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  1. Thanks for the advice and suggestions.

    I am going to add Aid Self into the build, so if I happen to get hit then I'll heal myself and get right back in the fight.

    I do have a question though:

    Since I have never played a defense only power set, will Stj/SR be heavy on endurance or will a couple Performance Shifter: Chance for +Endurance procs and the Miracle: +Recovery proc take care of any endurance problems I am having?
  2. Hello CoX players, I am thinking of rolling a Stalker. I mostly play Brutes but I need something a little more different. My Brute collection consist of a SS/WP, EM/INV, Fire/Stone, SS/Fire, and my newest Brute a Staff/Elec (he's only 45 at the moment). With all my previous Brutes, I have been the Tank more often then not. I've never heard of a Stalker being the Tank so I know tanking with a Stalker is out of the picture. I'm planning on rolling a StJ/SR Stalker. I attempted to roll a DM/WP Stalker when I first started playing the game but I deleted him at level 27. I'm not a high roller so if a build is posted please only use Invented Origin Enhancements. If I like this toon then I will probably IO him out with the best of the best IO's.

    I'm asking the players that have had any experience with Street Justice and/or Super Reflexes to give me some Pros and Cons of the build.
  3. Thanks again guys for all your help.

    Yall have given me a great starting point.

    Good luck in all your future endeavors
  4. Yeah, I know I will. I'll probably end up building this toon the way your build is. But I just need something cheap ATM.

    I do have a quick question though:

    Can regen be sturdy with out building for defense?

    If I was to maximize rech and damage then I could kill baddies before they have a chance to kill me.
  5. Wow, that's a great build. Very nicely done, but that's not in my 500 mil range. I need a build that insider close to the 500 mil.

    I played around on mids earlier and I can't seem to come with anything.

    Planet J, thank you for the build but could you see what you could come up with that's way cheaper. I appreciate your time. I really suck at making builds. It took me almost a full year to get my SS/WP brute to a build that suited me.

    Thank you again guys for your help.
  6. Thanks for all your answers and suggestions.

    Dark has never appealed to me. I like the regen thought though. Can someone post a TW/Regen build for me please. So I can get an idea of what the set will look like.

    Thanks again
  7. Hey guys, I'm looking for a secondary to pair with TW. I know some people have paired it with Elec, Fire, and WP. I have a Staff/Elec, a SS/Fire, and a SS/WP so I'm not looking to re-roll those secondaries. I'm looking for something that can handle a lot of aggro since TW has many AoE powers. I'm going to be doing a lot of herding. I'm not looking to farm with this toon but I will run countless iTrials. I've that TW is end heavy so I'm going to need a secondary that's light on endurance. I'm not a big spender so 500 mil is about the highest i will spend to IO this toon with.

    Thanks for your answers and suggestions
  8. Thank you for your answer.

    If i was to build this toon (which i probably will) what levels are the "droughts" for Staff and Inv.

    My main is a SS/WP brute that just walks in and kills things without breaking a sweat. I don't expect to this new toon to be like that. So here is another question:

    Excluding purple IO's, could Staff/Inv brute be a top notch toon?

    I don't have billions of Inf to just throw around but i could get get some of the nicer sets like Numina's, Miracle, LotG ( i plan on building for recharge/survivability anyway), obliteration, etc. I don't want to make the most un-killable toon in the game but then again i don't want to the Hospital nurse to know me by name either, if you get what I'm saying.
  9. I've been reading about Staff Fighting alot lately and it seems interesting. I've also always been curious about Inv. I've never built a toon with a weapon or with Inv , so i thought that a Staff/Inv would take care of both urges in one toon. So here are my questions:

    1. Would Staff and Inv compliment each other well?
    2. Does Staff have good damage capabilities?
    3. Is Inv a End heavy set?
    4. Is Staff a End heavy set?

    Also, i don't have tons of inf so lets just say Im only going to put Regular IO's in this toon. I'm not going to worry about sets when i haven't even make the character yet.

    Thank you for your answers.
  10. I have a lvl 50 Fire/Fire Blaster names Professor Smoque. He was my Dad's toon back when he played. I like the toon but he doesn't appeal to me anymore.
  11. Hey guys, I want to know the CoX community's thought/feelings about the Archery/MM blaster and if I should roll one.

    I've always been a heavy Brute player since I started playing back in 2007. My first lvl 50 toon was a SS/WP brute named UnNown. My playstyle is...kill the enemy before the enemy has a chance to kill me. Does the Archery/MM blaster have the ability to fit into the playstyle. If I roll one, i do plan on IO'ing the toon out with sets but probably won't touch any purple sets unless i happen to get one from a drop. I will also run trials with him as well. I've soloed most of my toons to 50, so does this build have the ability to solo well like every other blaster out there.

    Thank you for your answers and suggestions.
  12. Smoque


    In my opinion it would be anything with knock up or knock down because it gives me, i dont know about you, a since of controlling the fight
  13. I would havta say Super Strength and Willpower because there is nothing more awesome than u punch a baddie in his face or throwing an epic uppercut tht knocks him off his feet or stomping ur foot and have 10 to 12 guys fly up in the air and come crashin down like a bunch of rag dolls but when the baddie hits you u regen like nothin happened and keep smashing
  14. The biggest thing that i would like to see put in the game would be some kinda bank system where u could put your influence/infamy/information in but leave the inf cap alone....and another small thing would be to take AE outta the game completely....i know that will never happen but it has broken the game, when double xp weekend rolls around, go look in a AE will see a level 1 in the morning and by later in the day he/she is a level 50. I don't know about y'all but teaming with a newbie 50 that thinks he/she is "cool" because they have a level 50 but that gets on my nerves...another option would be that u havta get a toon to 50 and then the AE will be allowed to u, kinda like a reward for getting to level 50 kinda like the PB's and WS's were but since they dropped that to level 20 or 25 now...its a total joke....don't get me wrong, i love the game, I've been playing since 2007 and i think the stuff that the devs have added are really nice additions to the game but maybe its just me, i might be the only person that hates AE but i seriously doubt it
  15. Hey guys, i posted a thread the other day about me deciding to recreate an old toon i deleted about a year ago or so. Well, its seem boring to me now....he is lvl 27 and is a decent stalker in my book, but if he's boring to me then i don't want to play him. While on the paragon wiki site i came across ninjitsu and started looking at it. It kinda caught my eye with smoke flash, a AoE placate, and blinding powder. So here are my questions:

    1) I have a "GO GO GO" play style, does ninjitsu have the capabilities to be a "GO GO GO" toon?

    2) I plan on pairing it with Ninja Blade, how well do those to power sets "click" with each other

    Thanks for your answers and suggestions
  16. Hey Guys, my very first villain was a dark melee/willpower stalker....i got him to level 30 over about 3 months or so. Then i decided to make SS/WP brute and my stalker got put on the back burner. When i got my brute to about 47 or 48 i decided that i didn't want to play the stalker anymore so i deleted it. That may have been the worst desicion in the game i have ever made. So, i have come to the forums to ask:

    1) How "good" is DM/WP
    2) I've heard this word "synergy", what does tht mean and does DM/WP have this "Synergy"
    3) This toon will be a PvE toon so how should i build him?...Damage/Recharge or Survivabilty, etc.

    Thank yall for your answers and suggestions
  17. Hey guys....when u read the title of this thread i bet you thought about a mind troller or dom right? But no its not, I get bored of all the combos i try...So im coming to the forums to ask:

    1) Have yall ever run into "gamers block"?...i guess thts whats it called
    2) If so, how did u get over it?

    Thanks for all your answers and suggestions
  18. Lol, it can be a AT or just a single power.....
  19. Hello all of CoX forum go-ers, I've been reading the forums now for a while and seen alot of "best" and "over powered" and "flavor of the month"...but lets change the picture a little bit. What is the "worst" and "under powered" and "least played" combos of the game.

    I know there is no such thing as the worst combos because everyone plays a little different so take tht as loosely as possible

    Thanks for all your answers and suggestions
  20. I appreciate all the answers yall have gave me......reading all those post got me thinking about some toons tht i could conjure up
  21. Hmm, might give my fort another shot, i have a level 13 thugs/traps....a VG mate told me and showed me his level 50 thugs/traps and he is a damage powerhouse, mine is going slow right now, but i have high hoped for him
  22. Thanks for the answer but im looking for a toon tht has little to no melee powers....i have a lvl 24 fort that i really like to play but theres something about him tht doesnt appeal to me the way my WP/SS brute did when i was playing him...i solo'd him all the way to 50, so my next toon i really focus on will be solo'd also but when i do team with him i want a way to have a great time teaming as well...not looking for a support based toon.
  23. Hello all Cox players, my first level 50 was, UnNown, a SS/WP brute...I have him IO'd out with a total of 12 sets in him. I'm looking for another villain to roll, but i cant find a power set i like...I want one that has the devastating damage as he does but I don't wanna make another melee toon. What other villain power set comes close to this.
    Thanks for all your answers and suggetsions.
  24. Smoque

    Who do u want?

    Hello CoH and CoV, i want to know what toon u want to play might be your favorite build or it might be the knock back guy that nobody likes. i want the people of this forum to name the power set that you would want on ur team.....your answers are much appreciated
  25. I have been wanting to make a PvP toon for a while now and i have been trying many AT's but i have to the conclusion that i like Stalkers the best. So i tried most of the Primary Stalker powers and i like Energy Melee the most for the single target damage but, i dont know what secondary to choose. I've heard that Ninjitsu is really good for PvP but, i like the Regeneration secondary because it doesnt have so many toggles and less toggles=less endurance drain but i dont know how it stands up in PvP.

    So i have some questions...

    1) Is Energy Melee a good PvP primary?
    2) What secondary should i choose?
    3) What Set IO's should i buy and put in my powers
    4) If Energy Melee isn't a good PvP primary...what is?
    5) What are some of your favorite builds for PvP...(any AT hero or vill side)