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  1. I'm not even sure you still play, but I feel like we're in a leveling pact.
    Grats on the +1
  2. Those are *really* good, LaughingMan. I particularly like the Phantom Army recreation, the KoA and the Crey Agent are really nice too.
    Well done.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Impish Kat View Post
    Something oddly similar happened to me tonight.

    I zoned out of my base via base portal back to Talos. When I zoned into Talos, I was in "limbo". I was stuck in my jump position, which persisted even after I turned SJ off. All I could see was cars, trams, sky (including moon/sun), npcs and other players. There was no other environment.

    I tried the /stuck command, and moving around. Apparently, I was able to move in the environment, because hubby targeted me on a building ledge. Upon petition, a GM moved me to the Talos hill, but I was still in limbo on my end.

    Finally had to log out of the game. Logged back in on the hill with environment restored. Was the most bizzare thing I've had happen in my nearly 4 years of playing this game.

    This happened to me as well on a LGTF in the RWZ, I was constantly falling thru the map but players saw me as if I was standing still. I could move through the zone because I knew where everything was (i.e., Laventera is standing by a large quadrangle wall), but it was very headache-inducing. I did try the /reloadgfx and /unloadgfx commands to no avail. I'm not sure what triggered it, but it was right after I exited the mission (don't remember which one now..)
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SpaceNut View Post
    Av, this generally doesn't have to do with load time IN the game. It's the time the game takes to load from clicking OK on the launcher to getting to the log-in screen that has tripled or worse, and it started with the patch that came with the release of the I19 Strike Pack. It used to take me about 20 seconds of the blue bar saying "LOADING" before the full screen came up, but now it's well over a minute, sometimes more.
    Absolutely this, and I've never experienced the "loop crash" before and its happening sometimes twice or three times a day now. I'm not having lag issues so much, its that I'm taking forever to load the login screen, the loop crash, and a weird rubberbanding issue that isn't like its ever been - its hard to explain but here goes:

    I'm executing moves (walking, setting of powers, etc) and I'll see what I'm supposed to be doing, but then I'll restart about 20 ft back and haven't gotten anywhere, I can see what mobs are around the corner but they don't aggro to me because I'm not really there, I'll just restart around the corner and have to go for it again. And -that- happens at least 4 times a mission. Its extremely frustrating.

    My load time isn't nearly 10 minutes like some people are saying, but its definitely breaching 3 minutes.
  5. Kyreel


    Yeah, thats the third one I've had like this.

    And all within one week of each other.

  6. Well hurry and do something!
    Its ... not actually much different with no WTF announced.
  7. Kyreel


    It was very much like that, flea.
  8. Kyreel


    I'm back in the game for one solitary day and I'm already having dreams about merms?
    And it was the strangest thing.

    I was apparently passing through wherever she lives and stopped to say hello.
    So she introduced me to her lesbian lover, 2 dogs, and 5 cats.
    Her cats are starring in a German film, and they all responded to German commands.
    Send me the soothsayer, I need direction.
  9. I remember when UniqueDragon only had 1 post.
  10. Thanks, guys and gals.
    It was quite splendid. Hope you're all doing well.
  11. I'm sad that the forums don't show birthdays anymore...
    Cause the only reason I remembered Ele's... its mine too.
  12. Happy Birthday, where ever you are.

  13. Kyreel

    JFA Redux

    send me a pm with the info once its done
  14. Kyreel

    Beat this II....

    Voice Over:
    IBS symptoms include explosive diarrhea, illustrated above with protective bodywear.
  15. Kyreel

    Billy Mays?!

    [ QUOTE ]
    found this

    [/ QUOTE ]

  16. Kyreel

    Billy Mays?!


    I just started watching a movie called "{proof}" and what is first commercial the initial character is watching?? F***ING OXICLEAN!

    *cries* It would figure.
  17. Kyreel

    Billy Mays?!

    Why is everyone dead?

    I hate commercials, really. But he made me love them.
    "Billy Mays here!" Gahh!
    When will it end
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    Is anyone else mostly waiting for the changes in i15 to come out before they decide to continue working on Story Arcs in the AE?

    Seems kinda counter-productive to start a project now when there are so many changes about to go through.

    Or has the general interest in creating a project period tapered off?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I've wanted to write a story. I've started quite a few, but they've all ended up in my recycle bin. I get to a point where I just don't know what to do. Total writer's block. But now you've given me an excuse!
    I really wanted to do something with "Smoke and Mirrors," the Twilight Son arc (from the CoH comic 4-6 I believe). I got about two missions in and fell out of love with it. I'm just modivationally challenged.