The Impossible Mr. Trapdoor and Issue 19's New Theme

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post

Constant repetition of end game raids only works if your game starts at the end game and you funnel all players to that point to spin their wheels there, and I just don't feel City of Heroes is the right game for that. They NEED content. A lot of it. At this point I'm willing to accept just a whole huge pool of generic Incarnate-only missions, if that's what it takes to provide content that counts.
I would certainly like both Tip missions and the ability to make incarnate level AE missions to come down the line eventually

Thrythlind's Deviant Art Page
"Notice at the end, there: Arcanaville did the math and KICKED IT INTO EXISTENCE." - Ironik on the power of Arcanaville's math



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Typically, people do that, or sometimes honestly they just PM me.

2. In scenario 2, the critters would be level 53, three levels higher than the players. If the players had four levels of level shift, those critters would be -1 to them in effective combat level. They would still be +3 to the level 50 that did not have level shift. This requires interpreting what you mean by "set to be +3 to them." In the past, there was only one way to do that: set the critters to spawn three levels higher than the players, in this case 53. In the end game, the devs have a second possible technique: they can give the critters level shifts of their own. Under those circumstances, things get more interesting, and more complex.
Bold mine.

I am worried that giving players multiple level shifts would start an arms race where devs had to add multiple level shifts to enemies to keep them conning as "hard".

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Also, its worth noting that at the moment, the only known sources of level shift are the Alpha slot rare and very rare powers, some temp powers that were leaked, and some special items such as a level shift inspiration that we may or may not ever get our hands on (it might have been just for testing purposes). Leaked information about the next few Incarnate slots did not show level shifts in them. There are people assuming that eventually we will have ten incarnate slots and ten levels of level shift. That's extremely unlikely. Such players would be +10 to the standard level 50 content, which incarnate powers work on, which would be ludicrous.
Bold mine.

Have not seen this leaked info. Good to know, thanks. I too was worried that there might be 10 level shifts, but if that does not seem to be in the plans, great.

I do not suffer from altitis, I enjoy every character of it.



Originally Posted by Lycanus View Post
I would certainly like both Tip missions and the ability to make incarnate level AE missions to come down the line eventually
Really, it all comes down to content, and content is the reason I don't believe the developers would ever make "regular" content. Right now, they seem to be trying to be cheeky and act like they're just adding more level 50 content on top of all the other level 50 content, which means they'll take the easy route and add a few TFs every now and then. The only way we're going to see regular Incarnate content is if they start treating the Incarnate system as its own level range and give that its own regular content, but I highly doubt this is going to happen, for reasons of cost and investment, if nothing else.

Think back to the times we've gotten a level cap increase in the past, once with I1 and once again with I7. Each time we got a VERY belated Issue which didn't exactly have a ton of content to it, and in the case of I1 was padded to hell and back. This is what would need to happen for the Incarnate system several times over, and that is simply not something I expect the developers to be willing to commit to, when just adding a couple of TFs per Issue is so much cheaper.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
And fighting level 58 enemies
I don't think we will be. I believe we'll get at most 4 level shifts and still be dealing with level 54 enemies. Those enemies might have tricks of their own, but for some of the reasons put forth in this thread, I don't see them moving past the level 54 entity.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by LostHalo View Post
Because clearly more DR would be a good idea.
Clearly, I believe you've missed the point.

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Or I was emphasizing your point with a sarcastic drone but hey, I can accuse you of misinterpretation as well.

Blue: ~Knockback Squad on Guardian~
Red: ~Undoing of Virtue on [3 guesses]~



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Really, it all comes down to content, and content is the reason I don't believe the developers would ever make "regular" content. Right now, they seem to be trying to be cheeky and act like they're just adding more level 50 content on top of all the other level 50 content, which means they'll take the easy route and add a few TFs every now and then. The only way we're going to see regular Incarnate content is if they start treating the Incarnate system as its own level range and give that its own regular content, but I highly doubt this is going to happen, for reasons of cost and investment, if nothing else.

