The Impossible Mr. Trapdoor and Issue 19's New Theme

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by warden_de_dios View Post
Better AI would be nice but just adding a very brief immobilize to Lady Jane's and Fusionette's attacks could solve alot of the problems players have with these NPCs.
They need a leash. Seriously. Something that keeps them from roaming more than 50 feet or so from the player. Then if they try to chase after an enemy, the player can pull them back.

Anther problem I have with these NPCs is the way they spread their damage around multiple targets when they should focus one on target. If all the single target attacks Fusionette and LJ use had a taunt-like effect that forces Fus and LJ to attack a target until that target is defeated these NPCs would become more of an asset to Players then the liability they seem to be.
In Fusionette's case, that would just cause her to aggro the whole map that much faster. Even worse than Fusionette would be Lt. Sefu Tendaji or however it's spelled, since he's less squishy than she is. NPC allies just shouldn't have knockback. Ever. They are too stupid to use it properly, and then they chase it.

Oh and another thing, allies that must be kept alive or the mission will fail shouldn't get any melee attacks. At all. Unless they have some kind of defensive powers. This especially applies if the mission is all Nemesis. That General Z was ever promoted to makes me glad we don't trust the safety of the CoH universe to whatever military he's part of.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Originally Posted by Antigonus View Post
When PvP got nerfed to hell and dimishing returns was introduced, I said that it was only a matter of time before it was introduced to the PvE game as well, and I got blasted on these forums for saying something so blasphemous.

It looks as if that time may soon be upon us.
DR for the foreseeable future will not be added to PvE.

Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
Inspirations are about 10 thousand times more broken than buffs and debuffs. And now you can just mail them to yourself. I could solo most of the other game if I had 50 potions that I could activate instantly and they cost almost nothing to obtain or replace.

The buff/debuff thing is much less of a problem. OK, so a bunch of Defenders can beat a couple of Task Forces if they work together. Meanwhile the Scrappers and Brutes cakewalk through the other 90% of the game, and have an easier time even obtaining the resources to run around unchecked. Every Controller is not a Fire/Kin or Ill/something and every Defender is not a... whatever Defender supposedly has an easier time than Scrappers do.
In the standard game I would tend to agree for the most part: force multiplication is the reward for less solo ability in the standard game. In the end game, however, that argument carries zero weight, because no advantage or disadvantage in the standard game should dictate the specifics of encounter design in the end game, or in special case content (i.e. Hamidon, LRSF, STF, etc). The rules for balance are different in the two kinds of content, which makes it illegitimate to cross over advantages and disadvantages without review.

Put directly, if force multiplication is too high in the end game, then it gets balanced out, period. Whatever anyone paid to have force multiplication in the standard game, their reward was using it in the standard game. Their money is no good in the end game. To treat things any differently is to invite intractable game design problems. Solo specialists can still be solo specialists, and force multipliers can still be force multipliers, but recalibrated to the new end game requirements. Part of having a clear distinction between end game content and just more level 50 content is to specifically provide for this renormalization in complexity, difficulty, and balance levels.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post

In Fusionette's case, that would just cause her to aggro the whole map that much faster. Even worse than Fusionette would be Lt. Sefu Tendaji or however it's spelled, since he's less squishy than she is.
Fusionette is the aggro queen since she changes targets so often. Instead of her spreading her first 5 attacks over 3 targets, her single target attacks could have a taunt, that taunts Fusionette, not enemy NPCs. These NPCs have no way to prioritize their attacks and targets. If Fusionette's first attack on a Scrounger Slugger compelled her to attack that Scrounger Slugger again instead attacking the Scrounger Gunner standing nearby Fusionette would generate less aggro (IMO) then she does now. The "taunt effect" would only apply to the ally NPC, I'm not suggesting anything like Gauntlet for ally NPCs.

The leash is a great idea, and turning Fusionette and Lt Sefu into a special Energy Blast set that is knockdown and not knockback would solve Player frustration.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
In the standard game I would tend to agree for the most part: force multiplication is the reward for less solo ability in the standard game. In the end game, however, that argument carries zero weight, because no advantage or disadvantage in the standard game should dictate the specifics of encounter design in the end game, or in special case content (i.e. Hamidon, LRSF, STF, etc). The rules for balance are different in the two kinds of content, which makes it illegitimate to cross over advantages and disadvantages without review.

Put directly, if force multiplication is too high in the end game, then it gets balanced out, period. Whatever anyone paid to have force multiplication in the standard game, their reward was using it in the standard game. Their money is no good in the end game. To treat things any differently is to invite intractable game design problems. Solo specialists can still be solo specialists, and force multipliers can still be force multipliers, but recalibrated to the new end game requirements. Part of having a clear distinction between end game content and just more level 50 content is to specifically provide for this renormalization in complexity, difficulty, and balance levels.
Interesting. Unsurprisingly enough i look forward to seeing this in action.

(On a slightly related note: Gah! Why did Paragon Studios have to take a week off just after i received something? Oh well, i can wait until Monday...)

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Charcoal_EU View Post
I did ask, in a PM to Positron as he is known to be designing this system. No reply.
Well, there are PMs of mine from 2007 that Matt hasn't answered yet, so I wouldn't get your hopes up there. Fortunately, there are people who understand the game mechanics well enough to answer this question on the forums.

Please don't make Positron follow up on that threat to start looking at the powers spreadsheets.

If incarnate content will have locked-con (GM/invasion code) enemies then what would be the purpose of level shifts ?
It won't. My point in mentioning them was to remind people that the whole notion of "combat levels" is itself something that is artificial. The game only treats that level 54 as being +4 to my level 50 because it is told to do so. To be even more blunt, 54 minus 50 is only 4 because we say so. Level shifting is simply going to alter that math. When you are running a +1 level shift, 54 minus 50 will be 3. Because the game says so. It won't *make you* a level 51. It will make +4s use the +3 row in the combat modifier tables. Nothing else changes. Things like side kicking, level pacts, and all that other stuff won't be affected because it won't even know its happening. You will still be level 50. The target will still be 54. The purple patch will be using the +3 values. That's it. Its an offset in the combat modifiers table that affects nothing else besides the combat modifiers table. There's no reason for it to do anything else.

