So what are the options for Mac-user refugees?
Torchlight 2 releases 20 September, for starters ...

Torchlight 2 will be launching for PC first with Mac support later, and the player limit will probably be 8 or fewer players.
I'd like to know about other Mac-friendly MMO options. World of Warcraft is a given, but what else is there that's modern and fun for a casual gamer?
Lady Deacon, 50 ill/ff
Cinder Imp, 50 fa/wm
and many more!
Excellent question, and one I've been pondering myself, as my regular CoH group is thinking of migrating together to another game (I'm the only Mac user in my group, alas). None of what I list below is meant to be comprehensive.
First off, here's a link to a long list of Mac MMOs, longer than you ever thought possible. Lots of them are low-end browser-based stuff, though.
Some of the games that have full Mac support today(-ish) are: WoW, Eve, CoH, Warhammer, Fallen Earth, Lord of the Rings (with next expansion, in a month or two, and said to be native, not a Cider port).
Some games can be played in a "Wine" wrapper. Crossover is one (commercial) example of that technology, and they keep an extensive list of what runs and doesn't. Of note: Star Trek Online, Guild Wars 1, Rift, Dungeons and Dragons online, Champions online.
Personal note: I play Star Trek Online using a wrapper freely available on their forums. Works fine, at modest graphics settings. I tried Guild Wars 1 with Crossover a few years ago, and it, too, ran fine (after the 2-week trial, I returned to CoH instead). I haven't tried the others.
Notable exceptions that don't currently work in wrappers: Star Wars TOR, Guild Wars 2; people are working hard on both. The Secret World currently seems marginal, from what I've read on Crossover's forums.
Upcoming games with promised Mac support: Elder Scrolls online (2013), and the Shadowrun MMO (probably much later, just getting started).
And don't count out browser games! They are getting far more impressive every day. I am intrigued by City of Steam. It's in alpha, but check out gameplay videos on YouTube; doesn't look like a browser game!
Hope that helps someone else who refuses to install Windows in any way.
Quote of the moment: This, too, shall pass.
Justice superteamers: We have a website now, in case the forums get closed early. If you've ever run with us, come visit us again before the curtain falls. We're running bucket list characters--anything you've always wanted to play but never got around to.
The only thing I can honestly think even after looking at that long list of games is I never heard of them. MANY appear to be what CoH was going to. Which is just buy stuff to play. You want that dungeon you can buy it OR you can farm these items over the next few months to get access to it for a short period of time.
Some of them are out of country, I'm not feeling that honestly. Your really on the short end of the stick if your account is compromised or your CC info is stolen from them. The whole its 5 PM here so its 5 am there means you get no help or C.S.
If I had to make a choice and I did btw.
It is either Champions Online using Boot Camp to install windows XP. I have about 3 or 4 old XP stickers and cds from old windows boxes just for this purpose.
WoW for Mac.
I went back to WoW. I had someone send me a resurrection scroll which gave me Cataclysm for free and a free bump up to level 80 for one of my toons. I have a 80 Paladin, 80 Hunter and I bumped up my Warlock to 80.
The other good thing with this new patch is all mounts now account wide. along with those other rewards. So as long as you have the rep you can ride it. As an example my Hunter did the raid where you kill the 4 kings of the opposing side. But now all my toons have access to that mount.
They made it much easier now as well. If you recall that whole specing tree. Well simply it is all GONE. So no points to spend in each power.
As an example you pick Beast mastery with your hunter and you just get these core abilities. Then you pick other certain abilities based on your level. Its like 1 choices per set of levels out of 4 or 5 powers which when your at level 90 is like 5 or 6 powers. End result it is those 5 or 6 powers now that will make you different.
Another example, Hunters no longer need mana or use it. The only thing they need is agility and stamina stat wise. Intel and spirit are of no use to them.
No more bullets for your gun, it just shoots. No more needing melee weapons. You can shoot at melee range. People know before there used to be a area in which you could not shoot or melee with a hunter. In PvP that tended to be an issue and could be slightly be exploited by the other side.
I do not think there are trainers anymore. So when you level, you just level and get your new skills. Which is good as I leveled twice in the middle of the Ocean floor with no trainers in the zone, so leaving and coming back would have been a chore.
Again this is just to give you an idea of where they went or are going.
Champions online has the life time account. I don't know the price honestly but if it is 199 or something it just might be worth to give it a toss and just not worry about paying for it anymore. This way you get the full boat and your done forever. I think they might give you some other stuff as well.
The best thing about Champs online is the costumes. Hands down it beat outs CoH in that department. But it was lacking content when I left. I noticed that they added more over the years of course, but I don't know if it is enough.
I do know you can buy extra character slots for it . So if you go F2P and buy 2 or 4 slots you have 6 toons to mess around with and then I would suggest purchasing extra costume slots. So this way you can have 6 F2P with 3 or 4 costume slots to mess around with. Otherwise it could get boring having 2 toons and 1 costume.
If you were going to go CO then I would just boot camp instead of trying to get your linux on attempting to use crossover wine and asking for help in the forums. I think that will drive you nuts, unless your looking to learn something and have dealt with linux before. End result it will be more work just to have fun then you might have bargained for.
Anyways Good luck to all
CoH broke up with me first, but I moved out and moved on. Even thought they suspended the accounts I cancelled anyways.
1. Why Soft Cap is Important :
2. Limits:
3. Attack Mechanics:
4. Rule of Five:
I just tried Crossover and then LOTRO last workee. From what I read it is busted for LOTRO, and see no MAC support for that game...
"Oh NO! I'm so sorry baba! you and your wife will be sorely missed...s#@!, i did it again, didn't I?" - mintmiki
Animal Farm ID:71800
When Alts Collide: 134432

On a conflicted note, the mac beta for GW2 is up (or coming very soon). The rebel in me wants to say NEVER AGAIN to NCSOFT. The mac user in me is excited for any game that works on a mac. Probably will try out the beta to see if I like it
Champions Online can be run on a Mac using the Star Trek Online wrapper. That's how my wife installed it on her Mac.
I have no intention of trying GW2 for the Mac, but that's not out of any anti-NCSoft sentiment, it's that the system specs for my computer are approximately half of what the bare minimum requirements for it are. (My computer's only three years old, but it's apparently not new enough)
Hello guys,
There's a lot of threads going up about what other MMO to play after the end of the Cities. A lot of these games are not available for Mac thought.
Does anyone know what our options are?