The Impossible Mr. Trapdoor and Issue 19's New Theme

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Actually, I got killed by caltrops a couple of weeks ago testing a build at x8. Soft-capping has weaknesses, and that's one of them.
To quote the usual gang of idiots:

"LOL - that never happened!"
"Learn to play, noob."
"You need to play a different character and use your Inspirations plus temp powers. That's why the Devs put them there, duh."
"Your doinng it rong."

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
Originally Posted by Megajoule View Post
"Sorry, but you just aren't good enough to enjoy the new content, or the content that's likely to follow it. You're not fast enough, skilled enough, and so on. You've muddled through thus far, but at this point you might as well give up. All this cool new stuff? It's not for you."

I don't think what I said and what you said are the same thing.
Maybe you didn't come out and say it, but plenty of other people have had a definite "LOL U SUK" attitude about all this.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
Side question: When the crap did the term 'munchkin' spring up in this game? I didn't think I'd ever hear a more inane term than 'nub' but clearly I was wrong.
the sad thing is that it's used wrong

he's calling the people that want more challenge "Munchkins" when tabletop gaming slang has always used the term to describe people that want all the power and loot they can get with minimal challenge

in fact, judging by his arguments, he's closer to a munchkin than anybody else on this thread so far

Thrythlind's Deviant Art Page
"Notice at the end, there: Arcanaville did the math and KICKED IT INTO EXISTENCE." - Ironik on the power of Arcanaville's math



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
Yeah. As someone who likes to fiddle around in it some, I hate to say it, but I agree.
I have to apologize here, I had and have a multi-arch storyline planned of which I've only gotten two archs out of...granted those are getting 4 stars, but life has interfered with getting to the third arc

Thrythlind's Deviant Art Page
"Notice at the end, there: Arcanaville did the math and KICKED IT INTO EXISTENCE." - Ironik on the power of Arcanaville's math



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
I thought Johnny used the term correctly when he talked about people wanting to be leet and purpling out their characters while telling the rest of us how to play. "Learn to play" seems to be an undercurrent of munchkin attitude, and that has been displayed in spades. Heck, it's in the snarky titles of these threads.
no, munchkins don't generally have an interest in other people's playing skills...they simply complain if something is hard and the reward isn't high enough

the defining characteristic of a munchkin isn't "learn to play" it's more "low risk, high reward...and whine if not true"

the guy that wants to teach people to play is generally referred to as "l33t" or "leet", burrowing from internet talk

power-gamers simply enjoy the aspect of getting the most power out of the least cost, munchkins are generally power-gamers by definition, but power-gamers are not munchkins by definition

wargamers enjoy the strategic and tactical challenges more than the building aspect, but are generally skilled at it

min-maxer is a subset of power-gamer that works best in a high-mechanic, low RP setting such as an MMO

generalists and concept characters are generally more powerful and overall effective than min-maxers in a tabletop RP setting where the controlling computer is a human brain which is capable of reasoning through scenarios that weren't pre-planned or thought (for example, in all those 5th Column missions where all we're doing is eliminating the base personnel, why not destroy those air-recyclers you run across and then cave in the entrance, that'll do it)...though playing a successful concept character requires a good understanding of the mechanics of the rules in any case or else you'll find yourself gimped regardless

Thrythlind's Deviant Art Page
"Notice at the end, there: Arcanaville did the math and KICKED IT INTO EXISTENCE." - Ironik on the power of Arcanaville's math



Originally Posted by Emberly View Post
That didn't last long, considering how often I see Venture at the heroside market.
{{Maybe he markets OOC only?}}

Originally Posted by Emberly View Post
Do you really think this is how other people are?
Well, if they know they have JB for tank, they might.

I think I would, at this point.
Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
I've gone on record as saying I don't think the PToD are fair and that I hate when any AT's power set is trivialized.

When an AV goes PToD, your holds and immobs still do damage. Using them still matters. You still have all your secondary power set. You may not be able to lock the AV down, but both of your power sets still contribute otherwise.

Battle Maiden largely trivializes both melee primary and secondary power sets. What good is Blazing Aura when jousting is the order of the day? What good is a melee attack chain when you only have time to pop off a couple of hits before you have to flee like an insect.

PToD may take away your controlling aspect on a TF finale, but it doesn't force you to run and jump around like an idiot, rob you of the lions share of both of your power sets and render the most meaningful contribution you can make mashing Taunt to pull an enemy out of death patches.

