the same about Electric Control (though I was in closed beta fairly early for I18), Kinetic Melee (same), or Demon Summoning (this came out before I was invited to closed beta). However I didn't buy Going Rogue until almost 2 weeks after due to the inept handling of cross border sales & GameStop (despite having pre-ordered it 2 months before).

Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
And StJ was up on Beta, in OPEN beta for, well, how long?
If I remember correctly, less than a 7 playable days after I got into open beta it was taken down. I say playable as a few days the beta wasn't accessible by any player.

Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
So you admit, at least, that there WERE official venues for the information.
The official announcement on the website, forums, and ustream happened the day AFTER release. They should have happened last week, before release.

As to the test server, they need to let players know that the billing system is not connected to the test server and that the player can "test drive" the power set there. Preferably at the same time they make the official announcements the week before.

Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
What the customer bought was POINTS. Transaction over.
Not the follow-up transaction though.

Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
The distribution of those points by the player is entirely discretionary. If someone chooses to leap before they look...
And that doesn't absolve Paragon Studios from having better descriptions of their products that players can use those points on.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



This is still going?



The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."



Originally Posted by MrCaptainMan View Post
This is still going?

Hey, some of us have only just woken up! Is it too late to join in?

Refunds cuz the set isn't as strong as some other set? No way.

Disclose set numbers before purchase? Sure, why not. I was actually surprised it didn't work like costume pieces. I expected to be able to select the powerset in character creation and take a look at the powers on offer, but not to be able to proceed until I had paid.

This is a song about a super hero named Tony. Its called Tony's theme.
Jagged Reged: 23/01/04



Originally Posted by Psycho_Sarah View Post
"All At's are not created equal." This is also true for powersets. I'm sorry you don't like it, but you really need to stop comparing it to what SS or Dark or any other melee set gets. They are different for variety. And for moving past why you don't like it, you keep bringing it up.

And remember, Martial Arts only has 1 AoE.

It's been said in the thread, no one on the forums can give a refund. If that is what you want, you need to contact support. I think you realize from all the responses, you aren't getting any help here.
maybe not, but the devs have got to look at the forum occasionally and there are some things here that should be listened to.

They need to display the stats in a reasonably findable location, not buried in obscurity.

They need a better and clearer policy for dealing with unhappy customers.

Its possible that selling powersets is just a bad idea and they should stick to costumes and other such stuff.

Boycott Ncsoft if they close down Coh.



Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
But StJ you can look at the set, 2 aoe, both tiny, with low target caps.

Its just not impressive.
AoE damage isn't the be-all, end-all of this game. In terms of single-target damage, Street Justice has very good potential. If you played Street Justice during the beta you would have already known that AoE wasn't its strong suit.


Also on Steam



One could argue that this is an online sale. Just like a postorder.

If I buy something at a postorder company, I can send it back and ask for a refund. The same thing applies to Internet sales (at least in my coun try). So if you buy this set then decide you hate it, you should be able to send the package back and get your money or in this case points back.

Not sure how well the customer is protected in the States though.



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
It seems that you might not understand the concept of ethics as it pertains to vendors. In this case, you really can't say that Paragon Studios doesn't have an ethical duty to disclose to the player what they are buying.
Yes, I can. They don't have a responsibility OF ANY KIND to disclose anything whatsoever to the players, just like said players don't have a responsibility to buy anything that they haven't been informed about. Valve have been selling TF2 chest keys for real money with absolutely no disclosure as to what that key will actually earn people in the real game.

The vendor doesn't have a RESPONSIBILITY to hold people's hands and make decisions for them. It's good business to have greater accessibility and information, obviously, since not everyone wants to buy something without a good understanding, but that's on the discretion of the vendor and not something you can go about demanding.

Well, no, you CAN go about demanding it and you probably have a right to that, but you can't turn this into a responsibility on Paragon Studios' part just because you say it's so.

Again, you're acting almost exactly like Icedrone.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Gunbunny View Post
One could argue that this is an online sale. Just like a postorder.

If I buy something at a postorder company, I can send it back and ask for a refund. The same thing applies to Internet sales (at least in my coun try). So if you buy this set then decide you hate it, you should be able to send the package back and get your money or in this case points back.

