Revival Of Redside?




Originally Posted by Socorro View Post
If only all AT and all Alignments could go anywhere.

Villains are allowed on Blueside - I bash Hellions, Malta, Family, etc in PI all the time. If only Villainous PCs had some Villainous contacts and Mission Arcs there. Wouldn't it be nice flavour wise if you, flagged as a Villain, had Longbow and PPD attack you when they saw you?

Same with Redside. There's plenty of heroing to be done over there. Honestly, a 'Nation' that blocks all "Good People" from even entering is as ludicrous as it sounds. A better approach is that it's a corrupt government who minions (ie Arachnos mobs) attempt to arrest/remove those who might distabilize the regime (ie. Heroes and Vigilantes). Truly that's just fluff anyway - Arachnos already attack everyone on sight, Villains included.

One could argue that it's not realistic to allow Villains and Heroes to walk around side by side and not fight each other. How is that much different that my Vigilante joining a bunch of Villains (whom he normally bashes) on a ST to defeat the Freedom Phalanx?

One open world - then all this talk of redside/blueside populations would go away, as it should.
I had an alt version of my main in Redside, using the notion that Recluse saw her as a Destined One, and so he allowed her access to the Isles under the the guise of allowing her to play the part of the hero in the Isles, but wanting to try to corrupt her.

It works imo, due to you doing exactly what one would do blueside, taking on villains.

There's a few mechanic problems, like the Longbow attacking. But that's the same problem as someone mentioned in an earlier post with the Longbow attacking Hellions who happened to be loitering.

Nevermind they couldn't see it that oh hey, that Hellion is a wanted criminal maybe?

Or a limit to the game engine. The NPC probably doesn't notice the difference between loitering and car jacking/purse snatching/breaking and entering. It's flagged as "attack these enemies"

Which is of course better than everyone going with the "Longbow/PPD are ineffective, because I'm always rescuing them" that the game started with (well at least with the PPD), witht he PPD cowering before every enemy.

Depending on how well F2P works for getting more people into CoH, I still think you'll see an increase in red side activity. Even if it's not a lot of new players, 10% of 1000 new F2P players, is 100 people running around redside!

*note: 1000 new players may or may not be wishful thinking...depending on advertising of F2P, I can picture the rush of that many at least however*

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Wicked_Wendy View Post
That was what I was curious about. Red side is dead .. no one bothered to tell all my villains or rogues. lol
*looks at the flourishing redside community on Union and the mounting forces of his Arachnos group*

Greed is good. Conquest is better.
For the Guard!

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Wicked_Wendy View Post
That was what I was curious about. Red side is dead .. no one bothered to tell all my villains or rogues. lol
Hmmmm... yes... I think all my villains and rogues need to go plan their emergency exit then. Including my active SG redside too. Thanks for the heads-up!

Wait! Why would I run and hide...? Kill the invading heroees and feed on their hearts!

The blood is the life!

- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!



Revival Of Redside?
Sorry, my fault, I logged in my one villain by accident.

Yes, that one. The villain created day one of COV who is level 39.


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville



i used to play the heck out of redside, pretty much exclusively, for the ATs. i find the hero ones really boring but redside itself was killing my interest for a couple of reasons:

1. just because its evil doesnt mean it needs to be a dump. its an ugly place, i get it, but its ugly pretty much everywhere.
2. the mission structure is/was a lot like this:
its really sucks that theres all these different enemy groups (legacy chain, goldbrickers, snakes, coralax, ect) that pretty much disappear from the rest of the game between 20-30.

those are pretty much the two biggest reasons, #2 actually being bigger than 1.


Photoshop doesn't make a good artist.



Originally Posted by Broomhilda View Post
After the 20s on villian side the enemys are just basicly the same as hero, and honestly I would rather be able to find a team to get through it.
Yeah, pretty much.

The devs created heroic factions to battle villains, but it seems they forgot these enemy groups when creating the later levels.
What happened to Wyvern, Legacy Chain, Luddities, RIP and Security Guards? The only hero group that made it to the end-game seems to be Longbow. Security Guards and RIP are limited to level 40s if I remember right.

I wish the story arc creators were more bold when designing CoV content. There are some really evil arcs and missions, but then you have contacts like Hardcase.

Even though I enjoy villain side the most, I really dislike this villain vs. villains thing that's going on. A clash with council or malta every now and then is ok, but I think villains should be fighting heroes most of the time.

Oh yeah, there's also PPD. However I find the lvl 45+ PPD just uninteresting. Personally I would have had those PB officers as bosses or a part of a story arc. The beat cops, detectives, SWAT and hard suits were ok, even the psi cops, but the PPD peacebringers are just flat out uninteresting imo. The paragon city must have a Peacebringer-o-matic somewhere that can just crap out peacebringers every two seconds.
Personally I would rather be fighting army infantry, tanks and choppers....or just more advanced PPD hardsuits.



I still like Redside.

Not going to try and justify myself, because if you don't like Redside, I'm not going to convince you anymore than you will convince me to play Blueside more.



Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
Also, more contacts like Peter Themari could help.
Everything is better with some Themari. Or Phipps. Missions that actually make you feel like a villain.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



Originally Posted by Dante View Post
Everything is better with some Themari. Or Phipps. Missions that actually make you feel like a villain.
Phipps made me feel like a toadie, not so much a villain tbh.

Let's Dance!



Originally Posted by Dante View Post
Everything is better with some Themari. Or Phipps. Missions that actually make you feel like a villain.
Indeed. I'm probably one of the few people alive who cracked up at Phipps' comment about the poisoned girls going blind. I have a very dark sense of humor.

I also like the new villain contacts, Dean MacArthur, Leonard, and Vincent Ross where you're largely working under your own initiative. There's a few other contacts that have elements of this such as Willy Wheeler's last mission, parts of Tavish Bell's Vigilante Justice arc, and Diviner Maros (who's pretty much "someone is plotting to kill you, let me help you kill them first").



Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
Indeed. I'm probably one of the few people alive who cracked up at Phipps' comment about the poisoned girls going blind. I have a very dark sense of humor.

I also like the new villain contacts, Dean MacArthur, Leonard, and Vincent Ross where you're largely working under your own initiative. There's a few other contacts that have elements of this such as Willy Wheeler's last mission, parts of Tavish Bell's Vigilante Justice arc, and Diviner Maros (who's pretty much "someone is plotting to kill you, let me help you kill them first").
And tips. Tips are great for real villains. There may be no 'master plan' as such but the sheer joy of going and ruining someone's day because you can is very rewarding.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



It's moderately difficult to imagine Magneto, Dr. Doom or the Skrulls taking Arachnos' orders to rob a bank, or checking in the newspaper for a good idea for a heist. They'd already have things to do, to suit their purposes.
Shocker, Sandman or Juggernaught might, though.

"Men strunt �r strunt och snus �r snus
om ock i gyllne dosor.
Och rosor i ett sprucket krus
�r st�ndigt alltid rosor."



Originally Posted by NightErrant View Post
Redside has it's charms. But it's just so depressing all the time.
That's one problem with it, yeah, the unrelievedly gloomy art design. IMO, the other is that its overall plot is a straitjacket. You will be one of Lord Recluse's Chosen. You will work for Arachnos, a villain organization so unimpressive its roots can be traced back to Benito Mussolini, the Lou Costello of murder-oriented 20th-century dictators. You will participate in its stupid infighting. You can assume your character isn't doing it willingly if you want, but you'll be doing it all the same. And eventually, if you work hard and eat your vegetables, you'll unlock... epic ATs who are even more mired in the whole ridiculous business.

It's just... not fun.



I personally find it funny that there is only one arc where you seem to be in it for yourself rather than the arachnos, and that's Dean MacArthur's arc.

If we had more chains like THAT one, people would probably feel better. Similarly had more chains where you didn't fight Arachnos, Longbow and CoT. Legacy Chain, Wyrven, some Hero Corp stuff... these would all be welcome additions to the villian missions. Maybe some missions where you infiltrate Preatoria and help out the resistance blow stuff up to create mayhem that the Arachnos to take over.

As to reviving redside? Honestly, part of it has been said previously. But one thing would be to make a few TF's with either ambiguous or pure villianous goals in mind that are open to both sides.

Also the removal of the required mayhem missions for contacts. Mayhems are nice once in a while, but sometimes you don't want to have to blow up 12 cars, fight off 100 PPD and a hero, just to talk to some dink who's begging for money.

Oh, and removing the hidden contacts from being hidden.

And this is just personal but, I don't feel that Arachnos should be such an all pervading force as representatives of the entirety of villiandom (as they are potrayed now). Maybe as basic arbitrators within the Isles, but having them be as obscenely overused as they are now is just annoying. 1/4th of my contacts should not be directly connected to one single organization for the villians. I should be able to be more of a free contractor to work with Council, Column, Malta, Knives, Carnies, Mooks, Family, Sky Raiders (there's a crew that you DEFINITELY should work for, not against as a villian)... heck maybe even hellions and Skulls at really low levels. Maybe throw in a few of the "morality" choices during these arcs where you have an opposing group that you're about to attack and mop the floor with offer you more Inf or whatever to join them.

And I suppose that's one thing that could help out with the villany. Show us SOME benefit of pulling off successful heists or making that million dollar paycheck. People try to say that we're in it for ourselves, but how can we do that if we don't receive anything. I understand that it's a balance issue if you make it like a monetary thing (you get 3 trillion inf for managing to wipe out an arachnos op or whatever) but little things would be nice (maybe have a "banker" call you every so often and explain exactly how your money is doing until he just steals your money and flees or whatever).


By the catapillars hooka you WILL smile!



Since people can make red side ATs blue side from the get go via i21, then the influx of people will be going blue side. With being on one side and yet able to visit the other side, the only real interest in red side is unlocking patrons, or doing content that's specifically geared towards villains. Red side is what it has always been, an expansion pack versus a full blown game merged with CoH. Red side was built to be "good enough" and then left as is instead of making it an actual equal to blue side. See also PvP and bases for similar tactics. Give red side an equal number of TFs and then we'll talk. The fact that I would have to look up when red side had a STF added where blue side wasn't getting a new TF to match pretty much proves my point.



Have to have a red side 1st off to have it revived. Personally never felt CoV was anything more then bullies and never actually villains.



Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
The thing that would revive redside for me would be to make the contact chain work more like goldside. Stop making me do a mayhem mission just to get a new contact. If I want to perform some villainy, just let me walk up to a contact and start some evil.

Also, more contacts like Peter Themari could help.

This is one area where I really wish the devs would do SOMETHING to improve the situation. Yes I know hero side I can do a safeguard and add new contacts but beginning at level 2 on hero side, if you went through Outbreak, you get a contact just for arriving... now at that point red side is the same Burke/Kalinda but when you reach level 5 hero side your contact introduces you to another contact in KR. Run a few missions for that contact and they give you another.. Before long you can have all 5 of the Origin related contacts with or without ever doing a safeguard mission. And after that at every new level range you can go back and be introduced to the next contact for that origin by the one you just out leveled. Sure there are some you open up other ways but from as early as level 6 or 7 all the way to level 50 you can always have at least 5 contacts to get missions from once you open them up.. NOT villain side.

Only a few contact introduce you to anyone and half of those require you to defeat x or y to be introduced to them. Now don't get me wrong I don't mind mayhem missions .. unless the safeguards meeting all of the requirements and earning all the badges in a mayhem can add up to an accolade with powers.. hero side the accolade is pretty much just PRETTY and doesn't do a thing. Not much of a reward for all those banks I kept from being robbed, fires I put out, neighborhoods I kept from being blown up and PPD I rescued.

Now I will say this .. Red side contacts When I get a new red side contact I can walk up to him/her for the very first time and they are happy to sell me any type on inspiration I may need. If I never do a single one of their missions they still will sell me stuff so I can complete someone else's missions. Hero Side... Some of them don't give out their phone number until you practically finish their arc and usually until you do at least 2-3 missions they won't sell you 5 of the 8 types of inspirations. So let's see first i had to prove myself to Sam Pierce in KR before he'd sell me stuff or give me his cell phine number now I am here in Steel Canyon chatting with Kyle Peck who I was introduced to by Sam. Sam and I are confidants now and he trusts me but I am right back to square one earning Kyle's respect before he will take my phone calls or help me out and sell, NOT GIVE ME but sell, me inspirations so I stand a decent chance of surviving and completing the mission HE want done. Some how that whole thing seems backwards to me. Considering I am a criminal and dealing with other criminals wouldn't it make sense that the RED side contacts would want some show of competance before they TRUST me. Hero side I am a registered Super Hero and especially if I was just introduced to you by another contact wouldn't you think they'd TRUST the guy that just introduced me to them. If they don't they why are they letting these people send heroes LIKE ME to them in the first place.

just another of COH/COVs little mysteries we may never solve.. but again.. please PLEASE try having some of the red side contacts actually introduce us to new contacts instead of having to run 3 or 4 mayhem missions to get enough contacts to get to the next level.

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Don't forget that the game still has a T rating, so they can't be too evil with the red side stuff.
Originally Posted by ESRB

Titles rated T (Teen) have content that may be suitable for ages 13 and older. Titles in this category may contain violence, suggestive themes, crude humor, minimal blood, simulated gambling, and/or infrequent use of strong language.
Basically, you can thrash old grandmas about, suggest non-consensual intimacy, make fun of their saggy parts, pull out their earrings (while placing bets as to whether or not they'll pass out with shock) and use the word "damn" every once in a while...

... and still be rated T.



Honestly, I don't play redside because I find the zones depressing and annoying to navigate. My wife and I were both disappointed that Mercy Island had not been included in the update for Freedom. Villainy is everywhere, not just on decimated island city states. Improve the redside zones and I'll play there.

As for that other game that was mentioned, I love playing a villain there.



A big part of the problem, IMO, is that in the genre, villains are the proactive characters - they set plots in motion, to which the heroes react. It's hard to set up or allow that in an MMO, especially those built on the quest-giving model; the Mission Architect is the closest that this game has come so far.

My characters at Virtueverse
Faces of the City



Originally Posted by Amy_Amp View Post
Since people can make red side ATs blue side from the get go via i21, then the influx of people will be going blue side. With being on one side and yet able to visit the other side, the only real interest in red side is unlocking patrons, or doing content that's specifically geared towards villains. Red side is what it has always been, an expansion pack versus a full blown game merged with CoH. Red side was built to be "good enough" and then left as is instead of making it an actual equal to blue side. See also PvP and bases for similar tactics. Give red side an equal number of TFs and then we'll talk. The fact that I would have to look up when red side had a STF added where blue side wasn't getting a new TF to match pretty much proves my point.
Yeah, it was always a huge red mark against the development team the way the utterly failed with Redside. Leaving it hanging like that for all these years, never expanding the plotline, never really... anything. I know there are apologists and fanatics around that will leap to the defense of those decisions, but really the 'people don't like playing bad characters' perspective is really, really off. At least to me. Like some others have mentioned, it seems like the basis of redside was pretty clever, and cool for a starting point, but they failed to ever move it along... at all.. in any way... ever.... And now redside may as well be shut down so there is less load on the servers. On the other hand, the additions and changes to blueside have been remarkable!

Oh wait... not a fan of Incarnate content... at all... Unfortunately, no other game offers me a playable metahuman character scheme in a manner that is acceptable, so until Marvel's MMO finishes here in the next year or two, I'm still stuck here. F2P can't come soon enough

Wow, this post turned out a lot more negatively that I really intended it to, but after years, and years of waiting for redside to be brought up to speed and then finally accepted that the devs really do intend to just let it twist in the wind forever, and the hell with the people that bought the game for it, didn't leave me with a good feeling.

Now I have all this raid oriented lockedstep forced advancement that the apologists are pretending isn't a painfully obvious gimmick and it's making me more and more negative the more I think about it. There needs to be another reasonable way too progress with that. This 'OMGRAIDZORD' craze their murdering the game's canon and seven years of operating procedure with is an excellent indication that what the developers want, these other players want, and what I want, are not at all compatible. I don't want to raid. Ever. I am on deployment in 'Ghan. I don't have internet reliable enough to have eight billion other people on the screen with me for one, and I started playing this game BECAUSE it didn't have locked rewards hidden behind giant timesink raids for two.

Stand UP.



Red > Blue. 90% of my characters are Vil/Rogue. I also hate almost all of blueside's tfs.

<:[ shark goes nom nom nom ]:>
[QUOTE=theOcho;3409811]As to the REAL reason I'll be leaving, I'm afraid it is indeed because Tamaki Revolution dc'd on me during a RSF.[/QUOTE]