Worst of the Worst




Hello all of CoX forum go-ers, I've been reading the forums now for a while and seen alot of "best" and "over powered" and "flavor of the month"...but lets change the picture a little bit. What is the "worst" and "under powered" and "least played" combos of the game.

I know there is no such thing as the worst combos because everyone plays a little different so take tht as loosely as possible

Thanks for all your answers and suggestions

Professor Smoque - Lvl 50 Fire/Fire Blaster
Little Smoquey - Lvl 50 Fire/Kin Controller
Papa Smoque - Lvl 50 Stone/Fire/Earth Tanker
Dr Smoque - Lvl 46 (Perma Bridge) Emp/Elec/Dark Defender
UnNown - Lvl 50 SS/WP Brute



Originally Posted by Smoque View Post
Hello all of CoX forum go-ers, I've been reading the forums now for a while and seen alot of "best" and "over powered" and "flavor of the month"...but lets change the picture a little bit. What is the "worst" and "under powered" and "least played" combos of the game.

I know there is no such thing as the worst combos because everyone plays a little different so take tht as loosely as possible

Thanks for all your answers and suggestions
*waves* Ooh! Me! Me! Mememememememe!!!
Oh wait, you mean ATs, don't you? My mistake.

*runs back out of the thread flailing like a Muppet*

*sticks head back in*
For what it's worth, Energy Melee/Energy Aura is frequently considered one of the worst combos. Still quite playable, so i'd say that PEBKAC/n00b is the worst combo in game.

*flails like a Muppet from off-screen and vanishes*

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Lol, it can be a AT or just a single power.....

Professor Smoque - Lvl 50 Fire/Fire Blaster
Little Smoquey - Lvl 50 Fire/Kin Controller
Papa Smoque - Lvl 50 Stone/Fire/Earth Tanker
Dr Smoque - Lvl 46 (Perma Bridge) Emp/Elec/Dark Defender
UnNown - Lvl 50 SS/WP Brute



Ice Control/Sonic Resonance Controller unless it makes it all the way to 50 and takes the endurance reduction slot. The base endurance drain of Arctic Air + Sonic Dispersion + Disruption Field is 2.6 end/second! Craptastic resistance based shields (~35% resistance through most of your career, and only when the pet stays within your big bubble), no heal, no endurance management, and a fragile pet combine into a Jack Frost who would have almost been better off with a Dominator trying to protect him, since at least they kill stuff quickly. The added gift at level 50 is that neither set is particularly friendly to IO.



Originally Posted by Smoque View Post
Lol, it can be a AT or just a single power.....
Ah. Well this thread about Time Bomb largely takes the position that it's one of the least optimal powers for Defenders. And even it has those who defend it.

*starts to run out of the thread flailing like a Muppet, smacks into a support column and falls over*

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...




I like Devices, I really do, but I don't delude myself that it's improving my character's performance. When the big draw of the set is that most of the powers suck so bad you don't feel bad skipping them for pool/concept powers, there's something wrong.

They ALL float down here. When you're down here with us, you'll float too!




Time Bomb, followed by Serum.



Trick Arrow.

And Devices.

And AR, Energy Melee, Energy Aura, Mercs, Ninjas, Blaster Psi Blast, Gravity Control, snipes for Scrappers, and the MM APPs that don't have armor toggles.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



My MM didn't take the armor toggle, if that counts... >.>




Kin sucks because I can't SB myself.



Grav is the worst control set for both Controllers and Dominators.

Trick Arrow is the worst defender primary but is pretty good as a Controller secondary.

Sonic Dispersion is bad on several levels as both a defender primary and a controller secondary.

Psi is a decent blast set for defenders and a decent Dominator secondary but is horrid as a blaster primary. All the things that make Psi good from the defender version (extra range, the cone attack, etc) were removed from the blaster primary when it was released.

/Shields for scrappers is pretty bad unless you invest heavily in IOs and select the fighting pool.

/Devices is probably the worst Blaster secondary especially in terms of speed and teaming but if you solo and aren't in hurry Devices will really shine in the mitigation department for you.

Overall I'd have to say that a Grav/Sonic controller is the most underpowered combo in the game though a poorly played Grav/FF controller can shut his entire team completely down.

-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson



Dual Blades / Dark Armor Stalkers
Dual Pistols / Devices Blasters

That's about it, I wouldn't list any Control/Support powerset because those tend to be force multipliers, and even though there are underperforming sets (such as the previously mentioned Sonic Resonance and TA) they're still about a thousand times more useful in a team than the 2 combos I mentioned. Debuffing a spawns' resistance by 30% is contributing much more than twirling your weapons around and attacking an enemy that's already dead by the time the attack lands.




It's just awful.

The plastic tips at the end of shoelaces are called aglets. Their true purpose is sinister.
--The Question, JLU



As far as ATs, Stalkers are the most underwhelming, or a blaster without a fistful of wakies... But I have to argue against Grav Control. It is actually not a bad control set, just different, I actually really like it...

Also, Psi blast has a great level 2 attack that makes it one of the easiest to run in the early levels.

I would have to go for Kheldians just after any update, as they seem to always get bugged as the worst AT, and Dual Pistols as the worst set...



btw, /EA is a great way to make a stalker-style Brute...



/EA also looks pretty, and goes well aesthetically with KM. That doesn't mean it performs well compared to the other armor sets without heavy IO investment, and unlike Shield Defense doesn't become ungodly after doing so.

For single powers, I'd probably have to agree with Time Bomb. I can't think of a reason you'd want to use it that a(nother) Trip Mine wouldn't work. I skipped it on my DP/Traps Corruptor and never looked back; fortunately, my two /Traps MMs can just blow up minions instead.

For ATs, sad to say because I enjoy playing them, but it's probably Stalkers. Compared to Scrappers, they sacrifice some hit points and an AoE power* for single-target burst damage... and still do less single-target damage solo than a Scrapper along with less AoE damage. Sure, they can get a high enough critical rate on a team to theoretically pass Scrapper damage, but that's when those AoEs that are given up are even more useful. They really could use another look, but sadly it's already been stated that "they're as good as [the devs] want them to be."

But really, the worst thing is a bad player - since even mediocre ones can make almost anything work well.

* - Electric Melee is an exception, and one of the better Stalker sets

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



What Time Bomb can do that Trip Mine can't:
1. Much larger radius. (20' is a LOT more space than 12'.)
2. You can be untargetable when it goes off, by walking around a corner.

That means that Time Bomb can let you ensure that an entire spawn has to slog through a minefield to get to you before they can make even one attack. That last bit is sometimes significant.



Originally Posted by seebs View Post
What Time Bomb can do that Trip Mine can't:
1. Much larger radius. (20' is a LOT more space than 12'.)
2. You can be untargetable when it goes off, by walking around a corner.

That means that Time Bomb can let you ensure that an entire spawn has to slog through a minefield to get to you before they can make even one attack. That last bit is sometimes significant.
I have yet to ever be in a situation where either point would be significant in this game.

If you have, then I suggest that better Trip Mine placement - since you can set an entire field before Time Bomb would recharge, creating a radius far in excess of 20' - would resolve both #1 and #2.

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
MM APPs that don't have armor toggles.
Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
My MM didn't take the armor toggle, if that counts... >.>
I think that there's a BIG difference between the player deciding that they don't want the armor toggle, and the player having to either choose a different APP or go without the armor toggle if they want one.




Originally Posted by Derangedpolygot View Post

It's just awful.
Originally Posted by Silverado View Post
Dual Blades / Dark Armor Stalkers
Damn, I love /EA AND my DB/DA stalker.

I actually made the stalker because I heard it would be terrible, but have yet to see any issues with it.

As for /EA, it simply requires a different play style.

To each their own though.

I'm not fond of Grav, Dual Pistols and I get bored with Dark Miasma. It's not bad, it's just too easy >.>



Yeah Dark Armor Stalkers are awesome now with the recent changes, and DB's also provides some help in terms of knockup from sweep combo, knockup from Vengeful, and knockup from One Thousand Cuts. Extremely survival combo now that Dark Armor stalkers can leverage Cloak of Fear and Oppressive Gloom from stealth.

/EA brutes are very cool as they play like what stalkers should be.... with precision, and minimal aggro.



Super Reflexes for Brutes.

After soft-capping my FM/SR and comparing it to my soft-capped /EA's, I can say without a doubt that SR is the weaker; it feels weak because it is. Not much room for pool powers because you have to take every single secondary power, something which I love about EA.

So, for me, SR.

Close second: Fiery Aura for scrappers. Dunno why, just hate it. *shrug*



Originally Posted by Smoque View Post
Hello all of CoX forum go-ers, I've been reading the forums now for a while and seen alot of "best" and "over powered" and "flavor of the month"...but lets change the picture a little bit. What is the "worst" and "under powered" and "least played" combos of the game.

I know there is no such thing as the worst combos because everyone plays a little different so take tht as loosely as possible

Thanks for all your answers and suggestions
For Blasters and teaming Pistols and Assault Rifle pared with Devices blows hard. For running solo they're meh.

Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
Dark Armor Sucks.

Especially for tanks.
Your right, dark armor does suck.... endurance.

"The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. Every class is unfit to govern." Lord Acton

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