Issue 20 - Patch Notes for build 2010.201105131851.1.0




Yeah not sure if you saw my earlier posts about how I also think rains were ridiculous or not. I am just angry about auras being nerfed to hell and back.

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You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom



Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
Yeah not sure if you saw my earlier posts about how I also think rains were ridiculous or not. I am just angry about auras being nerfed to hell and back.
I believe they should make it roll for any procs at each activate period - but add a modifier for toggles and Rain effect that will reduce the proc activation by a set amount - A damage aura that activates every 2 seconds for example , will have 1/5th the occurrence rate of a regular power so on average it will tick once every 10 seconds.

Deamus the Fallen - 50 DM/EA Brute - Lib
Dragos Bahtiam - 50 Fire/Ice Blaster - Lib
/facepalm - Apply Directly to the Forehead!
Formally Dragos_Bahtiam - Abbreviate to DSL - Warning, may contain sarcasm
Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
Im very good at taking a problem and making it worse.



So is this affecting burn? Seems kind of stupid if it is, since it has a 5 target cap.

Also, affecting auras is kind of bull. God forbid you do extra DoT every few seconds.



Originally Posted by YippeeGo View Post
So is this affecting burn? Seems kind of stupid if it is, since it has a 5 target cap.

Also, affecting auras is kind of bull. God forbid you do extra DoT every few seconds.
Yeah, that's exactly what I am saying. Every 10 seconds you have 1 chance to hit an enemy for a whole 12 damage. *facepalm*

As far as Burn, it will hit all 5 on the initial burst, which I agree with (once it is fixed.) Auras got massively nerfed to the point that it is near pointless.

My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom



Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
Yeah, depends on the power. Take Neutron Blast on a defender, for example.
My Fire Blaster can still pew pew during mezzes for lots of extra dot chances, so I'm still good with my DoT effect.

Deamus the Fallen - 50 DM/EA Brute - Lib
Dragos Bahtiam - 50 Fire/Ice Blaster - Lib
/facepalm - Apply Directly to the Forehead!
Formally Dragos_Bahtiam - Abbreviate to DSL - Warning, may contain sarcasm
Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
Im very good at taking a problem and making it worse.



Originally Posted by DarkSideLeague View Post
My Fire Blaster can still pew pew during mezzes for lots of extra dot chances, so I'm still good with my DoT effect.
I picked that one because it recharges faster than 2 seconds vs auras.

My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom



Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
I picked that one because it recharges faster than 2 seconds vs auras.
Technically it has a 2.17s recharge, but with recharge it's down to under a second.

Deamus the Fallen - 50 DM/EA Brute - Lib
Dragos Bahtiam - 50 Fire/Ice Blaster - Lib
/facepalm - Apply Directly to the Forehead!
Formally Dragos_Bahtiam - Abbreviate to DSL - Warning, may contain sarcasm
Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
Im very good at taking a problem and making it worse.



Originally Posted by DarkSideLeague View Post
Technically it has a 2.17s recharge, but with recharge it's down to under a second.

EDIT: oh, unless you are adding in cast time.

My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom



Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
Yeah I know - I was talking about my Flares power also firing more often than an activation cycle of a damage aura - which WAS hit hard by the 10s change for Proc effects back in 2007.

Deamus the Fallen - 50 DM/EA Brute - Lib
Dragos Bahtiam - 50 Fire/Ice Blaster - Lib
/facepalm - Apply Directly to the Forehead!
Formally Dragos_Bahtiam - Abbreviate to DSL - Warning, may contain sarcasm
Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
Im very good at taking a problem and making it worse.



Originally Posted by JayboH View Post
Please post more, your defensive statements make me giggle. We all need silly posts once in awhile to break the seriousness found here.
If you have nothing meaningful to say to me, don't bother.

'I don't like the look of it at all,' said the King: 'however, it may kiss my hand if it likes.'
'I'd rather not,' the Cat remarked.
'Don't be impertinent,' said the King, 'and don't look at me like that!' He got behind Alice as he spoke.
'A cat may look at a king,' said Alice.



Originally Posted by Avatea View Post
Incarnate Trial - Lambda Sector
  • In an effort to ensure that Lambda Sector's merits are more widely available regardless of whether the league is attempting badges or not, the following changes have been made to merit distribution:
    • 1 Merit will be awarded when acquiring 10 Grenades.
    • 1 Merit will be awarded when acquiring 10 Acids.
    • 1 Merit will be awarded when defeating 30 of Marauder's reinforcements (the enemies from the doors) in the final stage.
    • 1 Merit will be awarded when defeating Marauder.
The last one isn't awarding.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Aneko View Post
If you have nothing meaningful to say to me, don't bother.

My new Youtube Channel with CoH info
You might know me as FlintEastwood now on Freedom



Originally Posted by Moly View Post
Just replying to support this position. Amazing that so many people are OK with the implementation of a fix that is known to be bugged in a way that negatively affects players rather than sucking it up and delaying the patch until such time as the fix could be done properly.
The current bug has a fairly major effect on gameplay. The 'fixed' bug has an all in all rather minor effect on gameplay. And is temporary.

I'm amazed that so many people take issue with this. Well, not really amazed. I fully expected it, since people are like that. But still.

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.



Originally Posted by Avatea View Post
Patch notes for build 2010.201105131851.1.0

Incarnate Powers
  • Greatly reduced the probability that Ion Judgment powers will strike the same target multiple times in the same activation.
Is there any chance of fixing the waste of Ion Judgment if the target dies?

The situation I'm referring to is this: If my target dies during the casting time, the entire effect is wasted and the power is expended. This happens with Kinetics powers like Transfusion, Transference, and--to a certain extent--Fulcrum Shift.

Is this working as intended, or is there a chance that the AoE component will be fixed?

Also, is the Pyro lag spike being looked at? Since Pyro Judgment changes the terrain and obscures LOS, it creates some lag. If I happen to be within the AoE, I get a significant lag spike...enough that I just have to queue the next power and pray it goes off while I wait for the smoke to clear.

Champion-server main alts:
Fraulein Mental -- 53 Mind/Kin CTRL -- 908 badges
Sunset Smash -- 50 WP/SS



Players who took Radial interface should have the option to get salvage returned since the power appearantly was not working as intended. After countless hours of grinding those trials trying to get VR or Rare salvage rewards, then to be told oops that interface is bugged so we are going to totally change the way it works on your rain type powers. This power is now so ungodlike its not funny. Just a total waste of time invested and salvage that is a pain to come by.



Originally Posted by Nova Zen View Post
Players who took Radial interface should have the option to get salvage returned since the power appearantly was not working as intended. After countless hours of grinding those trials trying to get VR or Rare salvage rewards, then to be told oops that interface is bugged so we are going to totally change the way it works on your rain type powers. This power is now so ungodlike its not funny. Just a total waste of time invested and salvage that is a pain to come by.
If the *only* reason you took it was because you heard/knew that it "made rain powers godlike/uber/etc. then you deserve what you got. Anyone who figured out that was working like that, knowing the rest of the procs in the game are limited to 10 seconds should've known that it would be changed. At that point you're just taking a (in this case, losing) bet that they won't fix it, or not anytime soon. To imply Reactive is totally useless without this bug is disingineous. The rest of us (people without damage auras or rain-type powers) have no problem using it at all, and it's WAI. While I wouldn't be opposed to some sort of grant-back, it's not the majority of people who went this route.

"Superman died fighting Doomsday because he allowed his toggles to drop, and didn't beat Doomsday before Unstoppable wore off, sad really..."



Originally Posted by PeerlessGirl View Post
If the *only* reason you took it was because you heard/knew that it "made rain powers godlike/uber/etc. then you deserve what you got. Anyone who figured out that was working like that, knowing the rest of the procs in the game are limited to 10 seconds should've known that it would be changed. At that point you're just taking a (in this case, losing) bet that they won't fix it, or not anytime soon. To imply Reactive is totally useless without this bug is disingineous. The rest of us (people without damage auras or rain-type powers) have no problem using it at all, and it's WAI. While I wouldn't be opposed to some sort of grant-back, it's not the majority of people who went this route.

Don't presume to know why I took why I took it, because you're dead wrong. I'm not a person who freaking visits the forums, as you can see this is my SECOND post in 3 years of playing. I posted at the suggestion of support beacuse I had no idea how its supposed to work, but I do know now that it was not working as the devs intended if they are implementing major nerfs a month after release. I have 18 50s madeover close to 3 years, and 3 of my 4 main toons are fire based. That being said if I had taken it because I heard/knew that it was doing something it shouldn't have been then by your logic I would've taken it on all my toons. I have it on exactly 1 dom......

My gripe is the endless hours/days/trails grinding on that toon to get salvage for something that in all honesty no one (at least that I was playing with) was taking about before this "fix". I just want my salvage back to craft something different for that single toon since I had no idea. This is not like Ion Judgement that every player in the game was taking about it being overpowered from day 1. I'm not asking for the world, I'm asking that the devs make this right if something is going to be so drastically changed. It's a fair point and deserves to be considered regardless of your personal opinions and your godlike intelligence to know people's motivations.



Originally Posted by Nova Zen View Post
Don't presume to know why I took why I took it, because you're dead wrong.
Originally Posted by Nova Zen View Post
It's a fair point and deserves to be considered regardless of your personal opinions and your godlike intelligence to know people's motivations.
Maybe you should calm down, then read her post again.

'I don't like the look of it at all,' said the King: 'however, it may kiss my hand if it likes.'
'I'd rather not,' the Cat remarked.
'Don't be impertinent,' said the King, 'and don't look at me like that!' He got behind Alice as he spoke.
'A cat may look at a king,' said Alice.



Originally Posted by Nova Zen View Post
Don't presume to know why I took why I took it, because you're dead wrong. I'm not a person who freaking visits the forums, as you can see this is my SECOND post in 3 years of playing. I posted at the suggestion of support beacuse I had no idea how its supposed to work, but I do know now that it was not working as the devs intended if they are implementing major nerfs a month after release. I have 18 50s madeover close to 3 years, and 3 of my 4 main toons are fire based. That being said if I had taken it because I heard/knew that it was doing something it shouldn't have been then by your logic I would've taken it on all my toons. I have it on exactly 1 dom......
Note the part where I said "If" the only reason you took it. I did not say it was the only reason you did, but *if* it were, then it was stupid. Seems like you're being defensive for nothing. They didn't "impliment a major nerf a month after release." It did not function that way in beta, nor did it do so at release, as at least 2 threads, including this one have covered. A change to fix pets and pseudopets perhaps a week or two post-release caused this bug to crop up, thus causing the OP-ness, and causing said bug to be fixed. I didn't say "all of your toons" took it, I simply said that it was broken in rain-based characters, of which fire and ice are two of them, again, you're being defensive, as I never directly attacked you, nor did I "presume to know you", I simply said if that's why you took it, then it was silly. I like it when people use "by your logic" when what they themselves are using is *not* logc.

Originally Posted by Nova Zen View Post
My gripe is the endless hours/days/trails grinding on that toon to get salvage for something that in all honesty no one (at least that I was playing with) was taking about before this "fix". I just want my salvage back to craft something different for that single toon since I had no idea. This is not like Ion Judgement that every player in the game was taking about it being overpowered from day 1. I'm not asking for the world, I'm asking that the devs make this right if something is going to be so drastically changed. It's a fair point and deserves to be considered regardless of your personal opinions and your godlike intelligence to know people's motivations.
It wasn't "drastically changed" from beta, not from a week or two post-release, it was just "drastically changed" from the bugged state it was in 1-3 weeks ago. If the devs decide it's fair to award some sort of compensation for that, I wouldn't object to it, but by the same token I don't think it'll happen or is realistic, since it's (as far as we seem to understand it) a small portion of players overall being affected.

As a whole though, I've noticed people often get their opinions and facts intertwined and/or confused. I also never claimed to know anyone's motivations for anything, all I said was "if" that was the reason someone did something, it was a bad reason, as they should presumably know it'll be fixed eventually. Heck Hami-O unintended effects (i.e. the doubles enhancing an aspect of a power that can't be enhanced, when the other half of the Hami enhances something that *can* be enhanced) will be fixed too, Castle back in the day said as much, that it "wasn't a matter of if, but when" and it had been acknowledged as a bug/unintended for a long time, just that it had never changed. I can almost bet that *when* it does (whenever that might be) someone somewhere will complain, and or suggest that it's "been so long by now why don't we just leave it?" Heck, I'd have loved for them to leave the Riki Pylon missle swarms going against my ranged defense (which is fairly high) instead of AoE Def too, but that was changed a patch or two ago as well...

"Superman died fighting Doomsday because he allowed his toggles to drop, and didn't beat Doomsday before Unstoppable wore off, sad really..."



Originally Posted by Deacon_NA View Post
OMG! OMG! OMG! Eden is fixed. EDEN IS FIXED!

I honestly gave up all hope on this getting addressed. I offer a sincere, hearty thank you to the staff for fixing this to work like other trials/tfs/sfs. This is great.
Indeed what a surprise! This needed to get fixed for the longest time, and it's good that we don't have to trip over the level restriction anymore.




Has the bug introduced by the fix for the bug (the known issue mentioned in the post where the procs are only triggering against one target) been fixed yet? I haven't played for a few days but it didn't seem like it when I last played. The fact that this effects all Interface powers, as opposed to just the damage dealing power, means that other debuffs have become much less useful. Specifically the to-hit debuff power. Maybe I'm just imagining things but I went from needing to use Healing Flames once in a while to needing to use Rise of the Pheonix once in a while and couldn't figure out what changed until I read these patch notes so I'm pretty sure they're related.

Any information would be appreciated. It's been quite a while since anyone posted to this thread and I haven't found anything on this known issue anywhere else.

Note I'm not arguing with the bug they fixed. That was very important to fix and they did it right. I'm only talking about the known issue it introduced which they said would be fixed in an upcoming patch but which I have not seen anything on since.


--If we can have huge sig images, why can we have only five lines of text?
--...faceplanting like a Defender pulling an AV (Nalrok_AthZim)
Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
...I have the patience of a coffee-fueled flea...



I believe I saw reference to the issue being fixed in the 20.5 patch notes (the patch that deployed today. So it SHOULD be fixed.

"Superman died fighting Doomsday because he allowed his toggles to drop, and didn't beat Doomsday before Unstoppable wore off, sad really..."



Yep. My timing just sucks. Post before the notes come out on the day of an update and look like a schmuck when you get home from work. I'll try to remember that for next time.

On the other hand, YAY! Fixed!

--If we can have huge sig images, why can we have only five lines of text?
--...faceplanting like a Defender pulling an AV (Nalrok_AthZim)
Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
...I have the patience of a coffee-fueled flea...