The Impossible Mr. Trapdoor and Issue 19's New Theme

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
TFs, especially large-scale ones, simply present me with information overload, reducing me to doing "whatever," which usually results in me auto-targeting the nearest enemy and just keying whatever attack I see is up at the time, usually dying from something I can't identify because I didn't realise my health was low or that half my team was dead or in another room.
That's pretty much my experience as well. One of the reasons I like zone events and ship raids better than TFs is because randomly flailing around is generally an acceptable strategy for those.

Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
I find neither the ITF nor the LRSF to be easily achieved by just knowing the right strategy. I find both to require combinations of luck and copious use of debuffs to be successful. And, at least in my experience, they require very specific groupings to succeed.
I can relate to this, too. I've had pretty good luck with the LGTF, but I've been on as many failed ITFs as successful ones. And the handful of STFs and LRSFs I've tried have all been a bust. I won't say that they necessarily require specific powers to succeed, but they clearly require something that I don't have much of.

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Smashing Lethal

Energy Fire Cold can be 100% resisted according to the situation
See the talk tabs of

IIRC only negative energy, toxic and psi will always do some damage.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
my favorite was the RP-justified refusal of Venture's heroes to use the merged markets since they'd never buy stuff from bad guys...even though his heroic characters would have absolutely no way of knowing that villains were now interacting with the supply pool.

Having your characters act on knowledge you possess as a player but they don't violates one of the cardinal 'rules' of role playing.
I realize Venture already addressed this, but I'm pretty sure that a random NPC in Talos Island occasionally advertises the market merger.

Originally Posted by EvilRyu View Post
But people arent asking for an easy time, just something thats not a 2nd job to them. Trap Door and the new tfs are just frustrating. Thats what folks are complaining about. My biggest gripe about the Apex TF is that when you come out of the building in the 2nd mission you are insta-killed by the patches because opening the door roots you for 3 seconds. So unless you have someone already on the other side watching the door its pretty much a death trap. Its why I refuse to do the tf again once I have that badge. Its simply not worth my time to die over and over again.
It's possible to look over the building and down on the ground to see if there's a nanite patch in front of the door before entering. If there is, simply wait to enter, and in the meantime tell your teammates to keep the fight away from the door. I tell this to every Apex team I'm on, and they generally go smoothly.

Mind you, I've complained pretty vociferously about Trapdoor in the other threads. I do not feel the same way about Apex and Tin Mage - quite the opposite in fact, I find them to be fun and exciting, and not at all frustrating when on a team of people with the will to succeed. But that there is the key - losing the will to succeed is the fastest way to utterly sink an attempt at any TF. I was on a team that got Battle Maiden to 25% with very little trouble once, and then a few small mistakes were made and half the team wiped, and after this, the team became utterly convinced the fight was impossible.

The team broke 5 minutes later without completing the TF.

Mind you, I actually think that Apex is the better of the two new TFs. Tin Mage is much more similar to the stuff we're used to, just with bigger numbers.

Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
That said, I have never completed an ITF unless I was playing one of my characters with Dark Miasma. Having me running Dark on the team made Rommie trivial - my other runs, with my WP Tanker and my Traps Mastermind, were complete failures, with multiple party wipes. The Mastermind was the worse - her mere presence on the team seemed to have doomed the attempt from the start, as the summoning Nictus counts Mastermind pets as full players and summons extra blooms accordingly. Without Dark to lock down the to-hit of those blooms (and bolster the negative resistance of the party, I'm guessing), it was game over almost before it started. "Don't bring your Mastermind" isn't a 'trick' I'm willing to learn to succeed.
I did ITF the other night with a Storm Summoning defender as the lone support character for what was otherwise a team of nothing but scrappers, blasters, and VEATs. We cleared it in just barely over an hour, all the while pulling ridiculous antics like kiting Romulus all the way across the map into the valley near the entrance and fighting him alongside the spawns there.

And this was a PuG.

