Cut Scene Bombing




People are only allowed to have a certain amount of fun on my trials. If I see people having more fun than I think they should be having, I'll kick them, blacklist them, and make sure they never have a happy moment in their life again.



I end up 1-Starring people who do that. If that person feels they're too important to pull their own weight on the sabotage and let everyone else do the work then I'd prefer to not deal with that type of person in the future.

Currently on Virtue:
Jinrazuo - Crab Spider

RWZ All-Pylon Solo Run



A.. yes I definately would and to answer the question you posed to someone else here is wht.

I was on a lambda where a Mastermind just out and out refused to even help his OWN team out with acids let alone helping mine with the grenades. He stood AT the gate the entire time waiting to pose in the cut scene. The reason i know is because on 2 occasions my Defender had to run past his lazy but to get back inside and TRY to help

When confronted by several members of BOTH teams his excuse was he was too squishy and would just die anyway.. Now keep in mind this was after I had run BACK from the hospital past him twice. So its okay if I die repeatedly helping my team but its a bother for him.

Now for the part that got him probably one starred by about 15 players including me. Despite him we managed to acquire all 10 acids and nades and off course there he was along with his pets in the cut scene with Maurader. We all teleported back to the entrance and then.. TRIAL FAILED MAURADER HAS LEFT THE FACILITY. The idiot either aggroed the AV himself or one of his pets did and maurader chased them out the front gate.. trial over.

Now you ask why would i kick someone for being in that scene before i knew if the trial would succeed of fail.. because i saw it fail due to someone being in it.

But wait I have more for you. Another lambda and the acid team is doing great ..eventually gets all 10 but the grenade team is filled with nothing but squishies and we run out of time with exactly 2 grenades. Okay still no huge deal YET. we just need to hit the weapons delivery points and pick up some more grenades before we attack the av.

I even warn people in league chat.. dont aggro the AV. Unforntunately 5 members of team 1 decided grenades were not as important as posing with Maurader and i no sooner got that warning out than all the adds and the AV were attacking us as we stood there in front of the facility. Care to take a wild guess who aggroed them.. our illustrious returning film stars. Multiple deaths began to occur and we were so busy fighting to survive no one could even get to the portals to stop the flow of adds. eventually it just got overwhelming and we couldn't stay alive long enough to even regroup.. people started quitting and the trail failed. So again.. HOW do you know what those idiots posing in that scene will cause to happen. You don't and more and more leaders and players are to the point where even if it means the trial fails and we start all over its time to send a message. You pose in that cut scene instead of helping your team mates and you are kicked.. not after the trial DURING it. period

Now for B.. No I have never had to or even ever felt there might be a need to kick anyone from a Task Force. But let's see.. the ITF.. cut scene triggers before anyone could possible get near Romulus. STF .. same thing no one is getting into the picture with Recluse or Aeon.. about the only scene in that where anyone could is the first mission posing with Sands. unless you weer after a master of I see no way that could cause failure. Lady Grey has a few cut scenes but again the trigger for them makes it impossible for anyone to actually be in the scene or at least i have never seen it... I suppose in the mission where we rescue Infernia some jerk could wait around where the Av spawned and be in that.. but again it wouldn't cause the mission or the TF to fail.

Its just not the same thing. And I have served as a team leader now on a number of trials and believe me after my experiences if i caught one of MY team in that cut scene the league leader wouldn't have to kick because IF i can i would.

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



i almost never kick(once in 7 years), i also dont lead trials. personally i see it as harmless, but on the same token, i can see how someone could see it as disruptive, and if the crates/acids were chugging, then i'd say kicking was completely justified, of if you lead marauder out and screw things up. so its a situational thing. if the trial is sailing through stuff and we are already at 10/8 or 10/9 and have several minutes, go ahead and get it out of your system.

but heres i guess what im seeing. if you know its disruptive, and that it bothers some people, i'd think common courtesy is to ask. if they say they need help, then pitch in, if not, then act a clown, but at least you have considered the other players. and if you are willfully inconsiderate..then yeah, you will get kicks, maybe not from old hippies like me, but from someone, and you will really deserve it.



Originally Posted by War-Nugget View Post
A)Would you kick people for hopping in the cutscene while Marauder is talking?
I rarely lead trials, but yes. I would kick someone from the team for shirking their responsibility to their teammates.

Originally Posted by War-Nugget View Post
B)Would you kick people right before the end of a TF?

