Discussion: Upgrade to the NCsoft Launcher now!



Too tired to look, and you can PM with the answer...

I have two accounts and One (1) computer.

How is this going to get the wisp on both accounts?

Have to go to sleep now, as I'm tired.

Sometimes, I impress my boss. Sometimes, I impress myself. The rest of the time, I scare people. I can live with that.



sorry Av.

No can do.

There's a pretty serious bug with Cedega support. The public Maudite releases; 2010121, 2010101, 2010071, 2010052, and 2010051; all crash with unhandled exceptions when trying to install the NCSoft Launcher.

The old Cedega 7.3 engine series also bails out. Unsurprisingly, iut's on the .NET Framework 2.0 requirement.

Here's a word of advice.

Don't actively piss off your players by forcing them to use crap software.

.NET is crap software.

So no. No downgrade to the NCSoft Launcher Here.



Originally Posted by Tormentoso View Post
I clicked on the link in Q#2 and downloaded the file and try to run it. It pretty much destroyed my ability to play. The old shortcuts didn't work, and the file downloaded didn't run at all, and there was no new program installed anywhere...

I had to download the launcher that Zombie Man provided and downloaded the whole new installers. That seemed to work.
Just a note, I followed this procedure, and when I clicked to launch the game, it brought up the old launcher and I could enter the game, the way I'm accustomed to. (No auras unlocked, I checked.)
After that, I downloaded the 'upgraded' downloader from the COH website,which overwrote the files in such a way that it reverted to the original problem I was having, with the constant looping and no games launched.

Anyway I'm annoyed and have had enough for today. Ciao.

Pinnacle & Virtue:
A bunch of Heroes - Alpha Team, Legion of Order.
A bunch of Villains -Black Citadel , Pinnache.



Bribing people to switch to the "new" (I put new in quotes because that is essentially the "old" launcher from the Tabula Rasa/Dungeon Runners/Auto Assault days) launcher? That's...kinda sad...

And having to click that stupid EULA upon login is a pain. Having the Next->I Agree right under each other was quick and painless. I know it's a minor gripe, but I don't like mousing over to that stupid thing on every login. Wouldn't it be possible to have a setting that remembers it being "read" and only unremembers when a change to it has been made? Also, have an option to read it, not that anyone ever really reads those wastes of bytes.



Originally Posted by Dark One View Post
Bribing people to switch to the "new" (I put new in quotes because that is essentially the "old" launcher from the Tabula Rasa/Dungeon Runners/Auto Assault days) launcher? That's...kinda sad...
They are going to turn off the old updater so you are GOING to have to switch regardless. This just happens to be a free limited time gift, and I for one like free gifts. Not sad at all.

Just to add my 2 cents in, I think the NCsoft launcher is pretty snazzy.

Though I do miss the blue of my CoH launcher. Anyway you can suggest that they make different custom launcher skins for each game?



Originally Posted by legendaryjman2 View Post
They are going to turn off the old updater so you are GOING to have to switch regardless. This just happens to be a free limited time gift, and I for one like free gifts. Not sad at all.
A "gift" for switching early and overwriting your old shortcuts, meaning you can't use your old launcher for whatever time remains if you don't like the new thing? Still sad.

There was a reason I never used the multi-launcher back when there was a lot more games under the NCSoft banner, despite having played several of them. Continually advertising Guild Wars, Lineage, and Aion is not going to get me to sub to those games.



downloaded again

everything worked smoothly.



I have had tons of experience with this launcher over the years
kind of sad they are going to it....but go figure.

Here are Tips for everyone using this Launcher until these issues get resolved:

1: When you load your game go back and shut the launcher down...it consumes bandwidth and stays running when its not needed.

2: Make sure this launcher is terminated when you stop playing....as this one tends to eat bandwidth while its running in the background....no it doesnt always update but will transfer information like it is....and it doesnt matter if you have the box clicked to say you want to share info or not.



ok, brief update. puzzling as it may be.

so, the problems ive been having(and are still having) are with my laptop. for whatever reason i gave up on the launcher working in a manner that would resemble a launcher and not some useless piece of junk that makes other programs cease to function properly and uninstalled everything from top to bottom. no more game client, no more alt servers, no more installers, no more launchers. then, i reloaded the launcher and that is now downloading the initial client. once thats in place, i go through the process of remaking my test and beta folders.

here's the interesting part:
mere moments before i threw my laptop at the wall and stomped it into a billion teeny tiny little plastic and metals parts, i set it down and went to check my desktop system. i launched all my standard, regular, no frills launchers for the lipve, test, and beta servers, making sure any available patches or updates would be done and done. live did load something small. no biggie. then i closed all my launchers and loaded the live server. once it stabalized at the login screen, i closed it. then i went to the web site and downloaded the new launcher, with a great deal of trepidation. i ran it, installed it in a folder beside, but not within, my city of heroes folders. tenatively, cautiously, hesitantly, i moused over the launcher icon on my desktop. with quivering finger, i flicked twice at my left button and sparked the new launcher to life. a flash... a twinkle... a pop up. then another. and another. repetitvely a window jumped up and ran away, my fist poised to be smashed into my monitor should this fail to work. and then....

It worked.
i.... i..... i cant explain it. i dont know what i did differently. was it the checking for updates beforehand? was it the placement of the folder? was it my fist hovering 2" from the side of my head, cocked and ready to fire??

these and other questions of the universe may never be answered.

im still locked out of my ncsoft master account from the site, but at least i can play from my woefully substandard desktop while i wait to find out how much a new laptop will cost me, after i smash this one to little itsy bitsy bits when the new loads dont work. but hey, maybe this whole launcher issue will be sorted out by then and my laptop will get to live.
we shall see.

and, sadly, im not sorry to tex that mods and devs are taking a hefty ration here on this. there are also plenty of people touting and gushing their love, admiration, endearment, and approval for a launcher that works perfectly fine on their systems. now, if you guys want the rest of us to feel the same way, i have a modest suggestion:

buy the rest of us comparable systems.

cant do it? welp... critism is part of everyones job. we all get told how good or bad we're doing from one source or another. eventually the problems will be resolved, more information will flow from the devs and code writers, tempers will tamp down, and life and gaming will go on. until then... people are upset. you're going to hear about it. thats just how it works.



For what it's worth, it was quick and painless. I already much prefer it to CoH's default updater, I can streamline my desktop down from 6 Icons to 1 Icon (Live, Test, Beta, and Update Skip versions of the same). Can launch any of the 3 from the same place. The game downloads even faster than it always did (which was fast) and more importantly applies in about a quarter of the time, and it doesn't choke my quad core machine and nearly crash it trying to apply a patch (which is/was always worse on small patches than large, it seemed to me).

All in all it's a win-win. Don't fear change, embrace it.

"Superman died fighting Doomsday because he allowed his toggles to drop, and didn't beat Doomsday before Unstoppable wore off, sad really..."



Originally Posted by Jordan_Yen View Post
Any word on how to open more than one client? My two accounts require this
Had you poked around in your new program's settings, you'd know the answer to this:

Go to "File" Click "Settings" Go to the "Advanced tab" click the checkbox for "Allow multiple instances of a game to be launched."

Be happy.

"Superman died fighting Doomsday because he allowed his toggles to drop, and didn't beat Doomsday before Unstoppable wore off, sad really..."



Originally Posted by Tex View Post
Your kind words of support are always so appreciated.
Yeah, I know what you mean, Tex. You'd think these people might never have had a real crisis in their lives, given how "disgusted" and "betrayed" they feel by a UI skin and launcher change...oh wait...

"Superman died fighting Doomsday because he allowed his toggles to drop, and didn't beat Doomsday before Unstoppable wore off, sad really..."



Originally Posted by Morbid Star View Post
So, NCSoft decides to make the CoH/CoV game extremely difficult to log in to. Considering that the game population took a huge hit due to the new well esstablished comic super hero MMO that isnt allowed to be named on the message boards
Nope. Wrong answer, but you do get this lovely box of air for participating.

To paraphrase Arcanaville: "{MMO Name Redacted}?..Well it was made on a planet that has never played MMOs before." That's more accurately the best way to describe it, as someone who was there.

"Superman died fighting Doomsday because he allowed his toggles to drop, and didn't beat Doomsday before Unstoppable wore off, sad really..."



Wow.. installing this was just as simple as double clicking. It went in..installed in a breeze...and ran like a charm. (win 7 by the way)

Downloading a patch seemed to be far quicker than before but it was the actual applying of the patch that went amazingly quicker.

Thanks much. Thumbs up from this satisified customer!

Arc #1267 The Key of Brass and Flame



Such a breeze and I got the aura , hope I works for the rest of you that have had issues



Well, the squeaky wheel is the one that people normally pay attention to... so I'd like to chip in and say I'm more than satisfied with what I see here. It installed cleanly, is working like a charm, and I like the functionality I see.

/e thumbsup

(All on Virtue)
Guidestar: lvl50 Grav/FF Controller
Madame Insight: Lvl 50 El/El Blaster
Astrolabe Lvl 50 Grav/Eng Dom
Too many others to consider.



Ok anyone getting this problem?

1. Installed Launcher, no issues.

2. Patches CoH, no issues.

3. Launch the Launcher. On the left hand panel with CoH and CoH Test listed, EVERYTIME I click on either one, it ACTIVATES a pop-up called "Just In Time" Debugging tool. WTH??? (See below)

Uhh yeah. Don't like the new Launcher at all!



After the patch and upgrade to the ncsoft launcher, when i log into COH i get an EULA I have to accept everytime before the server selection pops up. Is there anyway to get rid of that?

I was relieved of my previous position for telling the truth. Now I make my living translating the lies of other men.
Global:@Ex Iferis



Originally Posted by PeerlessGirl View Post
Yeah, I know what you mean, Tex. You'd think these people might never have had a real crisis in their lives, given how "disgusted" and "betrayed" they feel by a UI skin and launcher change...oh wait...
Well, it would help if it works. I don't mind change but frankly, it needs a lot of work.



Originally Posted by Tex View Post
Your kind words of support are always so appreciated.
The rednames are SASSING us now? Good to see customer satisfaction is still NCSoft's #1 priority.



Originally Posted by metalhead300 View Post
After the patch and upgrade to the ncsoft launcher, when i log into COH i get an EULA I have to accept everytime before the server selection pops up. Is there anyway to get rid of that?

No.. just like in the previous launcher where you had to click accept each and every time.

Yes, you had to do that just like before.. it's just different so that's why you're notcing it now.

Arc #1267 The Key of Brass and Flame



Originally Posted by Kid Snowflake View Post
The rednames are SASSING us now? Good to see customer satisfaction is still NCSoft's #1 priority.
There's an axiom in business - the customer is always right.

And there's a corolary to that as well - unless the customers are being douches

Arc #1267 The Key of Brass and Flame



Originally Posted by metalhead300 View Post
After the patch and upgrade to the ncsoft launcher, when i log into COH i get an EULA I have to accept everytime before the server selection pops up. Is there anyway to get rid of that?
No. You had to click and accept the EULA everytime you played on the OLD updater too, you just did it OUTSIDE of game, and probably stopped looking at it. Eventually, you will with this one too.

"Superman died fighting Doomsday because he allowed his toggles to drop, and didn't beat Doomsday before Unstoppable wore off, sad really..."



Originally Posted by concreteshift View Post
3. Launch the Launcher. On the left hand panel with CoH and CoH Test listed, EVERYTIME I click on either one, it ACTIVATES a pop-up called "Just In Time" Debugging tool. WTH??? (See below)
Check out these links:




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Thanks for the reassurance, I guess everytime I logged on with the old updater I was in a cave on mars for a few seconds. It's just so blatant and colorful now.

I was relieved of my previous position for telling the truth. Now I make my living translating the lies of other men.
Global:@Ex Iferis