Trapdoor is getting harder.

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Knowmad View Post
Or does he have insane energy resistance?
I didn't notice anything on my Crab, I was doing I think about the same damage I do to other things.



Originally Posted by Charcoal_EU View Post
About UberGuy's video. Dark powers have -to-hit, dark defenders even have a toggle that does -to-hit.
King of the alts, there, remember? I have some of those toons.

So all those instances of Trapdoor missing were caused by power selection, not luck. The more you know!
Nonsense. Trapdoor did not land a single hit on him. That's MORE than just the powers, that also involves luck. It's been established time after time by our superb number crunchers that even capping such powers is no guarantee against getting hit because they always have a chance to hit you and many of them have abilities specifically designed to counteract your defenses. The NPCs "cheat" because they're at a disadvantage to us. I imagine it's not dissimilar from the streakbreaker on the player side.

And about the "fast respawn". Do you (or anyone else who had it) have a chat log, demorecord or Fraps of a fight were it happened ?

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Originally Posted by Arbegla View Post
Im pretty sure the summoning rate is every 30 seconds. Thing is, 30 seconds seem to go by quickly, so it gives the illusion that hes summon more often then normal. Next time, time it. chances are it'll be within 30 seconds.
Some people also claim he only ever spawns one bifurcation at a time, too, despite other players relating different experiences.

The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction



Originally Posted by Arbegla View Post
Im pretty sure the summoning rate is every 30 seconds. Thing is, 30 seconds seem to go by quickly, so it gives the illusion that hes summon more often then normal. Next time, time it. chances are it'll be within 30 seconds.
I think the recharge of his clone summoning power may be able to be slowed. It seemed on my Warshade like once I really laid into him he stopped summoning.

Wavicle, Energy/Energy Blaster, dinged 50 in Issue 4, summer of 2005.
@Wavicle, mostly on the Justice server.



Originally Posted by Twisted Toon View Post
I guess you missed this part.

Granted, that doesn't explicitly state "my toggled had just dropped right before he managed to get in a lucky hit". However,I figured that any reasonably intelligent person could have inferred that from the quoted statement. My mistake.

Thank you, Tin Soldier. Stated much more politely than my reply.

What the hell does a break free have to do with damage resistance. My toggles can drop for reasons other than being mezzed, you know. Maybe, because I ran out of endurance. That is possible to do,even with "the Almighty Stamina".

When did I say I was mezzed? Point out in my post where I said I was mezzed. All I said, was that my toggles dropped. You immediately jumped, erroneously I might add, to the conclusion that I must have been mezzed. Because that is the only way in the entirety of the universe that toggles can drop. Right?

Oh yeah, there's that pesky not enough endurance thing too.

Well, you might try thinking before you start jumping to conclusions. That might help a little.

1) 0/x2 yes, bosses.
2)4 Med reds, 2 Med purples, 2 small purples, 0 blues (don't normally need them), 4 med oranges, 2 med yellows, 3 med greens, 2 med BFs, 1 med wakie.
3)see #2. Except 2 oranges were small. and the other 2 oranges were small BFs. I have that kind of luck on occasion.
4) Long enough that I took out at least 6 Bifurcations. Which, also reduced my Inspirations to 2 reds, no purples, no oranges, no blues, 2 yellows, 0 greens, 0 med BF, 2 small BFs, and a med wakie. Granted, I didn't start taking them out until he had more than one up. Then I was taking damage from Trapdoor, plus several other targets. It all adds up.
5) Trapdoor, who I managed to pull just into the hallway. Knockback was helping a little from the human form powers.
6) Less than the time for the sound effects for dropped toggles to end. Pretty damned fast.
7) I did have Dwarf Form. I had more options for knockback with human form though. And my hold missed.
for both 8) & 9) I could care less what anyone else thinks about my inpsiration loadout or combat tactics. I'm not playing their character. Nor should they be playing mine.

I was just pointing out that I did get one shotted despite having enough defense to floor his chance of hitting me. I was very unfortunate that everything seemed to happen in less time that it takes to say "WTF just happened?"

Hope that helps, Tin Soldier.
Thanks. The questions were an (unsuccessful) attempt to show Wavicle that useful advice is impossible if you don't know what actually happened.

Also, I would like to point out that I had very little problems with Holtz and Honoree. Plenty of Defense from purples and both went down. Honoree was a little more iffy than Holtz. And yes, I pulled them both, one at a time. Seemed a valid tactic in that mission, despite both Honoree and Holtz standing in the middle of 4 portals spewing Rikti out like a...Rikti spewing machine.

Added note: This Warshade does not Stamina slotted with anything.
Yes, we now play a game where pulling is sometimes cheating and somtimes not. It's kind of funny actually.



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
I imagine it's not dissimilar from the streakbreaker on the player side.
Streakbreaker affects mobs too, just FYI.



I realized after my last post that I do have level 50s who haven't done this arc on Test. I then decided to go there to try a few of them at fighting him. I saw no significant resistance to energy on the Sonic/Energy Blaster there, and she finished him off on an Enrage high in very short order without bothering with the bifurcations.

I then ran it on my Mind/Kin Controller, and it's just as easy to hold him. I went after the clones on her, because her damage output is kind of low, even at the damage cap. He went into the lava himself while I cleaned out the 2 bifurcations that he had spawned between first aggro and me actually finding that first bifurcation. I wasn't anbout to toy with him while he extricated himself, so I finished him off there. This one was at a significant handicap compared to how her live counterpart did it, since, in the time since that copy was made, I had completely revamped her build, reclaiming perma-Hasten after 5 years without it. The attack chain was like wading through molasses, but she got it done. I also have a copy of my Tanker from live to try out, and a few sets that I'm less familiar with, the benefits of previous issues' level bumps. It should prove interesting.

"I wish my life was a non-stop Hollywood movie show,
A fantasy world of celluloid villains and heroes."



Originally Posted by Tin_Soldier View Post
Yes, we now play a game where pulling is sometimes cheating and somtimes not. It's kind of funny actually.

This is such a ridiculous statement.

Pulling is never cheating.

There are two encounters (I know of) in the game where it is INEFFECTIVE. It's never cheating.

Pull Trapdoor all you want. No one will accuse you of cheating. Just don't expect his regen to stay low if you don't kill his clones.

Wavicle, Energy/Energy Blaster, dinged 50 in Issue 4, summer of 2005.
@Wavicle, mostly on the Justice server.



Originally Posted by Wavicle View Post
This is such a ridiculous statement.

Pulling is never cheating.
You, re: pulling, in this very thread:

Why even DESIGN fights with new mechanics if people are just going to cheat their way around it?



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
Swing and a miss, but this time with more feeling.

I'm gonna try one more time, this time in big text.

Because of the random number generator there is always a 5% chance for any enemy to strike you. This means that Trapdoor can hit you through an entire tray of purples should the random number generator roll between 95 and 100.

So as it was said, the RNG did not smile on you. How will you tie this to the topic at hand?

I'll answer for you: You won't. You'll keep making things up and talking about things that don't bolster your argument (or lack thereof).
Speaking of making things up, when have I ever claimed, in this or any other thread, that NPCs ever had less than a 5% chance to hit? This has nothing to do with the points I have made in here. Nothing.

If he hits right through purples, then this makes hash of everyone's boast to "just bring 50 Lucks in there and you'll be ok!" If he can hit through Lucks they are of limited utility - in fact I did not find them very useful. If the Curse of Weariness can run through an entire tray of blues in two minutes, this makes blues not all that useful when fighting Holtz. Elementary concept.

If Trappy never lands his Total-Focus [or whatever it is]-O'-Doom on any of your alts, outstanding. I am happy for you. That does not mean 1. That it does not exist, and 2. that he cannot land it on you multiple times during the same encounter. He sure landed it on my Defender and also on my Stalker, more than once. Everyone else without heavy shielding brought a temp power when solo and BOOM, "mission complete."

Problem solved. And intent of mission? Massive fail.



Originally Posted by Wavicle View Post
This is such a ridiculous statement.

Pulling is never cheating.

There are two encounters (I know of) in the game where it is INEFFECTIVE. It's never cheating.

Pull Trapdoor all you want. No one will accuse you of cheating. Just don't expect his regen to stay low if you don't kill his clones.
Pfffttttttttttt.... dude, you were the one who trotted out the entire concept of pulling being "cheating" and how dare we try to pull Trappy away from his clones, we were all a bunch of cheaty cheaters who deserved Awesome Punishments O'Doom because we Have Erred From The Path Of Righteousness by trying to evade Our Just Deserts.

That particular wild claim was one of the things making this thread o-so-entertaining. Now where is that .gif of Michael Jackson eating popcorn when we need it....



Originally Posted by Tin_Soldier View Post
Thanks. The questions were an (unsuccessful) attempt to show Wavicle that useful advice is impossible if you don't know what actually happened.
Some people like to think of themselves as God's gift to MMO gaming. And their experiences are the only ones that count for everyone else.

Originally Posted by Tin_Soldier View Post
Yes, we now play a game where pulling is sometimes cheating and sometimes not. It's kind of funny actually.
Funny and sad at the same time.

There I was between a rock and a hard place. Then I thought, "What am I doing on this side of the rock?"



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
Speaking of making things up, when have I ever claimed, in this or any other thread, that NPCs ever had less than a 5% chance to hit? This has nothing to do with the points I have made in here. Nothing.

If he hits right through purples, then this makes hash of everyone's boast to "just bring 50 Lucks in there and you'll be ok!" If he can hit through Lucks they are of limited utility - in fact I did not find them very useful. If the Curse of Weariness can run through an entire tray of blues in two minutes, this makes blues not all that useful when fighting Holtz. Elementary concept.

If Trappy never lands his Total-Focus [or whatever it is]-O'-Doom on any of your alts, outstanding. I am happy for you. That does not mean 1. That it does not exist, and 2. that he cannot land it on you multiple times during the same encounter. He sure landed it on my Defender and also on my Stalker, more than once. Everyone else without heavy shielding brought a temp power when solo and BOOM, "mission complete."

Problem solved. And intent of mission? Massive fail.
The thing is, is it doesnt matter what mob your fighting, ALL of them have a 5% chance to hit through a tray full of purples. Trappy isn't special in that regard. Heck, Honoree hits harder then trappy, has psionic damage, and has more mez powers, yet your not mentioning him, just trappy..

And trappy can be completely shut down by a envenomed dagger.. where honoree actually has resistance to most damage types.



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
If he hits right through purples, then this makes hash of everyone's boast to "just bring 50 Lucks in there and you'll be ok!" If he can hit through Lucks they are of limited utility - in fact I did not find them very useful.
Purples are very useful and saying otherwise is just stupid, I'm sorry you had a bad encounter with the RNG. Next time you're on a squishy, just maybe don't go into melee range? That way you won't get one shotted, even though it's impossible to get one shotted.




Originally Posted by Fiery-Enforcer View Post
Purples are very useful and saying otherwise is just stupid, I'm sorry you had a bad encounter with the RNG. Next time you're on a squishy, just maybe don't go into melee range? That way you won't get one shotted, even though it's impossible to get one shotted.
the 1-shot code is kinda fickle. Its impossible to take over your hit points within 1 single burst of damage. But as trapdoor has energy attacks, and those do two damages (energy part, then smashing part IIRC) it is possible to be '1 shot' from him, say, from his total focus.

Granted, his ranged attacks do a lot less damage, have a much lower chance to stun, and as you have to locate clones anyways, its much better to keep him at range whenever possible.



Originally Posted by Charcoal_EU View Post
About UberGuy's video. Dark powers have -to-hit, dark defenders even have a toggle that does -to-hit. So all those instances of Trapdoor missing were caused by power selection, not luck. The more you know!
In the interests of disclosure, based on that video being the third of three tries against Trapdoor, he hit me a lot less that run. Some of that was probably just a good streak on my part in the third run, and some of it was because on that run I tried hard to root him on the platform, where my Dark Servant could stay on him (and not die in lava doing so).

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by Arbegla View Post
the 1-shot code is kinda fickle. Its impossible to take over your hit points within 1 single burst of damage. But as trapdoor has energy attacks, and those do two damages (energy part, then smashing part IIRC) it is possible to be '1 shot' from him, say, from his total focus.

Granted, his ranged attacks do a lot less damage, have a much lower chance to stun, and as you have to locate clones anyways, its much better to keep him at range whenever possible.
Oh yeah, I didn't consider that. However, melee attacks usually do more damage, so if you're on a character who doesn't have melee attacks, there's no need to be in melee range. I'm hearing Blasters and Defenders getting hit by Total Focus when all you need to do is kite to avoid it, which isn't very difficult to do. Also, you could use a raptor pack or something to hover above him to make sure to avoid it since he's not able to fly to my knowledge.




Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
Nonsense. Trapdoor did not land a single hit on him. That's MORE than just the powers, that also involves luck. It's been established time after time by our superb number crunchers that even capping such powers is no guarantee against getting hit because they always have a chance to hit you and many of them have abilities specifically designed to counteract your defenses. The NPCs "cheat" because they're at a disadvantage to us. I imagine it's not dissimilar from the streakbreaker on the player side.
As mentioned, mobs benefit from the streakbreaker too. However, I wanted to mention that, historically, and outside of powers with intrinsic toHit or defense debuffs (Build Up, Katana attacks, etc.), powers that "cheat" in the particular way of bypassing high defense are historically rather rare. In fact, at one point the devs made a pass through the game to remove autohit nature from various mob powers to keep the game from being stacked against powersets like SR. The debuff and damage aura of Death Mages, for example, used to be auto-hit, and it isn't any more.

Edit: Addressing some other points made in the thread.
  • I never saw him summon two clones at the same time. However, you do not seem to get the "Trapdoor is Bifurcating" flashing message if you are not near him when he does it. This means that if he bifurcates again while you are off looking for a previous clone, you can miss that there's another one out there.
  • I haven't yet encountered Trapdoor's ranged attack stun. The only Energy Blast attacks I've run into that do that are those from the Honoree. (When I first discovered the Honoree's ranged attacks did this, I was quite surprised by it.)
  • It's quite possible that slows will impact Trapdoor's ability to summon clones. It's worth noting that Howling Twilight is a strong -recharge debuff.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by Knowmad View Post
I'm fighting trapdoor on my level 50 bots/traps MM. He is a level 52EB. All my robots do 1pt of damage to him with all attacks even when he is debuffed by 2 poison traps and acid mortar. Any idea why? He has summoned over 100 clones. He summons them too fast to kill. I have soloed GMs with this character but cannot damage him. I thought the clones only buffed his regen? Do they also buff his damage resistance. Or does he have insane energy resistance?
I tried again and beat him as a level 52EB. Unlike the first try, I fought him where he spawns instead of pulling him into the hallway. He dropped in about 2.5 minutes, only spawning 1 or 2 clones, partly because I toe bombed him with poison trap right away instead of after immobilizing him. The first time, the fight lasted so long, there were literally 100+ bifurcations. They littered several tiers of the room. It was insane. Holtz and the Honoree were a cakewalk by comparison.




Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
I was going to poke him with the Mk III scanner, and I didn't do it. I haven't fought him with anyone who has an Energy attack type, just lots of Dark, Fire, Cold and Lethal or Smashing.

Unless someone beats me to it, I'll see what I can dig up tomorrow.
Here's my scientific analysis of how it's gone for my guys so far:


Electric/ice tanker - wham bam oh gosh that lava looks painful. Bifurcates? What Bifurcates? There were Bifurcates?

Cold/ =

WS - zap zap - owie! - go fluffy go! Zap zap, yay. Did he what? Bifurcate? Eww. Look, his personal habits are none of my business I'm just here to make sure he doesn't hurt somebody.

Negative =


Widow - swish swash swish, ouchie. Swish swash swish, ouchie. Say, this isn't going well at all. All right, clear out some of these clonely guys that are just standing around looking... clonely? Right. Clear clear clear. Now, Trapdoor, back to business! Swish swash swish, ouchie. Grr. Clear out some more clonely guys. Swish swash swish, ouchie. GRR! /e Roy Orbison: Only the Clo-o-o-o-onely... now, Mr Trapdoor, it's YOUR TURN! Die, die, die! Lesson learned the silly way: kill the bifurcates.

Lethal =

Energy/energy/fire blaster: - pew pew pew! Damn, just flesh wounds! Sigh. Bifurcate roundup! Pew pew pew - ow! Like a Phoenix from the ashes... Pew pew pew! Phooey. Bifurcate roundup! Pew pew pew - ow! Grumble grumble. Pew pew pew! Bifurcate roundup! etc. until eventually, victory.

Energy/Smash =

Ice/wm - thud thud bonk bonk whack-a-bifurcate thud thud bonk bonk whack-a-bifurcate thud thud bonk bonk whack-a-bifurcate thud thud bonk bonk whack-a-bifurcate thud thud bonk bonk whack-a-bifurcate thud thud bonk bonk whack-a-bifurcate thud thud bonk bonk whack-a-bifurcate thud thud bonk bonk whack-a-bifurcate thud thud bonk bonk whack-a-bifurcate thud thud bonk bonk whack-a-bifurcate thud thud bonk bonk whack-a-bifurcate thud thud bonk bonk whack-a-bifurcate thud thud bonk bonk whack-a-bifurcate thud thud bonk bonk whack-a-bifurcate thud thud bonk bonk whack-a-bifurcate thud thud bonk bonk whack-a-bifurcate etc. until eventually Trapdoor fell into the fire and couldn't rebifurcate in time to prevent the thud thud bonk bonk of doom from pounding some fear of thud thud bonk bonk into his thick skull.

Smash =


It would be most illuminating if I could fight him again with my electric/ice tanker and WS, as their relatively easy victories occurred prior to the last patch.



I fought him on my Bots/Traps, he was noticeably harder. And the bugged pet AI didn't help since whenever he fell into the lava my bots tended to jump in after him and fry.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
That's 'cause you Just Don't Get It™®. Why should I bother trying to explain things to you? You don't know why you were so insulting, you have no idea why I insulted you in return, and you can't discern a simile to save your life. You're like the proverbial pig of Twain's. (Yeah, I know you don't get that, either. Whatevs homey.)
Thanks for assuming I'm uneducated. Really helps your point.

Since you're going to follow me around and call me names like a five-year-old welcome back to ignore.

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



Something I probably didn't make clear is that I think I have a very good basis for before/after comparisons on the patch. I have a Dark/Dark/Power Defender and a Dark/Dark/Power Corruptor. (Long story, that probably wouldn't have happened if we'd been able to side switch earlier.) With the solo +damage bonus for Defenders, the Defender actually has a slightly larger damage per attack before Scourge, because the solo bonus puts an ED-slotted Defender at the same damage as an ED-slotted Corruptor, both characters have Assault and Assault's bonus is bigger for a Defender. The two characters have very similar slotting, and if anything the Corruptor's is better for DPS. (I need to backport some of the build improvements to the Defender, actually).

I fought a +2 Trapdoor on my DDD before the patch, and he was basically a breeze without any use of Howling Twilight. As all can see, for my DDC, using HT made him very manageable, but I did have to be very active in defeating his Bifurcations to defeat him in a relatively short time. IMO, the difference in having to use HT and not is a pretty big deal.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



I ran this before maint. with my controller. He took all of 10 seconds to take down. I notice no change in difficulty. *shrugs* And my toon has a lot of empty slots, the majority of my slots filled with generic IO's. I have 0 sets.

"Certain it is and sure: love burns, ale burns, fire burns, politics burns, but cold were life without them." - Romulan proverb

My Characters



Originally Posted by Arbegla View Post
And FYI, shivans are easy. Heres what you do:

1) Find a base without missile turrets
2) Beat all turrets down to a sliver of health (DO NO BLOW THEM UP DURING THIS STEP)
2a) Destroy ONE turret and wait for it to respawn.
3) Starting at the furthest turret from the glowie you click on, start destroying the turrents
4) ???
5) Profit with your new shivan!
I added one optional step that can make it easier for low damage AT's.
You see, all the turrets are on the same fixed respawn timer, which is 5 minutes. If you beat up each turret a bit, destroy one and wait for it to respawn, that guarantees you'll have the full 5 minutes from that point.

That 5 minute respawn timer is FIXED. It's not based on anything you do. If you just systematically beat down the turrets, you might take out the last one 3 seconds before they all respawn.

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