Giant Monsters and invasion critters are just told to ignore combat modifiers, so you get no bonuses and no penalties for attacking them no matter what your level is and no matter what their level is. In essence, they are told to make the level modifier always zero. Level shift tells the game to make the level modifier always +1 to the possessor of the shift (for +1 level shifts).

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Antigonus View Post
It looks as if that time may soon be upon us.
Based on what? The woe of a small part of the forum population?

None of this is new. What's the wake up call that you think is happening now?

Edit: to be clear, I took parts of this conversation as it being about time that Diminishing Returns be added to the already existing game. I consider that outstandingly unlikely.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
Based on what? The woe of a small part of the forum population?

None of this is new. What's the wake up call that you think is happening now?
DOOOM!!! ....duh

Furio--Lvl 50+3 Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster, Virtue
Megadeth--Lvl 50+3 Necro/DM/Soul MM, Virtue
Veriandros--Lvl 50+3 Crab Soldier, Virtue
"So come and get me! I'll be waiting for ye, with a whiff of the old brimstone. I'm a grim bloody fable, with an unhappy bloody end!" Demoman, TF2



just done, trapdoor, one invuln/dark tank, one dark/regen scrapper, one rad/rad defender....I (scrapper) was on clone hunt...I found one clone looked around and arrived at trapdoor in time to get one shot in before he turned blue....

whole fight...about 30-40 seconds

first comment by anyone

"heh, people have trouble with this guy"

Thrythlind's Deviant Art Page
"Notice at the end, there: Arcanaville did the math and KICKED IT INTO EXISTENCE." - Ironik on the power of Arcanaville's math



Originally Posted by Lycanus View Post
just done, trapdoor, one invuln/dark tank, one dark/regen scrapper, one rad/rad defender....I (scrapper) was on clone hunt...I found one clone looked around and arrived at trapdoor in time to get one shot in before he turned blue....

whole fight...about 30-40 seconds

first comment by anyone

"heh, people have trouble with this guy"
But you cheated... You were on team



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Put directly, if force multiplication is too high in the end game, then it gets balanced out, period. Whatever anyone paid to have force multiplication in the standard game, their reward was using it in the standard game. Their money is no good in the end game.

I hope they don't "balance it out" like they did with PVP. That attempt to make us all equal backfired spectacularly. In part because people playing buffers are doing it because they want to be good buffers. Take that away and even if the system works no one cares to play it.

I'm really not a fear monger, or even particularly worried, but that's mainly because PVP was such an epic disaster that they wouldn't dare pull it into the main game. Having been a volunteer game developer/spell creator before, and simultaneously the author of at least one contender for the "Top 10 worst spells in MMO (or at least MUD) History" list, the devs have my sympathies; things go wrong despite the best intentions. I still think this game has some of the best devs anywhere. But words like "renormalization" are quite scary. I hope it merely means enemies will have more resistance, defense, and better attacks to cope with our newfound capabilities.



Originally Posted by Lycanus View Post
just done, trapdoor, one invuln/dark tank, one dark/regen scrapper, one rad/rad defender....I (scrapper) was on clone hunt...I found one clone looked around and arrived at trapdoor in time to get one shot in before he turned blue....

whole fight...about 30-40 seconds

first comment by anyone

"heh, people have trouble with this guy"
Trapdoor was no problem on my Rad/Sonic defender. I didn't even bother with the clones. He had about 3 out and it wasn't an issue. On the other hand, on my Kin/Psi defender with or without clones I can't take him down. Transfusion doesn't do enough -regen, and even with little to no endurance he still spawns clones. I'm not sure what the point of endurance drain is if enemies don't seem to need endurance to attack.

Who do I have to *&^% around here to get more Targeted AoE recipes added?

Arc Name: Tsoo In Love
Arc ID: 413575



Originally Posted by Jaelk View Post
If he has all his clones out, as he did with me yesterday I think that you'd have to be some kind of wonderful to beat him.
Been there done that with an unslotted toon.

Coaltion mate says they need help.
I log into my Ill/rad
Enter Ouroboros
Stealth to where he's fighting trapdoor and has been for 10 minutes.
Hit him a few times see nothing happening.
Send Coalition mate to fight clones and then Pop Lingering Radiation EM Pulse and summon my phantom army.

Proceed to crush Trapdoor in seconds.
-1500% regen is downright broken when Trappy's only mitigation is his regen.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
It won't. My point in mentioning them was to remind people that the whole notion of "combat levels" is itself something that is artificial. The game only treats that level 54 as being +4 to my level 50 because it is told to do so. To be even more blunt, 54 minus 50 is only 4 because we say so. Level shifting is simply going to alter that math. When you are running a +1 level shift, 54 minus 50 will be 3. Because the game says so. It won't *make you* a level 51. It will make +4s use the +3 row in the combat modifier tables. Nothing else changes. Things like side kicking, level pacts, and all that other stuff won't be affected because it won't even know its happening. You will still be level 50. The target will still be 54. The purple patch will be using the +3 values. That's it. Its an offset in the combat modifiers table that affects nothing else besides the combat modifiers table. There's no reason for it to do anything else.
I'm not entirely sure I like the sound of that. If I'm understanding you correctly, it means that the level shifts will not affect a Mastermind's pets keeping them at 48, 49, and 50 for their respective tiers. Making their scaling problem even worse. First the entirety of global bonuses from IO sets ignoring pets (global bonuses, I realize there are 5-6 unique pet IOs). Then making them fight level 54 mobs, effectively reducing the tier 1s to nothing more than cannon fodder and bodyguard mode uses.



Personal curiosity for those in the know on math, but if we already have ED for all our powers. What would be the big deal about putting a system like that in for buffs and debuffs cast on mobs (I guess this would be DR?)? And how they effect mobs?

And if not that why not a hardcap? Say 150-250% of what a bubble def could do with every defense power up? OR a dark could do flooring acc, or sonic's -res? (again keep in mind I'm not a numbers fan, so I leave this to the experts) That way you don't impact the solo ability of the lone def through a hard nerf. And while the second one may not be operating at peak he's still bringing something to the team.

I mean the only thing i could see it really impacting might be all defender teams, after all when do you actually see more then 2 of any one defender type (defense buffer, or def and acc debuffers such as storm or dark) on any one team?

Just don't see why it would be such a big deal, and might put the whole buff/debuff aspect of the game more in line with other goodies such as purple patch, global defense nerfs and ED.

Anyway that said, I gotta take a little jab at you Reiska, cause seriously, you want to equate juggling 2 AV's, 2 GM's, neurons clones, and a possibily pissed off bobcat with "Hurr dur err tank and spank!"

Sorry but I rank that on the divorced from reality scale right up there with people who attack those who do have issue with the diff and I19 as people who "want to one shot everything with brawl."

But that doesn't answer your question, am I happy with tank and spank? In a word, yes, if it aint broke, don't fix it. After all it's not like every TF, every story arc, every Trial, every safeguard, pretty much every piece of content for the last 6 years pre incarnate pretty much runs along that mentality at it's purest form. Even the Apex TF when you get right down to it, after all you still need a taunter for BM, and you said it yourself when I wondered about ambushes, "The tank wasn't dong his job."

Tank and spank isn't all that accurate though a term though, as we don't need the tank, or the scrapper, or any one AT to get the job done. That's the beauty of coh, and it's a beauty I feel is going to be left wrecked in the ditch as the incarnate train plows right through it. You can already see it fights like honoree and trapdoor, more so with BM. Certain AT's just have far more trouble with the arcs then they should because of gimmicks. Again look at MM's, I got janked three times by honoree, got fed up, called my only friend online, popped call to justice on his pets, honoree died in under 10 seconds. Kinda left me wondering. Yet how many pets are really going to be viable in the BM fight as they aren't smart enough to puddle dodge? And if the puddles target the mm, how is he gonna have the time to get pets back up?

Trap door? Good luck chasing down clones depending on the AT (hi stone tanks) and when you get right down to it, how sad is it that the simplest way to beat his gimmick is with another? (lava or pulling from clones into hall)

This is the core of why Apex bad, Tin Mage good. It's not just the tank and spank aspect, it's the sense of actually feeling useful. In the BM fight I had maybe 3 powers that were at all useful, and all were just my St attacks. 3 powers out of two trays worth and change. How heroic did I feel (As I said before) running around like a spaz pretending I'm level 4 again as that's all I could use? Not in the slightest.

How epic did I find it crashing through portal corp to take down that massive walker outside. Then afterwards chasing down clones left and right by freezing and pounding them, then going to town on Berry and his toys, watching us hold off him and two GM's at once, then wailing down lil miss super cat one tick at a time? Given I had a whole lot more options to choose from, a whole heckuva lot more heroic, and it was a lot more fun, "Giant HP bags" be damned!

Anyway /rant. You did ask for suggestions too, so here's the list I thought up in two hours at work, though before I start, a question for you right back. If tank and spank is so boring, what's your suggestion to fix it? More of this?

Sooo if every malta boss suddenly gained director 11's crazy mines of doom, or say every KoA boss gained a nerve gas grenade that insta killed any hero in the blast, how many players do you honestly think would choose to fight them compared to now?

Suggestion #1 Splitter AV

Already coded in, we see the DE do it when they break into little guys. So why not a boss that every time you killed an aspect of him, say the AV splits into two EB's the EB's split into bosses, so on down the line. Maybe if you don't kill them fast enough they also could recombine as the herc titans do?

That and just for kicks why not have them go up a level every time they split? So if you had a +0 AV by the end you've got the +4 minions to deal with?

#2 Evolving boss.

Coded in, we see the red caps do it when they upgrade, or council turning into warwolves. So why not a boss that does the same, after all you could keep the same costume model but just change his powers, maybe higher damage, more aoe, some such as that? Though I'd give the final form wings myself (cookie for anyone who gets the joke)

#3 more AV's like nueron and the Prae version of countess Crey.

I LOVED the fight with the countess, all the decoy's and chasing and popping all those copies was a shining gem in the manure that was 95% of the 1-20 game in praetoria. Same with running down all of berry's Clones, it was a good way to throw in adds that wasn't a cheesy Hi I'm requiem, lets just insta fill the room!

#4 Av fights where maybe not killing off the AV at first is the objective. Or there's a little something to blow up first.

Thinking of the fights with IVY, and part of the STF put together here. Invincible AV for a strech till you pop that object, or maybe cope with a few waves while trying to keep her off your back.

#5 More fights like Belladonna's crazy porting, but add a few twists.

Like say perhaps exploding decoy copies (think vahz zombies) Or having the AV port off to leave little surprises like gas traps and seeker drones.

#6 AV's that power cycle.

Have no idea how viable this honestly wold be, but I was thinking something perhaps like Rommie in a way, kill the AV and it respawns minus a fluffie or invis buffing pet. But during the fight it changes up behavior, think a bot with an attack program giving it a big damage boost, then switching to a defensive one, or a regen ability. Just every time you kill it one of them gets knocked off. And depending on team make up actually thought of adding in a temp power that scrambles the bot, and makes it switch to a different one, or there's a chance to knock them all out of whack, and it's down to basic attacks for a few seconds.

#7 Terra Volta style fight.

Not just the AV to contend with, but something to protect, even though I'll be the first to admit a burning hate of all things escort mission, no matter the game. Not sure how to set it up though, or the context to use it in.

#8 more environmental hazards!

Why not a crey warehouse full of lab equipment? Who knows what'll happen when it goes off near an AV or the team? Or an area covered in easily triggered bombs for extra damage to the AV, or maybe a debuff cloud? Lots of ways to run with it.

#9 if we're gonna ambush, why not be creative about it?

Instead of piling on mobs, why not try changing it up, say a map where there's rooftops snipers spawn on to attack as you engage, and tactics might dictate luring the AV out of their line of slight to reduce your damage. Leaves an option for flyers perhaps to also go up and engage while melee's pound the AV and keep it busy.

Thought about setting them to of course despawn and appear on another roof after a set time period, also considered backup say in the form of longbow sky skiffs to engage them, add a little extra chaos to a fight.

#10 Why not a little backup during the AV fights?

Inspired by DE farming during the eden trial from ambrosia. Take the final tim mage mission as an example, how awesome would it be if you cleared out enough of the guards that you got as backup the signature heroes joining in with the fight (RP it as thinning the invasion so less heroes are needed to guard the portal) I mean who wouldn't want BaB's as a pet? =p

#11 Why always people, why not a tank or more stuff like the mega walkers?

Why not something a super nemesis steam tank perhaps, more arachnos flyers, dropships, the list goes on. Even had a silly notion about APC's driving in during an AV fight, perhaps stopping them before they can unload troops an option during it.

#12 How bout a PvE version of a base raid? Why not run the gauntlet into an AV lair?

Narrow halls, plenty of turrents, the AV himself porting away to try and lure into different traps, we got all the toys laying around and not being used, so what's stopping the devs from making a map like that?

Anyway there you go, feel free to tear to shreds now ^_-



Originally Posted by warden_de_dios View Post
Fusionette is the aggro queen since she changes targets so often. Instead of her spreading her first 5 attacks over 3 targets, her single target attacks could have a taunt, that taunts Fusionette, not enemy NPCs. These NPCs have no way to prioritize their attacks and targets. If Fusionette's first attack on a Scrounger Slugger compelled her to attack that Scrounger Slugger again instead attacking the Scrounger Gunner standing nearby Fusionette would generate less aggro (IMO) then she does now. The "taunt effect" would only apply to the ally NPC, I'm not suggesting anything like Gauntlet for ally NPCs.
If she stuck to one target, she would knock it back...then knock it back again...then chase it, to knock it back some more....into the next spawn, which would aggro to her, kill her, then aggro to me. So we would both be dead, because that stupid **** seems capable of sticking to your butt like glue in those missions where she's an optional "helper."

It also wouldn't fix things like Overdrive chasing after a runner into the next giant mob of Arachnos in one of the Rogue tip missions, or Lady Jane chasing, well, fact it would just make it worse, since they'd be taunted to their target and would HAVE to chase them.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Originally Posted by warden_de_dios View Post
Better AI would be nice but just adding a very brief immobilize to Lady Jane's and Fusionette's attacks could solve alot of the problems players have with these NPCs.

Well it have to be a new power similar to immoblize since Lady Jane's big problem is Cot ghosts running away and LJ trying to chase them down. Ghosts can't be immoblized with any immoblize in the game right now (unless enough mag is stacked?). When it comes to Fusionette her knockback is what is getting her killed since AI isn't smart enough to push it's target towards a wall, but if Fusionette lost her abilty to knock targets down she loses all her damage mitigation.

I think that if these NPCs had a brief secondary effect that immoblized any target, did not grant knock down/back protection but forced all knockback with a mag over 1 to decrease to say 0.95 knockback the problems players have with these missions would decrease.
This is what I said in my post that you quoted.

If every ally NPC had a brief 2 sec immoblize effect attached to each of their single target attacks it would make problems with the AI like Overdrive chasing after a runner into the next giant mob of Arachnos in one of the Rogue tip missions, or Lady Jane chasing, well, everything, occur less often.

The immoblize would help Fusionette keep her target in range, the taunt would help you since Fusionette would stay focused on that mob until it was defeated. If you and Fusionette are attacking a mob of three, she's attacking one target only. If you can finish off the other 2 before she's done, you can attack the next mob on your terms. Where as now, she's going take a shot at anything in range and then switch targets.



Originally Posted by Dragonkat View Post
Suggestion #1 Splitter AV

Already coded in, we see the DE do it when they break into little guys. So why not a boss that every time you killed an aspect of him, say the AV splits into two EB's the EB's split into bosses, so on down the line. Maybe if you don't kill them fast enough they also could recombine as the herc titans do?

That and just for kicks why not have them go up a level every time they split? So if you had a +0 AV by the end you've got the +4 minions to deal with?
The fight would just get easier as it went on.

#2 Evolving boss.

Coded in, we see the red caps do it when they upgrade, or council turning into warwolves. So why not a boss that does the same, after all you could keep the same costume model but just change his powers, maybe higher damage, more aoe, some such as that? Though I'd give the final form wings myself (cookie for anyone who gets the joke)
It's pretty much still tank and spank, and you need enough DPS and debuffs to beat the final form. The initial forms would be considered a joke, much like non-nictus Rommy is.

I LOVED the fight with the countess, all the decoy's and chasing and popping all those copies was a shining gem in the manure that was 95% of the 1-20 game in praetoria. Same with running down all of berry's Clones, it was a good way to throw in adds that wasn't a cheesy Hi I'm requiem, lets just insta fill the room!
We have those. We have Recluse. We have Aeon in the STF. We have Reichsman in the Barracuda SF. The only thing that makes Neuron special is that there's a badge for killing his clones rather than just ignoring them.

#4 Av fights where maybe not killing off the AV at first is the objective. Or there's a little something to blow up first.

Thinking of the fights with IVY, and part of the STF put together here. Invincible AV for a strech till you pop that object, or maybe cope with a few waves while trying to keep her off your back.
Again, we have the STF already.
#5 More fights like Belladonna's crazy porting, but add a few twists.

Like say perhaps exploding decoy copies (think vahz zombies) Or having the AV port off to leave little surprises like gas traps and seeker drones.
You're complaining about Battle Maiden and then you want this? Not that I'd object to these kinds of mechanics, but think about it...."It's a decoy, don't attack!" *pet charges the decoy* "Dammit!" If you complain about half your powers being useless in a running fight, how many powers do you think a squishy gets to use when they're stunned or killed by untargetable seeker drones?

#6 AV's that power cycle.

Have no idea how viable this honestly wold be, but I was thinking something perhaps like Rommie in a way, kill the AV and it respawns minus a fluffie or invis buffing pet. But during the fight it changes up behavior, think a bot with an attack program giving it a big damage boost, then switching to a defensive one, or a regen ability. Just every time you kill it one of them gets knocked off. And depending on team make up actually thought of adding in a temp power that scrambles the bot, and makes it switch to a different one, or there's a chance to knock them all out of whack, and it's down to basic attacks for a few seconds.
It would still come down to tank and spank.

