35 -
Question of the Retro Sci-fi, it lists a number of powersets that get new weapons but I didn't see robotics MM's but i did see beam rifle, assault rifle and arachnos soldier's get the guns, is this an oversight or is there a reason that those sets get a scifi rifle and robots mastermind pulse rifle dose not?
Yeah there rewards system is screwed up, its all random and arbitrary, its alos not what we were told it woudl be in the lead up to Freedom, I'd suggest filing a petition or bug report, I have done this twice and asked CS to verify my rewards totals
Yeah the UI bug sucks, makes the game nigh-unplayable, why couldn't this get fixed today? ahead of the weekend, so we just have to grin and bear it till Tuesday, dont thank me for my patience, I have none, some bugs I can roll with, this should have never happened, your making my impending decision to let my VIP sub lapse in march easier and easier to make all the time, cant wait till December
had this problem as well, i ran a repair and it hasn't re-appeared
Quote:Called it!10 to 1 it gets removed from the WST list and they still never fix it
http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showt...64#post3619464 -
10 to 1 it gets removed from the WST list and they still never fix it
YES for the love of all things, do this, on our server no one uses Pocket D but the RWZ is overfilled, it makes it impossible to run a LGTF, Apex, Tin Mage or god forbid a mother ship raid, RWZ has too many things going on, the trails have taken it over we need a new co-op zone specifically for incarnate trails, esp if we are getting more (and rumored larger) trails in the future.
I've received 3 UR's several rares, lots of uncommon and commons, seems pretty random to me, but I have noticed the more successful the run, IE; if no prisoners escape, or if we unlock a badge condition, then I -tend- to get a better reward. I think it is more a function of how your league dose that may effect the chance for the rare pieces.
Quote:One note I was the OP and I didn't say anything about them "not caring", I did say that i20 for all intents and purposes is in open beta on the live servers, we are all basically shaking the bugs out of the system the only way real stress testing can do. This is a BIG issue, there are lots of new systems and moving parts, I understand that, but I defiantly think it needed a little more polish before it was released on the unwashed masses. So best thing we can do with the situation at hand is report problems so they can fix them, I believe that dropping connection and having a reward rollback is a serious enough issue to merit immediate attention.One thing I'd say in regards to OP, I don't think NCSoft doesn't care, its pretty much Paragon Studios, and I know PS cares. I think the programmers and devs are working through all the info and data and trying to figure out how to fix these issues and making sure it's being done right. I don't envy them their task; the new hotness is on the street, being used by everyone and their grandmother, and they've got to figure how to fix this without screwing it up and chasing away players with multiple downtimes.
Hope they figure it out soon though. Not liking getting D/C'd from a great league just before the killing blows land on Marauder and/or Siege/Nightstar. -
During 2 separate BAF's last night, the whole league and part of the league disconnected from the server, when we logged back in all of the ixp, merits, drops, everything was gone! The first time we were in the middle of the BAF and it crashed the entire league out and we had to reform, the second time we had just completed and the crash happened while zoning out. This was on pinnacle and the whole server crashed once last night as well.
Welcome to i20 open beta folks, now on the live servers for your convince! -
That used to be the case, now they can, and the protector bots were the reason
Last night I upgraded my lore to Warworks Radial Superior Ally the tier 4 with the Victoria and the Battle Orb, the Orb is untargetable by enemies, I then noticed my robotics MM Protector bots spent all of there time trying to put their force shield on the Orb ignoring any other pets or worst of all they are not buffing ME!
This is similar to a bug that Protector bots had a while back with seeker drones, they would continually try and buff them, but because the drones were unaffected by the buff it never registered, so they kept trying to apply it over and over... I assume its a similar reason with the invincible lore pets.
So if your a bots MM don't take the Invincible pets till they fix this, bug it if you have one. I have submitted a report and I'll post any follow up I get here. I'm not happy that I've got to go back and re craft up to Rare just to have something that works with my bots now. -
Quote:Av, this generally doesn't have to do with load time IN the game. It's the time the game takes to load from clicking OK on the launcher to getting to the log-in screen that has tripled or worse, and it started with the patch that came with the release of the I19 Strike Pack. It used to take me about 20 seconds of the blue bar saying "LOADING" before the full screen came up, but now it's well over a minute, sometimes more.
Yes this is the problem I have been having as well, along with the return of random crashing that I thought I had fixed with new graphics drivers -
We may want to set a 2nd night for ship raids, the zone filled up last night real quick, and here I thought zones didn't get full on Pinnacle
After reading about how the last encounter works I have the same concern for MM's, sounds like pets are going to just die a lot and not be worth summoning, I've got a alternate petless build that I'll be fine tuning for that encounter, going to snag Team TP and just be a Defendermind
Upgraded to the uncommon musculature alpha last night, it made a noticeable difference when killing lvl 52 & 53 Rikti in the RWZ, MM pet damage is now in the 107% -111% range. I'll do some side by side comparisons with and without it this weekend to make sure its just not me thinking I'm killing faster.
I slotted Musculature last night, I noticed a fairly good increase in my pets damage output, hope that the uncommon one will yield better results as I was already close of ED cap on some of them, I'm interested in seeing what the Acc/Def boost can do for my positional defence numbers.
I'm thinking the +Dam one for my bots/ff MM as well, I have great survivability as it is but DPS is lacking when it comes of Bosses, EB's and AV's, I don't have any heavy recharge dependent powers. Each of the boosts will help in some way but I"m still not to certain of actual results till I've had a chance to field test the real impact on the numbers.
Pinn is doing just fine, things were probably a little slower last night cause everyone was respecing and running the new mender arc on their toons, We were able to put together and ITF last night just fine, be sure your i the pinnbadges global channel to find out about teams. This time of year is hard for a lot of people cause its near the end of the semester for students and a busy time for anyone that works in retail.
Just hope the online store works for a change, cause its not working now
hope this means that free server transfers will be extended due to the late start, also we get back any character slots we tried to cash in when it was not working
I understand the reasoning, but this news worries me, push it back once means it can be pushed back twice. Just hope that the Incarnate system doesn't get shelved the way CoP did and we have to wait 5 years for it to re emerge, having a initial level in GR kind of guaranteed they had to continue development, without that level they can take the entire system back to formula, I don't think the game can survive that long without post 50 content. GR buys some time to pay with new gizmo's but I'll be jumping ship for TOR completely next spring if my 50's don't have anything new to do or work towards.
Good raid this week! Thanks to all who came. I'll try and do this every Wednesday same Bat time same Bat channel!
Its summer Mothership Raid madness!!!!
Wednesday's RWZ 7:30 PM CST (8:30 EST, 5:30 PST) meet up at Point du Hoc
We have had Wed night raids in summers past so I'm going to try and continue the tradition, I'll lead and call out the pylons, you just bring some toons that can keep up and need merits!
PINNACLE DRAMA DISCLAIMER: I looked around to make sure no one else had already started this and didn't see anything, but if you have please don't get all butthurt, just say something and I'll happily fall in with whatever has been planed and I'll help as best I can.