Performance Against Lady Winter
I'm trying to think of some good solo strategies for my /Regen scrappers, among others.
I took her out on a DM/Regen Scrapper who basically went toe-to-toe (and died once doing it), a DB/Regen Scrapper who did what I described above and won without issue, and a MA/Regen Stalker who also used Placate to buy debuff cool-down time.
Those were all 50s, and none used an inspiration.
I'm actually about to try on a level 32 DM/Regen Stalker. I'll let you know how it goes.
Edit: I've also done this on a small fleet of Dark Miasma Defenders and Corruptors, and typically my only issues were that I was too proud to turn down my difficulty and so had some trouble not with LW herself but with the combination of her and accompanying Winter Horde - especially mezzing bosses. I took a Level 29 Sonic/Dark SO'd Corr to her on x0 with no major issues (and no need for inspirations). I went toe-to-toe with her on my Stone/FA Brute using Demonic as I went in and at the end, relying on Healing Flames and a bit of kiting to stay upright.
American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA
She can be a bit difficult. Having a stacking, auto-hit, defense debuff that ignores DDR is kinda cheap. On the two Scrappers I've beaten her with I had to stay at range, spamming Fire Blast or Mu Bolts.
Also on Steam
My lvl40 and lvl50 MA/SR scrappers went toe to toe with her several times without much trouble. It hurt bad when she hit, but she didn't hit very often.
My lvl50 Rad/Arch defender had to retreat to the top of the tower behind where she spawns and picked at her with my ranged attack. She spent most of the time climbing a tree trying to get to me and didn't attack very much.
�Let there be truth, happiness, and waffles�
-Vagabond, Dark Lord & Avatar of Gnarr
The Justiciars
I've only tried with my lvl 50 Fire/Energy/Fire Tank.
Used about 5-6 inspirations, but not too hard. A good fight, went toe to toe with her.
OK, the level 32 DM/Regen Stalker took me a few tries, because I was trying to do it without inspirations or Accolades. After dying, I reset the mish because I wanted to start from the top with her having full HP. I think my biggest problem is I am spoiled by my 50s and not proficient with such a slot-starved relative lowbie. Also, some of my powers have yellow SOs.
I got her on the third try, again with the kiting. I actually had a lot more success with a more aggressive approach, using terrain to break line of sight, re-establishing hide, then running a samurai pass at her to get a critical. When Placate recharged, I would use that to get her to quiesce long enough to get an AS off, land one other blow, then jump away. This character is a flier, but that doesn't provide much burst travel speed, so I was actually just doing this with Sprint (and or course, Swift and Hurdle, neither of which have anything slotted).
American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA
I'm trying to think of some good solo strategies for my /Regen scrappers, among others.
Hit Dull Pain, Hasten, Instant Healing then charged in. Kept Divine Avalanche mixed in with the attack chain, keeping one or two DA buffs stacked (and my DA's slotted as an attack, not a def buff). At one point, I noticed my defence down to about -40%, and my health took a hit, popped MoG, carried on hitting her.
She fell over before I did, which is all that matters for a scrapper...
No fancy pants strategy required for a /regen scrapper with Dull Pain, Instant Healing and MoG, IMO

The above post may contain Cynicism, sarcasm and/or pessimism. If you object to the quantities contained, then tough.
Thanks for the /Regen comments, UberGuy and Canine. I mentioned /Regen just because I have four /Regen scrappers and three /Regen stalkers, and of course they don't have a long lasting godmode power to fall back on. I'll probably try one of them tomorrow.
On A Fire/Devices blaster, Popped a few Insps. Melted her like an Ice cube in the Sahara
On Justice
Global @Desi Nova Twitter: @desi_nova Steam: Desi_nova. I don't do Xbox or PS3
I'm trying to think of some good solo strategies for my /Regen scrappers, among others.
Shadow Meld > MoG > Shadow Meld > range dps for 12 seconds > Shadow Meld > range dps.
No inspirations or temp powers used. Never needed instant healing.
I also duoed Lady Winter with my wife's Storm / Elec defender and my WP/Mace tanker. My tanker had a considerably more difficult time. I wound up kiting / jousting a good part of each of these fights until my wife cut loose with ALL of her knockbacks. She put Lady Winter on her back for almost half the fight, With Lady Winter running away from her Tornado the rest.
I've only fought her twice so far, both times on my kat/dark scrapper. First time she ate me for lunch by debuffing my resistance from 41-60% (fire/cold-smash/lethal) down well into the negatives and cut the crap out of me with icy swords.
I ended up rezzing three times against her before I won and finding out that she had that autohit -res/def power.
Second go round I bought a couple columns of orange and purple insps and earned a bunch more slaughtering snow men for drops. That time I hacked her up like a Christmas turkey and never even got below half health when I had capped res/def.

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is a natural manure. -Thomas Jefferson
Read the Patriot newsletter. It's right, it's free.
Level 37 SS/WP Brute: Beat her with most of a tray of Inspirations.
Level 50 Ill/Rad Controller: Crushed her like a bug, repeatedly.
Level 50 Bots/Traps Mastermind: Squashed her without losing a pet.
Level 35 Fortunata in a team against the AV version: Beat her repeatedly, some deaths on the team do to crashing defense/resistances. Her defense regularly crashed to a few percent even with Mind Link.
Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth
Issue 16 made me feel like this.
Warning: This poster likes to play Devil's Advocate.

Having to use Unstoppable and then backing away to stay at range sound like problems to me.
Considering that damage protection doesn't last for too long in melee range against Lady Winter, it could be a problem for some other characters.
It's a fight that requires movement of melee ATs (well, probably), which is a good thing. If you want to sit there and take all her debuffs, some of which are patches or time based, you're welcome to it, but you'll be better off moving off.
On my Fire/Fire Tank, depending on how well her hits land (good old defense makes this random), I can usually get her down most of her health before it make sense to move out of a Freezing Rain patch. The worst time, I had to back off so I could have my powers recharge faster and get Healing Flames back.
My Scrapper that is still leveling has a harder time, but he's only in his 30s. He's fallen back on ranged attacks for some of the encounter when the damage gets too high.
Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc: Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory
I soloed her on Ironblade, who is broadsword/regen.
Pretty tough fight. The debuffs caught me by surprise and I had to back off and start over. On the second try I led off with Parry and that made a big difference. With the recharge and defense slotted in Parry, I can alternate between having it double-stacked and triple-stacked, which put my defense against her jumbo sword at either ~51% or 73%. It drags out the fight, since I have to use Parry every other attack, but it works wonder against select opponents.
Didn't need inspirations or temp powers. However, this character is purpled and has the recharge/heal incarnate boost. I think I need to go back and solo Nosferatu. He killed me 3 times the first time I encountered him.
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
I found the encounter pretty entertaining on my bot/traps. I noticed her debuffing me, but with the fact i kept her immobilized, and debuffed down to pretty low, my bots just ate her up. Between double stacked triage beacons, triple stacked acid mortars, and 6 stacked seeker drones (2 from me, 4 from the protector bots), she was just this huge blue woman who did a nifty aura thingy that covered my UI in icons.
Her rain thing caught me off guard, as i really didnt know what it was, just that i was suddenly surrounded by frozen rain (which usually means ice storm, freezing rain, or blizzard, all of which can tear a MM to pieces) but once i realized it really wasnt doing much, i just soaked it.
Granted, only time i fought her was with a grav/kin buddy of mine, but he wasn't slotted very much, and i did all the heavy lifting. He couldn't get within 10 yds of her without being overrun by debuffs/damage.
My BS/SD Scrapper does fine against Lady Winter. My approach against her is the same as for most EBs. I swallow a few purples and then go wail on her with my sword. I do notice the occasional moments of high damage resistance on her part, but I just bull through it and win the day.
so far beat her with 4 characters, twice on my ice/ice blaster, had a death or 2, but came back and stomped her. one amusing time, i avoided sending the tuthaa out at all, pulled her back into the massed tuthaa, who promptly attacked her. unfortunately their aggro radius was small, so she only initially aggro'ed 2 units on her, but some movement got her fighting the whole group, and my additional attacks dropped her.
Wound up jousting her on my Shield/War Mace tank. Was sort of annoying but less annoying than dying would have been. I had pulled her onto the catwalks and just zipped back and forth past her, smacking her upside the head each time while avoiding the worst of the stacking debuffs.
My Ninja/Dark MM just sent in the pets and watched them tear her apart.
Fought her on my level 39 Illusion/Storm. She ran around in panic like a little girl, and it turns out that you can knock her down with enough KB; I knocked her right down the side of the hill. Not a difficult fight except for the usual problem of running out of endurance on a /storm; it took a while since she wouldn't stay still.
Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth
With my sub-optimal level 32 Grav/Rad Controller I couldn't take her below 25% health. Eventually I threw as many of the Tuatha at her that I could, but even healing them while attacking her I couldn't make enough of a dent to win. She killed me three times, so I just joined a team and completed it that way.
On the team I didn't even fight her, actually. I just hung around the Tuatha and pulled mobs of snowmen into them and watched them fight. That was immensely entertaining. By using my AoEs I ensured that everyone on the team got credit for all the snowmen the Tuatha melted, if not a lot of xp.
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I heard that Lady Winter can be tough for melee characters due to stacking defense and resistance buffs. I was interested in hearing how players have been doing against her so far. I fought her solo five times so far (no deaths), but only once with a melee character, and that was a level 50 tanker.
My results:
L50 Ice/Ice/Cold Blaster, L47 Energy/Energy/Munitions Blaster
Stayed at range. No problems. Used several inspirations and no temp powers.
L50 Inv/SS/Pyre Tanker: No problems. Used Unstoppable. Near the end she started eating through Unstoppable, so I backed off and finished her off with ranged attacks (Fire Blast, Fire Ball and ranged temp attack powers). Used a defense inspiration.
L45 Mind/Energy/Psi Dominator: Stayed at range. No problems. Used several inspirations, plus several ranged temp attack powers when she heavily slowed me for a bit.
L21 Demons/Pain Mastermind: No problems. Used a couple inspirations and no temp powers. Didn't lose any pets.
I'm trying to think of some good solo strategies for my /Regen scrappers, among others.