The Impossible Mr. Trapdoor and Issue 19's New Theme

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Heraclea View Post
  • No Trinity; anything can be run without a tank, healer, or debuffer.
  • No gear dependency on any encounter.
  • Every character can solo all soloable content without temp powers or smilar gimmicks that not every character has access to.
These three are all variations on something that's not possible without a significantly complex system which is able to detect and dynamically adjust content's difficulty to a team composition, including a team of a one solo character. Some encounters are simply going to be tuned to expect a high DPS team, or a lower DPS team with a DR or Regen debuffer or a team DPS buffer, or some similar permutation. For better or worse, Trapdoor is an example of just such an encounter. With the existing static system, if you require that every encounter be soloable by a one-attack Empath who can't/won't obtain a temp power from somewhere, that encounter will always be a complete snoozefest for a high DPS Blaster, Scrapper, Dominator, etc. If it never matters what you bring and success is always guaranteed, why have any distinctions in what the ATs and powersets do?

There's value in paying attention to the goal you want taken to what I feel are extremes. There are a variety of ATs, for example, that can debuff, buff or even tank. There are a variety of ATs that can bring DPS. I think your goal of avoiding strict archetype composition of teams is laudable. Your goal of avoiding any sense value in providing even broad roles I think is not.

The thing that mostly concerns me now is the fact that debuffs and control are becoming a must fill slot on much team content. This tends to force people into a rather dull role for the sake of the team; but content that is tedious withot debuffs or control often becomes trivial with them.
I've no doubt that Arcanaville could launch into a long lecture on this topic. What you're seeing is almost certainly a direct outcome of the strength of buffs and debuffs in this game. Without revamping (nerfing) the buff/debuff system fairly dramatically, the devs have limited choices. They either have to scale up the entities to account for the presence of debuffs and buffs, which makes the entities difficult to overcome without these, or they can ignore buffs and debuffs, in which case the entities will have the durability of a wet paper sack when faced by a team with them. I think in general that the devs have tried to split the difference, but for any chosen entity's balance point, someone will be able to build a team that can either bring more buffs and debuffs than the entity was tuned for, or bring much less.

By the way, you seem very focused on debuffs. Buffs are significantly more powerful in many situations. Debuffs such as -Regen only dominate when you don't have very strong damage base to work off of, because in those situations debuffing an entity's regen can end up contributing more effective net DPS than, say, doubling the team's damage. For already strong teams, +damage and -DR can be significantly more effective. Using both, of course, never hurts.

The one thing that pleases me about the new Trapdoor is that he now seems to be almost immune to debuffs. I thought my rad/archery defender would be able to solo him; he was entirely trivial on my ill/emp controller. I don't know if it was a bugged version or not, but the rad debuffs seemed entirely ineffective, and that character lacked the DPS to chase down clones. Now the ill/emp is the go to character when I help people who are struggling; that one can still solo him when he is purple and spawned for a team.
That's not my experience at all. In the thread on Trapdoor getting harder, I posted a video of my Dark/Dark corruptor soloing him as a +2 EB, and that was essentially only possible because of the -Regen in Howling Twilight. I tried it three times in total, and I could not defeat him (at least at +2) without the -Regen.

A team of all Scrappers should be able to brute force anything. A team of all Defenders should be unstoppable, as should a team of all Tankers. No game content whatsoever should be uncompletable or even tedious on a wildly unbalanced team. Your friends should be able to bring the character they want to play, and so should you.
The requirement to meet that, with the current game engine, is that everything be trivial.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
Ok, so *what* exactly do players want?
Animated hair, animated faces, separate fingers, more realistic bust shapes, turning at the waist, upgraded face geometry.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Megajoule View Post
Nice ideas, Flarstux (EDIT: and DSorrow. Yes, even the bit about PvP. )

And Furio: I leveled both a (post-Smoke fix) AR/Dev blaster and the FF/Energy defender in my userpic to 50, mostly solo, in the 04-06 timeframe. I've only just this last issue gotten around to making a build for the latter that uses IOs; she was already retired by their introduction. I remember when debt started at level 5, was the same inside missions as outside, and there was no patrol xp to counter it. I also had a controller who had to run across the Hollows to get to his mission doors. So, yeah. I know the way of the (old-style) squishy.

Schismatrix (and JKCarrier): Exactly. I'm sure my friends will be willing to bring me along, even if I contribute nothing of value to the team, but for the sake of my rather fragile self-esteem, I don't want to be (in my words of earlier) dead weight or a "leech."
If you can do better than running into every spawn running Whirlwind and promptly dying you're not a leech. As long as you're willing to try and listen to suggestions you're not a leech. If you spend the entire mission boomboxing at the entrance then you're a leech.

There are several players i team with somewhat regularly who simply aren't very good at the game, whether due to bad coordination and reflexes or not understanding how the game works. The only one i had the slightest problem with is the one who over a year later still insisted on trying to play this game as if it was one of the holy trinity MMOs. As long as you contribute i don't care if you're nowhere near being Omnibot Ubermensch 50,000.

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Originally Posted by JKCarrier View Post
I'm glad that there's harder content for the people who want it. But in their zeal to appeal to that group, I hope the devs don't forget about the rest of us n00bs and lamerz.
If I could, I am honestly interested in what it was about it that killed you so often. Please know I am not saying that with an air of wonder at the notion that someone could die a lot on these TFs. I'm just interested in knowing what it was that led to it being so frequent, if you know. For example, was it the nanite patches, and you just couldn't get out of the way? Was it the nature of the pervasive level 54 foes? Stuff like that.

Also, just to be sure, you had your alpha slot actually equipped, right? You definitely weren't in there facing what were effectively +8 foes?

As long as it's not something mechanical that we can't address, like your video card doesn't render the nanite patches, or you just don't have strong gaming reflexes, I'd like to see if I can offer any helpful advice.

If you were willing to discuss it, I would be glad to take this to PMs or something if you don't want to risk people poking fun at your responses.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Thread was at 13 pages when I read it so my post will be all over the place.
Please do not reply to my post without answering at least one question posted therein.

First, regarding the complaints about "on the rails" Trapdoor fight. Is this what you really want? That when the devs need to add a somewhat challenging EB, they should do so with no regard to what the intended tactics should be ?
Take EB, decide that the challenge should be in regen. Then drop into the map with no "rails"/scripts. Well, they have done it before. Widdershins. Do you really think that is better than the Trapdoor encounter we have now ?

Second, there have been complaints about the change to Trapdoor as opposed to the fight itself. Suppose the Protean fight was bugged on release such that his power siphon did not work (bugs happen). So Protean was a standard EB with exploding scenery, defeatable by the basic "stand still and hit him" tactic. And in a later patch, devs fixed the power siphon to make it work as they had always intended. Would you consider this "wrong" because a valid (baseline even) tactic was removed ? If no, do you consider this hypothetical scenario different from what happened to Trapdoor ?

Third, about alleged tanker uselessness in BM encounter. I have only done Apex on my corruptor so far. Most of the times (by far) when I have died in the last fight, it was from being shot by BMs crossbow. Damage from her minions takes second place. If a tank (not necessarily tanker) can keep BM and her minions from shooting any squishies then s/he is already contributing significantly more than any one damage dealer, even if the tank does 0 dps himself.
Yes, doing this may require the tank to run around taunting. And many find doing this less entertaining than beating up mobs. Well, most support types do not necessarily enjoy placing bubbles on everyone either. But they do it anyway. That is teamwork - doing things for the benefit of the team.

Fourth, regarding the incarnate system in general. I like it, but I think having level shifts is a mistake. Because they are like adding 10 more levels after 50, except worse:
- the devs have stated there are no plans for levels after 50, if they have changed their minds then they should have at least told us
- the "stuff" needed to get these levels is highly specific as opposed to "XP"
- this "stuff" will have to be gathered in a specific order. In order for content to be challenging to characters with, say, the first four slots it has to be impossible for characters with only the alpha slot.
- there are no new zones to go with new levels
- these new levels do not work with the existing (super)sidekick mechanism, severely splitting the playerbase
- every new incarnate alt will have to go through the "incarnate path" in order, unable to join existing incarnates on the most recent content right away
- "older" parts of the incarnate content will lose relevance, quickly. Characters playing catch up will have a hard time finding teams. Maxed incarnates will gain very little by helping others with lower tiered incarnate content.
- more subjective: I would like my characters to become more powerful by hitting harder/faster or being tougher. And I would like each improvement to be noticeable and different. Being more powerful because one generic number (level) is higher - not it.

And fifth, since the thread has taken a turn towards wishlists. Here are the changes I would make to the I19 TFs:

Drop level from 54 to 50, make difficulty settings work towards increasing the level. Give badge for doing at 54. Hell, add such badges to existing level 50 TFs too. "Tough guy/girl <task force name>" or something.
AVs and EBs can stay 54 if it is that much easier than dropping to 50 and rebalancing accordingly - but that will make difficulty settings less useful.


mission one
Pylons get pbaoe aura that seriously buffs tentacles (compensates for -4, perhaps some extra res on top) - first serious fight, after warming up on clockwork

War Walker orbital attack: give increased chance to hit (what with it being an area saturation strike) and make it cause stacking -heal/-regen (both, not either/or) effect so that even tanks have reason to dodge it, lest they become unhealable.
Result: War walkers are a serious threat, fight at station stays/becomes appropriately hectic, serves as precursor/training for Battle Maiden

mission two
change the floating swords from ambush to summon power used by BM. They no longer give rewards and do not run out. (assuming this is already not so, not sure to be honest) Turns them from ambush to an encounter mechanic, partly compensated by swords now being level 50.

Tin Mage II

mission one
War Walkers - see above
Malta spawns are now level 50 (like everything else), however they are set to allow up to 3-4 sappers per spawn. Credible, lore-fitting threat that requires precise targeting, hard controls or well timed nuke(s). You know, tactics.
Director 11, give proximity bombs a powerful KB/Repel effect on explosion. Unwary players can get thrown into MORE proximity mines, like some crazy pinball machine

mission two
Change the story here:
Praetorians have started to attack by hijacking portals, and have invaded Portal Corp and Grandville tower. The truce talks, while helpful, are a bait as Vanguard leave their own portal open.
As expected, huge number of War works invade the Vanguard base. Only to be met by their worst enemy, Task Force <name>! The invading army takes heavy casualties, allowing Primals to go on a counter offensive. Vanguard NPCs team up with Recluse and gang to clear Grandville tower while Task Force <name> secures Portal Corp.

mission three
When Bobcat reaches 75/50/25%, if Neuron is up he puts a 30sec (or 1 min?) phasing shield on her, once. Easy way is easy, but takes longer.
When both Bobcat and Neuron are down, if any Goliaths are up, they send an uber-priority alarm signal that aggroes every war work on the map. This of course does nothing if map has been cleared. Either destroy bots while handling an AV, clear the map first or take down the incoming mobs (why hello there Judgement slot!). Either way effort/tactics needed, of optional difficulty.

I do not suffer from altitis, I enjoy every character of it.



I ran the Apex TF with two different ATs and had two wildly different experiences.

The first time was with my WP/KM Tank. Although we failed at Battlemaiden and gave up after about 40 minutes (couldn't out-DPS her regen), I thought the fight was fun and very simple. I couldn't understand why my teammates were nearly foaming at the mouth in rage at the encounter. However the second time was with my Rad/Rad defender. Although we succeeded, I was nearly to point of pulling out my hair - it was stressful and aggravating. For the record, I've been playing this game for nearly six years, I don't qualify as "casual", and I learned how to "joust" before there was even a popular term to describe it.

Looking back, I think the difference is pretty simple. All my tank had to do was taunt, punch, and watch out for the blue patches. My defender, on the other hand, had to keep debuffs/buffs up, contribute the DPS, rez/heal teammates who are scattered everywhere and on the move and being attacked by added mobs, and keep myself alive. And all of this while avoiding blue patches.

On top of everything else, I found that it was pretty much impossible have any communication with my teammates (a PUG, btw) because everyone was so tied up with the AV, avoiding blue patches, and dealing with adds.

It's irritating to see people say "all you have to do is not queue-up a power when a blue patch is about to appear" because it's just not that simple, at least not for anyone who has to do more than fire off attacks. I found, playing my defender, that there was just too much happening at once, and a few times it just felt like my ability to process all information was about to shut down... ie., Lingering Radiation is ready to go again...but wait the Blaster is taking damage, I need to help him...but wait, a bunch of swords just started beating on me, now I need to use some powers to save myself...but wait, a blue patch just appeared on me....and so on. It just seemed inevitable that I would end up in a blue patch and die. Again and again.

I like the new approach and I'm glad to see the Devs trying to do something more interesting with their game engine than simply giving us increasingly more dense punching bags to beat. But I feel like the overall pace of the battle could be cut back a little to make it less frantic for some. Specifically, I think if they simply reduced the adds it would help out a lot. If people were given more room to focus on the "mini-game", and less on dealing with the adds, I think the encounter would be significantly less frustrating while still requiring a method other than tank & spank.

"There's villainy ... and then there's supervillainy. The difference is performance."



Originally Posted by _Toxa_ View Post
Looking back, I think the difference is pretty simple. All my tank had to do was taunt, punch, and watch out for the blue patches. My defender, on the other hand, had to keep debuffs/buffs up, contribute the DPS, rez/heal teammates who are scattered everywhere and on the move and being attacked by added mobs, and keep myself alive. And all of this while avoiding blue patches.
I can see how that might be aggravating/overload; I haven't tried it with a defender (and probably won't, for other reasons).

On my tank, however, I did exactly what you said - but for me, it wasn't easy and was frustrating. You describe it as "all I had to do", I felt (and still do) that it was all I could do. I wanted to be in there fighting, swinging, helping, not scampering all over the map bleating "look at me" while the rest of the team struggled to put down the AV with whatever quick-animating ranged attacks they could muster. And there wasn't any time in that 30-40? minutes that I could stop - even when I ran into a patch by mistake and died almost instantly (yes, the tank), I had to jump out of the Vanguard med-tube and run back to the battle as fast as I could - except when the whole team wiped and someone called for a regroup on top of the building (which happened a couple times).

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Faces of the City



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
I'm just interested in knowing what it was that led to it being so frequent, if you know. For example, was it the nanite patches, and you just couldn't get out of the way?

Was it the nature of the pervasive level 54 foes?

Also, just to be sure, you had your alpha slot actually equipped, right?
Yes, I had a Common Cardiac Boost slotted.

As long as it's not something mechanical that we can't address, like your video card doesn't render the nanite patches
I was not seeing the "warning glow" that is supposed to show up before the patch activates. But it may be that I just didn't know what to look for, or I was too distracted by flying swords and such.

or you just don't have strong gaming reflexes
I'm sure that's part of it. I'm no good at the ski run either.

I'd like to see if I can offer any helpful advice.
I appreciate the thought, but I don't plan on running it again any time soon.

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Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
These three are all variations on something that's not possible without a significantly complex system which is able to detect and dynamically adjust content's difficulty to a team composition, including a team of a one solo character.
Fortunately, we already do have that system in place. We do have encounters that adjust for team size, bosses that scale for team size, and a difficulty slider for those who want a different mix.

Since tips and hero/villain merits were introduced, I'm doing stuff I never though I'd imagine doing: running missions on tricked out characters at -1/1. They probably could solo them easily at much higher settings, but the objective has changed: running five tip missions a day in as little time as possible.

I've no doubt that Arcanaville could launch into a long lecture on this topic. What you're seeing is almost certainly a direct outcome of the strength of buffs and debuffs in this game. Without revamping (nerfing) the buff/debuff system fairly dramatically, the devs have limited choices.
I suspect that at some future date we're going to have to suffer the equivalent of the GDN for buffs and debuffs. This is going to cause even more howls of dismay than the original did. In the good old Golden Age of the game, it was no sacrifice to play a tanker or scrapper; but these characters typically sacrifice a lot of power for team utility.

That's not my experience at all. In the thread on Trapdoor getting harder, I posted a video of my Dark/Dark corruptor soloing him as a +2 EB, and that was essentially only possible because of the -Regen in Howling Twilight. I tried it three times in total, and I could not defeat him (at least at +2) without the -Regen.
This is why I think the Trapdoor I got was somehow bugged, a consequence of having the mission open but unfinished when the patch went through. The -regen on my rad/archery defender seemed to make no difference whatsoever. After I ran the arc on someone else's fresh mission, it seemed to have its usual effects.

Now, I was able to solo the new Trapdoor on a tanker (WP/Dark) the other day. Cost me a snow beast and a Vanguard heavy, though. And obviously, none of my characters without mez protection are going to be getting heavies any time soon. The only characters I have left are a handful of tankers on servers where I seldom play, and a retired stone tanker, a creature of i5. Not going to log into a strange server and beg for a controller to come solo it for me any time soon.

<《 New Colchis / Guides / Mission Architect 》>
"At what point do we say, 'You're mucking with our myths'?" - Harlan Ellison



Originally Posted by Heraclea View Post

I suspect that at some future date we're going to have to suffer the equivalent of the GDN for buffs and debuffs. This is going to cause even more howls of dismay than the original did. In the good old Golden Age of the game, it was no sacrifice to play a tanker or scrapper; but these characters typically sacrifice a lot of power for team utility.

I don't think we'll be seeing any sort of GDN for buffs and debuffs - They work well in this game, and are what distinguishes CoX from its fantasy competitors. Buffing and debuffing instead of healing is a valid strategy in this game, and I don't think it will be changed in any sweeping way.

Comrade Smersh, KGB Special Section 8 50 Inv/Fire, Fire/Rad, BS/WP, SD/SS, AR/EM
Other 50s: Plant/Thorn, Bots/Traps, DB/SR, MA/Regen, Rad/Dark - All on Virtue.

-Don't just rebel, build a better world, comrade!



Not seeing how mez protection has anything to do with getting the merits for a vanguard heavy.

Furio--Lvl 50+3 Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster, Virtue
Megadeth--Lvl 50+3 Necro/DM/Soul MM, Virtue
Veriandros--Lvl 50+3 Crab Soldier, Virtue
"So come and get me! I'll be waiting for ye, with a whiff of the old brimstone. I'm a grim bloody fable, with an unhappy bloody end!" Demoman, TF2



Originally Posted by Furio View Post
Not seeing how mez protection has anything to do with getting the merits for a vanguard heavy.
When I try to bring a character without mez protection on a ship raid, all I do is run back and forth from the hospital.

<《 New Colchis / Guides / Mission Architect 》>
"At what point do we say, 'You're mucking with our myths'?" - Harlan Ellison



QR: Strange, my Controller who has feck and all defence/resists seems to do pretty well by themselves for the large part of it...



Originally Posted by Heraclea View Post
When I try to bring a character without mez protection on a ship raid, all I do is run back and forth from the hospital.
Someone needs to bring a bubbler or FFG to the ship raid to help the squishies out. Otherwise the results tend to be sub par.



Originally Posted by PumBumbler View Post
Someone needs to bring a bubbler or FFG to the ship raid to help the squishies out. Otherwise the results tend to be sub par.
Bubble, Sonic, and Traps users are always in high demand for ship raids. i haven't had that many issues using squishier sorts on ship raids myself. That includes Dark Miasma users who not only have no mez protection, they also tend to use the Rikti Magi as debuff anchors, and a Grav/Storm who also focuses on going after the Magi. They do get faceplanted on occasion, but not usually so often that they spend all their time running back to the ship unless it's also happening to all the other raiders, in which case we're generally doing it wrong.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Heraclea View Post
Fortunately, we already do have that system in place. We do have encounters that adjust for team size, bosses that scale for team size, and a difficulty slider for those who want a different mix.
That isn't adequate. If you think it is, consider that I have characters who can run on x6 to x8 by themselves. I have no characters that cannot run on x4. By implication, a team of equivalents to my weakest characters would need to run on the equivalent to x32.

I suspect that at some future date we're going to have to suffer the equivalent of the GDN for buffs and debuffs. This is going to cause even more howls of dismay than the original did.
I my be wrong, but I don't. Castle's told us not to expect that, and I have the impression he wasn't just conveying his own decision in that matter. Uprooting the game at that level seems very risky to me given the nature of this game, which is a small but relatively stable core of long-term subscribers. And to what end - so folks can solo anything? That doesn't seem like a worthwhile trade to me.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



On the wishlist subject, how about finally filling that SF gap between levels 30-35? Heroes don't need new content just because you gave villains content, specially when they already have equivalent content to the new one for villains. Make it be Wretch's SF, and then give a new badge/accolade for doing Silver Mantis, Wretch, Ice Mistral, and Barracuda's SFs!



What they said. My namesake has done the most raids of any of my characters. Granted, he can still fight a bit when mezzed, being a blaster, but death is rarely...who am I kidding; death is never a concern . Especially considering there's my team and usually 2 others. There's almost more green numbers floating up in the raids I've been on than there are Rikti, and my buff bar has more symbols than I have powers, it seems.

Furio--Lvl 50+3 Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster, Virtue
Megadeth--Lvl 50+3 Necro/DM/Soul MM, Virtue
Veriandros--Lvl 50+3 Crab Soldier, Virtue
"So come and get me! I'll be waiting for ye, with a whiff of the old brimstone. I'm a grim bloody fable, with an unhappy bloody end!" Demoman, TF2



Originally Posted by _Toxa_ View Post
It's irritating to see people say "all you have to do is not queue-up a power when a blue patch is about to appear" because it's just not that simple, at least not for anyone who has to do more than fire off attacks. I found, playing my defender, that there was just too much happening at once, and a few times it just felt like my ability to process all information was about to shut down... ie., Lingering Radiation is ready to go again...but wait the Blaster is taking damage, I need to help him...but wait, a bunch of swords just started beating on me, now I need to use some powers to save myself...but wait, a blue patch just appeared on me....and so on. It just seemed inevitable that I would end up in a blue patch and die. Again and again.
Interesting. I did it on multiple Dark Defenders and Corruptors. I realize of course their roles don't overlap perfectly, but I did have many of the same concerns - the need to spam my debuffs, rezzes, heals, and attacks. I think this is just a matter of personal preference and mental wiring. (To be clear, I'm not trying to imply in any way, by the way, that your wiring is "defective". I'm just saying mine may be suited to that sort of multi-tasking, and yours might not be.)

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Just to throw another shrimp on the barbie, I started Ramiel's arc with my Peacebringer (build) and Trapdoor was an extremely tedious unfun fight for her. Even one bifurcation pretty much zeroed her damage, and by the time I could hunt down the buffbots he'd regen back to full. His Total Focus was a one-shot kill unless she was at full health, and then it became a two-shot kill since I couldn't break the hold and heal before another attack hit. I eventually caught a break and got him to the dialog stage after something like an hour of trying...if I counted correctly, I took out over 100 bifurcations by then.

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
Ok, so *what* exactly do players want?
Limitless Radial Freem.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
Interesting. I did it on multiple Dark Defenders and Corruptors. I realize of course their roles don't overlap perfectly, but I did have many of the same concerns - the need to spam my debuffs, rezzes, heals, and attacks. I think this is just a matter of personal preference and mental wiring. (To be clear, I'm not trying to imply in any way, by the way, that your wiring is "defective". I'm just saying mine may be suited to that sort of multi-tasking, and yours might not be.)
I've actually had a similar conversation with people in the past. The way the game has been set up so far, at least the way I play it, there really doesn't have to be all that much information overload. I know what all of my powers do, I know who all of my enemies are and where they are, so I know what to do. This... Doesn't work in a mosh pit, not for me. When we're eight heroes fighting what feels like 30 enemies, I begin to have no clue what the hell is going on anywhere, and I can't even see my mouse cursor. In these situations, I resolve to just pushing buttons, hoping that auto-targeting will pick something I can hit, because I honestly can't make sense of the kaleidoscope of power effects and swarming NPCs.

A lot people like to patronise the community with "You have to THINK! You have to REACT!" and so forth, when historically, some of the highest praise I've seen for City of Heroes has been that it ISN'T an action game and that people who aren't normally devout gamers can play it and have fun. I remember there was one guy who was somehow handicapped and explained he was only really able to use one finger of one hand, or thereabout. Yet the game gave him a window into a world where he could be a super hero and not limited by his disabilities.

You know, I'm not handicapped, I have good dexterity, I have decent reflexes... And yet it still bothers me how elitist the attitude here is becoming. Once upon a time, we acted like it was everyone's god-given right to have fun in the game in his own way. And now we take pleasure in telling people they're not good enough and that they don't "deserve" to participate? This concerns me greatly, because it stands to corrupt probably the single greatest advantage this community had over those of all other MMOs.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I think you and I have had that discussion about information overload a few times. Well, it's more or less a one way discussion. Heheh.

Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP

Remember kids, crack is whack!

Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it



We have, yes. That's the one I was talking about.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.