Saturday Night at the Cut Scene? :-D
.. all of them are my least favorite. They take forever as if they expect people who are functionally illiterate to be playing. After seeing them once, it'd be really nice to be able to skip them.
I'm still laughing that Marauder's super serum is kept in an enriche bottle.
What is a vickie in this context?
I'm still laughing that Marauder's super serum is kept in an enriche bottle.
You and me both lol xD
Woulda been funny if they parodied the Council quote (the one where they talk about their Super Serum) and have him say something along the lines of how he wishes it tasted like Strawberries.
That being said, Dr. Aeon gave me a good lol in the STF. But I've only ran it once, and could see how that joke would quickly wear on a person.
I like Mommy Mayhem telling her robots that their success will show how much they love her*. You fool! There was the flaw in your plan! Robots can't love!
* Or -how- -much- -they- -love- -her- as the case may be.
I'm still laughing that Marauder's super serum is kept in an enriche bottle.
A couple of things that I've thought about with that cutscene:
1. I think I know what's in Enriche now. My theory is that they're pumping Mother full of hormones to produce mind-controlling breast milk to put in there.
2. Oh, look! An upskirt shot of Nightstar. That's... really weird. Screen focused on metal crotch.
I assume that angle in the Nightstar shot is due to how massive Siege is, and lining things up so that he fits on the screen.
"I wish my life was a non-stop Hollywood movie show,
A fantasy world of celluloid villains and heroes."
.. all of them are my least favorite. They take forever as if they expect people who are functionally illiterate to be playing. After seeing them once, it'd be really nice to be able to skip them.
On the bright side, my current computer loads so slowly that I get to miss most of that cut scene.
My postings to this forum are not to be used as data in any research study without my express written consent.
Man, I just want Marauder and Mother Mayhem to shut uuuuuup
oh my god, these scenes are written like they're speaking to two year olds and then after the villains have explained it the captions for the mission come up and explain what's happening AGAIN
i know i'm an idiot but maybe the devs could stop writing to me like i've got a bad case of the downs, plz
Photoshop doesn't make a good artist.
My understanding is that at least some cutscenes are there for gameplay reasons: It's so that the mobs can be set up properly.
"Men strunt �r strunt och snus �r snus
om ock i gyllne dosor.
Och rosor i ett sprucket krus
�r st�ndigt alltid rosor."
I like the cut screens..Besides if some of the team skips them..what can they do but wait for the rest of the team..might as well watch it or look away for some seconds

Yeah, I like 'em too. They show off the pretty character designs (not just the body that Mother Mayhem wishes was her own... I'm rather impressed by Siege's new design,) and if you're bored with them, they give you a few moments to alt-tab out, load up the news, check the washing, feed the ostrich, whatever. A little pacing helps me keep up with a frantic TF/Trial.
Good Morning Fellow Forumites. Well its was nice to see the response to my thread lol
On to my next review....
Today let's look at an old favorite I mentioned last night. The cut scene from the Imperious Task Force or "I AM NICTUS!" Well I will give them this much at some point they must have realized this thing was rambling on because anyone that remembers back far enough can confirm the fact that someone in the art department went back in and shortened it.
