Issue 20 - Patch Notes for build 2010.201105131851.1.0




Patch notes for build 2010.201105131851.1.0


Combat Attributes

  • Your effective Level Shift now displays in this window under Base Attributes.
  • Influence totals in the Combat Attributes windows now display comma separators.

  • A taskforce will no longer be able to join a league that is full, rather than break up the task force.
  • Buff sending settings now properly work in leagues.

User Interface
  • The effective interaction area of the pet window has been expanded to include the lower portion of the window.

Incarnate Trials
  • Patch Note: Bosses in trials whose player count is less than the event minimum will now spawn with a scaling strength locked to a minimum value, rather than scaling to match the lower number of players.
  • Corrected power disabling flags in Incarnate Trials, Ouroboros, and PVP zones.
    • Travel Temps, Costume Powers and MTX Powers are restored for use in Incarnate Trials.

Incarnate Trial - Lambda Sector
  • In an effort to ensure that Lambda Sector's merits are more widely available regardless of whether the league is attempting badges or not, the following changes have been made to merit distribution:
    • 1 Merit will be awarded when acquiring 10 Grenades.
    • 1 Merit will be awarded when acquiring 10 Acids.
    • 1 Merit will be awarded when defeating 30 of Marauder's reinforcements (the enemies from the doors) in the final stage.
    • 1 Merit will be awarded when defeating Marauder.
    • 2 Merits will be awarded if the league completes Antacid. This is to compensate for the 10 Grenades merit this badge precludes.
    • 2 Merits will be awarded if the league completes Well-Stocked. This is to compensate for the 10 Acids merit this badge precludes.
    • 1 Merit will be awarded if the league completes Lambda Looter. This is because the league would also have acquired the 10 Acid and 10 Grenade merits.
    • Merits will no longer be awarded for gathering all 20 powers.
      • This merit is moved to the kills in the final stage to have fewer merits dependent on power gathering.
  • The overall results are:
    • A standard run which gets all 10 of both powers and ignores badges will receive at least 4 Merits.
    • Any power-related badge run (Antacid, Well-Stocked or Lambda Looter) run has the potential to acquire at least 5 Merits.
    • In order to make sure that all raid sizes can achieve the new bonus merit in a reasonable amount of time, we have activated one of the two permanent doors which was previously not active for smaller leagues. This will increase the rate at which reinforcements spawn by 1 every minute for league sizes less than 10.
    • Please note that ONLY the reinforcements which follow Marauder will give credit for the counter. The pets of those reinforcements, the turrets, IDF remaining from a previous stage and the IDF guarding the containers during the final stage will not count for the merit.
  • Removed Marauder's base 30% S/L resistance and reduced the duration of his Unstoppable power.
  • A door blocking access to one of the lab interiors in Lambda Sector has been replaced with an openable door.

Incarnate Trial - Behavioral Adjustment Facility
  • Corrected an error where the BAF occasionally would award more than one Empyrean Merit per 20 hour period.

Incarnate Components
  • Added direct conversion recipes for the following:
    • Notice of the Well converts into 40 Incarnate Threads
    • Favor of the Well converts into 100 Incarnate Threads

Incarnate Powers
  • Greatly reduced the probability that Ion Judgment powers will strike the same target multiple times in the same activation.
  • Individual pet commands can now properly be issued to the Lore WarWorks Victoria Essence.
  • Lore pet combat text has been adjusted to indicate which pet is acting.
  • Rebirth Destiny powers now properly ignore buffs apart from those conferred by the Alpha Slot.
  • Ageless and Barrier Destiny powers now properly accept increases to Damage Resistance, Defense Buff, and Recovery as conferred by the Alpha Slot.
  • Team Teleport now works properly on Lore pets of all varieties.
  • Level shifted players should not longer experience strange combat results versus very low level mobs.
  • Switching Reactive Interface abilities equipped should no longer potentially result in the DoT effect being lost until zoning.
  • Toggle and Auto powers will collectively only apply the effects of the Interface slot procs once every 10 seconds across all Toggle/Auto powers. Click power Interface slot procs are unaffected by this timer. Known Issue: This fix currently causes the Interface proc to only occur versus one target in a round of procs. This is unintentional and will be fixed in a future patch.
  • Corrected an error which allowed players to summon more than one set of Lore pets.


  • The Woodsman Task Force (aka the Eden Trial) "Prisoners of Eden" will now properly start if the leader of the team is above level 41.
    • Members of the TF team above level 41 will be auto-exemplared to 41 for the duration as per standard Task Force mechanics.
  • Restored missing text to "The Aura of Power" hero storyarc.


  • On Vincent Ross's mission "Learn the Source of True Power" players should no longer find themselves entering the mission into non-playable space.

Silver Mantis Strike Force
  • Re-entering the the ship on the final mission will cause the player to now appear in the ship's interior, instead of falling through the world.

Mortimer Kal Strike Force
  • Warrior bosses on the Mortimer Kal Strike Force now count towards the Legionnaire badge.

  • Corrected several instances where two doors (one unopenable) were appearing in certain Praetorian Tech maps.
  • Increased time between howls of the Moon-Crazed Dancer in Studio 55.


Rift Enclosure - Resistance
  • The nav bar text will properly update now to tell the player to enter Talos after talking with the Resistance member.

  • Aid your Powers Division Team - The door to the roof where Reese is located has been restored.

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[*]Toggle and Auto powers will collectively only apply the effects of the Interface slot procs once every 10 seconds across all Toggle/Auto powers. Click power Interface slot procs are unaffected by this timer. Known Issue: This fix currently causes the Interface proc to only occur versus one target in a round of procs. This is unintentional and will be fixed in a future patch.

Why bother fixing one thing with a bugged fix? I would do something right or not at all, instead of "fixing" something with a bugged solution.......

AWESOME fixing the Woodsman Trial, long time coming on that one.



Originally Posted by theheat View Post
Why bother fixing one thing with a bugged fix? I would do something right or not at all, instead of "fixing" something with a bugged solution.......
Possibly the Devs see it better that a rain power will only affect one person than it being rediculously overpowered and affecting all in its AoE each tick

And I love this:

Incarnate Components

Added direct conversion recipes for the following:
Notice of the Well converts into 40 Incarnate Threads
Favor of the Well converts into 100 Incarnate Threads

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Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
16. Has Paragon Studios redefined "player" to require your mouse to subscribe separately from your keyboard?
If your mouse has greater processing power than your gfx card, the answer is yes.



Originally Posted by Avatea View Post
Patch notes for build 2010.201105131851.1.0

Incarnate Powers
  • Toggle and Auto powers will collectively only apply the effects of the Interface slot procs once every 10 seconds across all Toggle/Auto powers. Click power Interface slot procs are unaffected by this timer. Known Issue: This fix currently causes the Interface proc to only occur versus one target in a round of procs. This is unintentional and will be fixed in a future patch.
So, y'all know that this fix is bugged, yet allowed it to go live regardless. Wonderful!

@Celestial Lord and @Celestial Lord Too



Originally Posted by Celestial_Lord View Post
So, y'all know that this fix is bugged, yet allowed it to go live regardless. Wonderful!
Calm down.



Originally Posted by Celestial_Lord View Post
So, y'all know that this fix is bugged, yet allowed it to go live regardless. Wonderful!
In their opinion (which I personally happen to agree with in this case), it's better to go ahead and fix the imbalance then fix the fix ASAP, rather than let rain powers slotted with Reactive interface procs remain highly overpowered until they can get everything fully sorted out.

It's a "damned if they do, damned if they don't" situation, and they decided to go ahead and put a stop-gap measure into place for the time being. Big deal. I'm sure every last developer and QA team member at Paragon would love to be able to instantly fix any and every bug that comes up with but a snap of their fingers. But things don't work that way in the real world. Sometimes fixes to bugs cause other bugs but cannot be pulled because there is a production schedule they'd like to keep.

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."



I think the reasoning would be it's better for Rain of Fire to apply a DoT to one guy every 10 seconds than continue to let caltrops or freezing rain do more damage than a blaster's T9 nuke.

Weight training: Because you'll never hear someone lament "If only I were weaker, I could have saved them."



Originally Posted by Celestial_Lord View Post
So, y'all know that this fix is bugged, yet allowed it to go live regardless. Wonderful!
With this bugged bug fix, the power is doing closer to the amount of damage it should be doing than not fixed.

It was the right call.

Especially since we know they'd get heat from fixing correctly as well as fixing it not as correctly. Which is important to keep in mind: Will those decrying a buggy fix then applaud the Devs when they get it right? Is that the real issue here? Hmm?

(Nevermind that in the development cycle it takes weeks to recode and get QA to check on things. It's not like they can flip a switch and take out something in a matter of days. That sort of crazy fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants bonzo coding is reserved for show stopping hot fixes since it can introduce even more bugs.)

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Agreed with Goliath and the others: Better to temporarily overnerf than to let it continue to be ridiculously OP. They said they're gonna fix-fix it, so unbunch those tights and go on about your business.

Hello, my name is @Caligdoiel and I'm an altoholic.



Originally Posted by Celestial_Lord View Post
So, y'all know that this fix is bugged, yet allowed it to go live regardless. Wonderful!
My Martial Arts/Super Reflexes Stalkers doesn't have a problem with this.

Story Arcs:
The business of destruction ID: 80848



I only got 2 astral merits on a Lambda that completed the sabotage phase and killed Marauder.



The Woodsman Task Force (aka the Eden Trial) "Prisoners of Eden" will now properly start if the leader of the team is above level 41.
Members of the TF team above level 41 will be auto-exemplared to 41 for the duration as per standard Task Force mechanics.
OMG! OMG! OMG! Eden is fixed. EDEN IS FIXED!

I honestly gave up all hope on this getting addressed. I offer a sincere, hearty thank you to the staff for fixing this to work like other trials/tfs/sfs. This is great.

