Cut Scene Bombing




Originally Posted by MentalMaden View Post

That said, it can sometimes go too far. I'm not a big fan of a micromanaging league leader. As long as everyone knows their roles and things get done I don't think someone should be screaming out commands every spawn, which some leaders will do. To me it's just as annoying as someone spamming gibberish or cut scene bombing.

Back when we used to organize ITFs more frequently we used to joke around that "we need a scrapper to lead this TF" because I've met so many scrappers (strangely) who want to act as a know-it-all leader.

Even nowadays I still bump into players who want to tell me every single aspect of an ITF, something everyone has been speeding for God knows how long.
Go here, move up, go straight, go right, go outside, stay here, bring her to the altar etc.
That's usually a cue for me to go lone wolf if I'm already familiar with the tf/trial.



Originally Posted by Gaspard View Post

At first I thought the thread was about spamming macros during cutscenes, which is a fair past time imo.
Those I find amusing if it's more than just banging on their motto. Even more so if those word balloons are tailored for the specific cutscene.

But, I've run into a lot of people who, upon hearing, "no cutscene bombing" respond with "What's that?" even though they have seen it a few times already.

Apparently 'bombing' isn't as wide spread meme as I thought it was.

And so, Know Your Meme: Photo Bombing

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Originally Posted by Lightslinger View Post
I never said I would do it if the leader requested that it not be done as I absolutely would not, I respect that the person who took the time to form the league gets to call the shots.

It is funny that simply because I voiced my opinion that there are instances where a person is not a leech for bombing so you call me a tool and accuse me of "standing around in Pocket D waiting for a handout". I wait for my handouts in RWZ thank you very much.

I agree with the majority, if someone skips the sabotage phase just to pose up kick them. If the leader asks no one to do it and they do, kick them.
Sorry should have made it clear. That was not directed at you personally. Your's was just a convenient post to input my opinion.

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I let people know, politely, not to cutscene dance in Lambda each time I lead one. I ask both teams to help the other team with their temp powers if their team finishes first, unless the other team only has one left.

For any violators, I immediately 1-star, ignore, and kick them. Zero tolerance.

The possibility of failure if Marauder exits and the reduced speed of getting the objectives done in an instance where there is limited time are two major reasons I do this. But the real reason is that the person in question has demonstrated an unwillingness to follow my directions and a disregard for me and the rest of the league, and, therefore, is someone I do not want in my leagues from then on. Both BAF and Lambda still require some degree of coordination, Keyes requires quite a bit of it, and future trials will continue to require more and more coordination and listening. Weeding out the ignorant or purposefully obstructive players will only help me and my leagues out in the long run.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Why don't all you SRS BZNZ LULZ folk form your own global channel and play together? That way, after the "Security Team" is defeated, all 16 of you can run out and get ready to pose in the cut scene.
I lol'ed at that when I read it. They should totally screenshot that if they do

For me personally, I like to have fun. I dance on NS's body, I /batsmash Seige's body during BAFs, and I say funny things during trials/TFs if things aren't going well. I don't really like being on teams that are hardasses and won't let the members have fun, or people in the leagues that get pissed if something goes wrong that was a total accident. (And especially people that don't like off-topic people and just say "Anyways..")

I don't lead because I suck at leading. I choke, get flustered, and crash when it comes down to it, so trials aren't for me.

As for TFs. I don't care what happens as long as people aren't negative about things xD

But nowadays I hardly see anyone bomb Lamb cut scenes so if there is someone there, they look very stupid xD

Merilen, Dying Proudly On Champion Since 2007



The best way to avoid getting kicked is not to dance/emote throughout the cut scenes.

This has the added benefit of making you look less like a tool.



Originally Posted by Lightslinger View Post

I've done it, but only because my team finished the crates and there were only 3 acids left to go, had just enough time to get into position with /e newspaper. I would never just stand there while everyone else collected temps though, bad form. In other words, its a pretty rare scenario that you can pull this off while still contributing.

Also, if you take off right after the cutscene, the AV doesn't aggro at all, its like the AV isn't "active" for the first few seconds or something.

Here's to hoping they replace those cutscenes with the new comic intros ASAP, the cutscenes in this game deserve all the mocking and bombing they can get.

I'm sorry and just exactly where, from what I have read and posted here, did you get the idea that ANYONE gives a crap about the so called integraty of the cut scene.. I for one was very vocal about giving us the option to shut all of the stupid things off completely. We at least got a chance at missing Mother Mayhem at the beginiing of the BAF but only if absolutely no one on the team has never seen it yet. That works about half the time for me so far. Here's a simply solution to the problem..take every last one of them and toss them in the delete file.

What the majority of us that have posted negative comments here are concerned about is the idiots that feel the need to pose in them. I don't give a crap if there are 8 grenades or acids still left to find or one... your team mates are still inside trying to run past multiple lieutenants and bosses to find the crate/container and destroy them. They are inside taking damage and possibly dying AGAIN while you, figuratively not necessary you personally, are outside standing around preparing to be an.. A$%.

Now if you have 3 acids in your possession and the other team has nine of ten grenades and on the way back from the hospital you hear .. "Here it is Everyone on me" chances are you are not needed inside. This happened to me recently.. So instead of camping at the gate so I could show off my neat dance moves.. I moved into position so I could start taking out portals as soon as the stupid cut scene ended. So between me and the jerk Tank you find yourself watching flexing his muscles behind MAURADER .. which do you see as a better team player. Just so you know if you picked the tank I hope I never have to team with you.

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�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



I see that a lot of the haters here, including some of the most vociferous, have said things along the line of 'it was funny the first few times I saw it, now it's lame'.

This looks like another aspect of 'i was first' leetism, a bit. 'the first few times' might be this week for sb who's only got a 50 recently, or who's resubbed.

My own view is that cutscene bombing is perfectly acceptable as long as the trial isn't failed. I've never considered doing it myself because I've never died in the underground bit of the LAM.



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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."



Originally Posted by MrCaptainMan View Post
I see that a lot of the haters here, including some of the most vociferous, have said things along the line of 'it was funny the first few times I saw it, now it's lame'.

This looks like another aspect of 'i was first' leetism, a bit. 'the first few times' might be this week for sb who's only got a 50 recently, or who's resubbed.

My own view is that cutscene bombing is perfectly acceptable as long as the trial isn't failed. I've never considered doing it myself because I've never died in the underground bit of the LAM.

Naw, they're a bunch of "I want my rewards NAO!" crowd and hate anyone taking one nano-second of doing fun stuff instead of damaging the enemy or buffing their team to end the mission sooner.

I saw one trial leader do the dance and the next time he kicked me for doing the same. Hypocrites, every one of you.

(not YOU you, Eco, just all the other posters whining about it)



Originally Posted by Gaming_Glen View Post
Naw, they're a bunch of "I want my rewards NAO!" crowd and hate anyone taking one nano-second of doing fun stuff instead of damaging the enemy or buffing their team to end the mission sooner.

I saw one trial leader do the dance and the next time he kicked me for doing the same. Hypocrites, every one of you.

(not YOU you, Eco, just all the other posters whining about it)
Just like those jerks who kick folks from lady grey because they want to dance with the devouring earth during the pylon phase.

Let's Dance!



Actually my favorite cutscene bombing was an unintentional one and everybody has done it, wether you realised it or not.

Was in the ITF, nobody had flown ahead to trigger the cutscene so it goes off whilst we're in the midst of fighting Nazis.

Now if you look closely during the cutscene you can see yourself mid-fight in the background, you're quite in the distance but it looks awesome. There was a 5th Column all ragdolled into the air from my Knockout Blow, the Martial Arts Scrapper was paused in time just at the point that Eagle's Claw had connected and was in mid-flip.

Really wish I'd screenshotted it.