Think back to the times we've gotten a level cap increase in the past, once with I1 and once again with I7. Each time we got a VERY belated Issue which didn't exactly have a ton of content to it, and in the case of I1 was padded to hell and back. This is what would need to happen for the Incarnate system several times over, and that is simply not something I expect the developers to be willing to commit to, when just adding a couple of TFs per Issue is so much cheaper.
As an idea... the 800lb Gorilla MMO has only released 3 (yes 3) expansions... that is 3 content updates, 3 "continents" in the 6 years that it has released.. but with each and every expansion it has also trashed ALL the level cap content that it had previously.

Talking from experiance, I was near the cap before its 1st expansion released.. but never taken part in end game content.. then came the expansion, and i was getting better than raid gear from completing normal gear.

Raising the level cap, is NOT an idea that would work with CoX *now*, unless you effectively want to trash everything that players have worked for previously. Of course, if you make gear "level-less" then what is the point of taking part in more end game content.

Personally, the level shifts *work* for me... even if you slot just to avoid the "level deficit" at least you are getting a bonus on top of your existing build, whilst also working towards a better goal.



Originally Posted by LostHalo View Post
Or I was emphasizing your point with a sarcastic drone but hey, I can accuse you of misinterpretation as well.
Sorry, what was that? All i heard was a dull buzzing noise.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
I don't think we will be. I believe we'll get at most 4 level shifts and still be dealing with level 54 enemies. Those enemies might have tricks of their own, but for some of the reasons put forth in this thread, I don't see them moving past the level 54 entity.
IIRC, the tables that the game uses for looking up values (such as resistances for PToD) doesn't go past 54, either. While they could certainly add to those tables, that would be another thing to stack onto the workload.

Also, since a level-shifted character is still technically 50, they'd have to change up the difficulty sliders again to allow you to go higher than +4.



Originally Posted by Lycanus View Post
no, I think she interpreted you correctly
You're still wrong but hey, why fight shadows...

Blue: ~Knockback Squad on Guardian~
Red: ~Undoing of Virtue on [3 guesses]~



Originally Posted by LostHalo View Post
You're still wrong but hey, why fight shadows...
If you believe there has been a misinterpretation, you could try stating yourself clearly, instead of playing with implications.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Softcapping an Invuln is fantastic. Softcapping a Willpower is amazing. Softcapping SR is kissing your sister.



Originally Posted by LostHalo View Post
You're still wrong but hey, why fight shadows...
Her post discussed the fact that, done correctly, diminishing returns would be a good way to do things and that the purple patch essentially already is diminishing returns applied at a sharp level.

In particular she compared the purple patch to the idea of diminishing returns.

Two scenarios:

purple patch vs diminishing returns


first, the purple patch, not sure of the numbers, so I'll use the 0.3 Arcanaville did in her example post.

three debuffers each with a -30% to hit debuff power

Said debuffers against a +4/+5 are only debuffing the target by 9% (using the 0.3 earlier)

Thus, if three debuffers use the same power, the total debuff is -27%


Now, diminishing returns (which technically, the purple patch is just a punitively severe version of diminishing returns)

same three debuffers

the first debuffer's power debuffs the target by -30%

the second debuffer's power debuffs the target by -20%

the third debuffer's power debuffs the target by -10%

the total debuff in this scenario is -60%, more than twice what the purple patch allows with the same three


In addition, even if the the three were: -30%, -15% and -7.5%, that total would be 52.5%

enemy to hit base is 50%, thus you would be basically wasting the third power for the simple fact that at that point it's at the 5% minimum chance


In response to her statement, you gave a sarcastic response.

She recognized the sarcastic response and commented that you missed her point, which you did. I can only guess that you assume that any application of diminishing returns would be similarly misapplied as they were in PvP. Arcanaville has as much said that diminishing returns was not done properly in PvP.

She was discussing diminishing returns done properly.

To be perfectly frank, diminishing returns is a natural part of the game in some enhancements just due to the nature of numbers without anybody making special formulas to evoke it:

recharges enhancement with a 33% recharge reduction on a power that recharges a base time of 60 seconds:

1 recharge enhancement - new recharge: 45s, gain over 0: 15s (60/1.33)
2 recharge enhancements - new recharge: 36s, gain over 1: 10s (60/1.66)
3 recharge enhancements - new recharge: 30s, gain over 2: 6s (60/1.99) (ignoring ED)

endurance reduction is the same

actually, the basic systems have diminishing returns


assume an attack with base accuracy 1, damage 100, recharge 9, endurance 9

assume the base to hit of 50% (assuming these are the stats for hitting and damaging higher level enemies, otherwise, accuracy caps at 1 enhancement)

assume no other systems and that individual variables are not limited in how they can increase save that accuracy can't give you more hits than you attempt

numbers picked for ease of calculation


100 attacks with no enhancements

50 hits
5000 damage
891 seconds
900 endurance

5.61 dam/sec
1.01 end/sec
5.56 dam/end


1 damage enhancement (33%) - 133 damage

50 hits
6650 damage
891 seconds
900 endurance

7.46 dam/sec (33% increase from 0 enhancements)
1.01 end/sec
7.39 dam/end (33% increase from 0 enhancements)


2 damage enhancements (66%) - 166 damage

50 hits
8300 damage
891 seconds
900 endurance

9.32 dam/sec (25% increase from 1 enhancement)
1.01 end/sec
9.22 dam/end (25% increase from 1 enhancement)


3 damage enhancements (99%) - 199 damage

50 hits
9950 damage
891 seconds
900 endurance

11.17 dam/sec (20% increase from 2 enhancements)
1.01 end/sec
11.06 dam/end (20% increase from 2 enhancements)


1 Accuracy enhancement (33%) - 1.33 accuracy

66.5 hits
6650 damage
891 seconds
900 endurance

7.46 dam/sec (33% increase from 0 enhancements)
1.01 end/sec
7.39 dam/end (33% increase from 0 enhancements)


2 Accuracy enhancements (66%) - 1.66 accuracy

83 hits
8300 damage
891 seconds
900 endurance

9.32 dam/sec (25% increase from 1 enhancement)
1.01 end/sec
9.22 dam/end (25% increase from 1 enhancement)


3 Accuracy enhancements (66%) - 1.99 accuracy

99.5 hits
9950 damage
891 seconds
900 endurance

11.17 dam/sec (20% increase from 2 enhancements)
1.01 end/sec
11.06 dam/end (20% increase from 2 enhancements)


1 Recharge enhancement (33%) 6.77 seconds

50 hits
5000 damage
669.92 seconds
900 endurance

7.46 dam/sec (33% increase from 0 enhancements)
1.34 end/sec (33% increase from 0 enhancements - in this case, that's a bad thing)
5.56 dam/end


2 Recharge enhancements (66%) 5.42 seconds

50 hits
5000 damage
536.75 seconds
900 endurance

9.32 dam/sec (25% increase from 1 enhancement)
1.68 end/sec (25% increase from 0 enhancements - in this case, that's a bad thing)
5.56 dam/end


3 Recharge enhancements (99%) 4.52 seconds

50 hits
5000 damage
447.74 seconds
900 endurance

11.17 dam/sec (20% increase from 2 enhancements)
2.01 end/sec (20% increase from 0 enhancements - in this case, that's a bad thing)
5.56 dam/end


1 Endurance enhancement (33%) 6.77 endurance

50 hits
5000 damage
891 seconds
676.69 endurance

5.61 dam/sec
0.76 end/sec (33% improvement from 0 enhancements)
7.39 dam/end (33% increase from 0 enhancements)


2 Endurance enhancements (66%) 5.42 endurance

50 hits
5000 damage
891 seconds
542.17 endurance

5.61 dam/sec
0.61 end/sec (25% improvement from 0 enhancements)
9.22 dam/end (25% increase from 1 enhancement)


3 Endurance enhancements (66%) 4.52 endurance

50 hits
5000 damage
891 seconds
452.26 endurance

5.61 dam/sec
0.51 end/sec (20% improvement from 0 enhancements)
11.06 dam/end (20% increase from 2 enhancements)


1 Accuracy (33%) 1 Damage (33%) 1.33 accuracy, 133 damage

66.5 Hits
8844.5 Damage
891 seconds
900 endurance

9.93 dam/sec (33% increase over 1 Acc OR 1 Dam)
1.01 end/sec
9.83 dam/end (33% increase over 1 Acc OR 1 Dam)


1 Acc, 1 Dam, 1 End, 1 Recharge - 1.33 Acc, 133 damage, 6.77 end, 6.77 seconds

66.5 hits
8844.5 Damage
669.92 seconds
676.69 endurance

13.02 dam/sec (33% increase over 1 Acc/1 Dam - 17% increase over 3 Acc, 3 Dam OR 3 Rec)
1.01 end/sec (33% loss over 1 Acc/1 Dam - 98% loss from 3 END - 99% improvement from 3 Rec)
13.07 dam/end (33% increase over 1 Acc/1 Dam - 18% increase over 3 Acc, 3 Dam, 3 End OR 3 Rec)


1 Acc, 3 Dam, 1 End, 1 Recharge - 1.33 Acc, 199 damage, 6.77 end, 6.77 seconds

66.5 hits
13233.5 Damage
669.92 seconds
676.69 endurance

19.75 dam/sec (52% increase over 1A/1D/1R/1E)
1.01 end/sec
19.56 dam/end (50% increase over 1A/1D/1R/1E)


2 Acc, 2 Dam, 1 End, 1 Recharge - 1.66 Acc, 166 damage, 6.77 end, 6.77 seconds

83 hits
13778 Damage
669.92 seconds
676.69 endurance

20.57 dam/sec (58% increase over 1A/1D/1R/1E - 4% increase over 1A/3D/1R/1E)
1.01 end/sec
20.36 dam/end (56% increase over 1A/1D/1R/1E - 4% increase over 1A/3D/1R/1E)


As you can see, each successive enhancement of the same type in the same power produces a smaller and smaller benefit, having a heavier impact on the stats of the power as a whole.

This is because the enhancements affect the base level, not the current level. As such, diminishing returns is inherent in the systems the devs have used.

It is likely that any multi-variable system will likewise have diminishing returns each time you alter one variable but not the others.

All Arcanaville is suggesting is a diminishing return situation that would allow 3 debuffer to be able to produce the 52.5% debuff mentioned before rather than the 27% debuff they would produce if using the purple patch is the primary means of increasing difficulty.

In addition, if you only debuffer, you would have 30% debuff under diminishing returns rather than 9% debuff under purple patch.

Granted, if it were normal, non diminishing and without the purple patch, the three debuffers would produce 90% debuff, however, the first two would produce 60% debuff and at that point, the enemy has already been placed at the minimum 5% debuff and 15% of the debuff is extra (only there in case of debuff resistance or higher than average defense)

So, with the diminishing returns you go from "two debuffers hit the minimum with 15% to spare" to "two debuffers hit the minimum with 0% to spare" if you use these bumbers.

With the purple patch, currently being used to produce difficulty, we go from "two debuffers hit the minimum with 15% to spare" to "FIVE debuffers hit the minimum with 0% to spare".

As such, a more moderate diminishing returns system would produce less extreme reductions in ability than the current purple patch usage.

This makes sense because the purple patch is a semi-punitive system of extreme diminishing returns designed to make sure people don't go taking on things that the intention of the content says is way too high for them to fight. It isn't meant to provide an enjoyable level of challenge, it is supposed to provide an aggravating, discouraging level of difficulty.

As such, the deliberate use of the purple patch to add difficulty to content seems a bit extreme.


And this is the point that Arcanaville comes on to tell me that I screwed up my math somewhere.

Thrythlind's Deviant Art Page
"Notice at the end, there: Arcanaville did the math and KICKED IT INTO EXISTENCE." - Ironik on the power of Arcanaville's math



Originally Posted by Lycanus View Post
I can only guess that you assume that any application of diminishing returns would be similarly misapplied as they were in PvP. Arcanaville has as much said that diminishing returns was not done properly in PvP.
I suspect most, but by no means all, and possibly not even half - depending on which way the all but inscrutable non-forumites lean, of course - of the players playing this game would quite likely anticipate the bolded parts of your statement to most accurately reflect the potentially unhappy situation, as suggested by historical review and regardless of any inherent refragability, should the previously postulated application of diminishing returns be applied to PVE.