#7 Terra Volta style fight.

Not just the AV to contend with, but something to protect, even though I'll be the first to admit a burning hate of all things escort mission, no matter the game. Not sure how to set it up though, or the context to use it in.
This I will agree with. I love the idea of the reactor. Of course by its very nature such a thing is failable, so if the encounter is in the least bit difficult (which it would have to be, that's kind of the point) it would have to show up early in the TF, so if people fail they won't have much time invested in it. Otherwise nobody would bother doing that TF.
#8 more environmental hazards!

Why not a crey warehouse full of lab equipment? Who knows what'll happen when it goes off near an AV or the team? Or an area covered in easily triggered bombs for extra damage to the AV, or maybe a debuff cloud? Lots of ways to run with it.
And yet, people complain about Director 11. And you're complaining about Battle Maiden. What are those but encounters full of environmental hazards? Again, if they're not hard, there's no point.

#10 Why not a little backup during the AV fights?

Inspired by DE farming during the eden trial from ambrosia. Take the final tim mage mission as an example, how awesome would it be if you cleared out enough of the guards that you got as backup the signature heroes joining in with the fight (RP it as thinning the invasion so less heroes are needed to guard the portal) I mean who wouldn't want BaB's as a pet? =p
I wouldn't. I don't want Imperious as a pet either. They're morons. From a story perspective, sure, it would be cool for BaBs to show up and help you, but from a mechanical perspective, the AI is too stupid. Go villain, take a PPP, get a pet. I fail to understand people's obsession with pets and helper NPCs. They are usually more trouble than they're worth.

#11 Why always people, why not a tank or more stuff like the mega walkers?

Why not something a super nemesis steam tank perhaps, more arachnos flyers, dropships, the list goes on. Even had a silly notion about APC's driving in during an AV fight, perhaps stopping them before they can unload troops an option during it.
Because it's easier and faster for the devs to make more humanoid AVs.

#12 How bout a PvE version of a base raid? Why not run the gauntlet into an AV lair?

Narrow halls, plenty of turrents, the AV himself porting away to try and lure into different traps, we got all the toys laying around and not being used, so what's stopping the devs from making a map like that?
Moronic AI, probably. Also, (standard "not a programmer" disclaimer here) I don't think map creation and base building use anything remotely resembling the same tools.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Originally Posted by Dragonkat View Post
#10 Why not a little backup during the AV fights?

Inspired by DE farming during the eden trial from ambrosia. Take the final tim mage mission as an example, how awesome would it be if you cleared out enough of the guards that you got as backup the signature heroes joining in with the fight (RP it as thinning the invasion so less heroes are needed to guard the portal) I mean who wouldn't want BaB's as a pet?
I'd hate it. Consider Imperious during the last mission of the ITF: if you haven't ditched the twit by the time you reach the platform at the back of the map, you can count on him aggroing Rommy and the nictuses while your team is still trying to clear a place to fight.

Now, BaBs as a pet with Mastermind-style controls would be a very different matter.

#11 Why always people, why not a tank or more stuff like the mega walkers?

Why not something a super nemesis steam tank perhaps, more arachnos flyers, dropships, the list goes on. Even had a silly notion about APC's driving in during an AV fight, perhaps stopping them before they can unload troops an option during it.
The game engine is designed around humanoids. If you've ever managed to knock back one of the CoT ghosts, the standing-up animation makes it obvious that they've got invisible legs. Even the floating swords in the Apex TF are humanoid: certain powers will outline the person holding the sword.

#12 How bout a PvE version of a base raid? Why not run the gauntlet into an AV lair?

Narrow halls, plenty of turrents, the AV himself porting away to try and lure into different traps, we got all the toys laying around and not being used, so what's stopping the devs from making a map like that?
One of the lower-level hero tip missions has one of these. It was quite easy, if slow, to complete: my traps/AR defender simply figured out where the next set of traps would be and dropped a burn patch from behind cover.



Hey, never said they were good ideas, just me being bored at work. =p That and if you do the countess fight, there's a world of difference between it and the dr aeon one imho. Same with Neuron.

Regarding #8 though you're mistaking my intent, I'm not thinking things like the mines or puddles, but things like bombs you see in the hollows, or the ones used in prae cut scenes that leave burn patches everywhere placed as destructible objects (though now that I think about it this really benefits ranged over melee again, hmm that's no good, same for mm pets) That or the lab equipment on certain tech maps, the ones that if you blow it give random buffs or debuffs.

It's an effort to throw a little more luck or tactical aspect into a fight above, "Oh crap it's a puddle run away!"

That and I still want to know, why the hate on a system that's worked well enough so far? Still stand by my if it aint broke opinion. People say tank and spank like it's a bad thing, but hey one players fun right? And if it's not tank and spank, then what should it be? After all BM is still just that, all she has going for her is the puddle gimmick and the swords of doom spawn, the latter of which is standard AV fight fare. But it still boils down to damage > boss regen rate = win. Not much we can do about that as it's how the game's coded and how mmo fights work.

Just trying to throw some stuff out there that isn't cheap one shot material to put on top of it.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Well, there are PMs of mine from 2007 that Matt hasn't answered yet, so I wouldn't get your hopes up there. Fortunately, there are people who understand the game mechanics well enough to answer this question on the forums.

Please don't make Positron follow up on that threat to start looking at the powers spreadsheets.
Where on the forums would be the best place to ask then ? Player questions ?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
It won't. My point in mentioning them was to remind people that the whole notion of "combat levels" is itself something that is artificial. The game only treats that level 54 as being +4 to my level 50 because it is told to do so. To be even more blunt, 54 minus 50 is only 4 because we say so. Level shifting is simply going to alter that math. When you are running a +1 level shift, 54 minus 50 will be 3. Because the game says so. It won't *make you* a level 51. It will make +4s use the +3 row in the combat modifier tables. Nothing else changes. Things like side kicking, level pacts, and all that other stuff won't be affected because it won't even know its happening. You will still be level 50. The target will still be 54. The purple patch will be using the +3 values. That's it. Its an offset in the combat modifiers table that affects nothing else besides the combat modifiers table. There's no reason for it to do anything else.

Giant Monsters and invasion critters are just told to ignore combat modifiers, so you get no bonuses and no penalties for attacking them no matter what your level is and no matter what their level is. In essence, they are told to make the level modifier always zero. Level shift tells the game to make the level modifier always +1 to the possessor of the shift (for +1 level shifts).
Do you know what happens when a level shift meets GM-code ? That is, does "set to 0" or "+1" have a higher priority ?

And by "break sidekicking" I did not mean "sidekicks will explode" or anything. Consider these two scenarios:
1) A level 50 player A invites a level 47 player B to his team and mission. They are fighting level 50 (with occasional 51s) enemies. Sidekicking sets player B to 49 so that the enemies are +1 (some +2) to him and he can meaningfully contribute.
2) A group of incarnates with 4 slots and level shifts are playing the latest incarnate content. The enemies are set to be +3 to them. They invite a newbie/alt incarnate X, with 1 slot filled, to the team. Will the enemies be +6 to X ?

I do not suffer from altitis, I enjoy every character of it.



Originally Posted by Dragonkat View Post
I mean the only thing i could see it really impacting might be all defender teams, after all when do you actually see more then 2 of any one defender type (defense buffer, or def and acc debuffers such as storm or dark) on any one team?
Well, if you count the defender powersets appearing on other ATs as a secondary (corruptor, controller, mastermind) I often see 3 on a team, and sometimes 4.

Originally Posted by Dragonkat View Post
Just don't see why it would be such a big deal, and might put the whole buff/debuff aspect of the game more in line with other goodies such as purple patch, global defense nerfs and ED.

Anyway that said, I gotta take a little jab at you Reiska, cause seriously, you want to equate juggling 2 AV's, 2 GM's, neurons clones, and a possibily pissed off bobcat with "Hurr dur err tank and spank!"

Sorry but I rank that on the divorced from reality scale right up there with people who attack those who do have issue with the diff and I19 as people who "want to one shot everything with brawl."
4 AVs, actually, the Goliath War Walkers are regular AVs just like Neuron and Bobcat. But that's nitpicking. It's also nothing we haven't done before at all - STF has us taking four AVs at once too (in a worst case scenario), and they're even level 54.

For what it's worth, it's possible (and makes the fight markedly easier if you're going for Kitty's Got Claws) to pull Neuron without aggroing Bobcat.

Originally Posted by Dragonkat View Post
But that doesn't answer your question, am I happy with tank and spank? In a word, yes, if it aint broke, don't fix it. After all it's not like every TF, every story arc, every Trial, every safeguard, pretty much every piece of content for the last 6 years pre incarnate pretty much runs along that mentality at it's purest form. Even the Apex TF when you get right down to it, after all you still need a taunter for BM, and you said it yourself when I wondered about ambushes, "The tank wasn't dong his job."
You don't NEED a taunter, but it makes Apex _markedly_ easier, yes. The TF is certainly completable without any tankers on the team, but I'll admit it's a good deal more frustrating.

As for content design, though, what you're advocating here is stagnation, and stagnation causes people to get bored, which is a bad thing when a possibly competing game is just around the corner. The jury is still out on whether or not CoH's current direction is going to be a good one in the long run (and to be fair, I have my own worries, as I honestly do not like "hardcore raiding" either - it's why I don't play the Other Game).

Certainly the devs will make (and IMO, have made already) at least some missteps - for example, I'm part of the camp that thinks Trapdoor's difficulty is over the top, and that he should be more solo-friendly.

Originally Posted by Dragonkat View Post
Tank and spank isn't all that accurate though a term though, as we don't need the tank, or the scrapper, or any one AT to get the job done. That's the beauty of coh, and it's a beauty I feel is going to be left wrecked in the ditch as the incarnate train plows right through it.
Me using the term 'tank and spank' was just a general reference to the standard AV fight tactic in this game of 'dogpile and spam attack chain until defeated', which works on 95% of them or so.

That said, I agree with you on this point. The flexibility of team setups and the *lack* of a "holy trinity" requirement like most MMOs have (tank + healer + DPS) is indeed a strength of CoH as a game, IMO, and it would be saddening to see it thrown by the wayside. Thus far it hasn't, but it is one of my worries about the future of Incarnate content.

I LIKE the fact that I can beat the Apex TF with a 2 scrapper/2 blaster/2 crab spider/defender/controller team.

Originally Posted by Dragonkat View Post
You can already see it fights like honoree and trapdoor, more so with BM.
The biggest offender in the game right now, actually, IMO, is the weakened Hamidon in LGTF, and as I said above I agree Trapdoor's over the top. I didn't have trouble with the Honoree on either of the two characters I ran through the arc, though I can easily see how others would if they weren't careful.

Originally Posted by Dragonkat View Post
Certain AT's just have far more trouble with the arcs then they should because of gimmicks. Again look at MM's, I got janked three times by honoree, got fed up, called my only friend online, popped call to justice on his pets, honoree died in under 10 seconds. Kinda left me wondering. Yet how many pets are really going to be viable in the BM fight as they aren't smart enough to puddle dodge? And if the puddles target the mm, how is he gonna have the time to get pets back up?
Well, certain ATs will always be better than others at certain challenges, especially in a solo environment. As for MMs against Battle Maiden, I have yet to get on an Apex run that included an MM. I've heard rumors to the effect that the puddles don't damage MM pets, but I can't confirm that assertion myself as I've not seen an MM in action in the TF and I don't have one at 50 myself to find out.

I do have concerns about the overall viability of the MM in light of the fact that his minions are -6 to the enemies though.

Originally Posted by Dragonkat View Post
Trap door? Good luck chasing down clones depending on the AT (hi stone tanks) and when you get right down to it, how sad is it that the simplest way to beat his gimmick is with another? (lava or pulling from clones into hall)
Fully agree with you here.

Originally Posted by Dragonkat View Post
This is the core of why Apex bad, Tin Mage good. It's not just the tank and spank aspect, it's the sense of actually feeling useful. In the BM fight I had maybe 3 powers that were at all useful, and all were just my St attacks. 3 powers out of two trays worth and change. How heroic did I feel (As I said before) running around like a spaz pretending I'm level 4 again as that's all I could use? Not in the slightest.
I've got two trays full of powers too (counting toggles), and in any AV fight I only actually hit 4 of them in sequence until the thing drops, generally speaking. Pretty much every AV fight in CoX for me is 2-3 minutes of 12341234123412341234123412341234123412341234123412 3412341234... suffice to say, the trash leading up to them is more fun.

Originally Posted by Dragonkat View Post
How epic did I find it crashing through portal corp to take down that massive walker outside. Then afterwards chasing down clones left and right by freezing and pounding them, then going to town on Berry and his toys, watching us hold off him and two GM's at once, then wailing down lil miss super cat one tick at a time? Given I had a whole lot more options to choose from, a whole heckuva lot more heroic, and it was a lot more fun, "Giant HP bags" be damned!
The possible variation in the final mission of Tin Mage is interesting, yes. If you take Bobcat down first without touching Neuron, he'll rage in the same fashion, but there's no badge for it.

The "easy" way to win the fight is to take both of them below 50% before defeating either.

Originally Posted by Dragonkat View Post
Anyway /rant. You did ask for suggestions too, so here's the list I thought up in two hours at work, though before I start, a question for you right back. If tank and spank is so boring, what's your suggestion to fix it? More of this?
Well, in short, I personally want TFs where I have to actually pay attention, as opposed to TFs where I can get away with playing my DS with one hand while the other hand goes 123412341234etc.

Originally Posted by Dragonkat View Post
Sooo if every malta boss suddenly gained director 11's crazy mines of doom, or say every KoA boss gained a nerve gas grenade that insta killed any hero in the blast, how many players do you honestly think would choose to fight them compared to now?
That would be massively stupid overkill. :P

Originally Posted by Dragonkat View Post
Suggestion #1 Splitter AV

Already coded in, we see the DE do it when they break into little guys. So why not a boss that every time you killed an aspect of him, say the AV splits into two EB's the EB's split into bosses, so on down the line. Maybe if you don't kill them fast enough they also could recombine as the herc titans do?

That and just for kicks why not have them go up a level every time they split? So if you had a +0 AV by the end you've got the +4 minions to deal with?
Interesting gimmick, but as was pointed out by someone before me it wouldn't be all that difficult (at least with those numbers). Still, I personally don't think that's a problem - the key here is 'interesting', IMO, not 'ball-busting hard'.

Originally Posted by Dragonkat View Post
#2 Evolving boss.

Coded in, we see the red caps do it when they upgrade, or council turning into warwolves. So why not a boss that does the same, after all you could keep the same costume model but just change his powers, maybe higher damage, more aoe, some such as that? Though I'd give the final form wings myself (cookie for anyone who gets the joke)
lol Final Fantasy, where's my cookie

In all seriousness, this would just be a different (and slightly better) take on fights like Reichsman or Romulus where you have to either slog through inflated HP or defeat the same boss multiple times before he stays down, at least as I see it.

Originally Posted by Dragonkat View Post
#3 more AV's like nueron and the Prae version of countess Crey.

I LOVED the fight with the countess, all the decoy's and chasing and popping all those copies was a shining gem in the manure that was 95% of the 1-20 game in praetoria. Same with running down all of berry's Clones, it was a good way to throw in adds that wasn't a cheesy Hi I'm requiem, lets just insta fill the room!
Neuron himself is exactly the same as the STF's Dr. Aeon fight, but easier (and thankfully so, given the three other AVs in the fight). Unfortunately the clones are mostly ignorable because they're minions and minions are weak. Perhaps LTs would have been the sweet spot.

I haven't seen the Praetorian Countess Crey in action - which arc is she in?

Originally Posted by Dragonkat View Post
#4 Av fights where maybe not killing off the AV at first is the objective. Or there's a little something to blow up first.

Thinking of the fights with IVY, and part of the STF put together here. Invincible AV for a strech till you pop that object, or maybe cope with a few waves while trying to keep her off your back.
Not sure how this really makes anything more interesting, honestly - most groups flatten regular ambushes too quickly.

But if I could expand on the suggestion - what could be cool, if executed right, is if there was a TF that had, say, a fight with two AV-class enemies that both initially start hostile to the team (and far enough away from each other that they can't be caught in a single AoE), but as soon as either one is attacked, the other turns peaceful, and the TF storyline actually branches depending on which one you decide to fight against. Bonus points if one of the AVs is much harder than the other, but fighting the 'easy' one gives you worse rewards and/or a bad ending storywise.

Originally Posted by Dragonkat View Post
#5 More fights like Belladonna's crazy porting, but add a few twists.

Like say perhaps exploding decoy copies (think vahz zombies) Or having the AV port off to leave little surprises like gas traps and seeker drones.
The only problem I see here is that if you immobilize the AV, the gimmick is implausible or shut down, and if he can teleport while immobilized, then people complain about cheating AVs.

Originally Posted by Dragonkat View Post
#6 AV's that power cycle.

Have no idea how viable this honestly wold be, but I was thinking something perhaps like Rommie in a way, kill the AV and it respawns minus a fluffie or invis buffing pet. But during the fight it changes up behavior, think a bot with an attack program giving it a big damage boost, then switching to a defensive one, or a regen ability. Just every time you kill it one of them gets knocked off.
I don't see how this really changes the fight other than dragging it out.

Originally Posted by Dragonkat View Post
And depending on team make up actually thought of adding in a temp power that scrambles the bot, and makes it switch to a different one, or there's a chance to knock them all out of whack, and it's down to basic attacks for a few seconds.
Or adding one more button to hit occasionally (hello, Reichsman).

Originally Posted by Dragonkat View Post
#7 Terra Volta style fight.

