Crazy long loading time...




Originally Posted by SpaceNut View Post
Av, this generally doesn't have to do with load time IN the game. It's the time the game takes to load from clicking OK on the launcher to getting to the log-in screen that has tripled or worse, and it started with the patch that came with the release of the I19 Strike Pack. It used to take me about 20 seconds of the blue bar saying "LOADING" before the full screen came up, but now it's well over a minute, sometimes more.

Yes this is the problem I have been having as well, along with the return of random crashing that I thought I had fixed with new graphics drivers



I've run CoH with the console window enabled for quite some time. Prior to whatever happened, total load time from double-clicking the icon to getting the login screen was consistently in the 74-78 seconds range. After whatever caused this, the console indicates "Loading texture headers..." is now taking ~74 seconds by itself. This represents a literal doubling of the game start time for me.

Pentium 4 @ 3.06ghz (533 fsb ), 3GB RAM, nVidia 7800 GS (256mb VidMem) nVidia driver 260.99

"They may be called Heroes, inasmuch as they have derived their purpose and their vocation, not from the calm regular course of things, sanctioned by the existing order; but from a concealed fount, from that inner Spirit, still hidden beneath the surface, which impinges on the outer world as on a shell and bursts it into pieces" - Some 20th Century person.



Originally Posted by Starcloud View Post
The time to load the game has been getting longer with every patch.
I defragment the game files after each update, but it still takes a very long time for the updater to bring the game up to the login screen.
I'm running the game from an SSD so fragmentation isn't an issue. The game initial loading time is crazy.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Glad I saw this thread in the digest, I was about to defrag my hard disk because of this.

I'll send the info in-game as soon as possible, but I'll throw it in here too, for now (here go my poor computer specs):

  • Zone: as others have said, this happens when first loading the game, not zones or missions.
  • Started: After wednesday's hot-fix (I'm almost sure). On tuesday I was online not long after the I19.5 patch and don't really recall seeing this problem, before doing my STF. Then the next day, after the hot fix, I noticed it clearly.
  • OS: Windows XP Professional SP2.
  • Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo E6850 @ 3GHz.
  • Memory: 2GB.
  • Video Card: GeForce 8600GT, Driver Version 197.45.
  • US Servers.

Playing CoH with Gestures



I've noticed extended game load times as well.

  • OS: Win7 64
  • memory: 6 gigs
  • processor: Intel Core i7 920
  • video card (driver version): AMD Radeon 5850 ver 10.12
  • region (NA/EU) server: NA
  • when this started: Not sure. Last week? Same as everyone else.
  • in game zone if possible: Not Applicable



The load time for the game is so long, I thought I was using a C=64 with that slow 1541 floppy drive.

OS: Windows 7 x64
Memory: 8GB
CPU: AMD Athlon II 630
Video Card: 6870 (11.1a)
Region: NA
Problem started last week that 19.5 patch I believe.

H: Blaster 50, Defender 50, Tank 50, Scrapper 50, Controller 50, PB 50, WS 50
V: Brute 50, Corruptor 50, MM 50, Dominator 50, Stalker 50, AW 50, AS 50
Top 4: Controller, Brute, Scrapper, Corruptor
Bottom 4: (Peacebringer) way below everything else, Mastermind, Dominator, Blaster



Same for me, actually. NVIDIA card here.

Also ever since this started happening CoH also freezes on me whenever I select the "log out to character screen" button, but works just fine if I select login screen.

Pinny - Scrapper
Shadewing - Defender



I have seen this off and on for my main machine and my son has seen it on his account on our laptop.

What is odd is when it gets into the long sequence he will normally just close the program and kick it back off again and it loads up back at the normal speed (no validating files needed either).

Arc 52555: Tower of Darkness
Arc 139668: Bob's Crazy Car Dealership



I agree, noticed a large difference in initial loading time when starting the game. It's the time after you accept the Terms of Service in the updater to the time when the initial login screen comes up. It takes at least 3-4 times longer than it did before. I believe this issue started happening after the hotfix last week.

Operating System: Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit (6.1, Build 7600) (7600.win7_gdr.100618-1621)
BIOS: BIOS Date: 05/21/10 11:46:54 Ver: 08.00.15
Central Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 860 @ 2.80GHz (8 CPUs), ~2.8GHz
Memory: 8192MB
.Net Memory Report: 6540MB out of 8190MB available
Page File: 14160MB (2218MB currently in use)
C Drive: (ST320006 41AS SCSI Disk Device) 1332984MB out of 1499999MB (88%) free
D Drive: (PLEXTOR BDDVDR PX-B320SA SCSI CdRom Device) zero-size drive
Windows directory location: C:\Windows
DirectX: DirectX 11
DirectX Diag version: 6.01.7600.16385 (64-bit version)

Monitor's Max Resolution: (blank)
Video Device Name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 480
Manufacturer / Chip: NVIDIA / GeForce GTX 480
Video Memory: 4063 MB
Driver Version:
Driver Date: 1/7/2011 7:27:00 PM
Driver Language: English

My game directory is a network drive (Samba) from a Linux box.

I also noticed a slowdown on my Mac loading the game. Although the difference isn't as large as the slowdown on my Windows system.



Originally Posted by Avatea View Post
If you're still encountering this issue, please submit a /petition to our Tech support team with the following info:
  • OS,
  • memory,
  • processor,
  • video card (driver version),
  • region (NA/EU) server,
  • when this started,
  • in game zone if possible

Hopefully we can pinpoint the source of this issue quickly with your help!
Not that I think It'll make any difference, but:

Window XP
4GB RAM (32bit OS with PAE - the "/3GB /userva=2816" switches are set in boot.ini)
Core Duo E8600@3.33Ghz / Detecting 3.25GB of RAM due to the above in Windows
NVIDIA GTX280 running (16th Oct 2010)
EU Server - Defiant
Just after a recent Patch - a week or two ago.
Zone is not applicable as it only happens on loading the client.

Output from CONSOLE:
Running City of Heroes
Preloading DLLs...done.                                               (0.00)
CityOfHeroes client count: 1
num cpus = 2 / 2
Loading message stores...done.                                        (0.40)
project euCoh
renderthread 1
console 1
Initializing hardware lights...done                                   (0.00)
CPU: 3339 Mhz / Memory: 3326 MBs / Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 280 / Video Dr
iver Date: Unknown / Available Memory: 2648 MBs / OS Version: 5.1.2600 / Video M
emory: 1024 MBs
Render settings: VBOS 1
Acceptable video card driver
Caching relevant folders.. done                                       (0.00)
loading sounds.. done                                                 (0.02)
loading tricks.. Initializing fragment shaders...
done                                                 (0.72)
Loading texture headers..Initializing vertex shaders...
loadFonts...                                                          (0.48)
Networking startup...                                                 (0.86)
loading grouplibs..2698 files, 61996 names                            (0.11)
loading lod infos.. done                                              (0.04)
loading sequencers...                                                 (23.21)
Loading misc...
  Loading message stores..                                            (0.04)
  Loading powers..
    loading attrib names..done                                        (0.05)
    loading vision phase names...done                                 (0.01)
    loading character origins...done                                  (0.02)
    loading villain origins..done                                     (0.00)
    loading badges..ERROR: Can't open server/db/templates/pophelp.attribute
done                                              (0.04)
    loading misc..done                                                (0.04)
    adding defines..done                                              (0.02)
    loading power dictionary..done                                    (0.78)
    loading character classesdone                                     (0.06)
    loading inventory attrib files..done                              (0.30)
    loading base data..done                                           (0.04)
    loading villain classes..done                                     (0.15)
    loading salvage..done                                             (0.00)
    loading boost sets..done                                          (0.07)
    fixing pointers..done                                             (0.00)
    loading recipes..done                                             (1.67)
    loading text links..done                                          (0.34)
    loading arena maps list..done                                     (0.00)
  Loading items..                                                     (0.68)
  Loading FX info.. done                                              (0.76)
  Building FX string handles.. done                                   (0.03)
  Loading FX behaviors.. done                                         (0.05)
  Loading villain defs.. done                                         (0.37)
  Loading FX capes.. done                                             (0.00)
  Loading body parts.. done                                           (0.00)
  Loading NPC defs.. done                                             (0.38)
  Loading ent_types.. done                                            (0.03)
Preloading particles..                                                (0.35)
loading Costume bins...done                                           (0.31)
Loading Player Created StoryArc Data...done                           (0.06)
Loading Custom Critters...done                                        (0.19)
Loading Custom Villain Groupsdone                                     (0.09)
Loading Mission Commentsdone                                          (0.01)
Generating Mission Maker Data...
  StoryArcTemplate...done                                             (0.64)
  MissionSettingsTemplate...done                                      (0.12)
  WriteDialogTemplate...done                                          (0.00)
  AmbushTemplate...done                                               (0.00)
  BossTemplate...done                                                 (0.34)
  GiantMonsterTemplate...done                                         (0.11)
  CollectionTemplate...done                                           (0.01)
  DefendObjectTemplate...done                                         (0.01)
  DestroyObjectTemplate...done                                        (0.01)
  PatrolTemplate...done                                               (0.00)
  RescueTemplate...done                                               (0.47)
  AllyTemplate...done                                                 (0.03)
  EscortTemplate...done                                               (0.03)
  RumbleTemplate...done                                               (0.00)
  DefeatAllTemplate...done                                            (0.00)
  done                                                                (1.77)
Pre-loading character animations...done                               (0.00)
Pre-loading fx geometry...done                                        (0.04)
Creating Auction Data...done                                          (2.34)
Done loading.                                                         (127.23)
This is a "cold load" - right after system startup so no caching is involved.

Note the total time at the bottom of the screen - (127.23).

Now note the time taken by the line ending in "Initializing vertex shaders..." - (82.11). That line should only take a few seconds, and is currently taking nearly a minute and a half out of just over a two-minute load time.

[edit: Same code output after a WARM start (coh closed down and reopened) is below. Note the now-considerably-lowered texture load time: 30 seconds is still longer than I remember it being before, but it's a darn sight better than 82...]

