Time's Top 10 Superhero Films
Iron Man #10? Watchmen even on the list? Are they insane?
The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction
I don't have a problem with Watchmen being on the list. Overall it is a solid adaptation and should included. Considering the choice at #4, I can understand why it was included, but not as high up on the list as it was.
I can also see why Rocketeer it was included. I also happen to like that film and it deserves a little more credit than it has. But to be #7 on that list? No.
I was actually bummed that IM 1 was so low on that list. I don't feel it was a top 5 film for that list, but still deserving better than #10.
As to the top 3 and their order, no arguments from me on it.
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Even though Superman 2 had Zod, I don't think it should be top 5, possibly not even top 10.
Also, Unbreakable shouldn't be top 5, and X2 should be in there.
Oh, and here's the list so you don't have to go to a different ******* page for each item (hate when sites do that).
10. Iron Man
9. Watchmen
8. Batman: Mask of the Phantasm
7. The Rocketeer
6. Blade II
5. Superman II
4. Unbreakable
3. Spider-Man 2
2. The Dark Knight
1. The Incredibles
- CaptainFoamerang

Silverspar on Kelly Hu: A face that could melt paint off the wall *shivers*
Someone play my AE arc! "The Heart of Statesman" ID: 343405
Don't know what I think of this.
Blade, Superman II, and Rocketeer don't belong and are right out. It would take a lot more thought to determine replacements and re-order the list...
Not sure why they picked Blade 2 over the first one.
Also surprised that Unbreakable is on the list, since it's not typical superhero fare.
I might have snuck the first Tim Burton Batman on the list somewhere in the second 5, but that's about all I'd change.
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One extra 'o' makes a big difference.
HA! They included Mask of the Phantasm, thank you, God. (I'd have hoped Return of the Joker would have made it on there too, but of the two, MotP is the SLIGHTLY better film.)
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Honestly I can't dispute any of the items included (maybe Blade 2 or Unbreakable), but I would dispute the order. Iron Man at 10 is ludicrous.
I personally don't see people's beef with Watchmen if you actually are a comic fan. If you aren't a comic fan, then definitely it wouldn't make the list. The non comics people I have shown it to have either disliked it a lot, or been left baffled.
Too many alts to list.
Even though Superman 2 had Zod, I don't think it should be top 5, possibly not even top 10.
Also, Unbreakable shouldn't be top 5, and X2 should be in there. Oh, and here's the list so you don't have to go to a different ******* page for each item (hate when sites do that). 10. Iron Man 9. Watchmen 8. Batman: Mask of the Phantasm 7. The Rocketeer 6. Blade II 5. Superman II 4. Unbreakable 3. Spider-Man 2 2. The Dark Knight 1. The Incredibles |
And honestly, if a X-men film made that list, I'd put the first one in there.
Thank you for the time...

8. Batman: Mask of the Phantasm |
Bruce Timms was quoted in an interview as explaining that he pitched a different story idea to the studio for an animated theatrical feature, one where all of Batman's rogues gallery foes meet up and plot to destroy Batman together. (This story was later used by Timms for an episode of the animated TV series.) But, the studio overrided Timms in favor of the Phantasm story.
Trouble is, the Phantasm story is sorta/kinda a ripoff of Frank Miller's Electra storyline from Daredevil comics, which, in turn, was Miller's "homage" to the Sand Saref storyline from Wil Eisner's The Spirit comics.
In any event, this animated feature film is not one of the 10 best superhero movies. Although, it is nice to acknowledge Timms' body of work and the voice acting of Kevin Conroy. I just feel this project missed the mark, probably due to studio interference/scheduling demands.
I can see why Superman II is on that list. While the whole 'lose powers to go any marry the one you love' angle is lame, the film covered everything you would want to see in a Superman film.
And honestly, if a X-men film made that list, I'd put the first one in there. Thank you for the time... |
Also, I consider X2 one of the examples of a sequel being better than the original.
- CaptainFoamerang

Silverspar on Kelly Hu: A face that could melt paint off the wall *shivers*
Someone play my AE arc! "The Heart of Statesman" ID: 343405
I might not agree with the whole list, but it is pretty solid.
No, no, no! This animated film was an embarrassment! It's an example of where the studio overrided the creative talent to disastrous effect! And, the plot is ripped off--third hand!
Bruce Timms was quoted in an interview as explaining that he pitched a different story idea to the studio for an animated theatrical feature, one where all of Batman's rogues gallery foes meet up and plot to destroy Batman together. (This story was later used by Timms for an episode of the animated TV series.) But, the studio overrided Timms in favor of the Phantasm story. Trouble is, the Phantasm story is sorta/kinda a ripoff of Frank Miller's Electra storyline from Daredevil comics, which, in turn, was Miller's "homage" to the Sand Saref storyline from Wil Eisner's The Spirit comics. In any event, this animated feature film is not one of the 10 best superhero movies. Although, it is nice to acknowledge Timms' body of work and the voice acting of Kevin Conroy. I just feel this project missed the mark, probably due to studio interference/scheduling demands. |
edit: ok, you didn't say bad... but heavily implied unworthy.
Watchmen certainly belonged on the list.
I'm okay with most of the list. I think Iron Man should have been higher. I think The Incredibles was worthy of the top spot.
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Blade 2 is the only thing on that list I would drop. I'd replace it with X2 in a heartbeat. Nightcrawler attacking the White House was better than all of Blade 2 in my opinion.
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Noticed a link to this article
The list is to ridiculous even to debate. Blade 2 and neither xmen, epic.

Honestly I can't dispute any of the items included (maybe Blade 2 or Unbreakable), but I would dispute the order. Iron Man at 10 is ludicrous.
I personally don't see people's beef with Watchmen if you actually are a comic fan. If you aren't a comic fan, then definitely it wouldn't make the list. The non comics people I have shown it to have either disliked it a lot, or been left baffled. |
Off the top of my head, I would put The Incredible Hulk, Thor, Fantastic Four 2 or Hancock on that list before I ever considered Watchmen. Or the Batman cartoon, for that matter.
The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction
Unbreakable at #4? Really? While it was a decent film, I wasn't that impressed with it, especially when that was when everything started going down hill for Shyamalan. I'd flip #4 and #10 at the very least.

I'd probably do it more like this:
10. Kick-***
9. Hellboy
8. Blade
7. Batman Begins
6. Superman
5. Iron Man
4. X-Men 2
3. Spider-Man 2
2. The Dark Knight
1. The Incredibles
Then again, I can't remember seeing The Rocketeer or the Timmverse Batman films.
- CaptainFoamerang

Silverspar on Kelly Hu: A face that could melt paint off the wall *shivers*
Someone play my AE arc! "The Heart of Statesman" ID: 343405
This is a really good list. I was expecting to read it and start complaining, but I can't really dispute it. Also, for those of you that are iffy about Superman II being on there, you should watch the Richard Donner cut of the film.
I seem to be the only one that agrees with Rocketeer being on the list. However, I'm not so sure about Blade II beating out some of the other super hero flicks.
I'm okay with the Rocketeer on the list too. It's not a bad film, and is a link from modern filmmaking to the old serials which is why I think it should get the nod. However it would have just made the list at 10 I would think. Blade 2, I don't get, and Iron Man definitely shouldn't have been at 10.
I can see Mask of the Phantasm because this is about film, and that made it into theatres, respresenting one of the best runs of Batman out there.
I would have at least included Woody Harrelson's Defendor or Kick-*** over Blade 2, but otherwise I can't argue much over the choices except maybe the order.
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I couldn't agree more.
Noticed a link to this article while looking at Rotten Tomatoes listing of the GL film. Done up about 2 weeks ago, the author comes up with a list of the top 10 Supers Films.
I'll admit the overall list is a solid, and in a couple of cases surprising, offering of what the genre has to offer. Not 100% sure of a couple of them, but the list covers the overall scope of Supreheroes.
Personally, I'd flip #10 & #7 and I'd Flip #4 & #9, in that order.
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