Trials are just bigger task forces, and kicking someone for hopping in the cutscene is just you being a jerk. Plain and simple.
The real jerk is the person trying to show off by appearing in a cutscene instead of helping their teammates.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post

I do kick, and have kicked, but only after warning them. [And I don't kick if they simply got caught in the cutscene running back from the hospital. Nor do I kick for spamming binds off-camera.]

(I bet you a million INF someone will /nerdrage over that statement completely ignoring the fact that I warn them first.)

I started warning the league right before we started. But then they claimed they didn't see it. Yeah, right. They saw which team was supposed to go into which lab/storehouse, but they didn't see the no-bombing warning. OK. Pretty selective instruction reading there.

In addition to warning them not to cutscene bomb, I say "first team done help the second". And each time I've kicked, there was plenty of time to help the other team... it wasn't like the other team was working on their last cache. I know I had time to jump into the other map and work on a target. But actually helping out is not the cutscene bomber's style. They want to just stand around while others work so they can showboat.

So if anyone says, "I didn't see the no-cutscene-bombing warning." Then did they also miss "Help the other team!"? That's *very* selective sight there.

So to avoid the "I didn't see the warning" lame excuse, I now recruit, "Forming a Lambda. PST. All ATs. RWZ2. No cutscene bombing." If anyone thinks I'm "too SRS" (anarchists are lulzy that way), they can simply not apply. And if they do apply and bomb, they get kicked.

Speaking of anarchists who have problems with social skills and getting along with the conventions of the league leader who was kind enough to invite them and organize their play-time: One time when I began the Lambda telling folks not to cutscene bomb, one player was all like, "Hey, why you no fun? This isn't srs bizness. this is supposed to be fun!"

OK, first of all, if this is suppose to be 'fun', why the heck are you starting an argument in an aggressive and ignorant matter? Some people like to have fun without cutscene bombing and are having fun without it. Some people are farming Emp Merits and don't want to spend another second in their thirty-fifth Lambda that week. So instead of simply asking 'why', we get that aggressive whine couched as a supposedly innocent question.

So I explained why: Spend time helping the other team and not showboating. Don't risk aggroing Marauder early. AVs have higher perception especially with the Orbs around.

So he continued the aggressive questioning.

<KICK!> <ignore ignoramus-man>

For someone who's main goal was fun, he was picking a fight over the ability to act silly. I guess acting silly is SRS BZNZ!
Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Calm down.



Originally Posted by War-Nugget View Post
I definitely know this thread has popped up before, and yet I feel the need to make it again. Especially because quite afew people on facebook all claim they would boot people if they saw someone in a cutscene.

I really just want to know from the forums what they would do -

A)Would you kick people for hopping in the cutscene while Marauder is talking?
B)Would you kick people right before the end of a TF?

Trials are just bigger task forces, and kicking someone for hopping in the cutscene is just you being a jerk. Plain and simple.
If they were on the team that finished first I kick them for not helping the other team. If they are on the team struggling I kick them for not helping their own team. If they screw up and agro mobs I kick them for being an idiot. If they ruin my cut scene cinematic experience I kick them for not appreciating the art.

Stay out of the cut scene.

oh, and always kick immediately. No reason to be a jerk about it.

amazingly not many people scene bomb on my Lambdas anymore.

"If a system can be exploited, it will be exploited. And if a developer thinks their system cannot be exploited, it'll be exploited like a new actress in her first porn movie." Sanya Weather MMORPG Examiner



Originally Posted by Wicked_Wendy View Post
Now for B.. No I have never had to or even ever felt there might be a need to kick anyone from a Task Force. But let's see.. the ITF.. cut scene triggers before anyone could possible get near Romulus. STF .. same thing no one is getting into the picture with Recluse or Aeon.. about the only scene in that where anyone could is the first mission posing with Sands. unless you weer after a master of I see no way that could cause failure.
Getting in during the final mission of the STF is easy. Just run over before the 4th AV dies. You either live or faceplant if he notices you. Would only impact a master run since 99% of teams drop the flyer before they attack the towers.

This is the one bomb I really don't mind because there is no risk to the team or or the TF failing.

ITF is doable. but your usually in the background and kinda fuzzy. If you have LOTS of range in Teleport you can drop in next to him but it takes some really great timing. Also very little risk to the team because its the romi in the cutscene is not the AV spawn you fight. He despawns/respawns with the nictus about 5-10 sec after the cut. If you are fast enough you can pull the cut scene Romi instead of the replacement. He will abandon all the nictus where they stand and cannot use them to rez. This may sound great but it means you Have to go kill them one at a time and that is often harder than dropping Romi.

LGTF is doable the same way and the Honoree portion is very easy.

"If a system can be exploited, it will be exploited. And if a developer thinks their system cannot be exploited, it'll be exploited like a new actress in her first porn movie." Sanya Weather MMORPG Examiner



When I run a league I warn people that Cut Scene bombers will be mocked relentlessly.
I've got a whole series of macros for mocking them that generally ensure you never do that crap again.




I've done it, but only because my team finished the crates and there were only 3 acids left to go, had just enough time to get into position with /e newspaper. I would never just stand there while everyone else collected temps though, bad form. In other words, its a pretty rare scenario that you can pull this off while still contributing.

Also, if you take off right after the cutscene, the AV doesn't aggro at all, its like the AV isn't "active" for the first few seconds or something.

Here's to hoping they replace those cutscenes with the new comic intros ASAP, the cutscenes in this game deserve all the mocking and bombing they can get.



Originally Posted by Lightslinger View Post

I've done it, but only because my team finished the crates and there were only 3 acids left to go, had just enough time to get into position with /e newspaper. I would never just stand there while everyone else collected temps though, bad form. In other words, its a pretty rare scenario that you can pull this off while still contributing.

Also, if you take off right after the cutscene, the AV doesn't aggro at all, its like the AV isn't "active" for the first few seconds or something.

Here's to hoping they replace those cutscenes with the new comic intros ASAP, the cutscenes in this game deserve all the mocking and bombing they can get.
When I lead them I tell folks ahead of time no bombing or kick. If you don't like it go lead your own trials.

SRS BSNS has nothing to with it. I take no issue with cut scene bombing in EVERY OTHER FREAKING cutscene in the game. Lambda is a different story as there is a chance the trial can fail. If you want to do whatever the hell you want during a trial, form your own league instead of standing around in Pocket D waiting for a handout.

To be honest with you the idiocy I've experienced from players wanting to do things their own way, has lead my leading trials to drop down to about once or twice a week. Don't have time to deal with people who refuse to follow instructions but then are too lazy to form their own trials.

Limited playtime means limited time to deal with tools.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



I guess the thing I find most odd about this... is that the behavior isn't even vaguely funny anymore. It was humorous for the first two or three times I saw it done. Beyond that, it is like hearing a bad joke for the 537th time... it loses a bit in the re-telling, eh? Sorta like how hitting F10 during the ITF cutscene hasn't been funny for at least a year, and yet people still do it.

Originally Posted by Spectreblade View Post
The first time I saw someone dancing in the Lambda Trial cutscene, my thoughts were "Why were you out there dancing instead of in here helping gather temp powers?"
This is why I would kick people for being in the cutscene... it has ZERO to do with how serious I am. It's about not helping when you should be.

Originally Posted by War-Nugget View Post
As long as you state that you will kick it is fine. I am mainly talking about people who don't warn before they kick, much like those who kick people before TFs end. That is just the leader being a jerk.
There is no need to warn anyone of the fact that if they are stupid and not contributing to the League, they should expect a Kick. Also, if people are being rude or otherwise negatively impacting a TF for others involved, they deserve a kick as well... whether it is Mission 2 or 23! It has little to do with the leader, and everything to do with the behavior of the person in question. Not seeing that is a failure to take responsibility. Yes, this is a game, but being a jerk during a TF or failing to contribute means other people will have less fun while someone is gallivanting.



Having been on a couple Zombie Man Lambdas, and having seen him kick people who emote through the cutscene, I gotta say I like it. I like that he warns the league not to do it and then follows through when someone does it anyway. He's not srs bsns about it, doesn't make a scene, just kicks.

I get a lot of lag in the collection phase and I die a lot as a result. I get frustrated as hell seeing someone dancing in the gate way when I am on my way back from the hospital and there are 7/10 and 5/10 grenades and acids collected. Kicking them seems like no great loss.



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
I guess the thing I find most odd about this... is that the behavior isn't even vaguely funny anymore. It was humorous for the first two or three times I saw it done. Beyond that, it is like hearing a bad joke for the 537th time... it loses a bit in the re-telling, eh? Sorta like how hitting F10 during the ITF cutscene hasn't been funny for at least a year, and yet people still do it.

This is why I would kick people for being in the cutscene... it has ZERO to do with how serious I am. It's about not helping when you should be.
No kidding. Lambda bombing was interesting the first time I saw it and then it rapidly progressed to not even vaguely funny or cool. I'm baffled why anyone would WANT to do it.

I've never lead a trial, but I've one starred every dancer I've trialed with.



This is cut from my post titled TOP TEN THINGS NOT TO DO DURING A TRIAL..

Another thing, Let’s not sit back and not help with the lab and warehouse, and instead get ready to photo bomb the Cut Scene. Look, that stuff is funny the first time. But, you know, if you can’t manage to not agro the AV and his mob, upsetting the opportunity to buff up again before the first GO, then, please stop. Again, think of the Desks. *To be clear: If you are a running back from the hospital, in a hurried attempt to get back into the fight, and just happen to get in the Cut Scene, you are good, it is not an issue. If you are found to be doing a dance emote, or the Praetorian Protest emote and have a specific Battlecry, for just the right part of Maruaders' speach, then yes Virginia, you are a NINNIE*

210 50s and still counting!



If you are warned by the leader to not do it and you do it, then you should not be suprised by the result. If I had a trial of friends, sure I will cutscene bomb, but with a PuG of strangers, I wouldn't do it.

Paragonian Knights
Justice Company



Originally Posted by Emberly View Post
Having been on a couple Zombie Man Lambdas, and having seen him kick people who emote through the cutscene, I gotta say I like it. I like that he warns the league not to do it and then follows through when someone does it anyway. He's not srs bsns about it, doesn't make a scene, just kicks.
I like that too. The best part is when you get back in RWZ and they are being all emo/dramatic in Broadcast about being booted. I LOVE Virtue Drama!

Paragonian Knights
Justice Company



I have a two strike rule..if im leading and u do it its fun...but ill warn them..see them do it kick.

I'm sorry but i don't see why people should work hard for some ****** to dance or something in the cut scene...twice. especially if we're struggling.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Why don't all you SRS BZNZ LULZ folk form your own global channel and play together? That way, after the "Security Team" is defeated, all 16 of you can run out and get ready to pose in the cut scene.
And post screenies




At first I thought the thread was about spamming macros during cutscenes, which is a fair past time imo.

Me and my friends usually call a vote to kick the people who **** around in the LAM cutscene. If the majority votes "yes", well, too bad.
I wouldn't mind it otherwise, but I have personally failed the trial at least two times because of it. The downtime between trials is annoying enough.

We've received a couple of angry tells because of this approach, but my friends aren't SRS enough to care...



As long as things are running smoothly, I don't let it get to me. If I'm not leading and the leader requests that the league not do something then I think it's only right to do as asked out of respect for the person that is taking the time to organize and run the league.

That said, it can sometimes go too far. I'm not a big fan of a micromanaging league leader. As long as everyone knows their roles and things get done I don't think someone should be screaming out commands every spawn, which some leaders will do. To me it's just as annoying as someone spamming gibberish or cut scene bombing. There is a fine line of being a "good leader" and being an annoying micromanaging twit. The key is someone who let's the league know how a run will go (what method) and what's expected of everyone and take the time to point out what is accepted and what isn't. Of course I'm not talking about Master runs, thats a whole other ball of wax.

Now personally when I run a league or TF I try to get all the managing out of the way from the start and answer any questions/concerns before we get started, and I'll tend to not do a lot of talking except for those important few points in the process or if someone is straying off the path too much. But that said, if I request that we do a certain thing as in regroup at point A, I do expect everyone to do that. But I always try to be fair and polite, even when I need to be stern. I almost never kick anyone though, because I usually communicate what I expect from the beginning and try to make the run as carefree and fun as possible. When I run all controller TFs or leagues I have 4 simple rules that I always give out right before we start: 1. Have Fun 2. No Drama 3. Work as a team; no lone wolves and 4. Have Fun!

@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
" are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff



Originally Posted by James_Donner View Post
Getting in during the final mission of the STF is easy. Just run over before the 4th AV dies. You either live or faceplant if he notices you. Would only impact a master run since 99% of teams drop the flyer before they attack the towers.

This is the one bomb I really don't mind because there is no risk to the team or or the TF failing.

ITF is doable. but your usually in the background and kinda fuzzy. If you have LOTS of range in Teleport you can drop in next to him but it takes some really great timing. Also very little risk to the team because its the romi in the cutscene is not the AV spawn you fight. He despawns/respawns with the nictus about 5-10 sec after the cut. If you are fast enough you can pull the cut scene Romi instead of the replacement. He will abandon all the nictus where they stand and cannot use them to rez. This may sound great but it means you Have to go kill them one at a time and that is often harder than dropping Romi.

LGTF is doable the same way and the Honoree portion is very easy.

Yeah James but once again you are describing a situation where ONE player simply has to FUNNY at the expense of his or her team. Granted with +1 level shifts and 4 incarnate powers taking out Mako, Black Scorpion, Sciricco, and Ghost Widow to spawn Recluse is no where near the task it once was but your team is engaged in a battle with an AV but instead of helping them you (not you personally just U as example) are off waiting to pose in a cut scene. I fail to see how that is being a good team mate. Don't get me wrong I play the game to have fun and love to joke and kid before, during and after a mission but not when doing it would or could mean team mates would suffer or I might cause a mission to fail.

I think what makes posing with Maurader, in particular, very disturbing to players is that its insulting in a way. Squishies as we all know can find themselves face down inside the glowie portion of that trial again and again. Its not as bad of your team sticks together, which rarely happens, but even then I have had my controllers, defender and mastermind find themselves taking multple trips to the hospital. Add to that the fact that your on a timer so there is a little pressure to complete before time runs out and everyone knows getting those acids and grenades is vital to success. So if your on the team that struggled, for whatever reason, when it finally ends to have a cut scene flash onto your PC and find 1, 2 or how ever many of your so-called teammate standing behind or even in front of maurader is upsetting. It not only sort of sends a message that being a clown was more important than completing the trial but its almost a taunt like .. "Ha ha losers we finished before you!" Okay personally I never felt that but I am betting some people did and do and that's not a particularly good message to send some one your supposed to be teaming with. I think the one time a cut scene appearance REALLY bothered me, in spite of us succeeding, was when the League Leader specifically broadcast in league chat.. "Team 2 go help team one with the acids" after his team had finished first. Amazingly it at least seemed to me we suddenly had all 16 members in the labs and quickly finished up.... Take a guess at who was posing in the cut scene. The ONLY guy who felt he had better things to do that help his team.. Yeah the league leader. When that trial ended I started a notecard on him, one starred him and put him on ignore so I NEVER, have to deal with him again.

Hey I like to have fun too .. last night after we completed the prisoner pahse of the BAF I was doing my Michael Jackson dance on top of Nightstar's body while we waited for Siege to FINALLY get to us. I joke, I flirt (with people I know lol) and have a great time playing with friends i ahve known for years and players i met 5 minutes ago. But I also realize that not everyone has 10 hours a day or even 10 hours a week to play COH. When its time to do my job so a mission, ANY MISSION, occurs I give it my best so the players I am teaming with get the rewards they are after. Let's face facts jokes may be funny from time to time in game but a mission complete and a reward bonus is what we are all after not ....


I read you other post and please don't take this as an attack on you. i saw that you have and would kick players for stuff like that in the lambda.. just used your post to send a message to anyone that reads this.

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
When I lead them I tell folks ahead of time no bombing or kick. If you don't like it go lead your own trials.

SRS BSNS has nothing to with it. I take no issue with cut scene bombing in EVERY OTHER FREAKING cutscene in the game. Lambda is a different story as there is a chance the trial can fail. If you want to do whatever the hell you want during a trial, form your own league instead of standing around in Pocket D waiting for a handout.

To be honest with you the idiocy I've experienced from players wanting to do things their own way, has lead my leading trials to drop down to about once or twice a week. Don't have time to deal with people who refuse to follow instructions but then are too lazy to form their own trials.

Limited playtime means limited time to deal with tools.
I never said I would do it if the leader requested that it not be done as I absolutely would not, I respect that the person who took the time to form the league gets to call the shots.

It is funny that simply because I voiced my opinion that there are instances where a person is not a leech for bombing so you call me a tool and accuse me of "standing around in Pocket D waiting for a handout". I wait for my handouts in RWZ thank you very much.

I agree with the majority, if someone skips the sabotage phase just to pose up kick them. If the leader asks no one to do it and they do, kick them.