Running City of Heroes
Preloading DLLs...done.                                               (0.05)
CityOfHeroes client count: 1
num cpus = 2 / 2
Loading message stores...done.                                        (0.36)
project euCoh
renderthread 1
console 1
Initializing hardware lights...done                                   (0.00)
CPU: 3339 Mhz / Memory: 3326 MBs / Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 280 / Video Dr
iver Date: Unknown / Available Memory: 2748 MBs / OS Version: 5.1.2600 / Video M
emory: 1024 MBs
Render settings: VBOS 1
Acceptable video card driver
Caching relevant folders.. done                                       (0.00)
loading sounds.. Initializing fragment shaders...
done                                                 (0.01)
loading tricks.. done                                                 (0.19)
Loading texture headers..Initializing vertex shaders...
loadFonts...                                                          (0.20)
Networking startup...                                                 (0.81)
loading grouplibs..2698 files, 61996 names                            (0.08)
loading lod infos.. done                                              (0.03)
loading sequencers...                                                 (4.06)
Loading misc...
  Loading message stores..                                            (0.00)
  Loading powers..
    loading attrib names..done                                        (0.00)
    loading vision phase names...done                                 (0.00)
    loading character origins...done                                  (0.00)
    loading villain origins..done                                     (0.00)
    loading badges..ERROR: Can't open server/db/templates/pophelp.attribute
done                                              (0.01)
    loading misc..done                                                (0.00)
    adding defines..done                                              (0.00)
    loading power dictionary..done                                    (0.68)
    loading character classesdone                                     (0.06)
    loading inventory attrib files..done                              (0.30)
    loading base data..done                                           (0.01)
    loading villain classes..done                                     (0.10)
    loading salvage..done                                             (0.00)
    loading boost sets..done                                          (0.07)
    fixing pointers..done                                             (0.00)
    loading recipes..done                                             (1.60)
    loading text links..done                                          (0.35)
    loading arena maps list..done                                     (0.00)
  Loading items..                                                     (0.65)
  Loading FX info.. done                                              (0.66)
  Building FX string handles.. done                                   (0.03)
  Loading FX behaviors.. done                                         (0.05)
  Loading villain defs.. done                                         (0.36)
  Loading FX capes.. done                                             (0.00)
  Loading body parts.. done                                           (0.00)
  Loading NPC defs.. done                                             (0.34)
  Loading ent_types.. done                                            (0.02)
Preloading particles..                                                (0.35)
loading Costume bins...done                                           (0.25)
Loading Player Created StoryArc Data...done                           (0.05)
Loading Custom Critters...done                                        (0.05)
Loading Custom Villain Groupsdone                                     (0.05)
Loading Mission Commentsdone                                          (0.00)
Generating Mission Maker Data...
  StoryArcTemplate...done                                             (0.60)
  MissionSettingsTemplate...done                                      (0.13)
  WriteDialogTemplate...done                                          (0.00)
  AmbushTemplate...done                                               (0.00)
  BossTemplate...done                                                 (0.35)
  GiantMonsterTemplate...done                                         (0.11)
  CollectionTemplate...done                                           (0.01)
  DefendObjectTemplate...done                                         (0.01)
  DestroyObjectTemplate...done                                        (0.01)
  PatrolTemplate...done                                               (0.00)
  RescueTemplate...done                                               (0.46)
  AllyTemplate...done                                                 (0.02)
  EscortTemplate...done                                               (0.03)
  RumbleTemplate...done                                               (0.00)
  DefeatAllTemplate...done                                            (0.00)
  done                                                                (1.72)
Pre-loading character animations...done                               (0.00)
Pre-loading fx geometry...done                                        (0.04)
Creating Auction Data...done                                          (1.90)
Done loading.                                                         (50.62)



Just came back after a few months away and thought my rig was finally 'giving up the ghost'

Takes 10 plus minutes to get to the password screen for me.

I'm not at home or I'd provide the specs.

Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!



I click my desktop icon for CoH and the launcher comes up, Next, I Agree.


Now it takes on average 7 minutes and 38 seconds to go from Loading bar to the CoH/CoV Screen and an additional 45 seconds to 2 minutes to get to where I can unput Usernmae/Password.

At this point forward, it loads fine. Although it is a bit slower to load a character into the zone from the selection page that it used to.

Prior to the last patch, the total time from when I click the icon on my desktop, Next and I agree, enter my login and load a character was 2 minutes. It is now almost 10 minutes with the occasional 12+ minutes if it really wants to be a bagger.

Comic and Hero/Villain Culture
Saturday January 29th, 2005 (12:37 PM) ~ Monday August 9th, 2010
Those Who Lived It Will Remember Long after your Ban Hammer Crumbles and the servers flicker dead.
We Will Remember This One Moment In Time! ~ Shadow Ravenwolf



Yes yes it takes longer. Who cares? Watch some youtube videos or something while it's loading.

And I don't think Avatea wanted eeryone to post their specs in this thread. She wanted people to contact support.

The only time I contact support is to respond to a language, costume, name or bio violation. Or just to shoot the **** with GM Lloyd. IF THAT'S HIS REAL NAME!!!



Tried CoH this morning: 1 min 43 seconds from clicking "I agree" to being at the login screen.

But still I fear and still I dare not laugh at the madman!

One man's "meh" is another man's "zomg". - Leatherneck

Procrastination meter coming soon.



Originally Posted by FitzSimmons View Post
Yes yes it takes longer. Who cares?
I'd say pretty much everyone in this thread and everyone who doesn't know about it, guy.

Thought it was my computer. Glad to see it's not on my end.



Same here, EU player, though nothing like 10 mins. It used to take between 5 and 15 secs between I Agree and login screen, now it takes at least 30 secs. Definitely noticeable, and I wondered if there was a bug or virus on my computer. Apparently not, since I formatted/reinstalled windows 7 and got the same result.

I think it's a network issue, because I'm also experiencing constant and extreme red lag spikes on /netgraph 1, all since the last patch came on, as well as freezing delays during Charater Select screen. During the weekend I chalked it up to a mob of yanks bottlenecking the EU-US connections or something, but during week days with only about 50 players online... Much less likely.



Originally Posted by SpaceNut View Post
Av, this generally doesn't have to do with load time IN the game. It's the time the game takes to load from clicking OK on the launcher to getting to the log-in screen that has tripled or worse, and it started with the patch that came with the release of the I19 Strike Pack. It used to take me about 20 seconds of the blue bar saying "LOADING" before the full screen came up, but now it's well over a minute, sometimes more.
Absolutely this, and I've never experienced the "loop crash" before and its happening sometimes twice or three times a day now. I'm not having lag issues so much, its that I'm taking forever to load the login screen, the loop crash, and a weird rubberbanding issue that isn't like its ever been - its hard to explain but here goes:

I'm executing moves (walking, setting of powers, etc) and I'll see what I'm supposed to be doing, but then I'll restart about 20 ft back and haven't gotten anywhere, I can see what mobs are around the corner but they don't aggro to me because I'm not really there, I'll just restart around the corner and have to go for it again. And -that- happens at least 4 times a mission. Its extremely frustrating.

My load time isn't nearly 10 minutes like some people are saying, but its definitely breaching 3 minutes.



  • OS--Windows XP Professional
  • memory--1.5GB RAM
  • processor--Intel Pentium 4 CPU 2.4 GHz
  • video card (driver version)--NVIDIA GeForce FX 5900 Ultra(175.19 WHQL)
  • region (NA/EU) server--Infinity Server(NA)
  • when this started--This started since the Strike Park went live
  • in game zone if possible--all zones(worse when I interact with Market or any Vendor; Praetoria zones are worst.)

The plastic tips at the end of shoelaces are called aglets. Their true purpose is sinister.
--The Question, JLU



I thought I only had the long loading issue and not the crashing like some others had reported until I logged on one of my oldest toons and he continues to crash the game every single time I open the contact list.

Any and all spelling, grammar and logic errors are intentional so this post will blend seamlessly into the Internet
Unbelievable. You, [subject name here], must be the pride of [subject hometown here]!



Turning off water effects completely fixed the contact crash for me.

I also have the long loading times. I sent my system info along to support, so hopefully they can track it down soon.



Originally Posted by Gearsinger View Post
Turning off water effects completely fixed the contact crash for me.

I also have the long loading times. I sent my system info along to support, so hopefully they can track it down soon.
I will try that one. Thanks!

Any and all spelling, grammar and logic errors are intentional so this post will blend seamlessly into the Internet
Unbelievable. You, [subject name here], must be the pride of [subject hometown here]!



Same here. Very long game load time from clicking on game icon to character selection. Started since i19.5. No other changes to drivers etc.

No idea what you guys did, but please put it back because this is horrible.

SAVE CoX info:
Titan Network efforts
Saving CoX events/FB info



Now that i see this, i know it's not my drivers or my computer. They are all up to date and i return recently, i can't enjoy this great game since my return yesterday. I hope they can fixed this very soon, i want to finally start my alpha slots without this problems.



Nice to know it's not just me. I put in a support ticket and they are having me run their Game Advisor[sic] software. Maybe with this info they can figure it what going on.



and I thought I was imagining things...