I have run 10 trials today, I never want to run them again. Am I alone?




Its not that I can't get a team
Its not that I cannot finish a trial (that bug was finally fixed).
I AM making progress...

Its just that I am bored out of my mind repeating the same two bits of content repeatedly.

I haven't even finished the first judgement slot on one character, and I am not having fun doing these trials anymore.

Am I alone in this?

I can't even bear to log into the game because I know all I will be demanded to do is incarnate content, which is just the two same tired boring trials.

When something good happens to me, I can never enjoy it....
I am always too busy looking for the inevitable punchline...




Yep...I find it boring beyond endurance. I did get 2 of my mains to T1 Judgement, but the process is making me hate playing.




I doubt you're the only person however my advice is to cut back on running them sequentially. Persoanlly I'm trying to only run a few a day and rotating my characters to keep it interesting. If I ran 10 a day? Yeah, I'd probably burn out pretty fast as well but 1 or 2 a day keeps it interesting.

The thing to remember is that you have ages to get the new Incarnate stuff. I doubt we'll see new slots before Issue 21 and that is probably 4 months out so take your time and have fun. If you aren't having fun then do something else, play a low level character, run one of the new TFs or even play a different game (I bought a bunch of old games on GoG last week end and am playing through those).



Originally Posted by Test_Rat View Post
Its not that I can't get a team
Its not that I cannot finish a trial (that bug was finally fixed).
I AM making progress...

Its just that I am bored out of my mind repeating the same two bits of content repeatedly.

I haven't even finished the first judgement slot on one character, and I am not having fun doing these trials anymore.

Am I alone in this?

I can't even bear to log into the game because I know all I will be demanded to do is incarnate content, which is just the two same tired boring trials.
Clearly, we're on different planes here. I enjoy these new raids. But that said, I don't do them ten times a day. I'm not going to do content I don't want to do, and I'm certain that nobody will be 'demanding' that I do anything.

I still play like I played before i20 hit: TFs, story arcs, alts, badges, etc. When I want a trial, I'll join one. Play your own game; don't let other players tell you what you're supposed to be doing. I'm doing it, and I'm having a blast.



While more variety would be nice, i don't mind running these trials over and over if im making progress towards new shineys. Once the newness wears out I'll go back to all the other standard content.

Currently on Virtue:
Jinrazuo - Crab Spider

RWZ All-Pylon Solo Run



See the problem is: why should I maintain a subscription t a game I don't enjoy to play anymore.

This was the game I play to avoid buying other games,
It doesn't meet that need anymore due to the "new game" being repeat the same 2 events over and over.

Gunna have to seriously consider my options at this point, as there isn't even another MMO to go to for at least a year.

When something good happens to me, I can never enjoy it....
I am always too busy looking for the inevitable punchline...




Originally Posted by Test_Rat View Post
Its not that I can't get a team
Its not that I cannot finish a trial (that bug was finally fixed).
I AM making progress...

Its just that I am bored out of my mind repeating the same two bits of content repeatedly.

I haven't even finished the first judgement slot on one character, and I am not having fun doing these trials anymore.

Am I alone in this?

I can't even bear to log into the game because I know all I will be demanded to do is incarnate content, which is just the two same tired boring trials.
I have to ask, are the demanding people paying for your account? If the answer is no, then no one but yourself is forcing you to do them. If the answer is yes, then i have no idea what to tell you.

Seriously, slow down and do some other things to break up the monotany.



Originally Posted by Test_Rat View Post
See the problem is: why should I maintain a subscription t a game I don't enjoy to play anymore.

This was the game I play to avoid buying other games,
It doesn't meet that need anymore due to the "new game" being repeat the same 2 events over and over.

Gunna have to seriously consider my options at this point, as there isn't even another MMO to go to for at least a year.
You are aware the rest of the game still exists, right? The stuff that you liked is still here. The problem here is that you're grinding content you don't enjoy. Only you have the ability to fix it.



Originally Posted by Sharker Quint 01 View Post
I have to ask, are the demanding people paying for your account? If the answer is no, then no one but yourself is forcing you to do them. If the answer is yes, then i have no idea what to tell you.

Seriously, slow down and do some other things to break up the monotany.
But unless I am doing these trials I am not making any effective progress on my characters.

If I am not making any progress why log in?

When something good happens to me, I can never enjoy it....
I am always too busy looking for the inevitable punchline...




I'm not bored at all. I enjoy the new trials greatly. My solution: I've ran 3 of them so far. Totally not bored. Currently running the new Maria Jenkins arc that I hadn't gotten around to. It's very enjoyable. There's more in this game than just the 2 new trials. I've even rand the Admiral Sutter TF twice. Great fun as well.



I will also say that while I'm slowly making process on the one 50 that I'm running incarnate stuff on, I've burned out on this game more in the last week than I have in the last 3 years.

These two trials are already repetitive and this new salvage is more baffling than I can actually believe. I like sitting there trying to figure out which of these rare components I might need in 6 months when I might get to slot a rare into something. But there are something like 40 absurd and arbitrarily named items that I may or may not be able to use, and 5 choices to choose from, none of which are clearly useful to me.

Will someone's advice be to stop playing the game? Yes. I would prefer an option that is still fun though.



Did two trials yesterday. Didn't do any today. I'm fine.

I can understand your point of view (I think). While it is easy to say "play like you want, not like others want", maybe what you want is to play with your friends, and maybe all your friends want is to run the trials over and over, for example.

If you're not having fun, cancelling your sub for a bit doesn't seem like a bad idea to me ; some people might do ten or twenty trials a day right now, less than one week after release - I doubt they'll keep up that pace 3 months from now.

... or maybe they will, considering this is the only required "grind" for character progression (everything else can be trivialised, XP with powerleveling, IOs with market/farming). Who knows. Ok, if I keep going I'm going to start yet another rant or plea for the devs to add alternate paths, so let's stick to the point ; if you're not having fun, take a break, and come back whenever you feel the urge to play again.

Edit: woops, missed some posts while typing that. So, okay, your problem is that you can't progress without the iTrials. Devs pretty please, add thread drops to every +4 foe and common component choices to the TF rewards.



Originally Posted by Test_Rat View Post
But unless I am doing these trials I am not making any effective progress on my characters.
You can always start a new character and make progress however you want. Even with the new shiny I see plenty of low and mid level teams on Virtue.

If I am not making any progress why log in?
An interesting conundrum. In some ways I agree with you, I don't enjoy playing if I'm not making progress. However making progress isn't in and of itself sufficient for me, I need to have fun playing as well.

For me the incarnate trials are perfect. I don't really care about story, I just want to shoot bad guys in the face and the trials are excellent for that. The devs took what they had leart about designing fun encounters from the older content and applied it to the trials in what I consider to be an excellent manner. So for me they are fun to play many, many times and I make progress doing them.

However getting burned out on them is a concern. I tend to have a cyclical fondness for CoX, I play for a few months then take a break and do something else.

Honestly my advice to you would be to not play as many trials in the same day or if you are playing a lot switch characters about a bit to keep it interesting. I have a personal rule that I will not play a trial unless the character I'm playing will earn an E Merit from it. That forces me to switch my characters and, since I have 3 incarnates, sets a max limit of 6 trials a day (although I don't think I've actually done more than 4 in a day so far).



You did better than me.

I got bored after the first one, especially the wait for the team to sort out. 70% to go to unlock Interface. That's 3 more Lambdas at least, assuming I get the threads needed to make the rest of the items to actually slot it.

If it could be done with 8 max, or less, I'd prefer it. Every person you need is more hassle and faff.



Originally Posted by Test_Rat View Post
But unless I am doing these trials I am not making any effective progress on my characters.

If I am not making any progress why log in?
1) Obligatory "Progress in a game is illusory anyway" comment. The only metric of any value in any game is whether you enjoy it. Of second value is whether other people enjoy their time with you. Everything else is just inconsequential bits, inflated egos, and oftentimes bait for guild drama.

2) What were you doing before there were trials? What have you already done? What haven't you?

The trials will always be there for your 50's to explore, and new ones will be added. Heck, you don't even have to alt. Shards convert, shards drop from all content for level 50's now (barring AE), so explore Ouroboros. Explore the tips. explore other zones. You'll get shards and you'll progress, just not as fast. "Fast and bored" works against #1 above. Be just as fast as you find enjoyable, never more.



Originally Posted by Zortel View Post
70% to go to unlock Interface. That's 3 more Lambdas at least
Lambda gives about 50% IXP per run - I unlocked Interface after 2 runs.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Test_Rat View Post
Its not that I can't get a team
Its not that I cannot finish a trial (that bug was finally fixed).
I AM making progress...

Its just that I am bored out of my mind repeating the same two bits of content repeatedly.

I haven't even finished the first judgement slot on one character, and I am not having fun doing these trials anymore.

Am I alone in this?

I can't even bear to log into the game because I know all I will be demanded to do is incarnate content, which is just the two same tired boring trials.
Your problem is your did it 10 TIMES IN ONE DAY. Do anything that often and of course you'll get bored. Don't be in such a frigging rush. Space it out. The IXP and threads will come in time.



How to avoid endgame burnout:

Step 1. Don't do end game
Step 2. Read Step 1. again



Am I alone in this?

Far from it. You're going to have lots of company very soon, long before i21 gets here with a new hamster wheel or two.

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



Issue 20.5? What do you all think?



Originally Posted by Chase_Arcanum View Post
1) Obligatory "Progress in a game is illusory anyway" comment. The only metric of any value in any game is whether you enjoy it. Of second value is whether other people enjoy their time with you. Everything else is just inconsequential bits, inflated egos, and oftentimes bait for guild drama.

2) What were you doing before there were trials? What have you already done? What haven't you?

The trials will always be there for your 50's to explore, and new ones will be added. Heck, you don't even have to alt. Shards convert, shards drop from all content for level 50's now (barring AE), so explore Ouroboros. Explore the tips. explore other zones. You'll get shards and you'll progress, just not as fast. "Fast and bored" works against #1 above. Be just as fast as you find enjoyable, never more.
Solo and conversion method of the Incarnate system is a fools choice.

What would you rather do: Go get some Ice Cream or be at the center of a Nuclear Blast.

Most people would pick the ice cream.

When something good happens to me, I can never enjoy it....
I am always too busy looking for the inevitable punchline...




Note for european players:

If you need the influence to finish off the bar to unlock a slot then send me a message and i'll send you the influence needed to pay up to 50% of the bar One time deal per global!

Im on the bandwagon that loves the trials, the trial is an experience and it is an experience that you yourself make good or bad.

Plus . . . ION BABY!

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



I'm not tired of them yet, but probably getting close. My new plan is to organize an LGTF/APEX/TIN then double it for a Lambda, then add another 8 for BAF, then do a ship raid -- all without leaving RWZ.

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad



Originally Posted by Test_Rat View Post
Solo and conversion method of the Incarnate system is a fools choice.

What would you rather do: Go get some Ice Cream or be at the center of a Nuclear Blast.

Most people would pick the ice cream.
I have to agree with Test_Rat here. The solo choice is a bit of a joke.

I am not bored, but I am from a generation of gamers who would grind in games like NES Dragon Warrior just because it is how the game was played.

I don't think anyone realized how driven people would be to get these incarnate powers. I didn't realize it, until it went live. I never had this drive on test, I guess because it didn't matter there. Live is a different story though, I MUST have the incarnate powers.

What is worse is I want multiple trees, and the only way to really work towards it is to do the trials. The 10 for 10 conversion once a day is just painful, and 10 for 5 is just not very efficient. So if I want to progress, I have to do the trials.

I am only doing it with one character, it pains me to think of the players who want to be incarnates on multiple characters. UGH!!

Yes I know more trials are coming, but I have no clue how soon that will be. I am not really sure 4 trials will even be enough to cover the desire people have for these powers. I have to admit it borders on obsessive how bad I want these boosts, and the rewards table has become like playing the lottery. Every time I run the trial I tell myself "This will be the run where I get that very rare table." when I don't I say "next time."

We really are going to need more options for threads, and soon. The best way would be to let any TF run at +4 to drop threads and not shards. If it needs to be more, make it any one run at +4 with temps disabled. This system has HUGE potential, and I love the incarnate stuff, we just need more ways to get the threads and salvage. Keep iXP tied to the trials if you want, but really give us more ways to get threads.

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