Cut Scene Bombing




This is very simple for me.

If I warned you first *and* the trial is already doing poorly (ie: failed acids or nades because not everyone was present) then it is a kick.

If I warned you first and the trial is doing fine despite slackers, I won't kick you. I will, however, make use of the note system and am likely never invite you or team with you again.

If I forgot to warn you, then I won't care, but at least try to make it lulzy.

Usually, I don't care and have been known to do it myself. However, I have the courtesy to ask first if I don't already know the league leader pretty well. I expect the same from my peers.

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Hmm, how about a different wrinkle. If you're not the league leader on an open league, would you vote to kick?

Let's Dance!



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post

I do kick, and have kicked, but only after warning them. [And I don't kick if they simply got caught in the cutscene running back from the hospital. Nor do I kick for spamming binds off-camera.]

(I bet you a million INF someone will /nerdrage over that statement completely ignoring the fact that I warn them first.)

I started warning the league right before we started. But then they claimed they didn't see it. Yeah, right. They saw which team was supposed to go into which lab/storehouse, but they didn't see the no-bombing warning. OK. Pretty selective instruction reading there.

In addition to warning them not to cutscene bomb, I say "first team done help the second". And each time I've kicked, there was plenty of time to help the other team... it wasn't like the other team was working on their last cache. I know I had time to jump into the other map and work on a target. But actually helping out is not the cutscene bomber's style. They want to just stand around while others work so they can showboat.

So if anyone says, "I didn't see the no-cutscene-bombing warning." Then did they also miss "Help the other team!"? That's *very* selective sight there.

So to avoid the "I didn't see the warning" lame excuse, I now recruit, "Forming a Lambda. PST. All ATs. RWZ2. No cutscene bombing." If anyone thinks I'm "too SRS" (anarchists are lulzy that way), they can simply not apply. And if they do apply and bomb, they get kicked.

Speaking of anarchists who have problems with social skills and getting along with the conventions of the league leader who was kind enough to invite them and organize their play-time: One time when I began the Lambda telling folks not to cutscene bomb, one player was all like, "Hey, why you no fun? This isn't srs bizness. this is supposed to be fun!"

OK, first of all, if this is suppose to be 'fun', why the heck are you starting an argument in an aggressive and ignorant matter? Some people like to have fun without cutscene bombing and are having fun without it. Some people are farming Emp Merits and don't want to spend another second in their thirty-fifth Lambda that week. So instead of simply asking 'why', we get that aggressive whine couched as a supposedly innocent question.

So I explained why: Spend time helping the other team and not showboating. Don't risk aggroing Marauder early. AVs have higher perception especially with the Orbs around.

So he continued the aggressive questioning.

<KICK!> <ignore ignoramus-man>

For someone who's main goal was fun, he was picking a fight over the ability to act silly. I guess acting silly is SRS BZNZ!
Someone needs a hug. Come here big guy.



If I'm leading a team? Yes, I'd kick them. I was just talking with Belle about this the other night after she left a team over an issue related to this.

Trials can be failed due to this. Is there a big chance of failure? No, but when you consider that there are usually 16 people, times half an hour to 45 minutes invested in running one of these things, that means that on the offhand chance that you do end up screwing it up for everyone, you've just needlessly wasted eight to twelve man-hours of work. Failing because someone makes an innocent mistake is one thing, I don't care. Failing because there's not enough coordination, I'm infinitely forgivable for that kind of thing. But failing because you're screwing around with something that has been shown can cause a trial to fail, that's just stupid. I have a very high tolerance for mistakes, but a very low tolerance for stupidity.

Not only that, but the rest of the team is usually down below getting repeatedly defeated. If the dancing idiot were with them, there's a decent chance that it could avoid someone's defeat. (Or two, or three, or four...) It could also let the team move faster because there are more hands helping out. Again, keep in mind that on a 16-person team, any time you cause to be wasted is a total effort of 16 times whatever that was.

The first time or two I saw this, it was cute. That was over three years ago. Ever since then, it has been stupid--someone riding on the coattails of someone else's cleverness. It's as funny as a old knock-knock joke. (And those have been old since I was, I dunno, eight years old?) Why did the chicken cross the road? To get to the other side. ZOMG! HA HA HA HA!!! Tell it again!!!

It's not a matter of people being too "serious." If I had a power that could randomly take an Incarnate component away from you and I sat there hitting the button over and over again, how funny would that be? Aw, you're just too serious! No, that would be me being a tool and directly impacting your gameplay experience for the sake of idiocy.

Last but not least, what if everyone decided that they want to bomb the cutscene? Oh yeah, the mission would fail because everyone would just stand around outside. But for some weird reason, if you're bombing the cutscene, you must think you're better than the people getting defeated down below. Yeah, while they're down there piling up the debt, you're goofing off up top leeching experience and drops. Yeah, I don't think so.

Personally, I wish that immediately before the cutscene, they would teleport everyone--not just the people down below--back inside the lobby of the facility to cut this foolishness out once and for all. In fact, that's not a bad idea in general, if for no other reason than to rally everyone together. Before facing Romulus, upon entering the BAF facility, before every cutscene leading into a major battle. *poof!* Now not only have we solved the cutscene bombing once and for all, but everyone's back together again and ready to fight. Win!

Until then, any trial I lead, I tell people that if they bomb the cutscene, I'm kicking them. Any trial I'm on, I ask people not to bomb the cutscene. If they do, I make a note of it so that next time I'm in a trial that they lead, I can stand around and goof off, leeching off of the others. After all, if it's good enough for them, it sure as hell is good enough for me and I'd just as soon not pile on the debt and work my butt off to risk not getting the end reward.

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



I would kick, but only if they had been warned first. Really, it's not funny anymore, and I'd prefer that no one do it than that a bonehead see everyone else doing it, think it's ok for him to do it, pull Marauder outside and fail the trial.

I would also kick someone at the end of a TF if they had done something they were explicitly told not to do or something unbelievably stupid that would be likely to cause the TF to fail, although that would really only apply to Master runs.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



I'll admit when it first opened, if we were 1 or 2 temps away from finishing the raid, I'd mess around there.

But with stealth on, and far enough back I wouldn't drag him.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



What bugs me are the terminal sitters that sit at the reactor spamming the power cell powers despite the "WARWORKS PRESENT TERMINAL LOCKED" and leave it to a few people to try and clear the 7+ bots next to them.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
I have kicked people at the end of a TF, but not for being silly and having fun.
Okay, the tl;dr version of my post:

It's not just "being silly and having fun." It's costing people time and effort, it's goofing off while hoping that everyone else will work their butts off and pile on some debt while doing so, leeching rewards off of other people's work, and quite possibly causing 15 other people to not get a reward for the time they've put in because you think it's funny to tell the equivalent of the "chicken crossed the road" joke for the thirty zillionth time.

It's not silly. Silly is going through flex emotes at a costume contest. No harm done. Silly is an green costume with purple polka dots and a pumpkin head. No harm done. Silly is deliberately naming your character Generic 1337. No harm done. Cutscene bombing the Lambda trial when specifically asked not to is nothing but being a tool.

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



Originally Posted by Rajani Isa View Post
What bugs me are the terminal sitters that sit at the reactor spamming the power cell powers despite the "WARWORKS PRESENT TERMINAL LOCKED" and leave it to a few people to try and clear the 7+ bots next to them.
Think you're getting worked up for no reason then. Just because they're tabbing over to the terminal doesn't mean they aren't helping relocate the trash.

The rapid spamming may be such to actually help avoid having to relocate an additional spawn.

Let's Dance!



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
Until then, any trial I lead, I tell people that if they bomb the cutscene, I'm kicking them. Any trial I'm on, I ask people not to bomb the cutscene. If they do, I make a note of it so that next time I'm in a trial that they lead, I can stand around and goof off, leeching off of the others. After all, if it's good enough for them, it sure as hell is good enough for me and I'd just as soon not pile on the debt and work my butt off to risk not getting the end reward.
What does that achieve?



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
What does that achieve?
Which part, that kicking? It lets the person know in a very tangible way that they should be listening to their leader and not being stupid. Who knows? Maybe next time, they won't be such an idiot. And if they are, well, they can either get kicked again until they learn, or they can find someone who doesn't mind. Either way is no skin off my teeth.

Or are you talking about the standing around leeching part? Well, if the leader doesn't mind standing around leeching at the expense of others, then I figure I might as well, too. After all, why should I take my task on the trial more seriously than a leech? Like the leech, I could stand around doing nothing while collecting rewards with no risk, too; only instead of just watching my avatar dance, I could actually be doing something else productive.

Do you have a problem with that? Would it make a difference if I just called my standing around and leeching "me being silly and having fun" instead?

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



I don't get why you do the very thing you're so mad about. Seems hypocritical.



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
I don't get why you do the very thing you're so mad about. Seems hypocritical.
That seems to be pretty much his point. He's giving the other leader a taste of what it feels like to have a useless dick on the team.



Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
That seems to be pretty much his point. He's giving the other leader a taste of what it feels like to have a useless [Richard] on the team.
Exactly. No matter how you slice it or dice it, no matter what you call it, no matter how hilarious you think this 3+ year old joke is--it's leeching, plain and simple. Worst of all, it's going out of your way to leech, and doing so after I've specifically asked you not to. I don't like leeches on my team, and I sure don't like leeches getting rewards at everyone else's expense.

After a new cutscene, I usually give everyone a month or so leeway without making a fuss about it to get it out of their system. Then, unless you have a really good reason to ("Hey guys, I'm making a video for my supergroup site") and you let us know ahead of time what you're doing...


We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



I like kicking people for silly and funny reasons. It's funny when they get kicked for cutscene bombing! No harm done either, because the people who didn't get kicked all share a laugh.

When asked why I kicked them for something so silly I respond "lol its funny." Because it is. To me, anyways.

Agahnim- Elec/Ice Blaster

"Elec/Ice. Nice. Holy &lt;@*&$@#!&gt; =) You're like the CoH equivalent of those bdsm people who hang from the ceiling on hooks!"

Agahnim Dragmire- Warshade

"(You spin space webs. =D)"



Originally Posted by War-Nugget View Post
Still doesn't result in the need to kick them IF THEY DIDN'T FAIL THE TRIAL.
Okay, if Team A/B finishes their stuff and they see that the other team is about to finish up theirs, there's no real harm in going out and looking like a dork in front of Marauder (and dying).

But if I'm coming back from the hospital when we're 4/6 and there's three people standing there with their richards in their hands, HELL YES they are getting booted!

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If the teams are both at 9 acids and nades on Lambda, you had better come down and search. If a team is done and the other is at 9, I could see excuses being made, but still, there's no real reason to slack on the job because it's 'funny'.

I mean, kicking you for dancing in the cutscene while we were working our ***** off searching for those acids and grenades is funny too.

Other than that, I don't really mind people making fun of Romi or whatever other cutscene there is. The Lambda one is pretty unique, considering the situation before and after it.



Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
That seems to be pretty much his point. He's giving the other leader a taste of what it feels like to have a useless dick on the team.
But if it bothered him so much...why would he do it?

Gandhi said it best: "Be the change you want to see in the world."



When I've led Lambdas, I've generally tolerated it. It's one of those things where I don't really see any point, and don't really think it's funny, but, eh, to each their own, and I'm awesome; I could prolly solo most of the collecting anyway.

That said, I've also been a member on Lambdas where the leader didn't tolerate it, and I do agree that they were well within their rights not to when fair warning is given (and I personally have never seen anyone get kicked without fair warning). I'll also note that if, if, mind you, as it's not actually happened to me, a player's goofing off led to the trial failing...that player would probably not be welcome on future raid attempts that I were leading.



Originally Posted by Agahnim View Post
I like kicking people for silly and funny reasons. It's funny when they get kicked for cutscene bombing! No harm done either, because the people who didn't get kicked all share a laugh.

When asked why I kicked them for something so silly I respond "lol its funny." Because it is. To me, anyways.
That's your right. And I would take the same approach who think it's funny to risk wasting people's time by failing a trial: I'll add a player note not to team with you again.



Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
It's not silly. Silly is going through flex emotes at a costume contest. No harm done. Silly is an green costume with purple polka dots and a pumpkin head. No harm done. Silly is deliberately naming your character Generic 1337. No harm done. Cutscene bombing the Lambda trial when specifically asked not to is nothing but being a tool.
Every leader is allowed to kick people for whatever reason they want. I firmly believe that. If dancing in the cutscene irks you and you have the star, kick all you want.

I have never failed a trial because of cut scene shenanigans. I can understand not wanting to risk anything, but frankly, if you finish collecting the acids, and there are 5 minutes left, and the grenades are at 7 or more, dance away, IMO. You are free to disagree, I am free to love posing in the cutscene. Everyone wins (until you kick me, of course, then I lose, but thems the breaks).

Fortunately for me, I have never seen anything but amusement at cutscene dancing on the servers I play on, so I have lucked out and not had a leader who kicked for that reason.

Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.



I do not run leagues however I fully support the leaders right to kick people who are not helping. This includes kicking before/during the last mission of TFs as well. And if a vote was brought up to kick I would vote yes (does our open league tell you a vote is being passed?).



Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
If the raid is failing, and you're out there dancing--you get kicked.
That would be the scenario where I would get agitated enough to boot someone, but most times it just sophomoric behavior.