Now, this criticism CAN be leveled accurately at the LGTF, where the Weakened Hamidon is somewhere between inordinately hard and impossible if your team lacks a controller or dominator.

Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
While the folks I play with try frequently to bring a good mix of buffs, debuffs and damage to our ITFs and LGTFs, we basically do that so we can bum rush most of the content. If we bring less effective combinations, we can still succeed, but sometimes have to be more cautious. And by cautious, I mean we don't pull all the AVs into a pile and AoE them to death. On occasion, we've had a long fight with Romulus, but sometimes at least one of us are bringing characters that can put out the DPS to solo an AV on their own. Even without strong debuffs, a team with a couple of characters like that can usually whittle down Rom even with the healing Nictus in play. Throw in a Kin or even just four or five copies of Assault and we're usually good to go.

I will say though that, in those two TFs, one thing that can trip us up is The Honoree. It's possible to get into a situation where you cannot defeat him if you bring too much of the types of damage he can get 100% resistance to with his Unstoppable. Even with people who regularly steamroll, well, everything else, we sometimes find we can't beat the Honoree down, and we end up having to summon Shivans or HVAS in order to defeat him.

I have a fairly intense dislike of the fact that this outcome is possible, not because I take offense at the notion we can't just roll over him, but because if it can happen to us, it is probably happening to a lot of other people who may well be less well-equipped to deal with it. There is nothing in the TF itself that warns you this is possible, and you could run it multiple times without realizing it if you have enough Psi, Dark or other damage types he doesn't get immunity to. I also don't like the idea that you can bring a character who can end up able to contribute nothing to defeating him because you deal damage to which he can be completely immune.
Honoree is really annoying when he does this. A Vengeanced Bobcat in Tin Mage can do it too, and it's just as annoying (I don't have any idea if she does it when she's fought normally; I've honestly never run Tin Mage WITHOUT doing the Kitty's Got Claws requirements.)



So, anyone want to post their PuG ITF success story that involves Masterminds? Because none of you have countered what was a central point I made: Don't Bring a Mastermind seems to be the operative strategy to winning the ITF.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
You know, I'm not handicapped, I have good dexterity, I have decent reflexes... And yet it still bothers me how elitist the attitude here is becoming. Once upon a time, we acted like it was everyone's god-given right to have fun in the game in his own way. And now we take pleasure in telling people they're not good enough and that they don't "deserve" to participate? This concerns me greatly, because it stands to corrupt probably the single greatest advantage this community had over those of all other MMOs.
This. And what Heraclea has been going on and on about attitude in all her posts. The biggest thing that kept me subscribing for six years to CoH was the friendliness of the community and the inclusivity of its philosophy. Raids? New hamidon is the perfect example - take anyone, everyone plays an important part.

I watched the introduction of loot with a sinking heart - with IOs, came greed. People stopped being heroes, stopped giving away influence, and became merchants. They do this because the game design prompts them to, and rewards them for that attitude.

Then came the STF and LRSF. With it came more elitism, more pickiness about powersets, etc. Yes, the community has adapted to them. But it's gotten more ugly as a result. L2P is the common attitude, or more nicely and diplomatically, "hey, adapt and get used to it. It's -really- not that hard, you can do this and that, blah blah, etc." The separation has started. Not everyone discriminates against a character only in SOs, but a few have begun to, and people don't shout them down anymore in favor of inclusivity, they just shrug.

Teams have lost the united feeling. People are soloing in their IO'ed builds in a team, zooming off in different directions because they can. Hey, watch my soft-capped defence pwn this spawn of 8! WOOT, I got a purple drop (link link link). Count how many incarnate shards I got this mission ("I'm uber because the RNG gave me so many" is the implication.)

And now Tin Mage and Apex throw in a hardcoded gimmick, FORCING people to turn away anyone not alpha slotted. Even the nicest guy is reduced to "Hey, uhh, we are really really sorry, we feel hopelessly bad about this, but you can't play until you get the alpha slot, cos of the design of the TF." And trust me, not everyone communicates so nicely. It is dev and game design-prompted elitism (if that's too strong a word for you, call it a separation and division of the playerbase into the haves and have-nots, the can-dos and the can't dos).