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Originally Posted by TheBruteSquad View Post
I think the reasoning would be it's better for Rain of Fire to apply a DoT to one guy every 10 seconds than continue to let caltrops or freezing rain do more damage than a blaster's T9 nuke.
now do you think we will see the fix for this next tuesday? didnt think so

Lots of 50's yada yada. still finding fun things to do.
Cthulhu loves you, better start running

I�! I�! Gg�gorsch�a�bha egurtsa�ar�ug d� Dalhor! Cthluhu fthagn! Cthluhu fthagn!

You are in a maze of twisty little passages



I think I can deal with Interface being useless for a week, even if I disagree with pushing this patch to live so quickly, but if it's anything longer than a week it's pretty unprofessional IMO.

A circle forms, everybody comes round
Just to hear the incredible sound
Of a genius smashing expectations

- Jonathan Coulton



Originally Posted by Avatea View Post
  • Toggle and Auto powers will collectively only apply the effects of the Interface slot procs once every 10 seconds across all Toggle/Auto powers. Click power Interface slot procs are unaffected by this timer. Known Issue: This fix currently causes the Interface proc to only occur versus one target in a round of procs. This is unintentional and will be fixed in a future patch.
Someone argued with me that they wouldn't push this to live with that issue. I didn't reply, but I knew.



Since its not mentioned, but was said in the thread about it, a preliminary fix is in place for the ridiculous overactive word filter in AE. If your arc was broke due to copyright/profane violation errors, it might be fixed now, if not post the blocked words that shouldn't be in the topic in the Mission Architect forum.



Travel Temps, Costume Powers and MTX Powers are restored for use in Incarnate Trials.
Uhm, what's an MTX Power?

Lots of nice fixes in this patch. Also, i think it's better to release a buggy fix than to leave Nuketrops broken. Admittedly i am slightly sad that i never got any alts with Caltrops Incarnated out with Reactive before the expected fix appeared.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Just want to mention how much I hate the Interface nerf outside of rain powers. Rain power ticks were way too much - no one is denying that, but toggles really, really anger me. So ticks of 12-13 damage every two seconds is godlike, eh? Really? Whatever, I am allowed to flare my nostrils once in awhile, just like others will ignore me for it.

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Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
Uhm, what's an MTX Power?
Microtransaction power, I guess? Like Ninja Run, Secondary Mutation, etc.



Known Issue: This fix currently causes the Interface proc to only occur versus one target in a round of procs. This is unintentional and will be fixed in a future patch.

This is bush league. To push a 'fix' that creates a new bug is ridiculous. This isn't a fix, you're just changing how the situation is broken, and in a manner that will piss off your players who use aoe powers with the reactive proc. It's very discouraging to see you guys operating like this.



Originally Posted by Avatea View Post
Incarnate Components
  • Added direct conversion recipes for the following:
    • Notice of the Well converts into 40 Incarnate Threads
    • Favor of the Well converts into 100 Incarnate Threads
This is a rip off. Better than it used to be, but still a rip off.

Notice of the Well (tier 3 component) effectively downgrades to 2 common components.

Favor of the Well (tier 4 component) loses 12 shards in the process and downgrades to either 5 common components or 2 common components + 1 uncommon component.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
This is a rip off. Better than it used to be, but still a rip off.
And that's a rude post. Not surprising, but still rude.

'I don't like the look of it at all,' said the King: 'however, it may kiss my hand if it likes.'
'I'd rather not,' the Cat remarked.
'Don't be impertinent,' said the King, 'and don't look at me like that!' He got behind Alice as he spoke.
'A cat may look at a king,' said Alice.



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
This is a rip off. Better than it used to be, but still a rip off.

Notice of the Well (tier 3 component) effectively downgrades to 2 common components.

Favor of the Well (tier 4 component) loses 12 shards in the process and downgrades to either 5 common components or 2 common components + 1 uncommon component.
Except that I haven't relied on shards or the alpha components since I20 came out. If I actually had one I'd just convert it to shards which would be more useful. Especially considering how many commons you need to make just one tier 4.



Originally Posted by Aneko View Post
And that's a rude post. Not surprising, but still rude.
Yes, it disagrees with the change in an abrupt manner. However the post doesn't make any personal attacks, and is presented in a factual manner. If you can prove that 40 threads do not make 2 common components, 100 threads do not make 5 common components, or that 100 threads do not make 2 common components + 1 uncommon component, I'll be happy to modify my post.

I guess I could have re-suggested that a tier 3 alpha component should convert to a tier 3 thread component (if a player adds some additional threads), but I expect that would fall on deaf ears. If they insist that a Notice is only worth 40 threads, then the conversion should be 1 Notice to at least 2 Empyrean Merits.

The tier 4 component conversion is a blatant rip off that charges players 12 shards (completely lost in the conversion). If they insist that a Favor is worth 100 threads, then they should convert to at least 5-6 Empyrean Merits (if not 8)

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters