Revival Of Redside?




I can't speak for everyone, but there is an 'ick' factor in directing my character to fight and presumably kill the police. For some reason in the "other game" that was mentioned, I found it a lot more disturbing than CoH and rerolled pretty quickly. Maybe the game had more "death" and "injury" sound effects--I can't remember. Anyway, it's one thing to talk about villains planning evil things and maybe sometimes getting away with it, but seeing it all the time (and especially directing the character to do it) was just really depressing.

However, the other reason I avoid red side is the color scheme and the fact that whatever the numbers show, getting on a low level team is way too much work.



I imagine my reaction is similar. playing an actually evil character and doing things that are evil, even comic book evil, is depressing to me. If i want to see evil win, i'd read forbes magazine, i play for the escapism of watching the people who are above the law find the law kicking them in the face and laying them low. Personal experience varies, but in every game with moral choices, i have never played anything but a full on "good/ paragon/open fist/whatever" character. I bought villains because that was where new content and costume pieces were, and i loved plant based powers, but most of my reds are rogues. and their stories usually paint them as master thieves with hearts of gold or vigilantes who went too far rather than real villains.

One thing i will say is that if one cares about playing a villain or hero or such, the tips and rogue system was a significant boon. some of the better content detailing behavior that was either virtuous or monstrous has been in those stories. cant think of any stories in the game proper or tfs that made me feel like "one good spider". If anything would cause people to play redside for the feel, i'd say that should have been a determiner.



Originally Posted by Grae Knight View Post
Redside isn't dead, it is full of blueside players visiting, briefly, for the badges.

hehe, I chuckled at this because it's true!

When GR launched, the FIRST time I ran a St. Martial SF (Ice Mistral SF) was because of my main (EI) needing the badge. I was never on (or had the time) to run an IM SF before that! Sad too because it was a very neat/cool SF!

Oh and the Renault SF was new to me too...I thought I had done that one before but I was thinking of the SG comp. SF one. EI had to do the Renault SF and again, a neat SF

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Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
I can't speak for everyone, but there is an 'ick' factor in directing my character to fight and presumably kill the police...
My first introduction to Freedom Corps was seeing Longbow charging in assault rifles blazing to prevent a Hellion from loitering against a wall. The only other organisation I had the option of 'Heroing' for was Hero Corp and that's no better than being a highly powered mercenary.

So I'm a villain. I live in the Rogue Isles, kill corrupt cops, kill arachnos minions, fight the same gangs and Mafiosi that a hero spends their time 'arresting' into little pieces, but I also get to spend time fighting against the organisations that have the unmitigated gall to name themselves after 'freedom' and 'liberty' while shooting people for standing in a public park wearing the wrong t-shirt.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
And always will have

Naughty isn't as popular as nice
Except perhaps among the people attracted by Freedom who see redside as "If I'm a villain, that completely justifies my ganking in PvP", even though PvP in CoX is set up to minimize player's ability to do that with the autoleveling in PvP zones. This will be followed by the exodus of most of these players once they actually find the PvP zones and discover that they can't run around smacking down other players running characters that they're +25 to...

"But in our enthusiasm, we could not resist a radical overhaul of the system, in which all of its major weaknesses have been exposed, analyzed, and replaced with new weaknesses."
-- Bruce Leverett, Register Allocation in Optimizing Compilers



Originally Posted by NightErrant View Post
I would -love- some dedicated Vigilante "Let's save the people of the Rogue Isles" content, though.

And some Rogue "Let's mess with Paragon City for fun and profit" content as well.
Much agreed! I have a Stalker I designed as a hero in the Rogue Isles with that goal in mind long before Going Rogue was even announced. I did Paper Missions and have a journal for him, cobbling those paper missions into story arcs and tips he followed based on previous missions.

He was almost 50 when I brought him over to Vigilante status as soon as Going Rogue came out (He wasn't going to leave the isles for long) but found that I can't do Vigilante missions over there.

He's 50 now, and sure I could (and still do from time to time) Paper missions to continue his story that way, but I'd really like to see some 'bringing justice to the Isles' possibilities unfold.

That and I have a number of villains I'd love to break havoc all over Paragon with

"I play characters. I have to have a very strong visual appearance, backstory, name, etc. to get involved with a character, otherwise I simply won't play it very long. I'm not an RPer by any stretch of the imagination, but character concept is very important for me."- Back Alley Brawler
I couldn't agree more.



Originally Posted by Dante View Post
Teaming works differently redside. I don't have teamates, I have minions.
The enemy of my enemy is my fall-guy.

"But in our enthusiasm, we could not resist a radical overhaul of the system, in which all of its major weaknesses have been exposed, analyzed, and replaced with new weaknesses."
-- Bruce Leverett, Register Allocation in Optimizing Compilers



Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
And if you think 20,000 people can't be wrong, just look at no-carb dieting!
I did this - lost 55 pounds, and have kept most of it off (after five years).

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
Or for a larger sample, look at the people who voted for Ross Perot.
This however was not as successful.

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Originally Posted by Dante View Post
Teaming works differently redside. I don't have teamates, I have minions.
Heh, thats nice of you to call them "minions", I let those lackies know just where they stand... err... grovel!

------->"Sic Semper Tyrannis"<-------



Originally Posted by Edana View Post
My first introduction to Freedom Corps was seeing Longbow charging in assault rifles blazing to prevent a Hellion from loitering against a wall. The only other organisation I had the option of 'Heroing' for was Hero Corp and that's no better than being a highly powered mercenary.

So I'm a villain. I live in the Rogue Isles, kill corrupt cops, kill arachnos minions, fight the same gangs and Mafiosi that a hero spends their time 'arresting' into little pieces, but I also get to spend time fighting against the organisations that have the unmitigated gall to name themselves after 'freedom' and 'liberty' while shooting people for standing in a public park wearing the wrong t-shirt.
Before I start my rant, I want to congratulate you on the above - it always amuses me that people find the villain content to be 'dark' or 'disturbing' or some such.... apart from a few exceptions (including some tip missions), the writing of the content is fairly tame, and certainly little 'darker' than hero-side. If I bash Freaks in GV to get a valuable client out of an office building, or I bash Freaks in PI to get a scientist out of an office building, I see little difference. However, I don't role play and, while I appreciate the subtle nuances, the process is basically the same. Most of the time (as said before, there is some villainous writing in the game), it's the player who attaches morality and emotion to a virtual play experience, not the devs.

This thread has much of the same themes as any other thread of this type (including the usual suspects coming in as CoH's official PR person and explaining why hero is 'good' and villain is 'bad').

I'm not going to repeat myself (search posts under my name and you'll see more than one that concerns this topic), but, unlike some would like to believe, 'bigger' is not always 'better'. Which 'side' to play on is an extremely personal choice, but more often than not influenced by external factors, such as;
  • The perception of probabilty of finding a team available
  • The perception of probabilty of a SG being available and/or active
  • (For some) the probabilty to be farmed
  • Play preference ('I don't want a dmg/support character to play - I want a Blaster so I can deal damage so I can complete the dmg/healer/tank magic three')
  • Content preference ('I want shiny buildings!')

As others have said, it's a catch 22 situation, exacerbated by some people (who I often muse must be paid by NCSoft or the Paragon City government) to counter anything that alludes to villain content with negative comments. Basically, it's all about perception and culture, and I don't think Freedom is going to change that much (the only thing that is that the F2P people will be able to create 2 traditionally villain a/t and send them to Paragon immediately, instead of having to wait 20 levels).

As I've said before, I can tolerate the progressive invisibility of CoV as long as some dev resources are spent on Villain content (e.g. if a new TF that isn't co-op is introduced, I would like a new SF as well, as was done with Morty). I understand that, from a cost-benefit perspective, dev resources are always better spent on Co-op content, or re-doing the old TFs and old hero zones (these are truly needed for those that prefer to play blue-side), but as long as some parity is maintained I'll keep playing the game.

Sorry if I've thread-jacked - it wasn't my intention...



Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
And if you think 20,000 people can't be wrong, just look at no-carb dieting!
Which side is more popular isn't really a question of right or wrong. If 66% of the people like something, and you think they're wrong, they're still a majority. A wrong majority perhaps, but that doesn't make them not the majority.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



I prefer the fewer zones of the red side and the ATs have always been cooler (well, used to anyone can be any alignment). Anyway, blue side has way too many zones and lots of those are dead. Red side gives you more focus and less pointless running around



Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
I imagine my reaction is similar. playing an actually evil character and doing things that are evil, even comic book evil, is depressing to me. If i want to see evil win, i'd read forbes magazine, i play for the escapism of watching the people who are above the law find the law kicking them in the face and laying them low. Personal experience varies, but in every game with moral choices, i have never played anything but a full on "good/ paragon/open fist/whatever" character. I bought villains because that was where new content and costume pieces were, and i loved plant based powers, but most of my reds are rogues. and their stories usually paint them as master thieves with hearts of gold or vigilantes who went too far rather than real villains.

One thing i will say is that if one cares about playing a villain or hero or such, the tips and rogue system was a significant boon. some of the better content detailing behavior that was either virtuous or monstrous has been in those stories. cant think of any stories in the game proper or tfs that made me feel like "one good spider". If anything would cause people to play redside for the feel, i'd say that should have been a determiner.
Can certainly understand that point of view.

For me? Well, practically all my characters are linked. You've got the good guys, that work closely with other heroes, the PPD and are in constant struggle with the bad dudes. You've got the bad dudes that focus mainly on their goals, occasionally turning to other events to further their goals and occasionally have run ins with with good guys. And then there's the guys inbetween, some work for the bad dudes for money or just to get more info on them or maybe get caught up in some strike-force that has the bad dudes after their heads and get some help from the good guys...

My good guys can't be good without bad dudes. So I make bad dudes whose stories collide with the good guys. Since there's alot of 'inbetween', that's when the middle men get mixed which is where I do the side-swapping and what-not.

But then, if you purely rely on the in-game story to be your story and the struggles your good guy had in the past to stay in the past, I guess you don't need to make bad dudes and just rely on the game to give you that. But my good guys have pasts and their pasts don't disappear when I hit Atlas button upon creation. The bad dudes of their past often still exist so I have to make em' and they'll still be bad when I do.

Does that make sense?



Originally Posted by Antoinette View Post
I only play on redside, I love redside! Literally.
Since the introduction of CoV I don't think I've rolled a single hero. Now with GR I have made a few hero ATs, but they always end up at RI.

I find CoV a lot more compelling than CoH. The zones this noir feel to them, it's a lot more rugged, depressing and darker world and that is what I dig. The arcs are darker and you get to do evil things (for the most part), which is fun as well. I just wish they created more truly villainous content nowadays.

The archetypes were something to get used to though, but again I found them a lot more compelling (especially VEATs) in the end than most hero ATs.

CoV has always been the underdog compared to Coh in player numbers and I can't see things changing.
However, a lot of the truly skilled players I met were on red side, rather than blue. Just a personal observation.

As for changes in player numbers, I can't tell, really. I don't know if the numbers have changed due to a recent change in time zone, plus the /sea caps player matches to 50, rather than showing the actual numbers online at the given moment.

Kinda hope they had kept the forum-post-reputation system. Just swap "good reputation" to "hero reputation" and negative points would go towards "villain reputation." lol



In general people prefer playing heroes to villains.

Redside isn't dead, it's just not as popular.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
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Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
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Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
Wouldn't redside have to be dead in order to be revived?

That was what I was curious about. Red side is dead .. no one bothered to tell all my villains or rogues. lol

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



Originally Posted by Wicked_Wendy View Post
That was what I was curious about. Red side is dead .. no one bothered to tell all my villains or rogues. lol
Maybe instead of redside, it's the undeadside...

That sounded better in my head.

No... it didn't.

Let's Dance!



Redside isn't dead per se, at least not on Virtue, I see people there every time I play there. (I play almost all my solo content there, because I loathe the heck out of the blueside content.) Villains just don't team much prior to the 40s.



I don't think Redside is dead per se...It just doesn't get much love because:

Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
Interesting version of history but not particularly accurate in it's language.

Let's try again.
After City of Villains was released, Cryptic slashed the dev team for the entire game to less than 20 people, so the studio could focus on new projects and still technically meet their contract with NCSoft. The dev team made a conscious decision that the things they could do should be things that had the biggest impact for the most players, so neither side got much in the way of specific development. NCSoft saw it was a money maker for them and a game worth improving, so when the time came they bought out Cryptic and took over the dev team and made it much larger.

That's a severely trimmed version of events, but it's more accurate than the slanted synopsis you were given. Beware oversimplification, the full story is often a lot more complicated.
Frankly, I really don't mind. Redside is quieter than Blueside and therefore less laggy:

Originally Posted by Gaspard View Post
CoV has always been the underdog compared to Coh in player numbers and I can't see things changing.
However, a lot of the truly skilled players I met were on red side, rather than blue. Just a personal observation.



I forgot from my first post that redside also has mayhem missions. Another thing with redside is that the SFs aren't extremely long. I think the longest one is SVSF and that can be done in 40-50 minutes, easily.

I've actually been thinking why CoV isn't as popular as CoH, every now and then.
Back in the day, before GR, I used to think that the ATs were way too different for some people who were already used to the hero AT structure and roles.
Then there's the visual style (plus the number of polygons etc. textures on outdoor maps) which may put people off.
Don't know about the story, because I think an average player doesn't stop to read the mission description or contact dialog (most of the time.) Me and my friends sure as hell don't. lol But then again I don't really know which path an average player would pick if given a blunt choice of Good Or Bad in a video game.

I think after the new smell wore off after launch, people went back to playing CoH side characters and that's where the general population is nowadays and that's where I would probably head as a new player who wanted to be close to a big population of players and learn the game.
At least, that is how I see it.

Of course, now there's GR and vigilantes/rogues running about, jumping between red and blue.



I've never cared for Redside because most of the villainy was cartoonish (in an 80s way), and you spent most of your time following other's orders. Neither of these conceits suit my villainous character concepts.

Redside suffers from a narrative flaw - in the superhero narrative (indeed, in most narratives, really), the bad guys act, while the heroes react.

To put it another way - on Blueside, you can play Superman, or Batman, or Spider-Man. If they found out about the missions, they'd do them, even if exact methods would vary.

It's moderately difficult to imagine Magneto, Dr. Doom or the Skrulls taking Arachnos' orders to rob a bank, or checking in the newspaper for a good idea for a heist. They'd already have things to do, to suit their purposes.



Originally Posted by ThatGuyThere View Post
I've never cared for Redside because most of the villainy was cartoonish (in an 80s way), and you spent most of your time following other's orders. Neither of these conceits suit my villainous character concepts.

Redside suffers from a narrative flaw - in the superhero narrative (indeed, in most narratives, really), the bad guys act, while the heroes react.

To put it another way - on Blueside, you can play Superman, or Batman, or Spider-Man. If they found out about the missions, they'd do them, even if exact methods would vary.

It's moderately difficult to imagine Magneto, Dr. Doom or the Skrulls taking Arachnos' orders to rob a bank, or checking in the newspaper for a good idea for a heist. They'd already have things to do, to suit their purposes.
There's also the problem that generally, you don't win in the long term. Which sucks, that said, I like AE and the other potential for villainy quite a bit. Sure it's a more enclosed system, but it sorta has to be, because when the villain is dictating the story, well the other players don't really care .

Let's Dance!



If only all AT and all Alignments could go anywhere.