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Originally Posted by Dr_MechanoEU View Post
Was in the ITF, nobody had flown ahead to trigger the cutscene so it goes off whilst we're in the midst of fighting Nazis.
I usually fly to the stairs, right behind that part. It doesn't trigger the cut scene and gives me time to set up my dancing moves before someone flies past to trigger it.

<:[ shark goes nom nom nom ]:>
[QUOTE=theOcho;3409811]As to the REAL reason I'll be leaving, I'm afraid it is indeed because Tamaki Revolution dc'd on me during a RSF.[/QUOTE]



Originally Posted by MrCaptainMan View Post
I see that a lot of the haters here, including some of the most vociferous, have said things along the line of 'it was funny the first few times I saw it, now it's lame'.
Personally, I never thought it was funny at all. Ever. Just like those people spamming their battle cries over Romulus' dramatic exchange with the Nictus. The game has been made enough of a joke by the writing staff putting in inappropriate comedy everywhere they can. We don't need players making a mockery of it, too.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Don't really care if people cut scene bomb in general, afaik there are only two instances where it's properly possible, Honoree cinematic on LGTF and the marauder cinematic on LAM.
You can sort of bomb the Romulus cutscene. Personally I just Alt-Tab when the cinematic starts.

I have bombed the LGTF cutscene many times, because I need to take Honorees agro after I destroy the generators anyway.

But I've never done it on LAM and never will. If a person decides to do it, then there's a big chance he/she will be forced to leave the instance without seeing the drop table.
It is not all SRS business though, we will laugh at the tells afterwards.



Originally Posted by Dr_MechanoEU View Post
Actually my favorite cutscene bombing was an unintentional one and everybody has done it, wether you realised it or not.

Was in the ITF, nobody had flown ahead to trigger the cutscene so it goes off whilst we're in the midst of fighting Nazis.
Yeah I always like to take the right (northern) path form the door to Rommy in that mission for exactly that reason. Most of the time when the cutscene triggers you get a nice action shot of the entire team.



The Lambda trial is ridiculously easy.

Collecting acids/grenades is not "hard work".

Leaders do not need to moderate player behavior.

All leaders need to do is explain the trial to newbies.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
It depends on the situation - for example, if there are, say, 9 chambers done, 8 crates done, and 5 minutes left on the clock, and on the way back from the hospital you pass someone danicng at the gate, they'd just get a warning - but if there are, say, 5 chambers done, 3 crates done, and 1 minute left on the clock, then they'd be kicked at once.
that's my take on it



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
The Lambda trial is ridiculously easy.

Collecting acids/grenades is not "hard work".

Leaders do not need to moderate player behavior.

All leaders need to do is explain the trial to newbies.
Leaders do need to moderate player behavior. Especially in an online world where asshatery goes hand in hand with anonymity.



Originally Posted by TamakiRevolution View Post
I wouldn't kick them. Make fun of them/try to make them feel dumb, sure.

Dancing in that cutscene is just so passe now.
A cried a little when I saw this reply from this player. End of an era.

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Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
The Lambda trial is ridiculously easy, for me.

Collecting acids/grenades is not "hard work", for me.

Leaders do not need to moderate my behavior.

All leaders need to do is explain that only I'm important and to hell with everyone else.
Fixed that for ya.

@Doctor Gemini

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Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
<snip large image>
Someone needs to Calm Down and stop trolling.



I had no idea there was an actual TERM for the whole "positioning yourself in a cutscene so you can do something wonky."

The things one learns on the forums...


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Originally Posted by Clouded View Post
Leaders do need to moderate player behavior. Especially in an online world where asshatery goes hand in hand with anonymity.
They really don't. All leaders need to do is form raids and help the newbies.

You take yourself far too seriously if you think being a raid leader entails anything more than that.



Originally Posted by Dark_Respite View Post
I had no idea there was an actual TERM for the whole "positioning yourself in a cutscene so you can do something wonky."

The things one learns on the forums...

It seems to happen when people get a lil' mad