Not sure how well the customer is protected in the States though.
I've never actually seen "I don't like it" as a legitimate complaint for wanting a refund. If the item you bought is damaged, sure, or if it's not as advertised. Then the vendor should have the responsibility to reimburse you, though even then I've only ever seen vendors take the item back for a trade of another item and never for a refund. But buying an item and just deciding you suddenly don't like it? Should have thought of that before you bought it. A deal's a deal.

In other words, a vendor is only responsible for a trade-in or a refund if the vendor is responsible for the problems with the item. If the customer has problems beyond those, especially "I don't like it as much as I thought I would," then that's too bad so sad.

Here's the thing - if I get roped into watching the Last Airbender movie and I hate it, do I get to go out and demand a refund? If I buy a car and decide I don't like it red after I park it in my magenta garage, do I get a refund? If I buy a game and realise my computer is a piece of crap that doesn't cover the minimal system requirements, do I get a refund? Because in none of these cases would I say "yes."

I'm not even talking about "caveat emptor." I'm talking about being responsible for the decisions you make, and if you got exactly what you were promised, you don't get to complain. And what WERE we promised with Saint Justice? A melee set with a combo mechanic. That it is. End of story.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



The only disclosure necessary is if the product was changed, which according to Clockwork 01, nothing was changed w/ StJ.

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I've never actually seen "I don't like it" as a legitimate complaint for wanting a refund.
only works w/ certain companies in the food industry afaik



Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
I am waiting for people's reviews of powersets plus a couple weeks of potential live tweaking before I buy them.

Besides after the initial rush they could go on sale in a few months.
Maybe a holiday sale?

Who do I have to *&^% around here to get more Targeted AoE recipes added?

Arc Name: Tsoo In Love
Arc ID: 413575



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I've never actually seen "I don't like it" as a legitimate complaint for wanting a refund. If the item you bought is damaged, sure, or if it's not as advertised. Then the vendor should have the responsibility to reimburse you, though even then I've only ever seen vendors take the item back for a trade of another item and never for a refund. But buying an item and just deciding you suddenly don't like it? Should have thought of that before you bought it. A deal's a deal.

In other words, a vendor is only responsible for a trade-in or a refund if the vendor is responsible for the problems with the item. If the customer has problems beyond those, especially "I don't like it as much as I thought I would," then that's too bad so sad.
In the UK there are distance selling regulations which basically allow just that. You have 7 days from receipt during which you can return an item, in it's original state (so basically unopened) for ANY reason whatsoever - including "I don't like it."

Additionally there is a provision that clear information about goods or services must be given before purchase.

All this of course isn't likely applicable to virtual items, especially where the transaction actually covers the points purchase and not the powerset. Whether or not you could get your points back is entirely down to NCSoft/Paragon and it's unlikely.



Originally Posted by Mr. DJ View Post
only works w/ certain companies in the food industry afaik
I mean in a philosophical sense. I simply don't believe that a customer buying a product based on TRUE information then should ever have the right to return it because "I don't like it." Sure, if some companies allow that, more power to that, but that's not a case of "right" so much as specific business practice.

A vendor cannot read a customer's mind and know exactly what a customer really actually wants. The best a vendor can do is inform the customer of a product's specifics to whatever extent the vendor feels is prudent and then let the customer make an educated choice. If a customer is put in a position to make an uneducated choice and guess at a product's quality, then it is that customer's responsibility to decide whether he wants to take a risk or whether he wants to walk away and potentially look for additional information.

Let me put it this way - Steam is constantly trying to sell me games, and most of the time the info on the game listed in the Steam store is garbage. It's just a small text blurb that's rarely informative and is usually empty praise and one or two trailers which are often SGI and don't show much of the actual game. Before I buy a game off them, I check GameTrailers for better videos and possibly reviews, I check for owner commends, I check for non-professional reviews, I check YouTube for in-game videos, I ask people I know who've played it and so on. Steam DOE SNOT offer refunds for anything that I'm aware of, and as long as I'm going to be putting down real money for a game, I want to know that it's not garbage. Because if I DO buy a game just based on five screenshots and a 100-word text blurb and I hate it... Well, whose fault was it that I was an idiot and bought Crevures, then?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Gunbunny View Post
One could argue that this is an online sale. Just like a postorder.

If I buy something at a postorder company, I can send it back and ask for a refund. The same thing applies to Internet sales (at least in my coun try). So if you buy this set then decide you hate it, you should be able to send the package back and get your money or in this case points back.

Not sure how well the customer is protected in the States though.
I don't think this would apply, since you are not buying goods, but a service.