That is my concern. It has begun a long long time ago. I took a very long break away from this. But the more this game changes to resemble every other MMO out there, in design and in community, the sadder I feel, it's just not the same community anymore.

P.S. For the record, I have alpha slotted, and I have run Apex and Tin Mage. I happen to have the reflexes and situational awareness to dodge the patches, and I don't find the TFs so bad personally. (Though I have taken to camping out on my dark def because she just seems the safest to handle any AV and any gimmick successfully - yay for -regen and being ranged.)

But the very fact that I have to sit here and qualify this in order to deflect the automatic impulse of those-who-can to assume that I can't, is what saddens me.

Invictus Est Level 50 Invul/Fire Tank
Malentis Level 50 Ice/Energy/Leviathan Dom (Freedom)
Black Jeremiah Level 50 Fire/Fire/Mu Dom
Sejanna Level 50 Dark/Dark/Elec Def (Virtue)
Arc #119664 - The MiniMech Cometh - Hess TF Mini-Sequel



Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
So, anyone want to post their PuG ITF success story that involves Masterminds? Because none of you have countered what was a central point I made: Don't Bring a Mastermind seems to be the operative strategy to winning the ITF.

Haven't done it in a while, but that MM in my sig has never been on a failed ITF and 99% of my TF runs are PUGs.

Furio--Lvl 50+3 Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster, Virtue
Megadeth--Lvl 50+3 Necro/DM/Soul MM, Virtue
Veriandros--Lvl 50+3 Crab Soldier, Virtue
"So come and get me! I'll be waiting for ye, with a whiff of the old brimstone. I'm a grim bloody fable, with an unhappy bloody end!" Demoman, TF2




I watched the introduction of loot with a sinking heart - with IOs, came greed. People stopped being heroes, stopped giving away influence, and became merchants. They do this because the game design prompts them to, and rewards them for that attitude.
Dunno where you are, but I constantly get people asking if anyone needs "XXX recipe I just got;" the other day, someone walked up to me and gave me 5M inf because they liked my costume. I will admit that many people are being market monopolists, and that **** needs to stop. Manipulating the market is greed of the worst kind.

Then came the STF and LRSF. With it came more elitism, more pickiness about powersets, etc. Yes, the community has adapted to them. But it's gotten more ugly as a result. L2P is the common attitude, or more nicely and diplomatically, "hey, adapt and get used to it. It's -really- not that hard, you can do this and that, blah blah, etc." The separation has started. Not everyone discriminates against a character only in SOs, but a few have begun to, and people don't shout them down anymore in favor of inclusivity, they just shrug.
Once again, why even team with those people? You know who needs to L2P? Team leaders who think they need an emp. You know what I always look for because it makes things easier? A sonic, to cage GW and the ACC tower to make the tank's life better. But, I'm not going to turn someone away because they aren't a sonic. Or turn them away because they are an Ice Tank.

Having said that, adapt and play. You can't say people are elitist and then say you don't want to adapt to new things; that's classical elitism. I'd never, ever, ever turn someone away for only having SO's; hell, I'd probably send you a Steadfast KB IO if you were on a squishie. People who don't accept SO'd toons need to... say it with me now... L2P. (To be honest, I'd respect an SO'd only toon better :P )

However, people who refuse to even give the Inventions System a try because it seems soooooo confusing (and, hey, it can be) need to... everyone with me now! L2P

Teams have lost the united feeling. People are soloing in their IO'ed builds in a team, zooming off in different directions because they can. Hey, watch my soft-capped defence pwn this spawn of 8! WOOT, I got a purple drop (link link link). Count how many incarnate shards I got this mission ("I'm uber because the RNG gave me so many" is the implication.)
If you think that's bad, the full Incarnate branches are going to really piss you off.

