Cut Scene Bombing




Originally Posted by Baba_Kanoosh View Post
A cried a little when I saw this reply from this player. End of an era.
It's mainly because about 90% of the time the dancer is someone on the team I just had to help get their last 5/10 temps after my team finished. Usually the mocking is done in a different channel though :P

<:[ shark goes nom nom nom ]:>
[QUOTE=theOcho;3409811]As to the REAL reason I'll be leaving, I'm afraid it is indeed because Tamaki Revolution dc'd on me during a RSF.[/QUOTE]



Originally Posted by Surgepoint View Post
If I warned you first *and* the trial is already doing poorly (ie: failed acids or nades because not everyone was present) then it is a kick.

If I warned you first and the trial is doing fine despite slackers, I won't kick you. I will, however, make use of the note system and am likely never invite you or team with you again.
I've bombed the cutscene, and I'll do it again. But I have a strict set of conditions for doing it:

1) If I'm coming back from the hospital and can't get back into the facility in time to do any good -- i.e., both groups are at 9/10 for their respective collection.

2) If we're done with our collection, and the other group only has one or two left with more than three minutes left on the clock. Any more left, or any less time, and it's better to at least try to help them collect the rest.

"But in our enthusiasm, we could not resist a radical overhaul of the system, in which all of its major weaknesses have been exposed, analyzed, and replaced with new weaknesses."
-- Bruce Leverett, Register Allocation in Optimizing Compilers



Originally Posted by srmalloy View Post
I've bombed the cutscene, and I'll do it again. But I have a strict set of conditions for doing it:

1) If I'm coming back from the hospital and can't get back into the facility in time to do any good -- i.e., both groups are at 9/10 for their respective collection.

2) If we're done with our collection, and the other group only has one or two left with more than three minutes left on the clock. Any more left, or any less time, and it's better to at least try to help them collect the rest.
Fun story just now, wasn't a cutscene bomb, but was just as annoying. After a death, saw half of a team just hanging outside the big door in lambda. Ya only 2/1 left, but half of a team just hanging out while 3-4 people were trying to get the last 2...

Was frustrating.

Let's Dance!



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
They really don't. All leaders need to do is form raids and help the newbies.

You take yourself far too seriously if you think being a raid leader entails anything more than that.

Leaders are guides for a raid, like it or not they prevent what is essentially the above from happening. They set up rules, circumstances, and basically make sure everyone's on the same page as well as smacking down those that are either flagrant jerk offs or worse. Whenever I don't lead a raid, I come into it knowing that the person with the star is the one that I need to listen to, like it or not, unless I have majority control in terms of friends (at which point I'd lead). I hold myself accountable for my actions and I countermand the leader knowing full well that he or she can kick me if they see fit.

I kick on a cutscene bomb in Lambda and only in Lambda (man, imagine all the kicks for a Mortimer SF cutscene bomb). I make it explicitly clear every single time that I will do so without remorse or hesitation. My first failed Lambda actually failed in this way. I've come to learn that Cutscene Marauder is actually different from the Marauder you fight (the ITF is the same way, if you had a long range teleport, it used to be that you could pull non Nictus Rommy and faceroll the last boss). Mind you, when/if I run with my friends, we also generally just pug a MoLambda because the entire trial is generally not that hard. Discipline and just being polite, respectful, and making it clear goes a long way in making people want to try.

Recently had a situation where someone actively jumped into the cutscene after the warning: he even made it clear that he'd heard. He ended up aggroing Marauder and almost failed the mission before the Marauder despawned and the real one popped up. He immediately starting saying about how nothing happened, he was innocent, and he totally should be left in (a vote kick was initiated, normal kick didn't work). Gone and kept badgering in tells, not understanding to my friend. Gignored, moved on.

You're welcome to believe that leaders are a figurehead and there's power to the people, but a good leader is a motivator, first and foremost. I've turned around and seen massive reversals of fortunes where myself and others stood up, took the raid by the balls, and just started making it clear what will be done and how it will be done and by gods, it got done. There's a reason people don't like to lead, and that comes down to the responsibility to control and help your raid when times are tough. Anyone with a passing knowledge of macros can recruit, leaders are few and far between.

So feel free to continue on, Xanatos, and tell us how and why leaders are some sort of figurehead. They're usually the ones that come up with the strategies, then teach those below them and share it. We kick because we care about the league, not about the showboating (if you really want to get into it, wouldn't cutscene bombing be a form of self insertion slash fanfiction), so deal with it. Call us what you want, I mostly just call us responsible.



Leaders are guides for a raid
what part of "help the noobies" does not apply to that?



Originally Posted by Mr. DJ View Post
what part of "help the noobies" does not apply to that?

But thank you Kenteko for sharing your thoughts. I especially liked the part where you told me you were responsible because you "lead" raids full of people on auto pilot.

I would never kick anyone unless they were trying to deliberate stop the trial from succeeding. What's the point? I'd only be lowering the overall amount of manpower after the cutscene ended.



To be honest, I ran my first trials yesterday. Neither leader (lambda or BAF) took any sort of excessive time out to "guide the noobies," and we did warn them we were new. But they didn't really need to. The popup instructions do a good job of letting people know generally what's going on, and the leaders were right there with the specifics of "group 1 go here, group 2 go here," etc. We were told "no bombing" on the Lambda, and no one did.

We also had one BAF where one guy recruited the whole league, and then spent 5 minutes going "WHO WANTS THE STAR?!" until someone stepped up. There was no real leadership on that one... we didn't fail, but it was definitely messy and not a great experience.



Originally Posted by Feycat View Post
We also had one BAF where one guy recruited the whole league, and then spent 5 minutes going "WHO WANTS THE STAR?!" until someone stepped up. There was no real leadership on that one... we didn't fail, but it was definitely messy and not a great experience.
"I'll take the star."
/kick muttonhead

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I don't kick - mostly because I don't lead. I just stick to 1-star rating with a comment to avoid if possible. If I would lead, I would probably kick, no warnings or anything.

u mad? If so, you don't get to play the srs bsns card.

Edit: I will try to lead a few lambdas in the future as to piss off cutscene bombers, just because of this topic.



I did it a couple of times - like, once per Incarnate - when the trials were new(er), and always in a "returning from hospital, 8 and 10, three minutes on the clock" context. That's after spending the rest of the round, every round, punching or healing my heart out.

These days, having gotten what I need for my characters from this round of trials, I don't run them at all. Maybe that's for the best.

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