Villains are allowed on Blueside - I bash Hellions, Malta, Family, etc in PI all the time. If only Villainous PCs had some Villainous contacts and Mission Arcs there. Wouldn't it be nice flavour wise if you, flagged as a Villain, had Longbow and PPD attack you when they saw you?

Same with Redside. There's plenty of heroing to be done over there. Honestly, a 'Nation' that blocks all "Good People" from even entering is as ludicrous as it sounds. A better approach is that it's a corrupt government who minions (ie Arachnos mobs) attempt to arrest/remove those who might distabilize the regime (ie. Heroes and Vigilantes). Truly that's just fluff anyway - Arachnos already attack everyone on sight, Villains included.

One could argue that it's not realistic to allow Villains and Heroes to walk around side by side and not fight each other. How is that much different that my Vigilante joining a bunch of Villains (whom he normally bashes) on a ST to defeat the Freedom Phalanx?

One open world - then all this talk of redside/blueside populations would go away, as it should.



The thing that would revive redside for me would be to make the contact chain work more like goldside. Stop making me do a mayhem mission just to get a new contact. If I want to perform some villainy, just let me walk up to a contact and start some evil.

Also, more contacts like Peter Themari could help.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



Originally Posted by SlackTech View Post
Before I start my rant, I want to congratulate you on the above - it always amuses me that people find the villain content to be 'dark' or 'disturbing' or some such.... apart from a few exceptions (including some tip missions), the writing of the content is fairly tame, and certainly little 'darker' than hero-side. If I bash Freaks in GV to get a valuable client out of an office building, or I bash Freaks in PI to get a scientist out of an office building, I see little difference. However, I don't role play and, while I appreciate the subtle nuances, the process is basically the same. Most of the time (as said before, there is some villainous writing in the game), it's the player who attaches morality and emotion to a virtual play experience, not the devs.

This thread has much of the same themes as any other thread of this type (including the usual suspects coming in as CoH's official PR person and explaining why hero is 'good' and villain is 'bad').

I'm not going to repeat myself (search posts under my name and you'll see more than one that concerns this topic), but, unlike some would like to believe, 'bigger' is not always 'better'. Which 'side' to play on is an extremely personal choice, but more often than not influenced by external factors, such as;
  • The perception of probabilty of finding a team available
  • The perception of probabilty of a SG being available and/or active
  • (For some) the probabilty to be farmed
  • Play preference ('I don't want a dmg/support character to play - I want a Blaster so I can deal damage so I can complete the dmg/healer/tank magic three')
  • Content preference ('I want shiny buildings!')

As others have said, it's a catch 22 situation, exacerbated by some people (who I often muse must be paid by NCSoft or the Paragon City government) to counter anything that alludes to villain content with negative comments. Basically, it's all about perception and culture, and I don't think Freedom is going to change that much (the only thing that is that the F2P people will be able to create 2 traditionally villain a/t and send them to Paragon immediately, instead of having to wait 20 levels).

As I've said before, I can tolerate the progressive invisibility of CoV as long as some dev resources are spent on Villain content (e.g. if a new TF that isn't co-op is introduced, I would like a new SF as well, as was done with Morty). I understand that, from a cost-benefit perspective, dev resources are always better spent on Co-op content, or re-doing the old TFs and old hero zones (these are truly needed for those that prefer to play blue-side), but as long as some parity is maintained I'll keep playing the game.

Sorry if I've thread-jacked - it wasn't my intention...

Well said.

Just to add a couple.

I have a few villian side but honestly I do not feel like a villian when I play CoV. It is more like city of naughty heros.

After the 20s on villian side the enemys are just basicly the same as hero, and honestly I would rather be able to find a team to get through it. (Hope the FTP helps with the ability to get teams, but I have my doubts about how effective its going to be.)

Broomhilda BS/Regen/BM Scrapper, Fiddle Faddle Shield/ElecM/BM Tank,
And many others..
Dev's With all the Great new content, Please!! dont forget to fix the bugs with the old content. There is a storm a brewing because they are not getting fixed. If its a problem that no one is reporting them? Well Maybe you need to look at your tech support then..