And now Tin Mage and Apex throw in a hardcoded gimmick, FORCING people to turn away anyone not alpha slotted. Even the nicest guy is reduced to "Hey, uhh, we are really really sorry, we feel hopelessly bad about this, but you can't play until you get the alpha slot, cos of the design of the TF." And trust me, not everyone communicates so nicely. It is dev and game design-prompted elitism (if that's too strong a word for you, call it a separation and division of the playerbase into the haves and have-nots, the can-dos and the can't dos).
The fact that you need the most very basic of the endgame content to run the most difficult TF's in the game is not elitism. Unlike IO's:

It is recommended you take part in the Incarnate System. This is not the invention system; the game will be made harder because of it. By the end of the Incarnate branches, regular newspaper mishes will probably be soloable by a Defender on +2/8 settings



Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
So, anyone want to post their PuG ITF success story that involves Masterminds? Because none of you have countered what was a central point I made: Don't Bring a Mastermind seems to be the operative strategy to winning the ITF.
Ran Imperious a few days ago with a bots mastermind and it was a nice brisk completion. My roommate ran one with a Ninja's Mastermind last night and they were also successful.



Originally Posted by Furio View Post
Haven't done it in a while, but that MM in my sig has never been on a failed ITF and 99% of my TF runs are PUGs.
One of my MMs is a Dark Miasma too, and I had said when I bring my Darks, I win - so I'm not entirely convinced that another Dark Mastermind proves the point, as it might still be as much an issue of "Dark makes it work" as anything else.



Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
So, anyone want to post their PuG ITF success story that involves Masterminds? Because none of you have countered what was a central point I made: Don't Bring a Mastermind seems to be the operative strategy to winning the ITF.
Well, as i've mentioned in a few places, the majority of my TFs are wholly or in part PuGs. That ranges from "bring whatever you want" to "one or two support would be good if anyone wants to bring one." i've been on several ITFs with Masterminds, but none of mine have gotten high enough level to run one. Honestly, i see more Stalkers on ITF teams than Masterminds, but i've never seen an ITF with a Mastermind fail.

It does help that most of the people i team with frequently tend to play support/force multiplier ATs like Controllers, Masterminds, Defenders, and Corruptors; so it's unusual for us to have no support ATs on the team unless we're specifically building for it.

Then again on one occasion i managed to lead a PuG ITF to victory after the leader and half the team (including the Tanker) quit after the leader's directions repeatedly got the team wiped against Rommy and the Kooshies. And he'd worked so hard at building the team to his specs and trying to micromanage everything everyone did. To be fair, i did summon a Shivan and an HVAS as substitutes for the four who had quit, and it did take a while, but we finished it.

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Originally Posted by AmazingMOO View Post
Since the most recent patch, I've been hearing one thing over and over again:

"Trapdoor is impossible now."

Of course he isn't. He's not even hard as an elite boss goes, but he highlights in very specific terms what's possibly a new development direction, or perhaps even a new encounter theme for City of Heroes.

Out of curiosity, I took some, shall we say, very specifically optimized characters to fight him solo. These are characters that are slotted to the extreme end for teaming, including a sonic/sonic defender, an ice/ice blaster, and a dark/ss tank. In each case I was able to defeat Trapdoor with no temporary powers.

The difference between being able to fight him successfully and not being able to defeat him boiled down to two things: I was willing to think about how the encounter worked and was then willing to do what was necessary to beat him. It doesn't sound hard. The mission gives you all kinds of hints and clues as to what's needed, so it wasn't very hard to actually do, either.

The wonderful Apex Taskforce is another example of this new theme. In the second mission, players are given some broad visual clues as to what's needed to survive and then defeat the arch-villain at the end.

The reactions of players to those clues has ranged the gamut. Some people outright ignore them and are then frustrated that they can't win by the tired old rotes they're used to.

Some people misinterpret them dramatically. For example, I've seen more than one taskforce leader demand that players not fly during the encounter. Why? Because, 'it makes the death patches appear in the air where you can't see them to avoid them when they kill everything below them'.

AOE spheres be damned. Battle Maiden's death patches have become 'columns of death' that can reach from floor to ceiling.

Of course not only is misinformation spreading faster than a bootless truth, but the encounter is singling out those who lack an understanding of how certain parts of the game works.

Those who understand or are willing to learn about how the game works, however, and are also willing to take a look at the encounter as something that requires thought and action they may not be used to are quickly finding themselves with the 'Already Dead' badge and some other fun shinies.

"You are NOT gonna win this fight by standing still and clicking your power buttons over and over again. You're gonna THINK and you're gonna MOVE, or you're going to lose."

Good job, Devs. I appreciate the fun new content. And kudos to the players who get it!

Can I "Like" your post?

'Cause I like it. Thanks for the vote of confidence and speaking out against people who want an "I Win" button. I wasn't too proud to ask for help against Trapdoor time I went up against him, and I got some new in-game friends in the bargain (much love, Lion Seed!).

Now granted I haven't tried him since the patch (which is still loading for me now), but I'm sure I could figure out a way to beat him eventually...and in my book "asking for help" is a definite "way to beat him".

It's nice when the bar gets raised...especially on stuff that's supposed to be our much desired "end game content".

- Green Lantern
"Say, Jim...woo! That's a bad out-FIT!" - Superman: The Movie

Me 'n my posse:



Originally Posted by RadDidIt View Post
Once again, why even team with those people?
Because I PUG and am in favor of inclusivity, so I see all sorts. The good and the bad. The separation of us vs them is what I am always wary of CoH heading down that road. I'm not in favor of dismissing anybody because they don't play like me.

But if the community 'feel' ends up shifting to selfishness instead of encouraging and nurturing, then it becomes much less attractive for me to bother with teaming or playing the game. Used to be I would get an 80-90% good PUG, now it's 50-60% chances. If it drops any further, I'll be even sadder.

Invictus Est Level 50 Invul/Fire Tank
Malentis Level 50 Ice/Energy/Leviathan Dom (Freedom)
Black Jeremiah Level 50 Fire/Fire/Mu Dom
Sejanna Level 50 Dark/Dark/Elec Def (Virtue)
Arc #119664 - The MiniMech Cometh - Hess TF Mini-Sequel



Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
So, anyone want to post their PuG ITF success story that involves Masterminds? Because none of you have countered what was a central point I made: Don't Bring a Mastermind seems to be the operative strategy to winning the ITF.
I've been in several ITF's with my bots/traps MM without any problems, and I've put together a couple all-mastermind ITF runs on Protector that went off without a hitch...



Originally Posted by Reiska View Post
Honoree is really annoying when he does this. A Vengeanced Bobcat in Tin Mage can do it too, and it's just as annoying (I don't have any idea if she does it when she's fought normally; I've honestly never run Tin Mage WITHOUT doing the Kitty's Got Claws requirements.)
Does she have an Unstoppable that caps her DR to some damage types, then? I've never noticed it, but that might only mean we've had enough debuffs and/or "correct" damage types.

Edit: By the way, if you're dealing damage to which the Honoree has 100% resistance, you actually don't get any damage float text. That can be hard to notice in a high-gear 8-man team, but it's how I noticed this eventually. I really start to notice it if I an playing somthing that can crit, scourge, assassin strike, or whatever. You see, you get that message ("CRITICAL") and no attendant damage numbers, which has a slap-in-the-face feel to me when I know what it means in this case.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
So, anyone want to post their PuG ITF success story that involves Masterminds? Because none of you have countered what was a central point I made: Don't Bring a Mastermind seems to be the operative strategy to winning the ITF.
What server are you on? I can hold your hand through a PUG ITF if you like - they're really not that hard

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I've been on several PUG ITFs with Masterminds and without Masterminds without any discernible difference in difficulty. Lately though, the sound strategy of separating Romulus from his Nictii friends has gone out the window and everytime I did it, the team just bum rushed Romulus, always succeeding.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
What server are you on? I can hold your hand through a PUG ITF if you like - they're really not that hard
A) I don't PuG. I play with my VG.
B) I play villains. You don't like villains.
C) I don't need hand-holding. I can massacre the ITF as well as anyone else. I just have to bring my Dark Miasma characters.



Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
A) I don't PuG.
Then how do you know PUG ITFs are hard?

B) I play villains. You don't like villains.
You know the ITF ius co-op, don't you?

I don't need hand-holding. I can massacre the ITF as well as anyone else. I just have to bring my Dark Miasma characters.
In other words, you do have trouble with the ITF

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Catwhoorg View Post
Smashing Lethal

Energy Fire Cold can be 100% resisted according to the situation
See the talk tabs of

IIRC only negative energy, toxic and psi will always do some damage.
Lately I've been playing my DM/Inv Scrapper with the Siphon Life > Smite > Midnight Grasp > Smite attack chain. It's no wonder why I wouldn't notice an untouchable message. Two of the attacks are pure Negative Energy and the third is a combination of Smashing/Negative Energy.

Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP

Remember kids, crack is whack!

Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it



Yeah. I have a number of Dark Melee and Dark Blast characters, and I am always sorely tempted to bring them (or my Psi Blast Defender) on LGTFs. Which really annoys me, because they aren't always what I want to play right then, but it's frustrating to get in there with a Stone Melee or Martial Arts character and have my only damage contribution be my Touch of Death or Hecatomb procs.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
So, anyone want to post their PuG ITF success story that involves Masterminds? Because none of you have countered what was a central point I made: Don't Bring a Mastermind seems to be the operative strategy to winning the ITF.
Sorry if you had crappy ITFs, but I honestly haven't failed one since it's early inception. The only real rule to ITFs is "No Carrion Creepers for Healing Nictus to leech." Though that rule is moot if multiple Colds or Poisons are on the team, -Heal is a handy debuff.

Unless the Mastermind user just sucks in general, every MM secondary brings something to the table.

Dark - you already know this.
FF - can cap/near cap player defense
Pain - heals, +res +dam +tohit +regen +recov buffs, def/res debuff
Poison - a big middle finger to whatever Rommy has
Storm - tohit/res/def debuffs, slows, res/def buff
Thermal - heals, +res +tohit +dam buffs, regen/def/res debuffs
Traps - FF Gen and Poison Trap, nuff said
TA - all it does is debuff

The only thing that can cause a failed ITF is a bad team/bad players and IMO, there's no excuse for a team to fail the ITF anymore with the presence of a inspiration vendor in the "hospital"



Originally Posted by Mr. DJ View Post
The only thing that causes failed ITFs is a bad team/bad players
Ah, L2P. Such a simple and easy thing to fall back on, isn't it?



Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
Ah, L2P. Such a simple and easy thing to fall back on, isn't it?
Are you assuming I'm telling you to "L2P?" If that's all you got out of my post, then I can't help you.



Before I got procs slotted, on Catwhoorg, I did what Sam did. Stepped back until it dropped.

I literally was doing nothing, and taking up 'resources' in time to cast buffs, heals etc form other characters that could better serve the team

100% resists are just a plain and simple a bad design IMHO, and nothing in the game should ever have them.

When a character cannot meaningfully contribute to the team, this is something I think we should avoid.

Even a 99% damage cap on AV class I could get behind, let me do something, rather than literally nothing.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Originally Posted by Mr. DJ View Post
Are you assuming I'm telling you to "L2P?"
Actually, I'm assuming you're telling my VG-mates to L2P, since I've already stated my own ability to complete the ITF. Regardless of what you think you were saying, the message you did convey was "if you fail the ITF, it's because you (or the people you are with) are bad at this game", which is, in essence, "you (they) need to learn to play".