EDIT And Controllers/Doms shouldn't be fans of her either. Holding or immobilizing her prevents her from being pulled out of the puddles, making melee even more useless.
Oh my, one or two powers being made situational!

That's like complaining Gunslingers make Caltrops, or other Auras, "useless" - and I've yet to see you complain about them.
And by the way, PToD do bite controllers more than doms, as it cuts their damage in half (outside of the pet, if they have one).

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by StormSurvivor View Post
Why can't people who enjoy this, as you put it, "challenge", have their challenging content to play with? Why can't the people who have been asking for a difficult endgame get content they've been asking for?
Because there is no need for it if people used the tools they've already been given to challenge themselves with the existing content.

You show me an all Blaster STF run with no Inspirations, no Enhancements, AT Powers only, no Temp Powers, no Travel powers, debuffed players, buffed enemies and no faceplants and I might concede that people seeking challenge have exhausted the tools given to them and maybe are entitled to special content.

Additionally, I don't think I should have to fund content I don't want in the game and I've been given no way show my support of content I do want to support beyond complaining loudly and causing a scene about what I don't like, which is what I'm doing and what I plan to continue doing unless I'm stopped not of my own free will. If you don't like it you can put me on ignore, urge the devs to get it together or leave yourself. Those three options suit me fine.




Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
Because there is no need for it if people used the tools they've already been given to challenge themselves with the existing content.
Because setting to +4/x8 and standing in spawns doesn't get old.

Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
You show me an all Blaster STF run with no Inspirations, no Enhancements, AT Powers only, no Temp Powers, no Travel powers, debuffed players, buffed enemies and no faceplants and I might concede that people seeking challenge have exhausted the tools given to them and maybe are entitled to special content.
You aren't entitled to make that call and are incredibly arrogant for thinking you are.

Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
Additionally, I don't think I should have to fund content I don't want in the game and I've been given no way show my support of content I do want to support beyond complaining loudly and causing a scene about what I don't like, which is what I'm doing and what I plan to continue doing unless I'm stopped not of my own free will. If you don't like it you can put me on ignore, urge the devs to get it together or leave yourself. Those three options suit me fine.
I think most of us would prefer if you left. We're fine with the content. You're not. You're with the outliers. If you don't want to fund it, don't. If it's really such a problem, bail out and find another game to criticize ad infinitum.

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
If it's really such a problem, bail out and find another game to criticize ad infinitum.
No u.

The challenge level of the content has been fine for years and until just recently when the devs got a bug up their **** and decided they need to ape WoW and try for some 'dynamic' battle like CO.




Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
To quote the usual gang of idiots:

"LOL - that never happened!"
"Learn to play, noob."
"You need to play a different character and use your Inspirations plus temp powers. That's why the Devs put them there, duh."
"Your doinng it rong."
To be fair, I did it wrong. SR can practically run right out of double-stacked caltrops, but once they get quintuple stacked or worse, you're a dead man walking unless you can kill enough of them fast enough to open an escape hatch. You're not supposed to let yourself get surrounded on all sides by KoA, especially if you've decided to play at x8.

I just made a mistake, and paid the price for making a mistake. It happens. At least, it happens to me. Often enough to know when a claim of invincibility has to be due to either luck or an exaggeration or a statement from a robot.

Interesting thing about caltrops, though. Caltrops deal 0.05 scale damage per second, and that is considered "trivial damage." Worth noting: a standard scale 1.0 attack has 4 second recharge. If the attack has about 1.0 second of cast time - fairly short as critter attacks go - a scale 1.0 attack would have 5 second cycle time and generate 0.2 scale damage per second. Except even minions only hit about half the time, which means that 0.2 scale damage per second is actually only about 0.1 scale damage per second of damage that actually lands. Caltrops, which are described as doing "trivial" damage, actually deal about half the damage as a minion with one attack would do. Typical minions have two attacks, which means a single patch of caltrops does about 25% of the damage of a typical minion. Another way of looking at it is that a KoA minion with caltrops is about as dangerous as a +1 minion (which would hit 11% harder 10% more often: 22% more damage). The difference between even con and +1 is essentially being described in the caltrops description as "trivial."