Not just the AV to contend with, but something to protect, even though I'll be the first to admit a burning hate of all things escort mission, no matter the game. Not sure how to set it up though, or the context to use it in.
YES. Bonus points if protecting it is actually a challenge - I miss the days when Terra Volta was actually fun, rather than what we have nowadays, in which the team spends 75% of the mission sitting around waiting for the next spawn because the waves spawn far too slowly.

Originally Posted by Dragonkat View Post
#8 more environmental hazards!

Why not a crey warehouse full of lab equipment? Who knows what'll happen when it goes off near an AV or the team? Or an area covered in easily triggered bombs for extra damage to the AV, or maybe a debuff cloud? Lots of ways to run with it.
Weren't you just complaining about these? :P

Originally Posted by Dragonkat View Post
#9 if we're gonna ambush, why not be creative about it?

Instead of piling on mobs, why not try changing it up, say a map where there's rooftops snipers spawn on to attack as you engage, and tactics might dictate luring the AV out of their line of slight to reduce your damage. Leaves an option for flyers perhaps to also go up and engage while melee's pound the AV and keep it busy.

Thought about setting them to of course despawn and appear on another roof after a set time period, also considered backup say in the form of longbow sky skiffs to engage them, add a little extra chaos to a fight.
I actually like this suggestion - snipers are rather underused where they SHOULD be used, and overused where they shouldn't be (i.e. random spawns), IMO.

Originally Posted by Dragonkat View Post
#10 Why not a little backup during the AV fights?

Inspired by DE farming during the eden trial from ambrosia. Take the final tim mage mission as an example, how awesome would it be if you cleared out enough of the guards that you got as backup the signature heroes joining in with the fight (RP it as thinning the invasion so less heroes are needed to guard the portal) I mean who wouldn't want BaB's as a pet? =p
As far as Tin Mage goes, the signature heroes aren't helping you because Emperor Cole's Incarnate Control renders all of them but Statesman completely depowered. That aside: CoH pet AI sucks.

Originally Posted by Dragonkat View Post
#11 Why always people, why not a tank or more stuff like the mega walkers?

Why not something a super nemesis steam tank perhaps, more arachnos flyers, dropships, the list goes on. Even had a silly notion about APC's driving in during an AV fight, perhaps stopping them before they can unload troops an option during it.
I like the idea, but I'm not sure if the engine's capable of it given what was said above.

Originally Posted by Dragonkat View Post
#12 How bout a PvE version of a base raid? Why not run the gauntlet into an AV lair?

Narrow halls, plenty of turrents, the AV himself porting away to try and lure into different traps, we got all the toys laying around and not being used, so what's stopping the devs from making a map like that?
My guess is the enemy AI not being good enough to handle it well. Done right, it would be interesting, though.



Originally Posted by Charcoal_EU View Post
Do you know what happens when a level shift meets GM-code ? That is, does "set to 0" or "+1" have a higher priority ?
I guess I'm unclear on why anyone is thinking it has to do tomorrow what it does today. Level shifting is, in effect, a new mechanic. We don't have any live examples today of what happens when a level-shifted player meets a GM, and if we did, it might not be the same thing that happens in, say, I20.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by Dragonkat View Post
Personal curiosity for those in the know on math, but if we already have ED for all our powers. What would be the big deal about putting a system like that in for buffs and debuffs cast on mobs (I guess this would be DR?)? And how they effect mobs?
That's exactly what PvP DR is. It's primary effect as implemented is to ensure that you basically never need more than one source of most buffs or debuffs, because one usually slams you into a region where adding another is essentially meaningless. Extra buffers/debuffers offering the same capabilities at that point can really only contribute their native damage, so you might as well bring someone else who does something different and/or offers better damage.

And if not that why not a hardcap? Say 150-250% of what a bubble def could do with every defense power up? OR a dark could do flooring acc, or sonic's -res? (again keep in mind I'm not a numbers fan, so I leave this to the experts) That way you don't impact the solo ability of the lone def through a hard nerf. And while the second one may not be operating at peak he's still bringing something to the team.
We have hard caps today. They're just significantly higher than that.

I mean the only thing i could see it really impacting might be all defender teams, after all when do you actually see more then 2 of any one defender type (defense buffer, or def and acc debuffers such as storm or dark) on any one team?
As mentioned, there are multiple classes with buff/debuff powersets. Controllers, Corruptors, Masterminds, Defenders, and to a more limited extent, Villain Epic ATs. Just limiting things to the four "main" support ATs, there, I typically see 3-4 such characters on a team, especially a TF team.

Just don't see why it would be such a big deal, and might put the whole buff/debuff aspect of the game more in line with other goodies such as purple patch, global defense nerfs and ED.
Because, done properly, it's a major rebalance of the the game. It would not just affect buffing ATs. It would affect self-buffs as well, such as armor powersets. IMO, it would likely have much more far-reaching balance implications than ED ever did. It would almost certainly require rebalancing at least some NPCs or encounters.

Done right, that's not just some fiddling in a spreadsheet and call it done. It needs to be tested, extensively, to find the right rate of decay, caps, what have you, to determine what powers no longer work well under the new regime (including NPC powers which might be too strong or weak relative to modified PC powers).

In short, done correctly it would be a lot of work, and it would almost certainly come bundled with a vast supply of nerdrage. One could argue that the result would be a game with better balance which gave the devs more leeway in encounter design by reducing the dynamic range of player strength on teams. The question is, if the game's had a reasonably stable playerbase for six years, is now the time to rip out the foundation and repour it? I think that's a huge gamble.

Now, again, I'm talking about what would be required to modify the existing game. Somehow engineering the new Incarnate-specific content in I20+ to include something like this would probably still be bundled with a big dose of outcry from the forums, but it doesn't constitute game changing in the same way. Personally, I'm not actually enthused about the possibility. But we'll see.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
That's exactly what PvP DR is. It's primary effect as implemented is to ensure that you basically never need more than one source of most buffs or debuffs, because one usually slams you into a region where adding another is essentially meaningless. Extra buffers/debuffers offering the same capabilities at that point can really only contribute their native damage, so you might as well bring someone else who does something different and/or offers better damage.
It's TD: Teammate Diversification.