571 -
I know it. I have had a look at a few other games...nothing stands out
Plus none of these games will have you all. I dunno. City of Steam seems interesting...beta is in November. But it isn't heroes/villains which I love.
I just tried Crossover and then LOTRO last night...no workee. From what I read it is busted for LOTRO, and see no MAC support for that game...
I have already parked one toon at the Storm Palace over looking the skyline with multiple suns.
This server was the best thing a newb could have ever clicked. We have been so fortunate to have meet so many awesome players. On behalf of my wife Planty Girl (Deb) and son Puffer Fish of Doom (Keith--hahaha man I loved that kid's toons) we want to sy we loved our time with you, and would marvel how we would spend our day thinking about this game when away. Triumph was a large reason why we felt this way.
Be'el, Da Fonz, Catwhoorg, Mylia, Kay Parfait, Magenta Bolt, Azr, Heather, Azrhiaz, Imeco, Spine Avenger, Ursus, Red Usagi, Colder, Tam, Cancer, Captain Thunder, Electron Kid, Bufford Pitts, Grog, Taryn, -Michael, Burte Force, B. Sampson, Evil Nor, OMG I cant even begin to remember everyone's toons. I know 30-60 other toons are missing, please take into account I can't even imagine losing the family this has become for us. Forgive me if I can't remember...
Wow Nov 2005, 3 accounts.
Everyone in our Debt Brigade Supergroup, Protectors of Tomorrow, Death Brigade VG, the old Riders crew, so many other awesome SG/VGs, the base raids, the Hami raids, all the TFs, the new TFs trying to figure out the win, the old sidekick system, street sweeping, the Hollows fighting with Frostfire with excitement on a new toon...
Can we get help with Lusca? FLYER SPAWNED IN GV GET THERE QUICK!
The costumes and the contests. The holiday events...Dev appearances...Getting one of those damn hard to find VR Purple recipes...
HOLY CRAP! I finally beat someone in PvP
Someone got a rez?
RAGEQUIT!!!! OK I am back Can we be Global Friends?
WTF is an Imeco?
Snow Globe herding cats in an iTrial
Everyone getting silenced in Triumph Watch
And now
You all have been amazing
Curtains -
Looks like Recluse was right in the end...
Dammit all to hell I got the free Kirby auras yesterday too...made some cool new water toons to lvl up, figured out how to make a toon and it didn't suck, met an avalanche of fun people.
If we go out...we go out how we got awesome...in the jello
Just tried it out. MacBook Pro 10.6.8. Didn't have time to play just log on and peek in DA. Maps updated.
Will play in a bit and post if there were any issues. But I expect no problems. -
So...based on the other thread I can assume this statement is no longer that accurate? Seeing more issues/problems than good reports...
Holding off on upgrade until this gets resolved.
As always CuppaManga has been the go to source for help in MAC PARAGON...a strange alternate universe for CoX. -
The day I heard about water I saved Water Bug and Splish Splash on Protector. Thanks to this thread inspiring me...I made Water Colors, every attack a different color of course.
Found these from another thread in the For Fun! section. Check them out. Here is a link to episode #1.
Stan and Lou -
If it hasn't been said already, I will now, otherwise second it:
Knives of Artemis backpack.
Also second the notion of hats for monstrous heads.
Oh and the last few sets that have come out recently have been AWESOME! Very very happy with new costume sets as of late. Thank you for the excellent work. -
I made a Night Widow with the intent of making this toon a powerhouse. But I started with a theme. I laughed at some of the animal characters long before there were the animal heads etc we have now. So I went for something original. Then I wanted him to be fun to play for a long time to come. Worked on the math, got the IOs and rewards needed to be perma-ML and now love the toon for the accomplishing the task and the effort to make it. He is also a hoot of a concept. Won Best Male Villain one year as well. All around just a lot of fun working on him from 1 to 50 +Incarnate/Hybrid slotted powerhouse. SO maybe go for the them but plan for the long haul as well.
Sigh. This thread makes me sad/laugh/cringe at my play for years now Lets see: My toons of shame, boredom and mistake-laden trails. All level 50 and dusty. Many kept mainly due to concept but after the work I don't have the heart to delete. Many are now simply outdated...at some point many of these toons were powerhouses and in demand in some way for a while or briefly.
Grav/Empath 'troller. My first level 50 and name sake. I loathe playing him now. I don't think I remembered to log on to him for last years anniversary badge. I try but I just can't do it anymore. Maybe the 1.5 yrs of leveling him and handing out buffs for a living did me in on empath. Not to mention Grav's previously weak impact. Propel. I did it for Propel. Damn animations get me all the time.
Sonic/Kin Corrupter. What can I say...I love punishment. Mainly on myself.
Ninja/TA MM. I honestly love TA other than I am without end by each mob...between twanging away fancy arrows and respawning dead ninjas....I just can't force myself to re-roll the toon. Unless we get Cim pets on MM. then he is toast.
Having hated my namesake, I made Mr. Kanoosh. A Dp/Devices blaster. My only blaster to see lvl 50. Sigh. The game suddenly got REAL quick around lvl 20 and I knew he was outdated with devices. I plugged on. Dusty dusty dusty toon.
A FF/Psi Defender. Powerleveled to help be a pesk during Base Raids. About 3 months after I had him fully slotted and somewhat survivable...base raids went away (and won't come back). Neither will this toon.
A Rad/Rad Defender. Invented to help our SG with...the new super hard STF. He lasted about 1 STF and everyone had the mechanics down, I got tired of hover, toggle debuff, oh you "arrested" my anchor already hang on lemme find another tarrrgett. Huh? Oh we moved to next mob? K brt. On an up note: Still hands down best sound for a power in game IMO is the Rad snipe.
A DB/SR stalker. Lately he has been a lot more fun to play after the latest lil' set of tweaks. I enjoyed running him through DA when soloing. Handled mobs pretty well.
Stone/EM tank. I never see the Stoney's that much anymore. It is a ship that has sailed it seems. I still want to make a video of all stone tanks set to the dsong of ELO "Turned to Stone." So I haven't deleted him in hopes I will make this video one day. FYI I first said this in 2007.
Dark/Elec Blast Def. 50% awesome and 50% waste of power set. Spent majority of time realizing why use any electric power on this toon? Still I plugged away to 50 waiting to see an upswing. Now he sits.
Not hated but of note:
MA/Shield Scrapper. Does MA do damage? I went heavy on level 40 Touch of Death sets to beef up the set bonuses maybe that is my problem with the DPS on MA. But I love this dude. I don't get hit while I slowly chip away when soloing. On teams, he is great. But I just don't see the bang hit of scrappers with MA.
A couple of hits in my book:
I will vouch for my Night Widow. It was an expensive build but I beefed up the Def and have perma-Mind Link and he rocks some serious hits in melee. LOVE LOVE LOVE my NW. Tanks many times until we get to the lvl 54+5 stuff out now.
I made a Dark Melee/Fire Shield brute and he is a chainsaw. Some mobs are problematic, but for the most part, awesome fun toon to play. Keeps me awake to manage him but well worth the fun.
I went FoTM and made a Thugs/Traps MM way back when and thoroughly enjoy him. No issues here.
Hands down my favorite: Plant/Thorn Dom. Three-tier perma and loving him each year I play with each change and advance made in game.
Currently working on a TW/WP brute and really see no issues but only playing small teams at lvl 30. Time will tell. I tend to ride it out to the bitter end. I have rolled Beam rifle and Beast MM. Wanna hear the punchline? I intentionally went Beast/poison. After seeing 75% of my toons shelved I figured why break the trend
I have fun trying no matter what. I think this game is at its peak for game play right now. I love the last 4-5 issues. Good times. I think many old power sets have just been outdated. Nice thread no trolling but just solid reads on perspectives. -
FACT I am old and have poor eyesight
FACT I have no Scirocco figure
FACT Once I seen how dusty these dudes were I knew a) I couldn't see anymore and need glasses and b) I would catch flack for it and c) my excuse was going to be it was to protest no Scirocco figurine...Dust Devils for EVERYYYONNNNE
FACT Life imitates art and vice versa...the GW stand is busted and GW is alive (yet dead) and Statesman is just plain dead. So GW gets to stand up. Besides GW rocks and deserves a seat of honor
FACT Cheese knows not why but why not
FACT I also miss Foster's Home. It was great.
FACT Bears eat Beets
RANDOM FACT I am kinda missing PvP base raids. And I want an Item of Power in my base even it does't buff. They just look too cool not to give us as eye candy. -
His alpha strike is Drown in Chocolate Milk attack.
It will take a lot of Imagination to replace Statesman. Penelope Yin, tough but no top dog for sure. Ms Liberty? Sure but still suffering from teenage afflictions for Justin Bieber. Who? WHO? Who can step up to fill this void. This leaked photograph says one thing about the leader this community needs to fill the void...smile and say CHEEEEESE
Playing on red side, while in Port Oakes I was checking the list of Super Group registers and get an assertion failure every time I try.