Discussion: Upgrade to the NCsoft Launcher now!



Originally Posted by Cloud_Surge View Post
Yes, thank you, I DID in fact see that part in the "faq" and I was asking for a third option than the two Peerless enumerates below, one I'd even be willing to pay for.

Originally Posted by PeerlessGirl View Post
You've got two choices, eventually.

1) Use it and deal.

2) Quit CoH.
Honestly? I'm fearing I might need to do that because sometimes nothing else is heard.

Originally Posted by PeerlessGirl View Post
All in all it's a win-win. Don't fear change, embrace it.
I do not fear change. I despise UNNECESSARY change.

There have been some subtle changes to the company lately, between the drops in communication, the focus in development, and things like this.

I'm scheduled to start that 'year plus two' plan later next month -- I was on a 3 month plan prior to accepting that when it was offered -- but I may be forced to cancel instead. If my pleas in the forums are unheard, maybe voting with my wallet will make a difference.

If not, well. I survived before I found CoX, and I'll survive if I leave it.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Softcapping an Invuln is fantastic. Softcapping a Willpower is amazing. Softcapping SR is kissing your sister.



Originally Posted by Void_Huntress View Post
If my pleas in the forums are unheard, maybe voting with my wallet will make a difference.
It won't

The NCSoft Launcher is a small, stylish and harmless upgrade to the game - after a while, you won't even remember what the old one was like

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



To anyone having trouble installing, try re-installing .NET. Bothersome, but it worked for me.



Seems to have worked fine for me, though I've only updated test and beta, haven't actually tried to access either. Certainly a lot less buggy (so far) than it was back when I played Aion. Ugh. That's all I'll say about that.

Still have some concerns that I didn't see addressed in the OP, though I may have missed them:

How will any potential new or returning players, or current players that don't routinely access the forums, be affected? Will the old updater redirect them, or autoinstall, the new launcher?

Where to find me after the end:
The Secret World - Arcadia - Shinzo
Rift - Faeblight - Bloodspeaker
LotRO - Gladden - Aranelion
STO - Holodeck - @Captain_Thiraas

Obviously, I don't care about NCSoft's forum rules, now.



I'm sorry you guys are having problems but the launcher worked straight out of the gate for me. I'm getting download speeds for updates that I haven't seen since I first joined the game. I'm so happy.



Originally Posted by PsychicKitty View Post
I have had tons of experience with this launcher over the years
kind of sad they are going to it....but go figure.

Here are Tips for everyone using this Launcher until these issues get resolved:

1: When you load your game go back and shut the launcher down...it consumes bandwidth and stays running when its not needed.

2: Make sure this launcher is terminated when you stop playing....as this one tends to eat bandwidth while its running in the background....no it doesnt always update but will transfer information like it is....and it doesnt matter if you have the box clicked to say you want to share info or not.
You can set this to automatically happen. I've added a shortcut to my desktop for Live and Test which load the launcher, load the game and then quit the launcher. Not 100% sure how as I'm not at my machine, but there is a check box in the options to close the launcher after starting a game.



Originally Posted by Six View Post
Not to dismiss the serious problems some people seem to be having with this, but I'm a big fan of the new launcher for one very specific reason: clicking on links now opens them up in your default web browser, instead of firing up Internet Explorer every time. That's been bugging me for years!
Uh, I had the exact opposite experience -- for the first time, instead of opening in the default browser, the new launcher opened Internet Explorer for me.

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog



The launcher needs work. But so far it seems to run well on my end. I click it off once the game launches.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



I've had the launcher for awhile now soooo I just clicked that upgrade link and everything I guess upgraded...logged into the test (dont ask me why I went in this order lol) everything looks fine then went to the beta and ohh oh no cursor, hmmm sooo logged into the live game and same no cursor.

Luckily I have a touch screen and was able to get to the options and I turned on the mouse compatibilty (enabled). Logged out (clicked off the launcher too) and then launched game and the cursor is there albeit that scraggely looking one but I dont care I'm in the game and can mouse click on stuff lol. Was just wondering if anyone else had the prob (rembered this 'cause there was a prob before with this).

Prestige Award
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@Fire Chief



The truth of the matter is a greater % of people are not having any problems whatsoever. In our household there are 3 computers which we play CoH on and of the three only one had any problems with the launcher. As it turned out it was an easy fix but it took us about 2 hours to find out what the problem was. Compared to some of you that is a short amount of time I realize this. (2 Windows Vista, 1 Windows XP)

The devs are not TRYING to break your game. They're just as concerned that some of you can't play as you are not being able to play the game. There are certain contingencies that nobody can predict no matter how well the planning is. For some of us the problem was on OUR end. Didn't have anything to do with the Launcher.

If you're having trouble with the Launcher then I'd recommend you follow These Steps (NCsoft Technical Center) in regards to the NCsoft Launcher.

If you're still having issues after you've followed all the steps listed then you've exhausted every resource on your end and it's up to the Devs to fix the problem (If they can). One way or another you'll be able to play again. It is a hassle and none of us should have to go through it but things change. Things break and things are fixed again. This is nothing new as far as the online gaming community goes. Even some of the best of things has it's ups and downs when it's initially started.

- Bow �o �he Reaper of Souls�
- 68 Unique Characters / Fifteen Level 50s & Counting! Damn you alt-itis!!!!!!!



Originally Posted by TwilightPhoenix View Post
Will the Mac client be available this month? I'll be vanishing for three months starting in April and I'll be rather annoyed to miss the Wisp aura because the launchers weren't updated simultaneously.
This. I greatly enjoy getting new (especially free) costume pieces and would be a bit peeved to miss out on this simply because of the OS I use. And, before anyone offers such advice, no, I do not own any Windows machines that would be capable of preforming this download just to get the aura.

Synergyblast: 50 Energy/Electric Blaster (Virtue)
Arbiter Bailey: 50 Bane (Virtue)
Mr. Bailey: 50 Merc/Dark MM (Virtue)



Originally Posted by _Bay_ View Post
This. I greatly enjoy getting new (especially free) costume pieces and would be a bit peeved to miss out on this simply because of the OS I use. And, before anyone offers such advice, no, I do not own any Windows machines that would be capable of preforming this download just to get the aura.
Has there been anything to say that the wisp aura will be stopped? All I can find is the OP saying that the sooner you use the new launcher the sooner you get the aura. I checked the Dev diary and community diary and couldn't find a post to the contrary.



Originally Posted by Tex View Post
Your kind words of support are always so appreciated.
Not very professional, regardless of whether people here deserve it.



Originally Posted by Haterade View Post
Not very professional, regardless of whether people here deserve it.
I dont think they have ever even kidded themselves into thinking they were professional. the customer service at tesco is actually better!

Can someone confirm whether the new "content distribution network" is Peer to Peer or not. If it is i'd like to cancel my subscription before it renews (not out of mirth but P2P is blocked where i am.)



Originally Posted by Diggis View Post
Has there been anything to say that the wisp aura will be stopped? All I can find is the OP saying that the sooner you use the new launcher the sooner you get the aura. I checked the Dev diary and community diary and couldn't find a post to the contrary.
Went back and took the time to carefully read all of the original post and found this.

Originally Posted by Avatea View Post
We are introducing a new way to download and patch City of Heroes, through the NCsoft Launcher! For a limited time, all customers who use the NCsoft launcher will unlock the new Wisp Aura for free!

Question 10: Do I get anything from transitioning over to the NCsoft Launcher early?

Answer 10:
As mentioned before, the sooner our PC players start using the NCsoft Launcher, the sooner they will get access to a brand new Wisp aura on your live account. As for our MAC users, you will all get the Wisp aura once the NCsoft Launcher is available for the MAC client.

Synergyblast: 50 Energy/Electric Blaster (Virtue)
Arbiter Bailey: 50 Bane (Virtue)
Mr. Bailey: 50 Merc/Dark MM (Virtue)



I uninstalled everything, game client included. Re-installed game client, re-installed launcher.

Click on launcher, get

"Unable to contact Launcher Update Server

There is either a problem with your internet connection, or the update server is currently down. You may retry or skip the update."

Retrying get the same response.

So I skip it. Launcher window comes up, City of Heroes is green-lit. Select it, click on the play button, get the following:

City of Heroes encountered an error last time it tried to perform an operation

Could find authentication data online or locally
The patching server might be down.
We are sorry for the inconvenience, please try again later!

Cannot get it to work under any of the above mentioned methods, the repair option says City of Hereos currently unable to repair itself. You may be able to repair later by clicking on the game and selecting repair.

Repair has repeatedly given me the same error.

Checked my LAN options, made sure it was set to auto-detect. Checked firewall settings, NC is allowed access. Not sure what to do now.


Virtue: Sistah Powah, Afrodizziac, NeutronBlonde,Distortionist,IonMaiden,BlindFaith,M adwoman, Vital Signs,Yzzorrdrex,Diesel Mage, Defend, Glasshouse,Rescue I, Bootytrap, The Experience, AE Virus, Drawback, Daytime, Nighttime, Chamberwraith, Invincible Ink, Monster Mitts, Hex Object, Hexperiment, Frightningbolt, Spooky Deville, Scream Weaver, Cackler, Shocktopus, Ogrekill,Road Hazard,Fahrenhate,Duotherm,Black Lung, Horrorculturalist,Foulmouth,



No problems loading the launcher and running it on my end. Everything went seamlessly.

With that said, I am sad to hear that some players are experiencing issues with getting the new launcher to work right and thus screwing up your game time. I truly understand that level of frustration.

From what I have read thusfar, there are some issues that need to be taken note of and dealt with by NCSoft in regards to some of the problems we have seen here. While also playing devil's advocate, I am utterly dismayed at some of the vitriol and ignorant statements spewed upon these forums by players as well. As such here are some solutions that should be reviewed on ALL of our parts:

For NCSoft:

  • NCSoft should already have a 1-800 number available for technical issues (such as this NCSoft Laucher problem) in the US and the equivalent in Europe; currently it doesn't. This 1-800 number should also be a 24-hour access line with the ability to cross-utilize tech help between the US and European sites should call volume dramatically increase. This is a CRITICAL issue that NCSoft needs to resolve immediately. Customers should not be online with support for long periods of time (did someone mention 45 minutes?) and being charged long-distance for said call while waiting in a queue. That is unacceptable in today's tech support world.
  • NCSoft should have provided an earlier email to all CoH customers regarding the Launcher change stating what was about to occur weeks if not days in advance, vice from the Paragon Studio's Community Relations Team's forum info, which a high majority of CoH players do NOT check routinely or at all. The email should have included:
    • Dates/times of potential Launcher change
    • Systems that are supported and NOT supported (not having Mac supported for this at this time was not a good call either)
    • Details on what interfaces it uses (.NET, IE, etc)
    • Step-by-step procedure and links for the customer to use to conduct the change based on OS/platform
    • A detailed path a customer can follow if there is a technical issue with getting the launcher to work, to include:
      • Alternate procedures and links on HOW to do the change
      • Details on filing a support ticket
      • Details on calling in your issues (SHOULD already be a 1-800 number for that, but, here we are...)
      • A warning about potential time delays in fixing these technical issues due to work hours and time zones.
  • Should have tested this Launcher out across more operating systems and platforms before dumping this on customers. Suggestion: review and fix the QA system for situations like this.
  • Should have made mention if the game needed to be patched with the "old" CoH Launcher first, and THEN download and activate the new Launcher; some folks I've chatted with vapor-locked on this issue alone.
For Customers/Players:
  • Even though NCSoft may not have implemented this Launcher well, some folks posting on the forums regarding this need to STOP with the mindless drivel about the 'new' EULA clicking on the load screen. What is the big deal? You've been doing this same action since the day you started playing the game! Be a part of the solution; not the problem. Provide a better solution in suport tickets or via the forums. The mindless complaining about clicking on the new EULA "I accept" button on the load screen vs the CoH Loaders's EULA window that we've had since game's launch is insipid, folks. STOP. It's the same thing you've done EVERY time you've logged into the game, just now on a load screen vs the EULA window. The level of trite in complaining about this is sickening and embarrasing. Don't like this new EULA 'I agree' locational change? See the next bulleted item below.
  • Calmly express your problem and maturely deal with the problem. Catch more flies with honey vs vinegar...? Listen to what others are saying that have solutions. There are long time vets and professionals (as well as red names) that are providing solutions here in the forums. There are forum feedback threads. It is not the end of the world and as much as we expect our equivelant $15/month to go towards a better product, these guys are not omnipotent, and they are far from abandoning you and the player base. Problems and bugs will arise. They always do. If you act like a ill-tempered 2-year old everytime this game throws you a curve ball, you are destined for failure in whatever you do in real life. Break the cycle. If you are upset, send NCSoft/CoH Community Reps a non-emote filled, detailed list of your issues and what you think they need to do to resolve this. True, you can vote with your wallet, but if you have a diminished level of attachment to this game that upsets you enough to quit, then maybe you should, otherwise help the game that has provided you with months/years of the fun and excitement you've enjoyed by being mature enough to deal with the problems presented, just as our community reps and programmers are trying very hard to do.
  • Patience. In our current world of 'gimmee nau!!!' you need to have patience if you want it done right. The programmers, devs, community relations team, and I'm sure, NCSoft's folks, are addressing the issues the best way they can at the moment. Can it be better? Yes. At the moment, it's not. See bullet #2 above to aid in resolving this.
Again, for those that are still having technical issues, I truly wish I was tech-savvy enough to provide further help other than some of the solutions and comments I've seen posted by a few others that are more tech savvy than I. This is a situation that requires a bit less disturbing emotionalism and lot more action on our parts. Let's aid in resolving this to make the game better by trying to be a part of the solution, not adding fuel to the fire.

To NCSoft: take what was mentioned above and resolve. I don't think you want a repeat of this anytime soon.



Originally Posted by Gargoyle_KDR View Post
For people who have the CoH, Test, and Beta clients on their PC how or what do we need to do (if anything) to make the new NCsoft Launcher work with all of the clients?
I found that the Launcher did find my Live and Beta clients, but it did NOT find my Test client. The Launcher was looking for a specific folder path and name. The path to my Test client did not match what the Launcher was looking for. I had to move and rename the Test client folder in order for it to be found by the Launcher.

Crey Threat Assessment: Bayne
Virtueverse: Bayne
The Defenders of Paragon



Originally Posted by Void_Huntress View Post

I do not fear change. I despise UNNECESSARY change.

There have been some subtle changes to the company lately, between the drops in communication, the focus in development, and things like this
They've not said outright--but implied very strongly that this is a "necessary change" for what they're planning in the future. Heck the dang thing is faster on all accounts (both downloading and especially applying patches) will do them in the background, will actually open the correct web browser, and gosh-darn it will even manage Live, Test AND Beta.

I love it when people see one change, then start bringing up all sorts of other perceived ills like "the drops in communication" (but no, a monthly producer's letter that's actually on schedule, that couldn't be communication could it?) Could be that they're busy doing stuff like i20 and 21, updating the launcher, etc. by "focus in development" I have a sneaking suspicion you're going to start thumping that "complete solo or bust" drum again? It's a pretty broken record honestly, and has no place in this discussion.

At any rate, the change is mandatory, the Emperor has dissolved the old updater, the last vestiges of the old rep--I mean Cryptic have been swept away.

"Superman died fighting Doomsday because he allowed his toggles to drop, and didn't beat Doomsday before Unstoppable wore off, sad really..."



Originally Posted by Gargoyle_KDR View Post
I found that the Launcher did find my Live and Beta clients, but it did NOT find my Test client. The Launcher was looking for a specific folder path and name. The path to my Test client did not match what the Launcher was looking for. I had to move and rename the Test client folder in order for it to be found by the Launcher.
Strange, it picked mine up right off the bat.... and my CoX folders are *not* on my main drive and are instead over on a 2ndary drive.



Originally Posted by _Bay_ View Post
Went back and took the time to carefully read all of the original post and found this.
Hmm, missed the first bit about limited time and only saw the second. It would be dissapointing if only people where were members during this period were able to get the costume piece.



Installed the launcher and it's working just fine. It even updated Test and Beta pretty fast. Faster than I've seen it do before.

Now... can we make it look... less ugly?

The Art Director in me is wants to weep for it.


Kill 'em all. Let XP sort 'em out.



Hey Tex!

I appreciate the work you folks at NCSoft are doing. Hope this gets fixed up real soon (for your sakes as well as mine); I admit I'm not installing the launcher right now, but by this time next week I should be on a new computer

If you can, next time something like this happens, A) give us warning (more about the other big recent change) and B) try releasing it on the Test server (or in their forums, at least) first. Might lessen the over-wrought reactions next time. I also understand that your corporate overlords might not be giving you enough time for that kind of stuff, but if you can pass it on up from us?

Originally Posted by TheDark1 View Post
cant do it? welp... critism is part of everyones job. we all get told how good or bad we're doing from one source or another. eventually the problems will be resolved, more information will flow from the devs and code writers, tempers will tamp down, and life and gaming will go on. until then... people are upset. you're going to hear about it. thats just how it works.
There's being critical to the chef, then there is taking a dump on a plate, saying "This is what you served me" and forcing it in their face all because they do something different than what your taste buds are used to.

Originally Posted by PeerlessGirl View Post
Let me guess, running Linux and Wine? *smirks* No, actually .Net in 7 works really well, for most of us.

Answer is the same as it was to someone else earlier in the thread and I hate to be the one to break it to you (well..not really)

1) Deal with it.


2) Quit CoH.

As it's a mandatory change.
I've had issues with how je_saist presents himself (including here) but 1) he has provided a lot of help to others so please cut him a little slack and 2) 1) shouldn't matter; please try to be polite in these kinds of threads no matter what as emotions do run high in them.

Originally Posted by Kid Snowflake View Post
The rednames are SASSING us now? Good to see customer satisfaction is still NCSoft's #1 priority.
While it may be questionable, it could be Tex's only possible choice that would say "We're reading this thread" and not also instantly get him fired. Again, criticism doesn't have to be rubbing someone's face in fecal matter.

Originally Posted by Tyranny_NA View Post
Things break and things are fixed again. This is nothing new as far as the online gaming community goes. Even some of the best of things has it's ups and downs when it's initially started.
Especially since City was never made to work with the launcher - that kind of thing will always provide problems during transition.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by Diggis View Post
Hmm, missed the first bit about limited time and only saw the second. It would be dissapointing if only people where were members during this period were able to get the costume piece.
Yeah, that was going to be my biggest source of dismay. As is I feel left out that I don't have the Rikti Mentalist... The other costume codes are nowhere near as interesting as that single one.

Synergyblast: 50 Energy/Electric Blaster (Virtue)
Arbiter Bailey: 50 Bane (Virtue)
Mr. Bailey: 50 Merc/Dark MM (Virtue)



Originally Posted by Major Deej View Post
For Customers/Players:
  • Even though NCSoft may not have implemented this Launcher well, some folks posting on the forums regarding this need to STOP with the mindless drivel about the 'new' EULA clicking on the load screen. What is the big deal? You've been doing this same action since the day you started playing the game! Be a part of the solution; not the problem. Provide a better solution in suport tickets or via the forums. The mindless complaining about clicking on the new EULA "I accept" button on the load screen vs the CoH Loaders's EULA window that we've had since game's launch is insipid, folks. STOP. It's the same thing you've done EVERY time you've logged into the game, just now on a load screen vs the EULA window. The level of trite in complaining about this is sickening and embarrasing. Don't like this new EULA 'I agree' locational change? See the next bulleted item below.
To be fair, with the old launcher it wasn't so much as clicking through the EULA as double-clicking the play button.

However, I agree with you although I would like to see them eventual move the EULA to First Login and First Login after Update.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.