I have two concerns about the CS. The first is a WTF? Now we have been transported back in time to the ancient Roman Empire and are battling the 5th column and the Cimeroran traitors thratening to alter history. Okay that's fine and certainly not the first time a comic book hero ever time traveled. What confuses me is where did the Nictus come from in this little scenario? My Canon history may be a bit spotty but I was under the impression that the 5th Column and the Council had a lot of the same troops.. hence the appearance of Vamprii and Warwolves in both rival organizations BUT only the Council has Galaxy troops and they were the ones that were created by a Nictus merging with a Council recruit. Now we are more than 2000 years in the past and we have 5th Column Nazis along with Nictus influencing a Roman General into trying to take control? Don't believe me check here and I quote:
The Galaxy Band was developed by the villain Arakhn and, unlike other Bands of the Council, it wasn't absorbed or based on anything Requiem's organization, the 5th Column already had. This Band has its own role in the Kheldian war. |
Okay my second concern is the placement of the trigger to roll this gem of great acting. I just battled my way through a horde of Cimeroran traitors and reached the grand plaza where Rommi is reviewing some of his troops along with his buddies the Nictus. I reach the bottom of the steps and start battling 5th Column and then .. POOF for the next minute or so I am watching Romulus be taken over by a Nictus. Now I have done the TF enough to relax and realize that all action has stopped until the scene is over but that first time my immediate reaction was .. "OH MY GOD before this crap started I had a WarWolf Boss IN MY FACE. Am I going to wind up dead thank to this thing?" At least most of the othe scenes we have come to know and tolerate occur when nothing life altering is happening...
Doc Aeon's double rant during the STF is while we are working our way through the base to get to the map with the AVs and is placed in a spot where no Arachnos troops are anywhere near you.
Even Lord Recluse's monologue later in the STF comes AFTER you have defeated all 4 of his lieutenants so basically it gives you a chance to heal up before attacking the Flyer and then the towers.
The scene in the Baraccuda SF where we free Reichmann from the Longbow occurs after we clear the room and leads to us being transported to the next part of the mission. Forcing us to break out of a 5th column cell to attack.
But the only place the Devs could find to put the trigger for this scene was in a spot where we are surrounded by the bad guys? hehehe THANKS BOYS WE REALLY APPRECIATE THAT!

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon do realise Requeim is a Nictus? Or, rather, he's a human merged with the Nictus called Dirge of Entropy, resulting in Requiem?
The Galaxy troops are unique to the Council because Arahkn commisioned them from the Centre. (Also insert some reason that the 5th never got them before the Council takeover way back when. C'est la vie.)
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
My favorite cut scene is Dr Aeon in the STF - its humorous, doesn't really interrupt the flow of the TF much and its quite appropriate - he IS an evil genius mastermind after all and they ALWAYS stop to explain their evil plans to the heroes.
Globals: @Midnight Mystique/@Magik13 do realise Requeim is a Nictus? Or, rather, he's a human merged with the Nictus called Dirge of Entropy, resulting in Requiem?
I don't mind the ITF cutscene all that much honestly, despite how many times I've seen it. It's short, the placement is such that the silly things people yell during it will show up on the screen, and the ITF is run so often that people have amusing keybinds set up just for the cutscene. I am disappointed that Rommy doesn't yell I AM NICTUS in giant letters anymore though.
The BAF cutscene is entirely unnecessary and too long, Marauder's speech is too long considering its content, and I am very tired of Aeon. I don't mind Arbiter Sands' cutscene too much, since I like him and you know when it's going to be triggered, so it's not going to start when you have a Bane Spider about to bash your teeth in.
But what I really hate about cutscenes is the "your powers look recharged but they're actually not" thing they cause.
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The only annoying thing with the ITF cutscene is that the music does not trigger with the cutscene. It triggers with the location.
The CS is just so less epic without the music, to the point it actually bugs me.
Wish there was some way for them to fix that =/
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
There's a certain type of gamer who's gonna get really bored by cutscenes. Especially if they run the same Trial / TF dozens of times or more. After seeing the same cutscene enough times, they end up tapping their foot, just wanting to get past it and get to the ACTION.
Therefore, I submit that the BAF cutscene just might be a psychological experiment by the Devs to see if it's possible to make male gamers bored of cleavage.
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Bored of cutscenes?
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My understanding is that at least some cutscenes are there for gameplay reasons: It's so that the mobs can be set up properly.
Doesn't do very much good on full pre-formed teams though.
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I likle the cutscenes - it's nice to see the NPCs get a little time to talk without fighitng
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
I have to admit I like cut scenes as well. Villains monologue, we all know this is a villain constant so I like having it in the game. As for overacting, of course they over act! Have you ever read a comic? Mr. Milk Toast would make a very poor villain for our heroes to beat. If it bores you then distract yourself, I want to watch villain egos expand so I get that feeling of in your face when they finally go down. I would love to have voice acting for these as well as long as it was well done voice acting. As for Nightstar's crotch shot and Mother Mayhem's ahhh assests, I think we all know superhero comics are aimed at teen boys, that is why the breast slider runs out as far as it does...
The network would like to take this opportunity to state that the views expresses here in no way represent the opionion of this station or its affiliates.. they also do very little to prove the runor that Wendy may actually be sane!

Good evening fellow Cut Scene viewer its time to take a look at those short films we have all come to know and .. LOVE(???) here in COH. And I can;t think of a better place to start than with the latest and perhaps most talked about CS.. you know it, you've grown to hate it.. Mother Mayhem, Nightstar, and Siege in the epic "Explaining the BAF".
First lets deal with the obvious and the thing that DRAWS the most comments from your fellow players. Mother Mayhem's outfit leaves no doubt that she is very well endowed.. I think that should get past the censors. My question is has anyone besides me paid attention to the belt buckle she has on? OUCH that thing looks sharp and I am not sure how she manages to lean forward without puncturing herself.
On to Nightstar.. Now I think we can all agree its obvious where they got the design for the Vickies that we frequently find in our face during this Trial. Miss Star is certainly the inspiration for her support. One thing that I have wondered about though ... Exactly why does a robot, supposed devoid of feelings or any need for self gratification, need to wear lipstick? My other question is .. did Nemesis help design her? I thought he didn't exist in this version of earth and yet she does seem to be smoking in her scenes. No I don;t mean a cigar.. smoke is seeping from all over hjer body? After the BAF trial she may want to have her wiring looked at because that can't be good.
Which brings us to Siege. Now all of the praetors got make overs of a sort and Siege is not the only one that doesn't closely resemble his Primal Earth counterpart Citadel. That said we look at Nightstar and can see a MK Vickie... I look at Siege and can't help but wonder in Neuron's brother "Crazy Earl" threw him together from parts of old cars he has in his yard. Their isn't a WarWorks, IDT or clockwork that looks anything like him???? First time I saw him i wondered what the Droid General from Star Wars was doing in my Cut Scene.
Now on to the acting.. Mother Mayhem seems to have attended the Will~ i~ am Shatner~ School~ of ~Acting! She throws ~pauses~ in strange places through out all her speeches. And like Shatner she made sure she had the majority of the line. [Apologizes to Bill Shatner I love Star Trek and he is funny in his new show.. @%$! My Dad Said] Nightstar and Siege deliver their lines with no spark of passion at all.. OF COURSE THEY DON'T THEY ARE ROBOTS ROBOTS DON"T EMOTE!
I have to give this cut scene a Thumbs Down.. its long, it has nothing special just a way to explain the trial. Still its not as bad as Doc Aeon in the Statesman Task Force.. More on that next time but I will say this.. While a joke may seem funny when you watch it once it quickly becomes annoying after viewing it about 20 times in the same week. Ahhhh SHuT IT OFF SHUT IT OFF! lol
I decided it was time for us to review and rate the various Cut Scenes the Devs, in particular the Art Department since I am sure they were deeeply involved, hav given us. We have a wide range of them to chose from.. Everything from Rommi becoming a Nictus I AM NICTUS I AM NICTUS!
To Mender Ramiel explaining the Well of the Furies to us after it has disappeared.
the new one on the BAF has been commented on so much and when the STF was the WST everyone was sick of DOc Aeon by the end of the week.. SO feel free to add you own review of your favorite or LEAST favorite CS. Okay so its late and I should be in bed. WHich explains why I am being silly.. NIGHT ALL :P:
�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon