Passed my "billing date" - no points. And where are my reward tokens?
Reward tokens come at the end of the month. Everybody gets them at the same time. Points on the other hand, just be patient.
Yeah there rewards system is screwed up, its all random and arbitrary, its alos not what we were told it woudl be in the lead up to Freedom, I'd suggest filing a petition or bug report, I have done this twice and asked CS to verify my rewards totals
Reward tokens come at the end of the month. Everybody gets them at the same time. Points on the other hand, just be patient.
Patience is one thing, but they're ending the item I want for an entire year, TODAY.
The Optimist says the glass is half full.
The Pessimist says the glass is half empty.
While they argue about it, the Opportunist comes along, drinks what's left, and removes all doubt. - Redwood
Alvays remember, schmot guy...any plan vere you lose you a BAD PLAN!
The same thing happened to me with the Paragon points stipend. I got October's on 10/12, and then nothing in November. I opened a support ticket, and they informed me that I don't get any more points until December 1 and that I somehow have the correct amount of points on my account right now. I'm guessing either I can't read a calendar (November's still a month, right? It didn't get the Pluto treatment and downgrade while I wasn't looking?) or something went wonky when the fix for the stipend dates went in.
I really wanted that Halloween pack, too. Major bummer.
they are prolly still working the bugs out of that system, there could have been a lot more unforseen problems cropping up that they didnt know about/could account for
personally if you want the pack that bad its only $5 worth of points so you could always just buy the pack now since it is a limited time sale item (or could wait a whole year, entirely up to you)

The Paragon Market changes it's listings around 12am PT on Tuesdays, I actually remembered I needed to hit the buy button on the halloween pack on my 2nd account still around 4am et today and hopped on asap and it appears to already be pulled .
Someone correct me if I'm wrong please.
And I really don't like the idea of a "monthly stipend" and at least 2 things with a timed availability coming out per month. It's a dirty marketing trick to punish those with patience who'd wait for next month so they don't miss the item they want that will be gone by then.

10 50's To Date! Check out Titan Sentinel; it got my CoH presence synced online

i more consider the stipend just that, a pure bonus to whatever you want, if i want something in the paragon market i buy points for it (usually $5 or $15 packs to cover what i want)
i usually use the stipend to buy something small on my wishlist thats not a limited availability item (i used my oct stipend to buy the party pack emotes that i didnt have)

You're not the only one. The paragon points I'm fine with waiting for to get when I get them as I know I'll get them. I've also gotten my server transfers are normal.
The reward tokens though are a whole other beast as I've not gotten a reward token at all since freedom launched. I should have gotten at least one by now.
Cool, the Halloween Pack was put back on the market sometime after I had logged in after the maintenance and verified it was still missing.
That wasn't a wasted effort Devs, I just spent the 400 to get it . Thanks

10 50's To Date! Check out Titan Sentinel; it got my CoH presence synced online

I'm still waiting for my stipend to come through. Should have arrived 3 days ago (12th). Last one was on Oct 12th, and so far.. None for November. And it's already the 15th.. Part of the recent bug? If so, they should have posted that.
My Signature goes here.
"I ain't got a quote. Live with it."
I have four accounts attached to my master account, 2 are reciving they're points, 2 aren't. I got told the same tripe by support, being told I had the right amount of points on the account. So I watched for Oct... no rewards in Oct for either of the 2 affected accounts... Whats more I had to pony up and buy the Halloween costume for the 2 so my kids didn't feel jipped...
I have put in a new ticket and will post results here... hopefully support can actually look at the 0 balances and realize, oops we aren't awarding points or tokens here...
"when i can savagely beat sheep while issuing ultimatums and torturing people, then i may go back into it" -vara nocturne
Not enough Evil...
I take it back NC SOFT is enough evil for anyone...

Whats really shady is they don't give you any way to see a history of when you have spent points. I have been told that I have the correct amount of points on my account as well, but I would at least like someway to audit to make sure that they are right. I swear I haven't gotten any points on my account since this system went live. I haven't bothered to keep a detailed log of everything that I bought so I can't verify to be sure.
My billing date was the 14th, and I haven't seen my points for November either. Or my Reward Token — I got one on Oct. 14, but not this month.
Whats really shady is they don't give you any way to see a history of when you have spent points. I have been told that I have the correct amount of points on my account as well, but I would at least like someway to audit to make sure that they are right. I swear I haven't gotten any points on my account since this system went live. I haven't bothered to keep a detailed log of everything that I bought so I can't verify to be sure.
You can see a detailed log of what has been applied to your account by using the /mypurchases command. Unfortunately, the only way to easily read it is to trick the game, but there's a guide for that:
To get a list of your unlocks you can use the /mypurchases command.
Warning: it will spam your system message channel. The easiest way to see it outside of the game is to:
From there you can copy the table to a spreadsheet by selecting the list, pressing control+c, opening a spreedsheet program and pressing control+v. |
Paragon Wiki:
City Info Terminal:
Mids Hero Designer:
I have yet to receive my Paragon Points for this month (November) either. They sure as heck can't say i got them because i took a screenshoot of the Microtransaction part of my Account that clearly shows the last i got paragon points is October 12.
Hopefully i'll get them soon so i can purchase Street Justice. :/
Thank you for this, I am going to audit my account ASAP!!
/mypurchases Doesn't help at all, it doesn't tell me how many points I used to buy the items. This is what I would need to know to perform a proper audit of my account. I can't go based off of what the store shows either because some of the items I bought on sale.
Oh well, I still feel like this whole system was slapped together and rushed out the door. The other unmentionable super hero themed game that went free before this one seems to have a much better handle on their market experience. To bad the game play in that game stinks.
Haven't received my points either.
Gah! 17th and still no points. NCSoft is starting to get annoying.
Hope they are here by this weekend!! Should have been here already...
My Signature goes here.
"I ain't got a quote. Live with it."
If it means anything, I still haven't gotten my points for November and my billing was on the 3rd. So...maybe one day this month they'll give it to me, or their just holding out to give it to me in December.
"while some people would say fish, cow, ambush!"-Ice9
Mine is in stasis where I stay one short of passing 7 since filling in the tiers. After a couple of months it becomes obvious that it wasn't me counting chickens early but chickens done flown the coop!
I am on a linked secondary account my BF opened for me a while back when the buddy system was still running. The 2 accounts have stagged billing dates. When we came back I was much more enamoured of the game than I was then (fresh off WoW UI/system). But that glow is dulling .
(Add I can't log in at all 3 of 7 days since I started playing after Halloween weekend my kids. My 2 mace users are soundless. And I can't use LFG on a VIP acount. ) I am not having fun anymore. I have more headaches trying to get support than problem free gameplay... and no they can't rest on laurels of what was good last month or month before. Teh 2 accounts have stagged billing dates
Tamayoke No Garimi: Tanking Life like a boss since 1965
Still no points my end. I got them on the 13th last month, and haven't got them this month at all. My subscription runs out on Monday, so I will let my account go premium. No point paying for something that isn't being provided now is there?
I have two VIP accounts, one billing date is 21st, the other is 28th, the last record of either of them getting VIP points was the 12th of October. I'm also beginning to question the value of a service that doesn't deliver anything on time, or worse tries to convince me that I'm not owed anything.
A circle forms, everybody comes round
Just to hear the incredible sound
Of a genius smashing expectations
- Jonathan Coulton
OK, last month I got my store points on the 13th, so I counted on that information, and planned to purchase the halloween costume set when I got my points this month...but the 13th came and went, and no points.
Now it's the last day the costume set is being sold and (of course) the game is down. When I log on after work today, those points had BETTER be there or I'm gonna be really pissed.
Also, aren't we supposed to get a reward token each month? I had 39 tokens when i21 went live and I STILL have 39 tokens...I didn't get a token when I got my store points last month.
The Optimist says the glass is half full.
The Pessimist says the glass is half empty.
While they argue about it, the Opportunist comes along, drinks what's left, and removes all doubt. - Redwood
Alvays remember, schmot guy...any plan vere you lose you a BAD PLAN!