The Impossible Mr. Trapdoor and Issue 19's New Theme

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post

Go to Hell, Apex and Tin Mage.
I understand, though not agree, with your frustration with Apex. But what about Tin Mage? Director 11's mines triggering effect is autohit, but the actual damage isn't nor is it unresistable. The vengeance mechanic that allows Mynx to two-shot anyone and Neuron to 1 shot anyone is also avoidable. I thought you might enjoy it since it's basically the same as everything else, stand there, look pretty while you beat on the giant bag of HPs (Goliath War Walkers).



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
Because that is how all of the original ATs and most of the power sets were designed to be used and they've spent six years conditioning us to play that way by punishing us for doing otherwise.

If the devs don't want us playing like that any more or want to 'evolve' the game into an "action MMO", they need to get off their butts, remove all movement suppression and animation rooting, fix all the powers that rely on the old dynamic like Stone Armor, Invincibility and Rise to the Challenge, give better ranged attacks to the melee ATs and fix the ATs that were designed for and are only good for tank and spank, ie Tankers.

Because as a Tanker, a session of spamming Taunt at Battle Maiden and getting in pathetic damage that's made even more pathetic by not even being allowed to stand there and deliver it because the blue patches make my Primary Power set irrelevant, in addition to most of my Secondary, is a [censored] joke and isn't worth my time.

Go to Hell, Apex and Tin Mage.

OR you can learn to play. Either way. Pretty sure, you learning would be MUCH easier.

Seriously, you have a 5 - 8 second warning time, and once a patch is down, its down for 20 - 30 seconds, so you move her out of the patch, and then pound on her until another comes up. Its NOT THAT HARD.



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
Because as a Tanker, a session of spamming Taunt at Battle Maiden and getting in pathetic damage that's made even more pathetic by not even being allowed to stand there and deliver it because the blue patches make my Primary Power set irrelevant, in addition to most of my Secondary, is a [censored] joke and isn't worth my time.
You're doing it wrong.

Go to Hell, Apex and Tin Mage.
Tell us how you really feel.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by Fiery-Enforcer View Post
I don't understand why some people want all content to be where you stand in one place and hit 1,2,3,4 over and over until the target is dead.
You mean as opposed to content in which you run to and fro and hit wwwwwww, 1, aaaaaaaaa, 2, ssssssssssss, spacebar, 3, dddddddddddd, 4 over and over until the target is dead?



Originally Posted by Flarstux View Post
If my Tanker has to go running for help... I might as well play a Defender.
I thought the purpose of Tanks was to absorb damage and control aggro to maximize the effectiveness of the higher damage dealers on the team who aren't as good at soaking up hits?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
Because that is how all of the original ATs and most of the power sets were designed to be used and they've spent six years conditioning us to play that way by punishing us for doing otherwise.
And yet i always have played and continue to play the way we were apparently punished for playing. Tanking on the STF usually works better in the end fights against GW and LR by being mobile. (Does this mean that the STF new content now? i thought it was added at least a couple issues ago.) Most of my melee types maneuver during AV fights either to keep the AV's cone attacks pointed away from as many teammates as possible or are the ones trying to avoid the cone arc. Even against the AVs with only PBAoE have attacks that can usually be anticipated well enough to hop back out of melee right before they use them.

If the devs don't want us playing like that any more or want to 'evolve' the game into an "action MMO", they need to get off their butts, remove all movement suppression and animation rooting, fix all the powers that rely on the old dynamic like Stone Armor, Invincibility and Rise to the Challenge, give better ranged attacks to the melee ATs and fix the ATs that were designed for and are only good for tank and spank, ie Tankers.
Unless you're particularly enamored of a plodding, largely stationary playstyle it's always been possible to play CoX like an action MMO. There may not be any particular advantage to playing like an action MMO in AV fights (though if you have any sort of AoE at all it can be very advantageous for most other fights), but it doesn't really hurt anything to play that way either. i mean obviously you feel punished for moving during battles. Somehow it doesn't affect me very much.

Because as a Tanker, a session of spamming Taunt at Battle Maiden and getting in pathetic damage that's made even more pathetic by not even being allowed to stand there and deliver it because the blue patches make my Primary Power set irrelevant, in addition to most of my Secondary, is a [censored] joke and isn't worth my time.

Go to Hell, Apex and Tin Mage.
Uh, sure, it's the game's fault for not allowing you to play the exact same you always have (and it "forced" you to play like that by "punishing" you for doing otherwise), and now you're mad because some of the content actually does require you to change your playstyle to be more effective and you're proud to have been conditioned into fighting like stationary object.

Left this in so that the point of his post wouldn't be missed.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I thought the purpose of Tanks was to absorb damage and control aggro to maximize the effectiveness of the higher damage dealers on the team who aren't as good at soaking up hits?
The damage in the Apex finale that can be absorbed, BM's infrequent ranged attack, can easily be done so with a Brute or Scrapper.

By the same token, if Boobcat can two-shot a Tanker without support, you may as well just get a Brute or Scrapper if you're going to have to deploy a couple buffers/healers dedicated to supervise them anyways.

Even more so than the regular content, these TFs trivialize Tankers and in the case of the Apex finale, also render their offensive contribution of low-mediocre damage even more of a joke.




Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
The damage in the Apex finale that can be absorbed, BM's infrequent ranged attack, can easily be done so with a Brute or Scrapper.
But they're not as likely to be able to herd and manage the swords and Warriors as well as a Tank can, or keep Battle Maiden on the move.

By the same token, if Boobcat can two-shot a Tanker without support, you may as well just get a Brute or Scrapper if you're going to have to deploy a couple buffers/healers dedicated to supervise them anyways.[/quote]

But a Tank is useful for aggro control on the first TMTF mission when Director 11 is doing his thing, and for the brawl at Portal Corp on the 2nd mission.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
fix the ATs that were designed for and are only good for tank and spank, ie Tankers.
We all know that you want Tanks to be just as survivable as they are now, but surpass the damage of Brutes and Scrappers. In case you didn't know, that is never going to happen. I'm sorry, but I think you're playing the wrong game genre. This is a MMO and it sounds like you don't like them, and you never did and never will.

Originally Posted by Flarstux View Post
You mean as opposed to content in which you run to and fro and hit wwwwwww, 1, aaaaaaaaa, 2, ssssssssssss, spacebar, 3, dddddddddddd, 4 over and over until the target is dead?
In the end, yes all the game comes down to is stringing together an attack chain to defeat enemies. However, standing still for every enemy through the entire game repeating the same attack chain can get boring. What's the point of adding new content if it's the same exact thing we've been doing for all of these years with just a new skin? I for one welcome the new direction.




Originally Posted by Fiery-Enforcer View Post
What's the point of adding new content if it's the same exact thing we've been doing for all of these years with just a new skin?
You mean like gathering the components needed to craft an enhancement which we then slot in order to boost our powers so that we can keep up with ever more deadly foes?



Wow... just "wow".

This thread, and I read all of it but the middle 30%, makes me sad. While I haven't gotten a character to 50 since the Trapdoor patch, I have taken 6 characters through it. I've been in COH since beta testing, I'm nowhere near a munchkin (whatever that may be).

Out of the 6 50s I have who have all soloed the Incarnate arc, only one needed some help and it wasn't for Trapdoor. Did I have troubles? Yes, but Trapdoor wasn't even near the worst. Only on my Energy/Devices Blaster, who absolutely adores knockback, did I get Trapdoor in the lava and that was mostly through chance. Each other one simply attacked the best way they knew how and wiped out Bifurcations when they spawned. Simple and they didn't even need a tray of Inspirations to do it. Even my Kin/DA Tanker only took 3-4 hits at most to wipe out a Bifurcation and that takes what, 8-10 seconds?

There are SO MANY ways to help your character overcome obstacles in this game from Inspirations (you can have 15 of them on a level 50!), a multitude of Temporary powers (some of them more powerful than regular AT powers!) to the ability to have other players help you, that it is unbelievable that this kind of drama is happening over this one story arc and two TFs.

Someone getting angry at not being able to mindlessly steamroll through any and all new content the exact same way someone has done before is simply unfathomable to me, especially when that new content requires a little bit more than usual of some category than what the character's AT can provide (Tankers and Damage? Blasters and Defense?). I just don't understand it. Someone smacking me in the face with something new to overcome in this game is a wonderful challenge. Finding new and interesting fights and having to figure out ways to succeed keeps things from getting stale and boring. Otherwise it's just grinding content. While I enjoy that on a small scale, it's not enough in the long run.

How many comics are there where a hero who is lacking in a particular category asks for another hero to help him out? That's the whole entire basis for the team-up story in comic books and then later the Super Group story that this entire game is based on. It's a staple of the genre. If you deny that sometimes a hero needs a helping hand because one hero just is NOT up to the task of beating EVERY foe, we end up with situations like Squirrel Girl beating Doctor Doom. Or Squirrel Girl beating Thanos. Ridiculous.

In comics, how many times does the villain get the upper hand temporarily because he KNOWS how his nemesis is going to unconsciously react to something during a fight and so he does something different to take advantage of that? Probably literally hundreds of times, maybe even thousands. I really can't think of any comic hero who hasn't been outsmarted to his own (temporary) detriment. That basically describes almost every single Superman story. On the flip side of this, how many times has the hero then turned the scales on the villain and did something he's never done before to outsmart his foe? Again, hundreds, if not thousands of times.