OSX Mountain Lion
CoH seems to run well on Mountain Lion.
Manga @ Triumph
"Meanwhile In The Halls Of Titan"...Titan Network Working To Save City Of Heroes
Save Paragon City! Efforts Coordination
NCLauncher crashes on my new retina mbp after upgrading to mountain lion.
Holding off on upgrade until this gets resolved.
As always CuppaManga has been the go to source for help in MAC PARAGON...a strange alternate universe for CoX.
"Oh NO! I'm so sorry baba! you and your wife will be sorely missed...s#@!, i did it again, didn't I?" - mintmiki
Animal Farm ID:71800
When Alts Collide: 134432

I got access to two models of Macbook Pro - one of them mine. My own has no crashing issues at all with NC Launcher, and the other crashes once per startup.
The crashy one is not all that severe, but I'm still investigating why one crashes and the other doesn't.
Even weirder is that the one that's not mine, I had access to it because I was restoring software from mine after the others' hard drive died. So it's the same NC Launcher and prefs I'm using, yet it crashes!
Manga @ Triumph
"Meanwhile In The Halls Of Titan"...Titan Network Working To Save City Of Heroes
Save Paragon City! Efforts Coordination
Mountain Lion definitely seems to have made some odd changes to how windowing is handled. The NCLauncher isn't the only app that's experiencing this trouble; I have a shareware image-cataloging app (QPict) that I've been using for years and years, since Mac OS 9 days, and it's always worked flawlessly. Now, under 10.8, it insta-crashes just like NCLauncher if I try to view an image "full screen". The author informs me he's working to resolve the issue, but it's been a month or more since I contacted him about it.
Has CoH been tested for Mountain Lion. I was going to get OSX Lion but Apple Store told me Mountain Lion is coming out next month (August).
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