I have run 10 trials today, I never want to run them again. Am I alone?




I want the new shinies. I want them so I can mess around with them. I don't really understand people asking what I want them for if not for the trials; they work outside the trials, and I want to use them wherever they work. It's like asking why I would want Inventions since I don't need them anywhere. I want them because they're there. People with variations on my personality are why things like this are added to these games.

I am like endless folks doing things that have come before I20. I want something, and I will inflict things on myself that I may not enjoy in order to obtain them. Now, unlike some people, I do actually enjoy the new trials. I am happy to run them a lot. I am also quite tolerant of repetition. However, even I can see that I am going to get tired of running these two trials at this rate.

So should I slow down and mix it up? That's great advice, but it conflicts with my goals. I want the new shinies. I don't want them just for these new trials. I want them for everything where they're allowed to work. Is that my fault? Well, it's certainly my decision, but stuff like this is why I play the game.

I know more trials are probably coming. I sure hope there are. I know it made sense to get us some trials now rather than waiting for more to be created. For my own goals though, it still makes me sad to only have the two, and to get the joy of the new shinies on more characters, I am going to make myself sick of these two trials. It's how my personality works.

By the way, I definitely agree with the people who feel that now is the time to get your cramming in if that's what you want to do. Everything I know of that's come before has worked like this. I don't believe for a second that people will stop running these trials, but I do believe ease of access to getting pre-formed team will cool off and become less frequent in coming weeks as the hardcore folks (like myself) start wrapping up their own cram sessions. If you want rapid progress early, I say ride the wave now. The community's focused engagement with the new content will tail off. It always has. You'll still be able to progress later, but it won't be as fast to find something as it is now.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by Test_Rat View Post
Yes there is, but the people who already have thier slots unlocked are not interested in running it that way for the newcomers.
I believe this is where one should 'speak for themselves'. I know of at least 2 other people, in addition to myself, who put the irrefutable lie to this statement. For both selfish reasons (alts) and selfless reasons (community). And I know far fewer people in this game than many.

Edit: also, many people who run content to 'farm for purples', for example, can benefit here in the same way, collect threads/astrals/etc. for future content, etc.

Not saying it's perfect for everyone, and if you don't like it, 2 other TFs to try, and more coming soon, because, hey, limits... but you can find the good in it if you look.

Paradigm: shift.

Arc #6015 - Coming Unglued

"A good n00b-sauce is based on a good n00b-roux." - The Masque



You're right to want the new powers outside the trials. I feel like a god among lesser men when I buff everyone with the barrier and blow up a group with ion judgement with a trial of praetorian clockwork behind me and someone asks wtf is going on because they've never seen any of it before.

Usually my coral sentinel is included with the list of things they've never seen before, though...



Originally Posted by Test_Rat View Post
Yes there is, but the people who already have thier slots unlocked are not interested in running it that way for the newcomers.

I run a trial regardless of whether the people I'm running with are new to it or not.

I spent 30 minutes of the BAF both fighting and explaining to a returning vet ho to run the trials, what the new components were for and even suggesting how to fit the new judgements and lores to her character's personal theme.

What you have stated is not a fact, nor is it even a moderately sustainable opinion as it has absolutely no foundation.

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post

I run a trial regardless of whether the people I'm running with are new to it or not.

I spent 30 minutes of the BAF both fighting and explaining to a returning vet ho to run the trials, what the new components were for and even suggesting how to fit the new judgements and lores to her character's personal theme.

What you have stated is not a fact, nor is it even a moderately sustainable opinion as it has absolutely no foundation.
Read what I said again:

I didn't say the wouldn't TAKE newcomers.
I said they wouldn't run the trials in a way to maximize Incarnate XP because:

They got thiers already.

I didn't say everyone is like this, but sad to say this is a majority of what I experienced. As of monday a high majority of what I experience on trials are to get the objectives done as efficiently as possible so that they can start another trial.

No sharing spawns, no distribution of tasks so everyone in the trial gets a fair amout of xp. None of that.

When something good happens to me, I can never enjoy it....
I am always too busy looking for the inevitable punchline...




I am still having fun. Did an ITF and 4 trials last night. The only part which wearied me was forming the trials (I ran each league). I wish the devs would introduce a means of getting threads outside of the trials before i21 however (ie. threads dropping off of all 54s).

One of Six, Cannibal 6



Originally Posted by Test_Rat View Post

No sharing spawns, no distribution of tasks so everyone in the trial gets a fair amout of xp. None of that.

Interesting. I have never considered going out of my way to get ixp for myself or my teammates on these. I find that many parts of the trials recommend themselves for completion as efficiently as possible. What parts would you like to focus on to get more xp?

One of Six, Cannibal 6



Originally Posted by Sermon View Post
Interesting. I have never considered going out of my way to get ixp for myself or my teammates on these. I find that many parts of the trials recommend themselves for completion as efficiently as possible. What parts would you like to focus on to get more xp?
OneFridgidWitch explains it above.

When something good happens to me, I can never enjoy it....
I am always too busy looking for the inevitable punchline...




Originally Posted by Test_Rat View Post
Read what I said again:

I didn't say the wouldn't TAKE newcomers.
I said they wouldn't run the trials in a way to maximize Incarnate XP because:

They got thiers already.

I didn't say everyone is like this, but sad to say this is a majority of what I experienced. As of monday a high majority of what I experience on trials are to get the objectives done as efficiently as possible so that they can start another trial.

No sharing spawns, no distribution of tasks so everyone in the trial gets a fair amout of xp. None of that.
It might also turn out that someone who wants to maximize iXP would benefit more overall by simply going with the fast runners, since the newcomer can follow the fast runners to the next trial.

If the same overall time is taken running 3 fast trials vs. 2 iXP maxed trials it might work out that the fast trials might give them more iXP in total, or something very close.



I think trials are fun and exciting.
I only play them 2 or 3 times in a week, both BAF and LAMBDA.
Also try to play the WTF and an ITF, some tips... You know, same stuff but running new trials with my main a couple of times if possible.
Im not in hurry to unlock the powers and I got rare Alpha, uncommon Judgement and Interface.
I think everyone can keep a casual gameplay and still enjoy end game.
Is just that end game is not for all 50s, if you cant play hardcore, just play it with your main, thats what I do so far.



Originally Posted by Sermon View Post
Interesting. I have never considered going out of my way to get ixp for myself or my teammates on these. I find that many parts of the trials recommend themselves for completion as efficiently as possible. What parts would you like to focus on to get more xp?
Well for one thing, if people killed the reinforcements with AoEs instead of scattering them everywhere, there would be more iXP. The final phase is a bit too tight for that, but the Nightstar phase in particular can result in decent iXP if her reinforcements are killed.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
Well for one thing, if people killed the reinforcements with AoEs instead of scattering them everywhere, there would be more iXP. The final phase is a bit too tight for that, but the Nightstar phase in particular can result in decent iXP if her reinforcements are killed.
Why would people scatter them willy nilly? A good stormer/bubbler won't scatter them either, since they always spawn near the same spot.



Originally Posted by Test_Rat View Post
So much for the people telling me to wait and take my time because as more people unlock the slots iXP will be come less and less the focus of trial runs, and you will be seeing more and more people reporting they get less than 15%per run.
Start your own trial. Advertise it as an iXP/Thread/Astral Merit run. Make clear that you'll be killing Siege/NS repeatedly or leaving some portals open to farm IDF and not finishing the trial until the end of the timer.

Heck, even before the Alpha slot, people would run "xp/loot" ITFs and manage to fill them up.



Originally Posted by Test_Rat View Post
OneFridgidWitch explains it above.
Hmm... so you want your team leader to farm ixp during a trial by artificially making the trial take longer than necessary?

edit: This, to me, is just as assumptive as *expecting* a team leader to run a speed run.

One of Six, Cannibal 6



Here's how my last week went:

Tues: I20, patch. Run 1 failed Lambda to get the feel. Got 33% IXP for the run, couldn't get any action on the LFG system, logged.

Wed: Ugh, grinding. I think I'll read. Ooh, new Mythbusters!

Thu: Watched some TV. Did some chores. Couldn't bring myself to play.

Fri: Hmm... peak playing times for many. Did a MSR raid, then another failed Lambda (at 55% now). Still not excited about it.

Sat: Did other things involving RL, finally logged back on around 8PM, noticed a lot of ppl congregating in RWZ. Joined a league, starting farming BAFs. Hey, ppl know what they're doing now! And they have giant nukes to back them up. Did like 6 or so runs, all successes.

Sun: All day grinding. Did like 12-15 BAF runs in a row, then 8 Lambda runs. Again, all successes. MoBAF too. Pretty much everyone knows what's up now, or know enough to listen to the leaders. Amazing that just 5 days ago, the Marauder fight was kinda hard. Got T3 J & I slots for my main, much progress on other toons. Did laundry and other chores during the cut scenes & filling out league break times.

Mon: At work, thinking of how many more runs I can stomach tonight, but I'll be there barring injury.

Am I sick of the 2 trials? Yes. Does my greed for the newest shiny currently outweigh any boredom? Absolutely. Also, I do think ppl will get their 4 T4s and stop running them at this rate, so I wanna go through w/my 12 or so Incarnates while the getting is good, so to speak. So yeah, I'll keep grinding them until I'm utterly fed up w/them, and I have no one else to blame but myself. Meanwhile, I sincerely hope there'll be other ways to progress by I21, tho by then, I may well have all my T4s so the point will be moot (well, more 50s are upcoming, I guess).

An Offensive Guide to Ice Melee



Originally Posted by Sermon View Post
Hmm... so you want your team leader to farm ixp during a trial by artificially making the trial take longer than necessary?

edit: This, to me, is just as assumptive as *expecting* a team leader to run a speed run.
Read what I posted again, because you obviously didn't the first time.

Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
Start your own trial. Advertise it as an iXP/Thread/Astral Merit run. Make clear that you'll be killing Siege/NS repeatedly or leaving some portals open to farm IDF and not finishing the trial until the end of the timer.

Heck, even before the Alpha slot, people would run "xp/loot" ITFs and manage to fill them up.
I think we are losing the point:

I have no problems doing the content.
Its just repetative and massivley boring to run the 2 (really one imo) trials ad nauseum with no effective alternate option.

When something good happens to me, I can never enjoy it....
I am always too busy looking for the inevitable punchline...




Originally Posted by Test_Rat View Post
Read what I posted again, because you obviously didn't the first time.

I think we are losing the point:

I have no problems doing the content.
Its just repetative and massivley boring to run the 2 (really one imo) trials ad nauseum with no effective alternate option.
I think you have not read the umpteen thread responses regarding this:
By 'farming' xp (a very loose interpretation of the word 'farming', imo), you can boost iXP so that you do not have to repeat the trial as often, if you do not like it.

And by forming your own team, (which admittedly may take longer), you can advertise what you are looking for, and thus avoid 'forcing' anyone into doing the content any way you prefer not to do it.

Observe, Adapt, Overcome. Or not. There are more trials coming, as far as I have heard, but I know not when. I'll adapt. (and enjoy it).

Arc #6015 - Coming Unglued

"A good n00b-sauce is based on a good n00b-roux." - The Masque



I mix the trials up with some alignment missions, other TFs, alting.. dont need to get t4 incarnate everythings in one day.. ya know?



Total level 50s: 5
Total Alpha slots unlocked: 0
Total Incarnate Trials done: 0

I did play my low level Shield/ss tank last night though.



[Warning: Totally anecdotal.]

I've mostly been playing trials in a weird, semi-casual way, by which I mean I've played a lot of trials, but I also switched to a different alt for every trial so I wouldn't miss out on the Empyrean Merit. I also didn't want to spend threads on incarnate exp because, hey, you get incarnate exp for mobs! Why would you use valuable threads for that! Net effect is I had none of my incarnate slots (except the Alpha slot) unlocked on any toon until yesterday.

So yesterday I joined FriendA on a Lambda trial that he formed. FriendA led the trial successfully, then had to log for RL and gave the league star to FriendB while I was switching to my next alt. FriendB was like, I don't want to lead -- PW, you lead! So I rejoined the league and suddenly had the big star.

So I led the Lambda trial. I had been on enough of them to know what people were supposed to do, and enough of my team members knew what to do that I didn't have too many problems. After we finished, it seemed like it would be disruptive to switch to a new toon when I was the league leader, so I just stayed on my dark defender and led another Lambda trial. I ended up leading 8 Lambda trials in a row, then I was so tired of Lambda that I switched to BAF for 2 trials (which the players seemed OK with). Unlocked my Interface, Destiny and Judgement slots all in the same day (after not having any yet for the week).

Some observations I had:

* I really don't like the waiting time between runs of the trial, where you're just sitting around waiting for the teams to fill up, so I tried to be very aggressive about starting the next trial run each time. (This is perhaps a little hypocritical because I personally like to switch toons for each run...) I did let people reboot their game or switch toons or AFK if needed, but I would start as soon as people got back. This kept things moving pretty well, but on two different runs, I lost a player or two who were AFK for the trial countdown timer. After this happened, I made sure to ask people to announce in league chat if they were going AFK, which I think helped.

* I personally tried to keep the 2 Lambda teams reasonably well balanced. On Liberty (where I play) having too many support toons on a team doesn't seem to be as much of a problem as reported in earlier posts on this thread; usually I tried to make sure each team would have enough support toons to be viable. I felt this was particularly important for Lambda since the teams are split up to chase down weapons and acids, so need to be somewhat independent. But even on BAF it felt worthwhile to balance the teams out since they generally would cover different sectors for the prisoner escape. I think this largely kept exp even (I would guess I averaged 30% exp per trial); I did not assign anyone specifically to clean up ambushes, people just killed stuff that got near them which was fine by me.

* When I switched from Lambda to BAF, I immediately found I was competing with 2 other BAF trials that were forming, and ended up absorbing the smallest of the other two BAF leagues in order to launch. At several points RWZ was so full that it was hard to get everyone in the same instance of RWZ to launch a trial. It definitely felt like the incarnate trials were very popular.

* There were plenty of times that I would've gladly taken a stalker for the DPS, over a fourth or fifth tanker. Heck, plenty of times I would've taken anything, just to fill a spot; once I had the core members needed to beat an AV or two covered, anything played reasonably competently was acceptable IMHO. There were a lot of trials running and for much of the day it was the leagues competing for players rather than players competing for slots on a league. Admittedly this was a weekend afternoon/evening so maybe a busier time than most.

* I probably would not have run 10 trials in a row as just a league member ... being league leader made me feel responsible for the success of the league, though (especially since many league members were friends) so I kept it going as long as I could. I did feel pretty fried after calling it a night. I've half a mind to not do any trials tonight, but truthfully if I log on and my friends are doing trials, I'll probably join them. Even though I've done them a lot now, I still think they're fun. (Though it's tempting to squeeze a few ITF runs in, before the WST changes, too....)

@PW - Police Woman (50 AR/dev blaster on Liberty)
TALOS - PW war journal - alternate contact tree using MA story arcs
=VICE= "Give me Liberty, or give me debt!"



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I have argued against the existence of PvP in the game just as I have argued against the existence of raids. I have argued against the existence of loot in the game in much the same way. You know I have, because you were there, so please don't be a hypocrite by asking me to provide proof of events you took part in.
I don't know about PvP, but the other things you've argued against are essential to my continued subscription of the game. If not for loot, crafting, gear, raids, level-50 gated stuff I don't think I would've made it 7 years. This isn't even the only game I play either. There are a multitude of systems - console, PC, handheld - that I play, all of which have extremely compelling games that compete for my free time. I'm trying to imagine a game where there aren't those previously listed additions and it looks basic, bare, and boring.

I'm still here close to 7 years because budget and time permitting, the developers working on this game past and present have always given me new things to do. They've done right by me and I assume for the most part it's the same for you, Sam. Maybe I'm wrong?

Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP

Remember kids, crack is whack!

Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it



Personally I feel the same way about ITF and LGTF too but they are the best way to get shards.

Important to remember that you can advance in ANY slot by collecting shards and converting them. So any level 50 content gives you additional Incarnate power, just not as quickly.

You can't please everyone, so lets concentrate on me.



Originally Posted by Test_Rat View Post
Yes there is, but the people who already have thier slots unlocked are not interested in running it that way for the newcomers.
*scratches forehead*

Except for my group of buddies and I that have for several days now been running these to get people their Exp, Badges, and Incarnate salvage. From sun up to, well, sun up again.

Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP

Remember kids, crack is whack!

Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it



Just a gentle reminder to please keep the discussion civil, avoid poking at each other and please be respectful in your responses.

Andy Belford
Community Manager
Paragon Studios



Wow; just read someone pulling 51% iXP on a BAF...yikes; the most I've ever pulled from a BAF was like 15% (maybe 18 or 20% can't remember) What the heck heh....

And yes we kill as many mobs as possible...

Leader of The LEGION/Fallen LEGION on the Liberty server!
SSBB FC: 2062-8881-3944
MKW FC: 4167-4891-5991