PI to Talos zoning weirdness



Prior to i19 going live, if you went to the edge of the Peregrine Island zone you would get zoned to Talos Island and appear at the Talos/PI ferry. Ever since i19 dropped I'll still get zoned into Talos, but the location is all over the place. Lately I've been zoned outside the war walls of Talos. I'd been meaning to post this right after i19 dropped, but I kept forgetting to get screen shots.

Example 1:
If you look at the map you'll see where I'm at "in the zone"

Example 2: Looking at the "cardboard cut out's" we see beyond the war walls.

Example 3: Looking back at Talos Island longingly.

Anyone else having/seeing this issue?

Throwing darts at the board to see if something sticks.....

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Tanks: Gauntlet, the streak breaker and you!
Originally Posted by PapaSlade
Rangle's right....this is fun.



I have seen it as well. It seems to bring you to the same /loc you were at in PI. I /bugged it as well.



I know of this one, too, and have /bugged it as well as PM'd a redname about it. I'm not sure it's a bug we want to have out in the open like this, the bug is worse than you'd think at first. And no, I won't elaborate on that.

But if you DO get stuck like this, type /stuck and you'll exit a warehouse on the island. The same one you exit from Praetoria, if I remember right.

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Originally Posted by McNum View Post
But if you DO get stuck like this, type /stuck and you'll exit a warehouse on the island. The same one you exit from Praetoria, if I remember right.
It depends where you are and what the closest "underground" location is.

Originally Posted by McNum View Post
I'm not sure it's a bug we want to have out in the open like this, the bug is worse than you'd think at first. And no, I won't elaborate on that.
There are several maps (including instanced missions) that you can get "under" by doing various things too. We've even had threads explaining exactly how to do it. I think I know what you are referring to, but in my opinion, it's not a big deal and not worth the effort to bother with. There isn't really anything else fantastic about it, unless you go to the Matrix Room. lol



Something oddly similar happened to me tonight.

I zoned out of my base via base portal back to Talos. When I zoned into Talos, I was in "limbo". I was stuck in my jump position, which persisted even after I turned SJ off. All I could see was cars, trams, sky (including moon/sun), npcs and other players. There was no other environment.

I tried the /stuck command, and moving around. Apparently, I was able to move in the environment, because hubby targeted me on a building ledge. Upon petition, a GM moved me to the Talos hill, but I was still in limbo on my end.

Finally had to log out of the game. Logged back in on the hill with environment restored. Was the most bizzare thing I've had happen in my nearly 4 years of playing this game.


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What you are stands over you the while, and thunders so that I cannot hear what you say to the contrary. - R.W. Emerson
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Originally Posted by Impish Kat View Post
Something oddly similar happened to me tonight.

I zoned out of my base via base portal back to Talos. When I zoned into Talos, I was in "limbo". I was stuck in my jump position, which persisted even after I turned SJ off. All I could see was cars, trams, sky (including moon/sun), npcs and other players. There was no other environment.

I tried the /stuck command, and moving around. Apparently, I was able to move in the environment, because hubby targeted me on a building ledge. Upon petition, a GM moved me to the Talos hill, but I was still in limbo on my end.

Finally had to log out of the game. Logged back in on the hill with environment restored. Was the most bizzare thing I've had happen in my nearly 4 years of playing this game.

In your case, you might have been able to use the /reloadgfx command to re-draw your environment correctly.



Originally Posted by Impish Kat View Post
Something oddly similar happened to me tonight.

I zoned out of my base via base portal back to Talos. When I zoned into Talos, I was in "limbo". I was stuck in my jump position, which persisted even after I turned SJ off. All I could see was cars, trams, sky (including moon/sun), npcs and other players. There was no other environment.

I tried the /stuck command, and moving around. Apparently, I was able to move in the environment, because hubby targeted me on a building ledge. Upon petition, a GM moved me to the Talos hill, but I was still in limbo on my end.

Finally had to log out of the game. Logged back in on the hill with environment restored. Was the most bizzare thing I've had happen in my nearly 4 years of playing this game.

This happened to me as well on a LGTF in the RWZ, I was constantly falling thru the map but players saw me as if I was standing still. I could move through the zone because I knew where everything was (i.e., Laventera is standing by a large quadrangle wall), but it was very headache-inducing. I did try the /reloadgfx and /unloadgfx commands to no avail. I'm not sure what triggered it, but it was right after I exited the mission (don't remember which one now..)



Weird, this happened to me the other day, I think it was an LRSF(yup, I remember). I died at the AV fight and hit hosp, when I zoned into the hospital on the pad it was as if the pad had no base, without moving I promptly fell through the map and got stuck in that "fallllllllllllllllllllll, reset up high, falllllllllll" loop. I tried /stuck, /unloadgfx, /sync and nothing worked. Someone even exited the map and TPd me to the mission door, but my screen still showed me in the grandville hospital constantly falling. I finally turned on my Raptor Pack and hit the BM transporter, I clicked Cap I think, but I was so frustrated with the game I had wandered to the internet with the BM activation going and coming back to CoH overloaded my RAM on the pc and crashed after hitting Cap Au Diable. When I finally reloaded I was standing at the mission door in Grandville.

It was also my weirdest glitch experience...and quite annoying, because between the good 5mins I spent trying to get sync'd, and then the crash which caused me to deal with the loading time bug, I missed the entire AV fight of the last mission of the SF.

Edit: And are you guys talking about zoning from PI to Talos off the edge of the map like in Praetoria? I never knew that was possible in PI/Talos.

10 50's To Date! Check out Titan Sentinel; it got my CoH presence synced online



I know that the "shortcut" from PI to Talos has been there since issue 3 at least; and I've noticed that using it now does tend to land you outside the war walls in Talos. Frequently /stuck does nothing at all, but there is a reliable (in my and my buddies experience) way out. Just back up until you fall off the map, then once you hit the bottom /stuck will put you into Talos at the zone in point from Praetoria.

COH has just been murdered by NCSoft. http://www.change.org/petitions/ncso...city-of-heroes



Originally Posted by Call Me Awesome View Post
I know that the "shortcut" from PI to Talos has been there since issue 3 at least; and I've noticed that using it now does tend to land you outside the war walls in Talos. Frequently /stuck does nothing at all, but there is a reliable (in my and my buddies experience) way out. Just back up until you fall off the map, then once you hit the bottom /stuck will put you into Talos at the zone in point from Praetoria.
I tried it on Test, and never managed to hit bottom. Any time I got more than about fifty feet below water level, I was teleported to the Praetoria zone-in point.



Originally Posted by Katie V View Post
I tried it on Test, and never managed to hit bottom. Any time I got more than about fifty feet below water level, I was teleported to the Praetoria zone-in point.
If you run far enough off the map, the water ends, you fall, and "hit bottom" at about -2000 feet.