The Impossible Mr. Trapdoor and Issue 19's New Theme

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
I've gathered he never stops summoning them if you just do regular de-aggro things, like die or leave and come back later. In that regard he seems to be like the Rikti Portals in the Honoree mission. I have a hard time believing that's working as desired, but it's possible it's working as designed.
Agreed, I doubt the devs particularly WANT him to do this (since it means if you hosp out you're pretty much forced to rest the mission) but I'm not sure they can really do anything about it. In certain other MMOs the standard rule is that if a NPC loses aggro (due to you dieing or running away) the NPC resets by returning to the spawn point and fully healing. That's not the case here which is normally potentially advantageous to players (particularly for characters with self-rez powers) but this is one case where it's causing problems.



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
I've gathered he never stops summoning them if you just do regular de-aggro things, like die or leave and come back later. In that regard he seems to be like the Rikti Portals in the Honoree mission. I have a hard time believing that's working as desired, but it's possible it's working as designed.

However, I've never verified this myself. I've, ah, never died fighting him. >.>
I just assumed that this was the anticipated behavior of the missions after I got through the Trapdoor one. I had to reset the Honoree one once, mainly because I wanted to set off all the triggers to work out what I needed to not do the next time. I didn't die though which was a miracle.

The Honoree mission seemed to reset "correctly" in that, like the Trapdoor mission it reset to the state it was at when I entered. I had no idea that a full set of clones wasn't intended until I saw your vid, then I figured something was up. I was thinking of posting how I got through the Honoree/Holtz mission but I cannot see many squishies being able to withstand being blasted by quite so many Rikti as I did. My build is mostly lame and very solo orientated but if you want it out there I'm fine to write it up.




It's 3:30 am, i stopped reading around page 15, but I do feel i need to throw out here my take about the new TF's.

Apex beef #1: not the 54's so much as the ambush mechanic itself overused and abused while being paired with the prae clockwork. Ask anyone whose done the old I think it was crimson arc (second kronos, the one on the burning forest map) That map had ambushes out the wazoo, and I can;'t even begin to count the number of times I as the blaster had the ambush deicde i was it's ***** and have gunslingers teleport right next to me and faceplant my toon in seconds, or a zeus launch it's hold spam missiles of doom before i could even see it to target it. Much less fight back.

Now instead of that we have (in my opinion) the stupidily overpowered prae clocks sitting at a perma +4 Which have crazy stupid range and are so aoe tastic there's zero place for a squishie to hide. I Actually died more times during the KR fight then BM because the ambushes came after me before the tank could even think of pulling them his way.

Same thing happened multiple times back in Oct on Mallus Mundi Runs, and those weren't even +4 clocks. Those guys need to be toned down, or the ambush mechanics need to be looked at, one of the two, I'd prefer both.

Beef #2 BM and her puddles of doom, and her ambushes, and the fight in general. Regardless of how easy they are to dodge (or not) I stand by an opinion that when the devs of any game have to resort to this kind of gimmicky cheap one shot trick and try to pass it off as a "challenge" they have run out of ideas. For anyone who played war for cybertron, I'd hold up the zeta prime fight as a shining example of this failure too. There's plenty of ways to make a fight harder then forcing us to play the twitch game, or be at the mercy of lag spikes and server latency. When she spawned that first wave of swords, my older comp's vid card did a total crapout, and this is on settings just barely above minimum. End result, it took me a good couple minutes to even click the hosp button.

Oh and when I came back I walked through the door into a puddle, yeah you can imagine how much fun I was having at that point.

The same when for the first few rounds of this battle I died nonstop because I'd fire off ice bolt and blast, then before i could wonder about the puddle fall or ready a third attack the next thing i knew was a puddle to the face. (Now what was that about run and gun working for ranged?)

Granted after i turned my speakers up and paid a little more attention (and got over the foaming rage) I actually managed to spend the rest of the fight with a 100% puddle dodge rating. In short I did what our elitist friends call "L2P" Or simply adapted to be more diplomatic about it. I timed my attacks to coincide with dodges, i managed to stick and move (and didn't need cheesy meta game tactics like jousts to do it) And I managed to be a worthwhile contributor to the damage on dropping her.

Oh, except for the fact I was relegated to basically just spamming my T1 and T2 attacks with the occasional bitter ice blast when I managed to get close enough.

And the fact I was told not to use web grenade to keep from rooting her in puddles.

And the fact she pretty much ignored caltrops like they weren't even there.

And the fact I play a recharge build based on hammering AV's with double gun drones. Yeah good luck getting one summoned, much less having it live for more then 5 seconds. Forget melee I honestly weep for any MM that tries that fight.

And you know what? By the end I was glad it was over, and I was feeling tried, frustrated and drained to the point where I wanted to just log for the night. And here's the important detail.

Because that fight and that TF was NOT fun in the slightest. It was tedious, it was frustrating, and it was annoying as ****. Personally for those reasons alone I'm in the never doing it again camp, even after knowing how to fight BM. For the simple reason alone that I'd like my power choices to actually be USEFUL in a fight, and not running around like a spastic hamster spamming my quick animating attacks in between something that's tantamount to the devs giving an npc the I win button. While having my entire secondary relegated to useless as well.

I work 4PM - 1AM, my playtime is minimal except on days off, my playstyle is for the most part a mix of casual and powergamer at times. I'm no stranger to everything that coh has to offer either, heck i've even gone back and redone the eden trial twice this month.

But this. . . this, and protean (though oddly enough not Tin mage) Really really reeks of WoW, and that's a direction that I really really hope the coh devs do not take us.

And while we're at it I have to thumbs down the entire Roy Cooling arc, whose bright idea was it to add npcs that floor spped and acc in every spawn, an impossible 5 minute timer mission, and drop after callisto an EB Zeus freaking titan on a map that is for the most part soloable otherwise? I'm not about to run back from the hospital with a new insp tray for one cheap shot, that's when auto complete gets hit. And that's when I never do this arc again either.

Anyway back on topic about the new stuff. I felt the same way about the IO system when it first came out, the big things that appealed to me about coh in the old days were no pvp and no phat lewtz, though we see how both of those turned out. I was afraid we were gonna see a severe divide in the playerbase between haves and have nots, and the content might also split along those lines. That or the devs would make inventions so powerless they'd be a gimmick at best.

But market inflation aside, well they seem to have got it right, mainly because of the creed they held to, inventions are optional. You don't need them to succeed in any of the games content.

Fast forward to now and I have the same fear about incarnate TF's and the future of the upcoming powers/slots. And this time I'm really thinking the devs dropped the ball with the incarnate arc itself (honoree and trapdoor rage) to the new TF's.

It feels like forced/specific teaming (not everyone is a wonderpug), it feels like they decided to just try to powergame us with +4's locked in. Also cheap shot things like BM and perhaps to a lesser extent super bobcat. And it really feels like they're going overboard with the new toys and leaving a lot of their playerbase out in the cold.

Yes, you don't have to be a keyboard god to dodge BM, but is it fun? and if this is the start, what's the next gimmick wall we're gonna bash our heads against till we bring out the jackhammers? When it's discovered will it be like Hercula describes and we're down to memorization and vent speak more then actual gameplay? Will coh perhaps even spawn it's own leeroy? =p

Or will the devs get it right, and balance things out so everyone can take part? That's the key right there, it can be hard, it should be hard, i hope it IS hard. But there's a very large divide between hard and utterly cheap crap like what I'm seeing now from BM to the fact that every time i've fought protean without fail i'm in a long attack animation when siphon goes off.

If the incarnate arcs of the future lock out anyone. Or divide the players, that's a failure on the devs part pure and simple. Not everyone is as . .ahem . . vocal as JB there about the rage and doom, but I don't exactly have high hopes myself if we go down the road of trying to be like every other mmo, but just with tights. After all not everyone is a forum reader, some might just ragequit or burnout without a peep, least till we see the sub numbers.

Ok ok veering a little into doomcall there, but color me worried about the direction of the game, and unimpressed with a huge chunk of the new content. Tin mage aside, that's what a TF should be.



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
I've gathered he never stops summoning them if you just do regular de-aggro things, like die or leave and come back later. In that regard he seems to be like the Rikti Portals in the Honoree mission. I have a hard time believing that's working as desired, but it's possible it's working as designed.

However, I've never verified this myself. I've, ah, never died fighting him. >.>
He does not stop summoning clones once aggroed. I died in mission, went to grab some more insp (took a detour to Steel) by the time I came back he had spawned 12 clones. As I dispatched them one by one without aggroing him he was still spawning clones.

Who do I have to *&^% around here to get more Targeted AoE recipes added?

Arc Name: Tsoo In Love
Arc ID: 413575



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
It'll do none of those things. It'll place an offset into the combat modifier table. Good lord you'd think with half a decade of giant monsters walking around and all the Rikti and Zombie invaders that basically use the same game mechanics, people would figure out how this would work without too much difficulty.

Think: its level 30, but it cons even to a level 50. Do all the sidekicks in the zone suddenly explode? Tada.

Why people guess instead of asking, and why they seem so confident in their guesses, is something I haven't figured out.

(PS: None of this is specifically covered by NDA, at least not for me: jeez I suggested level shifting to Castle back when the LRSF was first introduced, using literally identical mechanics on the open forums no less. So I'm not too worried about discussing how it might work mechanically.)
I did ask, in a PM to Positron as he is known to be designing this system. No reply.

If incarnate content will have locked-con (GM/invasion code) enemies then what would be the purpose of level shifts ? Make people faceroll normal content even more ? Reduce rewards from plain old level 50 mobs ?

In the end, my concerns boil down to:
1. Can a character with 1-2 incarnate slots filled join and meaningfully contribute in content released for/with 4th or 5th or whatever incarnate slot ? The playerbase, especially EU side, is just too small and alts too numerous to divide incarnates in 10 "buckets".

2. Will there be soloable incarnate content ? Not in the sense of "solo content that gives incarnate stuff" but "solo content that lets players be incarnates" with appropriate writing and balancing.

The rest of this post is not related to quoted post.
I am a little upset with writing where "everything is bad and hard, all the time". Like the 2nd mission in Tin Mage TF. Why couldn't it have been written as a trap for the invaders, instead of "omg warworks attacked our obvious target, go fight them". And don't get me started on the whole "Vanguard take back Recluses tower while he, what, hides in the closet ?".

Mechanically, defeating mobs is the same whether they say "You are nothing!" or "Oh noes, we are doomed!". So let us have both.

Hrm, that have me an idea for solo incarnate content. Mayhem missions in Praetoria! Laugh with me! Muahahaha!
And heroes can save people from oppressive loyalists and/or terrorist resistance, I guess.

I do not suffer from altitis, I enjoy every character of it.



Originally Posted by Dragonkat View Post
It's 3:30 am, i stopped reading around page 15, but I do feel i need to throw out here my take about the new TF's.

Apex beef #1: not the 54's so much as the ambush mechanic itself overused and abused while being paired with the prae clockwork. Ask anyone whose done the old I think it was crimson arc (second kronos, the one on the burning forest map) That map had ambushes out the wazoo, and I can;'t even begin to count the number of times I as the blaster had the ambush deicde i was it's ***** and have gunslingers teleport right next to me and faceplant my toon in seconds, or a zeus launch it's hold spam missiles of doom before i could even see it to target it. Much less fight back.

Now instead of that we have (in my opinion) the stupidily overpowered prae clocks sitting at a perma +4 Which have crazy stupid range and are so aoe tastic there's zero place for a squishie to hide. I Actually died more times during the KR fight then BM because the ambushes came after me before the tank could even think of pulling them his way.
No offense, but this sounds like your tank just wasn't on the ball in getting the spawns. They spawn at the same place every run, or nearly so, and can be seen before they start attacking. I've yet to be on an Apex run where the team had serious trouble in the KR portion, even when we were going for the badge for not reviving the drones. And that's in PuG runs.

Originally Posted by Dragonkat View Post
Same thing happened multiple times back in Oct on Mallus Mundi Runs, and those weren't even +4 clocks. Those guys need to be toned down, or the ambush mechanics need to be looked at, one of the two, I'd prefer both.
I agree with one thing here: ambushes do need a tweak to not ignore stealth. The mobs are fine, they're supposed to be hard. If they weren't this hard, it would make no sense plotwise why any of the other various NPC groups in Paragon City - the PPD, Longbow, Vanguard, whoever - couldn't handle the invasion on their own. Apex certainly has continuity issues already (how do they fix Blyde Square that fast?), but it certainly succeeds in establishing the forces you face as a credible threat.

Originally Posted by Dragonkat View Post
Beef #2 BM and her puddles of doom, and her ambushes, and the fight in general. Regardless of how easy they are to dodge (or not) I stand by an opinion that when the devs of any game have to resort to this kind of gimmicky cheap one shot trick and try to pass it off as a "challenge" they have run out of ideas. For anyone who played war for cybertron, I'd hold up the zeta prime fight as a shining example of this failure too. There's plenty of ways to make a fight harder then forcing us to play the twitch game, or be at the mercy of lag spikes and server latency. When she spawned that first wave of swords, my older comp's vid card did a total crapout, and this is on settings just barely above minimum. End result, it took me a good couple minutes to even click the hosp button.
Make suggestions, then. You say there are plenty of ways to make a fight harder, but give no examples. Show us.

(And no, "multiply their HP by 10" is not an answer. Reichsman is stupid.)

I do concur that low graphics settings issues with the fight need to be fixed, and quickly - the correct answer to this problem is not "well you should upgrade your hardware".

Originally Posted by Dragonkat View Post
Oh and when I came back I walked through the door into a puddle, yeah you can imagine how much fun I was having at that point.
Jump on the ledge above the door and point the camera down before you go through. (You might not be able to turn your draw distance high enough for this to work with your system; see above re: 'need to be fixed'). Failing that, ask your team if the door is clear before you enter.

Originally Posted by Dragonkat View Post
The same when for the first few rounds of this battle I died nonstop because I'd fire off ice bolt and blast, then before i could wonder about the puddle fall or ready a third attack the next thing i knew was a puddle to the face. (Now what was that about run and gun working for ranged?)
Sounds like another low graphics issue. I've seen a few people claim the warning puddles won't show up on low enough graphics settings - I should do a run with mine turned down on purpose to see.

Originally Posted by Dragonkat View Post
Granted after i turned my speakers up and paid a little more attention (and got over the foaming rage) I actually managed to spend the rest of the fight with a 100% puddle dodge rating. In short I did what our elitist friends call "L2P" Or simply adapted to be more diplomatic about it. I timed my attacks to coincide with dodges, i managed to stick and move (and didn't need cheesy meta game tactics like jousts to do it) And I managed to be a worthwhile contributor to the damage on dropping her.

Oh, except for the fact I was relegated to basically just spamming my T1 and T2 attacks with the occasional bitter ice blast when I managed to get close enough.
Congratulations! (No, seriously, I mean it)

Better off than me, I usually spend most of the fight cycling Nemesis Staff and Blackwand.

Originally Posted by Dragonkat View Post
And the fact I was told not to use web grenade to keep from rooting her in puddles.
Specific powers that are a poor tactical choice for a specific encounter are nothing new in CoH. Immobilizes are a poor tactical choice against Battle Maiden, just like anchor powers are a poor tactical choice against Warwolves or a lot of pet powers are (supposedly) a poor tactical choice against Ghost Widow and/or Romulus.

Originally Posted by Dragonkat View Post
And the fact she pretty much ignored caltrops like they weren't even there.
Yup, she has Slow resistance. Which is probably for the best; having her slowed significantly would be a poor tactical choice too.

Originally Posted by Dragonkat View Post
And the fact I play a recharge build based on hammering AV's with double gun drones. Yeah good luck getting one summoned, much less having it live for more then 5 seconds. Forget melee I honestly weep for any MM that tries that fight.
Any build that's hyper-optimized in a specific direction like yours is going to suffer in an encounter that doesn't cater to its strengths. Take, for example, an extremely common one: all those softcap defense builds on powersets that lack intrinsic defense debuff resistance tend to fall over quickly when faced with Cimerorans. Defense powersets _in general_ get shredded by Devouring Earth when the quartzes come out. Characters that can't fly are at a significant disadvantage when fighting either version of Hamidon. The list goes on.

Originally Posted by Dragonkat View Post
And you know what? By the end I was glad it was over, and I was feeling tried, frustrated and drained to the point where I wanted to just log for the night. And here's the important detail.

Because that fight and that TF was NOT fun in the slightest. It was tedious, it was frustrating, and it was annoying as ****. Personally for those reasons alone I'm in the never doing it again camp, even after knowing how to fight BM. For the simple reason alone that I'd like my power choices to actually be USEFUL in a fight, and not running around like a spastic hamster spamming my quick animating attacks in between something that's tantamount to the devs giving an npc the I win button. While having my entire secondary relegated to useless as well.
I'm sorry you feel that way; I personally find it more fun than most of the TFs in the game before it, and I play one of those much maligned melee characters on it.

Perhaps giving NPCs an "I win" button isn't the best way to go about making a challenge, but the engine somewhat limits them in options. They can't scale enemies above level 54, we've already shown them numbers alone don't make an encounter challenging (LRSF). Enemies in CoH are facing a foe or group of foes that, 99 times out of 100 in my personal experience (and again, this is entirely on PuGs), has defense well above the softcap, significant healing ability, and often non-negligible damage resistance. The combination of defense and healing alone is enough to bring the game to the point where if your team does enough damage to make the enemy's lifebar move, it is outright impossible to lose unless the enemy's attacks do high enough damage to defeat any single character, including an HP capped Tanker, in the game in a single attack.

The only other means the developers really have of combating this is to wield the nerfbat and beat Defenders, Controllers, Corruptors and Masterminds (did I miss any?) into an absolute bloody pulp with it (tl;dr: nerf buffs, and by a LOT). And I guarantee the uproar from that would probably dwarf the uproar that resulted from the issue 5 Global Defense Nerf or issue 6's Enhancement Diversification.

Originally Posted by Dragonkat View Post
I work 4PM - 1AM, my playtime is minimal except on days off, my playstyle is for the most part a mix of casual and powergamer at times. I'm no stranger to everything that coh has to offer either, heck i've even gone back and redone the eden trial twice this month.

But this. . . this, and protean (though oddly enough not Tin mage) Really really reeks of WoW, and that's a direction that I really really hope the coh devs do not take us.
You're correct in noticing that Tin Mage is basically just another TF like we're used to - tank and spank, only the numbers are bigger.

That said, adding in encounters which require more effort than standing still and pressing a sequence of 3-5 buttons for 1-3 minutes until an AV dies is not, in and of itself, enough to 'take us in the direction of WoW' Now, if we had to grind these TFs over and over and over again for loot drops which were not guaranteed to be useful to anyone on the team and often most of the team would walk away with nothing at all?

Then yes, there would be a significant complaint to be had.

But as of yet, the Incarnate system is not even remotely near that. The content we have to run is the same stuff we've been doing for years. Everyone on the team is guaranteed a return. The return is predictable, i.e., you know exactly what piece you're going to get. And if you don't want to run the TFs, you can still take advantage of shards to get you there, which really do not have a bad drop rate at all - my main has over a hundred of them already, and I rarely play more than 2-3 hours a night on the days I don't work.

Originally Posted by Dragonkat View Post
And while we're at it I have to thumbs down the entire Roy Cooling arc, whose bright idea was it to add npcs that floor spped and acc in every spawn, an impossible 5 minute timer mission, and drop after callisto an EB Zeus freaking titan on a map that is for the most part soloable otherwise? I'm not about to run back from the hospital with a new insp tray for one cheap shot, that's when auto complete gets hit. And that's when I never do this arc again either.
I haven't done the arc in question yet, but flooring speed and acc can be countered with inspiration use, never mind that villains have had those NPCs since issue 6, frequently, if you're referring to the ones I think you are.

Originally Posted by Dragonkat View Post
Anyway back on topic about the new stuff. I felt the same way about the IO system when it first came out, the big things that appealed to me about coh in the old days were no pvp and no phat lewtz, though we see how both of those turned out. I was afraid we were gonna see a severe divide in the playerbase between haves and have nots, and the content might also split along those lines. That or the devs would make inventions so powerless they'd be a gimmick at best.

But market inflation aside, well they seem to have got it right, mainly because of the creed they held to, inventions are optional. You don't need them to succeed in any of the games content.

Fast forward to now and I have the same fear about incarnate TF's and the future of the upcoming powers/slots. And this time I'm really thinking the devs dropped the ball with the incarnate arc itself (honoree and trapdoor rage) to the new TF's.

It feels like forced/specific teaming (not everyone is a wonderpug), it feels like they decided to just try to powergame us with +4's locked in. Also cheap shot things like BM and perhaps to a lesser extent super bobcat. And it really feels like they're going overboard with the new toys and leaving a lot of their playerbase out in the cold.
You don't need to face Super Bobcat if you don't want the badge for it.

Originally Posted by Dragonkat View Post
Yes, you don't have to be a keyboard god to dodge BM, but is it fun?
I enjoy it.

Originally Posted by Dragonkat View Post
and if this is the start, what's the next gimmick wall we're gonna bash our heads against till we bring out the jackhammers? When it's discovered will it be like Hercula describes and we're down to memorization and vent speak more then actual gameplay? Will coh perhaps even spawn it's own leeroy? =p

Originally Posted by Dragonkat View Post
Or will the devs get it right, and balance things out so everyone can take part? That's the key right there, it can be hard, it should be hard, i hope it IS hard. But there's a very large divide between hard and utterly cheap crap like what I'm seeing now from BM to the fact that every time i've fought protean without fail i'm in a long attack animation when siphon goes off.

If the incarnate arcs of the future lock out anyone. Or divide the players, that's a failure on the devs part pure and simple. Not everyone is as . .ahem . . vocal as JB there about the rage and doom, but I don't exactly have high hopes myself if we go down the road of trying to be like every other mmo, but just with tights. After all not everyone is a forum reader, some might just ragequit or burnout without a peep, least till we see the sub numbers.

Ok ok veering a little into doomcall there, but color me worried about the direction of the game, and unimpressed with a huge chunk of the new content
I'm sorry to hear that.

Originally Posted by Dragonkat View Post
Tin mage aside, that's what a TF should be.
A boring tank-and-spank like the other fifteen or so TFs in this game?



Originally Posted by Reiska View Post
flooring speed [...] can be countered with inspiration use,
There are no inspirations that counter -speed. If you think Break Frees do, you are wrong.



The only other means the developers really have of combating this is to wield the nerfbat and beat Defenders, Controllers, Corruptors and Masterminds (did I miss any?) into an absolute bloody pulp with it (tl;dr: nerf buffs, and by a LOT). And I guarantee the uproar from that would probably dwarf the uproar that resulted from the issue 5 Global Defense Nerf or issue 6's Enhancement Diversification.
And until the devs bite the bullet and do what needs to be done -- which is nerfing buffs and debuffs -- the game is going to continue to not make sense. Designing around a system everyone knows is broken is wagging the dog.

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



Originally Posted by Venture View Post
And until the devs bite the bullet and do what needs to be done -- which is nerfing buffs and debuffs -- the game is going to continue to not make sense. Designing around a system everyone knows is broken is wagging the dog.
And how exactly are they going to do that? I think it's too late for them to make a big change like that. The biggest 'problem' is stacking buffs and debuffs, but if they remove stacking then they make multiple buffers and debuffers on a team useless, which would be a terrible design decision.




There are a limited number of battle and plot scenarios that are feasible to be selected.

The use of all available scenarios will invariably cause some similarity to other games.

This is not due to a desire to emulate the other game so much as it is due to the limited selection of battle scenarios available.

In addition, it is the fluff more than the mechanics that make the difference in games.

The mechanic differences come down to some basic systems:

Templates or Point-Based

both WoW and CoH use Templates

Hit Points, Wounds or Status Effects

both WoW and CoH use Hit Points (the other status effects are not the main part of the health system)

Bell Curve or Flat Curve conflict resolution

given the number of variables involved in either, I'd say both use likely the same sort of conflict resolution

The base mechanics are already similar.

Now on to battle scenarios:

sieges, assaults, escorts

everything else is more or less a combination of this

when you are sent to destroy an object while eternal ambushes seek to push you off of it (Infernal, STF, Vanguard missions) then you have combined assault (destroy the target) with siege (hold off attackers)

we have fewer escorts, but we do have many rescues, we could especially use more escorts of the Lady Jane variety where we have to escort the rescuee deeper into mission...provided said rescuee gains a better AI....or else is set to not attack...

there isn't much more than those three scenarios: siege, assault, escort

and even escort is just a siege where you move

this doesn't change from game to game

every game's battles will come down to one of these three

as to the accusation of "gimmicks" that is common as well, gimmicks are used all the time, mostly by the players...

we've used the gimmick of placing the fight where we wanted it to happen (pulls and wormhole), altering the terrain of the fight (locationals), increasing our abilities and decreasing theirs (buff/debuff), stacking numbers (pets), slowing the pace of the fight (aggro and crowd control)

heck, such gimmicks are historical...I'm sure the Persians complained about the whole narrow pass "gimmick" and such

Trapdoor's gimmick isn't even all that annoying....and I dealt with it solo just fine after figuring out that his regen rate was connected to the number of clones he had out

Really, the whole complaint about being "like other MMOs but with tights" is the same silliness tabletop RPGers have been using to complain about D&D 4e being like MMORPGs

when the basic systems and scenarios being used by either set are essentially the same, there will always be overlap and similarity. Usually more similarity than difference if you ignore the flavor surrounding such things.

in order for CoH to not be "like" other MMOs you will have to change either the scenarios used or the systems used

given that no new scenarios have been invented in hundreds of years and we're essentially using the same scenarios used by Shakespeare and even further back, Euripides and the like, that's not likely to happen

changing systems is more likely, but also difficulty....I suppose, instead of XP, you could have a system where every time you use a power, it has a chance to improve...

instead of hit points you could have status effects such as "Injured" or "Disabled" the way Mutants and Masterminds does it...

instead of a random conflict resolution, you could always have a resource allocation method: I put five points in defense and ten points in offense while my enemy puts eight points in defense and seven points in offense, so my attack will always get through but so will his...

similarity is unavoidable

the only thing that can be moderated is the flavor/fluff.

take away the superhero fluff or the fantasy fluff and you basically have one group of people fighting another group of people

any MMO minus fluff is going to look primarily the same as any other MMO

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"Notice at the end, there: Arcanaville did the math and KICKED IT INTO EXISTENCE." - Ironik on the power of Arcanaville's math



Am i the only one that immobilizes BM and then has a rotation cycle set up so that the melee goes from smacking her face, to shooting her with range attacks, and the orbital lances become pretty much a simple thing to avoid entirely? everyone has their corner of the map, and everyone converges on BM until she nukes herself, then everyone goes back to their corner of the map (rotating corners depending on who gets a nuke dropped on them) then converging back on BM..

It worked wonders on my /traps as poison trap is pretty much a melee debuff, and my /traps can immobilize her pretty easily on her own.



Originally Posted by Fiery-Enforcer View Post
And how exactly are they going to do that? I think it's too late for them to make a big change like that. The biggest 'problem' is stacking buffs and debuffs, but if they remove stacking then they make multiple buffers and debuffers on a team useless, which would be a terrible design decision.
They need more buffing enemies.

The enemies should be using the same tactics that we use.

they've gotten better, the number of debuffing enemies and the mix of enemy types shows this

especially in Arachnos where you can run into debuffers, damage dealers, semi-tanks and more all in one spawn

but we don't have that many buffers

Sky Raider Engineers, CoT Madness Mages, Rikti Guardians, Tsoo Sorcerers

there needs to be more enemies along those lines

Thrythlind's Deviant Art Page
"Notice at the end, there: Arcanaville did the math and KICKED IT INTO EXISTENCE." - Ironik on the power of Arcanaville's math



Originally Posted by Lycanus View Post
They need more buffing enemies.

The enemies should be using the same tactics that we use.

they've gotten better, the number of debuffing enemies and the mix of enemy types shows this
The doppleganger team in the new Posi TF is brilliant about this. That's a genuinely tough but winnable encounter.

De minimis non curat Lex Luthor.



Originally Posted by Venture View Post
And until the devs bite the bullet and do what needs to be done -- which is nerfing buffs and debuffs -- the game is going to continue to not make sense. Designing around a system everyone knows is broken is wagging the dog.

When PvP got nerfed to hell and dimishing returns was introduced, I said that it was only a matter of time before it was introduced to the PvE game as well, and I got blasted on these forums for saying something so blasphemous.

It looks as if that time may soon be upon us.



Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
There are no inspirations that counter -speed. If you think Break Frees do, you are wrong.
I'm aware Break Frees don't. Eating Lucks, however, often prevents the -slow attacks from hitting you in the first place. Unfortunately, this doesn't help against some things (like !#&!@@ caltrops), but those things can sometimes be resolved with Hover or a flight temp power.

Of course, villains have had to fight the PPD's glue patches for four years.

Originally Posted by Venture View Post
And until the devs bite the bullet and do what needs to be done -- which is nerfing buffs and debuffs -- the game is going to continue to not make sense. Designing around a system everyone knows is broken is wagging the dog.
I don't agree with you often, Venture, but I do agree with this. Yet...

Originally Posted by Fiery-Enforcer View Post
And how exactly are they going to do that? I think it's too late for them to make a big change like that. The biggest 'problem' is stacking buffs and debuffs, but if they remove stacking then they make multiple buffers and debuffers on a team useless, which would be a terrible design decision.
This. At the point the game is at right now, pretty much any change to buff mechanics would cause immediate and severe AT imbalance and would take CoH much further in the direction of That Other Game and "holy trinity" teaming than anything in the Apex and Tin Mage TFs could.

Simply removing stacking, for example, would make it useless to bring more than at most 2 or 3 (depending on powersets) out of the spectrum of Defender/Controller/Corruptor/Mastermind, and would sharply limit what you could bring within those groups (sorry, Thermal corr, you'll have to sit out because we already have a sonic defender).

Nerfing the actual strength of buffs and debuffs is similarly thorny. By the time you were done nerfing them enough to actually solve the problem, the Defender AT would be nigh unplayable and a worse drain on teams than pre-buff Stalkers, and VEATs, Controllers, Corruptors and Masterminds would also be severely hurt (never mind that MMs already have enough problems with the fact that the purple patch is whacking their pets mercilessly in the Incarnate content). You'd either see people bringing truly absurd numbers of support ATs to things (to the exclusion of every other AT in the game), or none at all because a lone non-healing defender would be essentially useless and you'd be better off just taking something that can do damage instead. Of course, they could buff Defenders' and Corruptors' and possibly VEATs' and Controllers' and Masterminds' damage to compensate for the loss of buff power, but then where does that leave Blasters or Scrappers? Or Kheldians?

tl;dr: The archetypes are already on a thin enough line as far as balance goes that a massive, sweeping nerf to no fewer then six archetypes would likely irreparably wreck game balance even worse than buffs/debuffs currently do. And the cottage rule prevents them from making the changes that would really be necessary to avoid such problems.

The fact that we DON'T have "holy trinity" (tank, healer, DPS) teaming is one of this game's strengths, and it would be truly sad to see CoH reduced to it.

Originally Posted by Antigonus View Post
When PvP got nerfed to hell and dimishing returns was introduced, I said that it was only a matter of time before it was introduced to the PvE game as well, and I got blasted on these forums for saying something so blasphemous.

It looks as if that time may soon be upon us.
And then this is the third possibility I see - and honestly, the most likely one. It still bears a number of the problems of team composition mentioned above, but is both less disruptive, and able to be applied on a per-map level.

When diminishing returns were implemented in PvP, I recall it being said at the time that there were no plans to introduce the system to existing PvE content. I also recall that they didn't rule out diminishing returns being used in future PvE content.

Connect the dots - they likely can impose diminishing returns on buffs/debuffs in new task forces without affecting the balance of the existing 1-50 game.

It still raises questions of viability for one-trick-pony defense powersets such as Regeneration, Energy Aura or Super Reflexes in such an endgame, of course.



Originally Posted by Reiska View Post
Of course, villains have had to fight the PPD's glue patches for four years.
This is what you are getting in Roy Cooling arc. You fighting against rogue PPD there



Originally Posted by Reiska View Post
This. At the point the game is at right now, pretty much any change to buff mechanics would cause immediate and severe AT imbalance and would take CoH much further in the direction of That Other Game and "holy trinity" teaming than anything in the Apex and Tin Mage TFs could.

Simply removing stacking, for example, would make it useless to bring more than at most 2 or 3 (depending on powersets) out of the spectrum of Defender/Controller/Corruptor/Mastermind, and would sharply limit what you could bring within those groups (sorry, Thermal corr, you'll have to sit out because we already have a sonic defender).

Nerfing the actual strength of buffs and debuffs is similarly thorny. By the time you were done nerfing them enough to actually solve the problem, the Defender AT would be nigh unplayable and a worse drain on teams than pre-buff Stalkers, and VEATs, Controllers, Corruptors and Masterminds would also be severely hurt (never mind that MMs already have enough problems with the fact that the purple patch is whacking their pets mercilessly in the Incarnate content). You'd either see people bringing truly absurd numbers of support ATs to things (to the exclusion of every other AT in the game), or none at all because a lone non-healing defender would be essentially useless and you'd be better off just taking something that can do damage instead. Of course, they could buff Defenders' and Corruptors' and possibly VEATs' and Controllers' and Masterminds' damage to compensate for the loss of buff power, but then where does that leave Blasters or Scrappers? Or Kheldians?
This pretty much matches my feelings on the matter. I don't think it's practical to really balance buffs/debuffs within the current system. The changes needed wouldn't just violate the cottage rule, they'd whack it on the back of the head shoot it into space and make off with it's wife.

My fondest hope for CoX2 (if and when it ever comes out) is that the devs manage to set things up so that buffs are reasonably balanced without breaking the "casual teaming" element of CoH that I love.



Originally Posted by Megajoule View Post
I share Dragonkat's frustration and fear for the future.
The devs feed on fear, and tears and rage power the servers.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Antigonus View Post
When PvP got nerfed to hell and dimishing returns was introduced, I said that it was only a matter of time before it was introduced to the PvE game as well, and I got blasted on these forums for saying something so blasphemous.

It looks as if that time may soon be upon us.
Ironically, PvE has had a diminished effects system in place since I1: we just call it "the purple patch." The devs diminish effects every time they make the critters higher than even con. The thing about fearing PvP-style DR is that such a system would, if the numbers were set correctly (they aren't, in my opinion, in PvP in many cases) be a lot better than just making everything +5 all the time.

After all, with a DR system one debuffer is worth one debuffer, but eight debuffers might be worth only three times one debuffer. With the purple patch, eight debuffers are worth less than three debuffers by making one debuffer worth only 0.3 when fighting +5s.

Diminishing returns would be better, when talking specifically about advanced or end game content, than just setting everything high enough combat levels above us to nullify debuffs (and damage, and everything else).

I doubt it would be retroactively implemented in standard content. But treating DR as radioactive technology for end game content is pretty silly, when its so much better than the other alternatives. Level shifting itself is a way to dodge the DR question. I actually suggested level shifting as a way to address difficulty issues with the LRSF when it debuted, and even I think its a bandaid for a problem that is essentially what a DR system is supposed to address.

If it were me, though, I wouldn't use the PvP DR functions. I would use normalized linear return functions for most effects (i.e. mitigation), and shallow log returns for certain limited ones (i.e. damage) and no DR function for effects already bound by bounded pseudo-linear returns (recharge).

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Originally Posted by Venture View Post
And until the devs bite the bullet and do what needs to be done -- which is nerfing buffs and debuffs -- the game is going to continue to not make sense. Designing around a system everyone knows is broken is wagging the dog.

Inspirations are about 10 thousand times more broken than buffs and debuffs. And now you can just mail them to yourself. I could solo most of the other game if I had 50 potions that I could activate instantly and they cost almost nothing to obtain or replace.

The buff/debuff thing is much less of a problem. OK, so a bunch of Defenders can beat a couple of Task Forces if they work together. Meanwhile the Scrappers and Brutes cakewalk through the other 90% of the game, and have an easier time even obtaining the resources to run around unchecked. Every Controller is not a Fire/Kin or Ill/something and every Defender is not a... whatever Defender supposedly has an easier time than Scrappers do.



Originally Posted by NordBlast View Post
This is what you are getting in Roy Cooling arc. You fighting against rogue PPD there
Excellent! Now heroes can know the villains' pain at having to fight this crap since level, what, 15?



we have fewer escorts, but we do have many rescues, we could especially use more escorts of the Lady Jane variety where we have to escort the rescuee deeper into mission...provided said rescuee gains a better AI....or else is set to not attack...
Better AI would be nice but just adding a very brief immobilize to Lady Jane's and Fusionette's attacks could solve alot of the problems players have with these NPCs.

Well it have to be a new power similar to immoblize since Lady Jane's big problem is Cot ghosts running away and LJ trying to chase them down. Ghosts can't be immoblized with any immoblize in the game right now (unless enough mag is stacked?). When it comes to Fusionette her knockback is what is getting her killed since AI isn't smart enough to push it's target towards a wall, but if Fusionette lost her abilty to knock targets down she loses all her damage mitigation.

I think that if these NPCs had a brief secondary effect that immoblized any target, did not grant knock down/back protection but forced all knockback with a mag over 1 to decrease to say 0.95 knockback the problems players have with these missions would decrease.

Anther problem I have with these NPCs is the way they spread their damage around multiple targets when they should focus one on target. If all the single target attacks Fusionette and LJ use had a taunt-like effect that forces Fus and LJ to attack a target until that target is defeated these NPCs would become more of an asset to Players then the liability they seem to be.



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
Inspirations are about 10 thousand times more broken than buffs and debuffs. And now you can just mail them to yourself. I could solo most of the other game if I had 50 potions that I could activate instantly and they cost almost nothing to obtain or replace.
You're right: a level 50 character can be pretty much invincible for 30-60 seconds using the right inspirations. But since you can't do that on an ongoing basis, it's not really broken. True, if you run solo at x8 your inspirations are replenished quickly. But not as quickly as you use them if you don't have some underlying mitigation of your own, even if you combine them as the wrong types drop.

Before I IOed my Fire tank for S/L damage I could solo at x8 by using purples as necessary. Inspirations dropped fast enough to make it possible to do an entire mission. I have a much harder time doing this with my blasters even when they are softcapped for defense. You just have too many weaknesses.

Currently the only advantage defenders enjoy is the idea that they are force multipliers. If this is taken away it undercuts the entire concept of the AT.

However, I think it would be possible to rebalance the defender AT in some other way if diminishing returns were applied to buffs and debuffs. They would have to get some other kind of inherent, perhaps, or add effects that no other AT can achieve. For example, DR might affect defenders less than other ATs.



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
The buff/debuff thing is much less of a problem. OK, so a bunch of Defenders can beat a couple of Task Forces if they work together. Meanwhile the Scrappers and Brutes cakewalk through the other 90% of the game, and have an easier time even obtaining the resources to run around unchecked. Every Controller is not a Fire/Kin or Ill/something and every Defender is not a... whatever Defender supposedly has an easier time than Scrappers do.
/clap clap clap

Well put, Oedipus.

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