Keep in mind that part of the reason we're in this boat is that City of Heroes explicitly avoids a unified "armor" system unlike pretty much any other RPG in existence. In most games, armor is armor is armor. The difference between, say, a spell caster and a tank is some sort of "armor rating" that can be directly compared and which more or less maps directly to either CoH's Resistance system* (most online games) or Defense system (most tabletop games). The tank may get a couple of small abilities on top of the armor rating, but its still the driving force of all mechanics. What you don't see in other games is one melee character dodging attacks, another resisting, another doing a combo, another using mezz powers, another trying to outregen the damage. CoH does have that and IMO is better for it.

However, the cost of this added complexity is a requirement that the game be somewhat easy. If it wasn't, it would be absolutely impossible to balance and some set of factors would quickly rise to the top as "the best." We already get that to some degree, but imagine for a second a scenario where every encounter played like the STF. There would be no reason to play some sets at all.

*Note about CoH's Resistance system, and to some extent Defense. One place that CoH mechanics are badly flubbed, IMO, is in the use of hard and fast protection ratings instead of competitive values. For example, 10% Resistance in this game literally means 10% Resistance. You get hit and any attack does 10% less damage. What it doesn't mean is "the damage you take is based on a contest between you and the enemy with damage resolved by how much the enemy's attack outclasses your armor." The benefit of a competitive system is players and enemies never become outright immune to all sources of an attack, just possibly immune to an attack from a particular enemy or attack.

A competitive system technically exists for PvE Defense, but in practice it's not usually used that way. Because so few enemies have any sort of +ToHit, the appearance of a "soft cap" emerged. I have two opinions on this. First, that the way Defense was designed in CoH to be an "all or nothing" system that some tank-type characters would rely on, it HAD to be designed with very predictable dodging ratios. But second, that the flaw is the assumption that defense should be "all or nothing" at all. What the system is missing, that would have made game balance a LOT easier to achieve, are partial dodges that reduce but don't eliminate damage completely. IMO if anything ever does happen to change the way Defense works, moving toward a partial dodge system is by far the most sensical and balanced approach.



Originally Posted by LostHalo View Post
You're still wrong but hey, why fight shadows...
BzzzZZzzzZZanotherZZZzzzzZZZzzsarcasticzzzZzzzzzzz zdronezzzZzzzz?zZzzzzZzz

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Lycanus View Post
SRs get partial dodge in the form of increasing resistances as their health drops. Which is all a partial dodge is, really, resistance themed as avoiding most of the blow.

That doesn't work quite the same way. That's an example of resistance increasing as the character gets hit. I'm talking about a system where near misses and close hits are no longer an all or nothing chance to take or dodge damage, and the amount of damage received is directly based on the contest between attacker and target. Essentially, the ability to dodge 50% of an attack instead of 0 or 100% of it. The major difference between such a system and the mechanics in SR are that in this system increasing your accuracy directly increases your damage output even if you are at the "cap." In fact its designed to smudge the cap out and make it viable to have characters at or below the defense "soft cap" who still benefit, essentially smearing out the current "ideal" target value.

Specifically, what the intent of that sort of system is is to cut the combat mechs some slack. It's not surprising that the developers have trouble balancing encounters when every major boss has to be loaded with powers that can one or two shot a player but is operating on the assumption that most of those shots will miss. Allowing them to hit, but only partially, eases the burden of the soft cap and the impossible challenge of creating balanced high level encounters.



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
That doesn't work quite the same way. That's an example of resistance increasing as the character gets hit. I'm talking about a system where near misses and close hits are no longer an all or nothing chance to take or dodge damage, and the amount of damage received is directly based on the contest between attacker and target. Essentially, the ability to dodge 50% of an attack instead of 0 or 100% of it. The major difference between such a system and the mechanics in SR are that in this system increasing your accuracy directly increases your damage output even if you are at the "cap." In fact its designed to smudge the cap out and make it viable to have characters at or below the defense "soft cap" who still benefit, essentially smearing out the current "ideal" target value.

Specifically, what the intent of that sort of system is is to cut the combat mechs some slack. It's not surprising that the developers have trouble balancing encounters when every major boss has to be loaded with powers that can one or two shot a player but is operating on the assumption that most of those shots will miss. Allowing them to hit, but only partially, eases the burden of the soft cap and the impossible challenge of creating balanced high level encounters.

agreed, but mechanically, it's still another name for resistance

I've done similar in HERO system, buying a decent level of defense and then purchasing a force field defined as "parries and dodges" for a martial artist.

ideally, SR should have been built as a layered defense with moderate resist and heavy defense, pretty much the opposite of Invulnerability.

Where Invulnerability has defense described as tough hide, SR would have resistance described as last minute dodges.

Granted, a scrapper doesn't need as firm a defense as a tank, they don't need to slog or wade as much as skirmish and harass.

But, a Reflexes tanker built toward high defense and moderate resist would be interesting. Granted, that would look a lot like a Shield user.

Thrythlind's Deviant Art Page
"Notice at the end, there: Arcanaville did the math and KICKED IT INTO EXISTENCE." - Ironik on the power of Arcanaville's math



Originally Posted by Lycanus View Post
agreed, but mechanically, it's still another name for resistance.
In the same way that "subtraction" and "division" are just another name for resistance I suppose.



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
In the same way that "subtraction" and "division" are just another name for resistance I suppose.
correct the mathematical formula might be a bit different, but essentially you have defense (which prevents an attack entirely) and resistance (which reduces damage)

a partial dodging mechanic is just one connected to the other.

Thrythlind's Deviant Art Page
"Notice at the end, there: Arcanaville did the math and KICKED IT INTO EXISTENCE." - Ironik on the power of Arcanaville's math



Originally Posted by Lycanus View Post
correct the mathematical formula might be a bit different, but essentially you have defense (which prevents an attack entirely) and resistance (which reduces damage)

a partial dodging mechanic is just one connected to the other.

Yes but Defense and Resistance are already connected to each other. The only difference in a partial dodge system is the only outcome from Defense is not 0% or 100%. Since you still have the ability to completely avoid an attack and hence any secondary effects, its not just another form of Resistance. That is unless we want to argue that Defense as it exists today is really just a form of Resistance that always resists exactly 0 or 100% damage and any attached effects.



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
Yes but Defense and Resistance are already connected to each other. The only difference in a partial dodge system is the only outcome from Defense is not 0% or 100%. Since you still have the ability to completely avoid an attack and hence any secondary effects, its not just another form of Resistance. That is unless we want to argue that Defense as it exists today is really just a form of Resistance that always resists exactly 0 or 100% damage and any attached effects.
No, what, I'm saying is that they don't need a new mechanic.

Place defense and resistance into the same power. That's a partial dodge mechanic. Which is why I said partial dodge mechanics would look a lot like a Shield Defense user

For instance, placing one power with about 20% defense and 20% resistance

Thrythlind's Deviant Art Page
"Notice at the end, there: Arcanaville did the math and KICKED IT INTO EXISTENCE." - Ironik on the power of Arcanaville's math



Originally Posted by Lycanus View Post
No, what, I'm saying is that they don't need a new mechanic.

Place defense and resistance into the same power. That's a partial dodge mechanic. Which is why I said partial dodge mechanics would look a lot like a Shield Defense user

For instance, placing one power with about 20% defense and 20% resistance

Unless I misunderstand what you are saying, layered Resistance and Defense is not the same as a partial dodge. A character with 20% Resistance resists exactly 20% damage every time he or she gets hit, with no connection between damage and how badly the Defense roll was failed.

Don't get me wrong I'm not saying someone needs to build this new mechanic. At least I am not advocating any specific course of action for this game. I'm just saying that talk of balancing buffs or debuffs or anything else is unlikely to come to much when defense mechanics on the player's side of the coin ultimately boil down to Save Versus Death Ray.