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
I think most of us would prefer if you left. We're fine with the content. You're not. You're with the outliers. If you don't want to fund it, don't. If it's really such a problem, bail out and find another game to criticize ad infinitum.
you know, I only show up on the boards for a week or two before fading to lurking again and forgetting its existence for the most part for the next two months or so before getting bored and coming back

it really says something that I recognize a name as a troublemaker...Johnny Butane in example

Thrythlind's Deviant Art Page
"Notice at the end, there: Arcanaville did the math and KICKED IT INTO EXISTENCE." - Ironik on the power of Arcanaville's math



Originally Posted by Lycanus View Post
you know, I only show up on the boards for a week or two before fading to lurking again and forgetting its existence for the most part for the next two months or so before getting bored and coming back

it really says something that I recognize a name as a troublemaker...Johnny Butane in example
I know I'm going off topic here, but I do remember a tank player bashing Dual Blades. The bashing was something along the lines of calling it useless or a waste of dev resources due to it being unpopular among tankers. I'm not sure if it was Johnny or another tank player, but I wish I had saved that post somewhere. I've never leaned towards generalizing players but I may have to make an exception for tank players.



It's almost a shame it's so much easier to level in the game that it was at launch. I think everyone would benefit if they were to run a blaster (or other squishy) to 50 under the old xp/debt rates before experiencing the melee ATs

Furio--Lvl 50+3 Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster, Virtue
Megadeth--Lvl 50+3 Necro/DM/Soul MM, Virtue
Veriandros--Lvl 50+3 Crab Soldier, Virtue
"So come and get me! I'll be waiting for ye, with a whiff of the old brimstone. I'm a grim bloody fable, with an unhappy bloody end!" Demoman, TF2



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
The challenge level of the content has been fine for years and until just recently when the devs got a bug up their **** and decided they need to ape WoW and try for some 'dynamic' battle like CO.
Energy Transfer was fine for years, until they nerfed it to hell and back. Having separate green and yellow lines was fine for years, until they merged them. PvP was fine for years, until they rewrote it from the ground up. Defender damage was fine for years, until it got a boost when solo. We couldn't switch sides for years, until they added it. We didn't have inventions for years, until they added those.

Just because something has been like it was for a long time does not mean the devs wanted it the way it was. Maybe they just didn't have time to look at it before. Maybe they always knew what they wanted to do, but didn't have the time, budget or people to make underlying changes they wanted. You can't look at it from the perspective of long consistency and decide that they suddenly got a wild hair to change something for change's sake. It's pretty clear to me that you're presenting it from that perspective because you dislike the change, and describing it in that way suggests it was done with little planning or foresight. But you don't know that with any certainty; it's just posturing on your part.

This game hasn't been as static as you seem to be suggesting. It's been evolving for a long, long time. One of the earliest jolts in difficulty it got (after I1 added the original 41-50 content) was with I6 and the release of CoV, where the main NPC opponents were noticeably more obnoxious than CoH players were used to, and in some cases as hard in the 20s and 30s as some of the most challenging NPCs CoH had in its 40-50 game. (To this day, Arachnos are practically the gold standard in challenging foes, referenced as annoying and dangerous by people who pull some of the most consistently ridiculous stunts imaginable.) The player base has been evolving over the years, and the devs have been evolving with them. Fortunately, it hasn't been an wide-open arms race, and I don't believe it is even with this new content. But I do expect the Incarnate content specifically to be more blatant in its escalation of power. Unlike you, I just don't expect that to translate directly into broad escalation throughout the entire game.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by Rikis View Post
I know I'm going off topic here, but I do remember a tank player bashing Dual Blades. The bashing was something along the lines of calling it useless or a waste of dev resources due to it being unpopular among tankers. I'm not sure if it was Johnny or another tank player, but I wish I had saved that post somewhere. I've never leaned towards generalizing players but I may have to make an exception for tank players.
actually, I was a tank player for a good five years or so...recently lost my feel for the class...

my older brother is just SOOO much better than me at it...seen footage of him tanking the old infinite-spawn demon gate in the Infernal mission, along with facing Infernal for the space of a dull pain followed by unstoppable when dull pain ended and another dull pain when unstoppable ended....somewhere around 6 to 10 minutes back when people thought Invuln was weak

Thrythlind's Deviant Art Page
"Notice at the end, there: Arcanaville did the math and KICKED IT INTO EXISTENCE." - Ironik on the power of Arcanaville's math



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
The challenge level of the content has been fine for years and until just recently when the devs got a bug up their **** and decided they need to ape WoW and try for some 'dynamic' battle like CO.
No, the challenge has not been fine. Maybe for you it has, but obviously not for others.

What's so bad about adding more challenging end game content? It's not like they're ignoring everything else, just look at Going Rogue. As far as I know, one of the biggest complaints about this game throughout the MMO community is the lack of end game content. Again, why is it so bad to try and address this issue?

Removing stuff from the game and gimping yourself just to try to make the game harder gets old. Enhancements are a big part of the game I enjoy, but just to find a challenge I can't use them? I don't understand why you think our characters should get stronger, but not enemies along with us? Sounds like you won't be happy until you're able to stand still and one shot everything in the game with Brawl.




Originally Posted by Megajoule View Post
Yeah, that's kind of the impression I'm getting from the TFs themselves and the responses here.

"Sorry, but you just aren't good enough to enjoy the new content, or the content that's likely to follow it. You're not fast enough, skilled enough, and so on. You've muddled through thus far, but at this point you might as well give up. All this cool new stuff? It's not for you."

Actually, as long as you're willing to try and meet the minimum requirements (for example, having an Alpha boost slotted for ATF & TM2TF) i'd be more than happy to have you join up on any Incarnate content. Many of the people i play with will also invite almost anyone who wants to join for almost any content. Some of them will invite anyone who asks, and the rest usually do the same after first inviting anyone from the channel first and then fill in any spots left. (Nowadays i find most of my groups of friends tend to fall along global channel rather than SG lines.)

As far as i'm concerned it, whatever it may be, is for you if you want it. Dechs Kaison and Smurphy take the same approach for the most part as well, just to mention two others.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Fiery-Enforcer View Post
No, the challenge has not been fine. Maybe for you it has, but obviously not for others.

What's so bad about adding more challenging end game content? It's not like they're ignoring everything else, just look at Going Rogue. As far as I know, one of the biggest complaints about this game throughout the MMO community is the lack of end game content. Again, why is it so bad to try and address this issue?

Removing stuff from the game and gimping yourself just to try to make the game harder gets old. Enhancements are a big part of the game I enjoy, but just to find a challenge I can't use them? I don't understand why you think our characters should get stronger, but not enemies along with us? Sounds like you won't be happy until you're able to stand still and one shot everything in the game with Brawl.
that camp has always been in the game "We're superheroes, we shouldn't have trouble with these guys."

Thrythlind's Deviant Art Page
"Notice at the end, there: Arcanaville did the math and KICKED IT INTO EXISTENCE." - Ironik on the power of Arcanaville's math



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
The challenge level of the content has been fine for years and until just recently when the devs got a bug up their **** and decided they need to ape WoW and try for some 'dynamic' battle like CO.

Revisionist history. The "standard content model" for this game has evolved over the years, and I've been there every step of the way. Its always been the case that the standard difficulty was intended for "core, standard content." There has *always* been exceptions to the standard difficulty guidelines, whether its been Maria, or the LRSF, or the respec trial. The end game is another exception, and a predictable one. I've been saying this very thing since before any details of the end game system or end game content were released.

I also think its amusing to see you reference "dynamic CO content." Firstly, because of the notion that if the devss want to add more sophisticated content to the game, its because they have to be copying CO. It can't be, say, that they've been thinking about it for years before Cryptic went off to make MUO and then CO. Castle once posted in the open forums, in reply to a post I made regarding the reluctance the devs have for making certain kinds of advanced content, that in fact the devs are always looking for ways to do that, but practical limits of the game and the resources available to them were the limiting factors, not their will to do it (the specific subject: permanent dynamic environments).

Secondly, because of all those posts where you said CO was going to clean CoX's clock for a variety of reasons, most hilarious of which was that you knew based on conversations you had with him that Jack (Emmert) shared your game design philosophy and perspective on comic book gameplay. That's a quote I wish I kept, but I don't think I did, mores the pity.

The Incarnate system and the end game is really an outgrowth of the NCSoft buyout of 2007, when the shift to larger game system expansions than had been previously possible became priorities. Real Numbers, the Architect, Praetoria, and the end game and Incarnates are all fallout from that moment in time.

Development cycles are looooong. Most of this stuff goes back at least eighteen months if not more. The plans for end game probably predate CO's launch.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
The challenge level of the content has been fine for years and until just recently when the devs got a bug up their **** and decided they need to ape WoW and try for some 'dynamic' battle like CO.
Enhancement Diversification. GDN. Troller 'rebalancing'. Travel Suppression in PvE.

Not everything is about you. Or me. It's just a game.



Originally Posted by Megajoule View Post
Yeah, that's kind of the impression I'm getting from the TFs themselves and the responses here.

"Sorry, but you just aren't good enough to enjoy the new content, or the content that's likely to follow it. You're not fast enough, skilled enough, and so on. You've muddled through thus far, but at this point you might as well give up. All this cool new stuff? It's not for you."


Invest effort to get better?

Or give up.

Either is fine.

Wavicle, Energy/Energy Blaster, dinged 50 in Issue 4, summer of 2005.
@Wavicle, mostly on the Justice server.



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
Anything that is done can be undone or redone.

The devs need a figurative kick in the face to take action. Perhaps the sub numbers over the next few months as well as the data coming from the two TFs and the upcoming raid will do the job before the game gets too many boot marks and bruises.


Yes, I'm sure Kicking them in the Face will get you what you want.

Wavicle, Energy/Energy Blaster, dinged 50 in Issue 4, summer of 2005.
@Wavicle, mostly on the Justice server.



To sum up Johnny's argument:




Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
Additionally, I don't think I should have to fund content I don't want in the game and I've been given no way show my support of content I do want to support beyond complaining loudly and causing a scene about what I don't like, which is what I'm doing and what I plan to continue doing unless I'm stopped not of my own free will. If you don't like it you can put me on ignore, urge the devs to get it together or leave yourself. Those three options suit me fine.

Hmmm, sounds pretty selfish to me. The devs are adding content to their game to make it more favorable to a wider group of players as well as adding variable mechanics for *everybody*. Even if you don't want some additions or don't like some changes doesn't change the fact that what your dollar *is* funding is other stuff you *do* want like upgraded graphics, costume pieces, new maps, more play modes, etc.

It's like walking into a McDonalds to buy a McRib but thinking you should get a discount cause the secret sauce on their Big Mac isn't to your liking.

Or more relative, if the devs try to add some more to PvP, would you throw your arms up in a hissy fit just because it's not what you want?

Just because the devs are adding variable content doesn't mean they aren't adding more normal contacts, missions, TFs and GM/AV encounters for you. In the very same issue, did they not add more tip missions too?

How about getting off your duff and whining about forum-nazis telling you to 'lrn2ply' and start dropping some suggestions for regular missions/content? I can think of quite a few, like expanded tip missions, new/varied bank/safeguard missions and so on...Hell, it shouldn't be that hard since all you're looking for is the same old stuff that anyone can damn near duplicate for you in AE.



Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
Actually, as long as you're willing to try and meet the minimum requirements (for example, having an Alpha boost slotted for ATF & TM2TF) i'd be more than happy to have you join up on any Incarnate content. Many of the people i play with will also invite almost anyone who wants to join for almost any content. Some of them will invite anyone who asks, and the rest usually do the same after first inviting anyone from the channel first and then fill in any spots left. (Nowadays i find most of my groups of friends tend to fall along global channel rather than SG lines.)
I think this important. It's one thing to essentially be excluded from content because of restrictions on how one plays the game that are not directly imposed by the game itself. This can range from not playing often on teams, or attending TFs or not dabbling in IOs or the market. Note that I don't assume that all these restrictions are self-imposed. Some folks play at times it's hard to get on teams, or can't set aside enough time to run a "typical" TF.

It's another thing to imagine that people are excluding you from content because of perceived elitism. There are, without a doubt, people who will do that. I do not think it is wise to assume that the majority of people who might be in a position to do so will do so. I'm pretty willing to play at least some of the time with anyone who's actually a nice person to hang out with. If they happen to be willing to pick up some tricks of the trade and become a better player over time, so much the better.

Mostly, in my opinion, being a good player means you're willing to pay attention to what's going on and do something helpful to your team. If someone can do that and and be fun to hang around with, I'd be up for playing with them often. Being a good player does not mean that you're able to bum rush four AVs and let them dance on you without dying. That might mean you have a good build, but whether or not you're a good player is often something completely different. (If you're a good player, fun to play with, and have good builds, you're a real gem in my book.)

You don't need top-end builds to do most of this stuff, by the way. If you don't have one, what you need are buffs and maybe debuffs. That's what teams are for. Pum's a good example. I don't think he does much in the way of IOs on his characters. He gives most of his phat l3wt away in contests. He runs with people many of whom IO their characters to the gills, and he does fine. He knows the game well, and our teams usually have plenty of buffs to pass around. And when he doesn't get enough buffs for the way he plays, well, someone usually has Vengeance. >.>

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA