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  1. I have yet to receive my Paragon Points for this month (November) either. They sure as heck can't say i got them because i took a screenshoot of the Microtransaction part of my Account that clearly shows the last i got paragon points is October 12.

    Hopefully i'll get them soon so i can purchase Street Justice. :/
  2. Hello,

    I reactivated my account in december and it's been active all this time. Today's the 28th(when we are suppose to get these rewards) and i'm coming up with nothing.

    Have they not been activated yet?
  3. I've done that and i still have the problems....i've even tried several times doing fresh reinstalls of the game.
  4. Hello,

    I've returned from to CoH after about a year off....New computer for me running
    WIndows 7 (64 bit)
    AMD Athlon II X2 220 Dual Core Processor
    4 gigs ram ((DDR 3))
    NVIDIA GeForce 6150 SE 430 integrated graphic card

    and i'm having the same problems with crashes on some characters.

    I've tried reinstalling, making sure my drivers are current and so forth but nothing seems to help. I'm getting the crashes on some of my characters ((mostly villains))....i noticed something odd though...the latest patch notes say that the current version of the game is 1900.201011102104.26 but the updater says it's version 1800.201002171501.1 and when i go into the coh folder and look at what version the game is there it says 1900.201011102104.27 so this is really really weird.

    I have ALL my grpahics options set for performance rather than quality and the game runs fine on some characters but other characters are flat out unplayable because it crashes as soon as i log onto them.

    Any idea's?
  5. I just got the patch download and now i can't conncet to the game because of wrong game version....i hope the dev's get this fixed soon.
  6. What some of these seeming RICH people fail to note is that alot of us can afford to buy the expansion yes....but we can not afford a raise in the monthly fee's especially if SOME of us are already paying two fee's for two different MMORPG'S that NCSOFT/Cryptic Studio are putting out. A price increase for me is simply...unaffordable.

    I'll drop CoH and Lineage II if a price increase happens and go somewhere else like WoW and play one fee to scratch my itch.
  7. Actually TaraWatt , ANY AT can solo to some degree or another. I proved to people that said it can't be done that an empathy defender CAN solo. BOOHOO you can't solo with a certain AT. Guess what? NO ONE is forcing you to play that AT. If you want to solo then pick a AT that can do it easier and have fun. I also hate to tell you this as having a 50 blaster myself there's never a point i can do every mission alone. ANY AV mish that comes up i HAVE to have a team. Do i whine about it like you are? Nope...i just get a team and kick that AV's rear end. Quit being a hater and play the game and have some fun...jeez.
  8. Vermillion612

    XP and I5

    I've noticed 90% of the people complaining about debt are the people doing the power leveling. Debt is fine as it is don't make power leveling even more attractive for the idiots.