Trapdoor is getting harder.

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by Reiska View Post
(even a duo)
Just did the arc in a duo - my storm/psi def and a friend running a shield/fire tanker. Why, it was almost actually *fun* that way.



Originally Posted by Flarstux View Post
Just did the arc in a duo - my storm/psi def and a friend running a shield/fire tanker. Why, it was almost actually *fun* that way.
Yeah, a duo was how I ended up beating it on the DP/Mental blaster, got the help of a PB on one of Virtue's global channels. With a duo, the encounter is simple and fun - one player burns Trapdoor down, the other is on bifurcation duty.

In and of itself, I don't think this is a bad mission design, but we should be given the warning that teaming is advised in that case. :P



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
Oh. My. God. Are you serious?! Are you really serious?!!!!!

I point you to the upping of difficulty of getting Shivans, to limit their use by solo players. [And this worked, because I never bother going to get Shivans nowadays, due to increased speed of respawn times on firebase turrets].

I point you to the several places that Warburg nukes have been disallowed, the Cathedral of Pain springs to mind as well as.... gosh, didn't they *just* make it to where nukes could not be used in Apex and Tin Mage? Perhaps I am remembering that wrong.... but yes, nukes have been disallowed in several instances.

Y'might want to rethink this stance of yours.

Trappy's not a special snowflake who needs special privileges. If anything, an EB who deserves special privileges would be Honoree. He's been through enough to earn 'em. Trappy ain't nothin' special, he even has a boring costume.

If only inspirations stopped things like the Curse of Weakness and Trappy's 100% chance-to-hit [? sure seems like 100% chance] Ubermelee one-shot-wonder! Unfortunately TRAPPY CAN INDEED HIT THROUGH A *TRAYFUL* OF PURPLES. My Defender can testify to the veracity of this statement.
Trappy, like everyone else, has a 5% chance to hit through the softcap. Your defender just has horrible luck. Really, its that simple.

Nukes are only disallowed in the CoP, not tin mage or apex. Heck, outside of changing the proximity mines, nothing has really been changed to the tin mage or apex, and i think the fastest apex times i've seen is a little over 30 minutes. 30 minutes for 40 merits/2 shards, and the dev's havent changed it yet.

If inspirations aren't helping you, then your doing it wrong. On every single one of my level 50s i've ran this arc, while some have died to trappy, everyone has successfully Solo'ed or duo'ed him. This is on a:

Fire/fire/fire blaster (RoTP is pretty nice, burnt his face off)
Fire/kin corr (power boosted transfusion kept me alive, even when he hit me, and the fortunata mistress pet TK blasted him into the lava for me, then burnt his face off)
Tri-form warshade (went dwarf, pounded his face in)
Earth/rad Controller (spammed the -regen debuff, floored his defense, and had stoney pound his face in)
SS/invuln brute (ignored the clones, pounded his face in, you'll be amazed how KB prevents him from summoning more clones)
Kat/regen scrapper (ignored the clones, pounded his face in)
Bot/traps MM (ignored the clones, as it was my first time through, actually didn't even realize he had clones, and just debuffed him into nothing and pounded his face in)
Emp/psi Defender (duo'ed it, with a fire/MM blaster. Power boosted fortitude on the blaster and me on clone duty pretty much made trapdoor melt)

So really, stop making things up randomly, and just accept that this was changed because the dev's didnt like people completely taking out the mechanic of the fight. Its not hard, so stop screaming like it is. Heck i've had harder times on the Honoree mission, and even that i mostly just rushed.



Originally Posted by Arbegla View Post
Trappy, like everyone else, has a 5% chance to hit through the softcap. Your defender just has horrible luck. Really, its that simple.

Nukes are only disallowed in the CoP, not tin mage or apex. Heck, outside of changing the proximity mines, nothing has really been changed to the tin mage or apex, and i think the fastest apex times i've seen is a little over 30 minutes. 30 minutes for 40 merits/2 shards, and the dev's havent changed it yet.

If inspirations aren't helping you, then your doing it wrong. On every single one of my level 50s i've ran this arc, while some have died to trappy, everyone has successfully Solo'ed or duo'ed him. This is on a:

Fire/fire/fire blaster (RoTP is pretty nice, burnt his face off)
Fire/kin corr (power boosted transfusion kept me alive, even when he hit me, and the fortunata mistress pet TK blasted him into the lava for me, then burnt his face off)
Tri-form warshade (went dwarf, pounded his face in)
Earth/rad Controller (spammed the -regen debuff, floored his defense, and had stoney pound his face in)
SS/invuln brute (ignored the clones, pounded his face in, you'll be amazed how KB prevents him from summoning more clones)
Kat/regen scrapper (ignored the clones, pounded his face in)
Bot/traps MM (ignored the clones, as it was my first time through, actually didn't even realize he had clones, and just debuffed him into nothing and pounded his face in)
Emp/psi Defender (duo'ed it, with a fire/MM blaster. Power boosted fortitude on the blaster and me on clone duty pretty much made trapdoor melt)

So really, stop making things up randomly, and just accept that this was changed because the dev's didnt like people completely taking out the mechanic of the fight. Its not hard, so stop screaming like it is. Heck i've had harder times on the Honoree mission, and even that i mostly just rushed.
FYI he changed yesterday. You may want to see how it goes when you ignore his clones now with your following characters:

Earth/rad Controller (spammed the -regen debuff, floored his defense, and had stoney pound his face in)
SS/invuln brute (ignored the clones, pounded his face in, you'll be amazed how KB prevents him from summoning more clones)
Kat/regen scrapper (ignored the clones, pounded his face in)
Bot/traps MM (ignored the clones, as it was my first time through, actually didn't even realize he had clones, and just debuffed him into nothing and pounded his face in)

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Sometime today I'll be running it on a Dark/Dark/Power Corruptor. Dark Blast isn't exactly known for its DPS, but I have the mitigating tools of Tar Patch and Howling Twilight. If I can, I'll demorecord and/or FRAPS the fight. FRAPS is unkind to my FPS, though.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
FYI he changed yesterday. You may want to see how it goes when you ignore his clones now with your following characters:

Earth/rad Controller (spammed the -regen debuff, floored his defense, and had stoney pound his face in)
SS/invuln brute (ignored the clones, pounded his face in, you'll be amazed how KB prevents him from summoning more clones)
Kat/regen scrapper (ignored the clones, pounded his face in)
Bot/traps MM (ignored the clones, as it was my first time through, actually didn't even realize he had clones, and just debuffed him into nothing and pounded his face in)
I did the /rad controller with the new change -500% regen still floors him.

The SS brute can rack up about 200+ DPS with double stacked rage and fury. He can't keep it up forever, but Trappys only an EB, and once you get him down to 25% he concedes anyways, a couple Knockout blows with full fury and double rage and hes down. (KoB hits like a mack truck)

The kat/regen does 191 DPS to a pylon, so an EB with minimal lethal resistance would get ripped to ribbons.

Bot/traps is in the same boat as the controller -1000% regen will still floor him.

Keep in mind EBs have 0 debuff resistance, so debuffs hit them for full value.



So really, stop making things up randomly
*Annoyed* I'm not "making up" the fact that Trappy can be extremely difficult on some alts, especially those without a shivan or two up one's sleeve. I love how some of you people act like you know more about what goes on in someone else's mission than the player who was actually there.

You weren't there, you know nothing about what went down when [for instance] my Claws Stalker went through this mission. Please stop acting like you do, because you and I both know you were not there.

Also tired of this assumption that one can carry enough blues to overcome 5 minutes' worth of the Curse of Weakness, or to overcome Trappy's +regen. Perhaps your people have a 50-inspiration tray, mine sure don't and so non sequiter. Thanks.



I didn't carry that many blues, but I did carry four Tier 3 ones, Geas of the Kind ones / Force of Nature, and usually a Curse Breaker.

The latter two not everyone will have of course. As I've said, I'm not real fond of the Curse's mechanics, or that the simplest way to beat them are to be swimming in Vanguard Merits.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
*Annoyed* I'm not "making up" the fact that Trappy can be extremely difficult on some alts, especially those without a shivan or two up one's sleeve. I love how some of you people act like you know more about what goes on in someone else's mission than the player who was actually there.

You weren't there, you know nothing about what went down when [for instance] my Claws Stalker went through this mission. Please stop acting like you do, because you and I both know you were not there.

Also tired of this assumption that one can carry enough blues to overcome 5 minutes' worth of the Curse of Weakness, or to overcome Trappy's +regen. Perhaps your people have a 50-inspiration tray, mine sure don't and so non sequiter. Thanks.
non sequitur*

And the assumption isn't an assumption. YOU CAN carry enough reds/purples/blues/anythings to pull through. If you get the Curse of Weakness, here's a novel idea: Go snag a Curse Breaker. No merits? Even more novel idea: Take a break and come back with no curse and a fresh perspective.

You also need to consider that many people have posted that they've run Trappy on a low-damage low-survivability character with no trouble. You have again demonstrated what you're preaching against; you assume you know everything that goes on with US and that must not apply to YOU. You can say whatever you want, but you're acting as if your hard time is unable to be overcome with any sort of tactics other than the one that has since been removed from the game.

Go buy insps. Get help. Set to -1. Do something other than say "This character CAN'T DO IT no matter what anyone says or suggests" because A) that won't get you anywhere and B) methods of circumventing your problems have been pointed out.

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



Ya know, Curse of weariness isn't 5 minutes long. Its actually closer to 1 minute. And in the even you do get hit by it, turn off any toggles you don't need, convert any inspirations your not using into blues, and suck it up. Really. Or, just hit a recovery serum, and the added +recovery will counter act the -end you just got tagged with.

Or, spent the vanguard merits and just remove the curse yourself.



The best part about this thread is how funny it is when you add "... in bed with your mom" to the end of every post.


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville



Originally Posted by Arbegla View Post
Ya know, Curse of weariness isn't 5 minutes long. Its actually closer to 1 minute.
Actually, it really is five minutes.

Look here

Lifetime 300 (units are in seconds)

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by Arbegla View Post
Ya know, Curse of weariness isn't 5 minutes long. Its actually closer to 1 minute.
I call complete and utter BULLHOCKEY. That is completely untrue. It most certainly *is* five minutes.


We have been told many times that people have "been told how to complete this mission with no problem whatsoever." In case someone new to the thread missed the actual strategies that work on very squishy characters with no +KB powers, here they are:

*Prior to beginning the arc, turn your difficulty down to -1.

*Bring one or more of the following: 1. Friends, if you have any on at the time you want to run this who are not busy doing other stuff. 2. Shivans. 3. A Vanguard HVAS. 4. Both shivans and a HVAS. Boom, "MISSION COMPLETE."

Ignore all sternum-beating, "I iz l33t!" wild unverifiable claims, etc: just do this and problem solved.

Nalrok: Do something other than say "This character CAN'T DO IT no matter what anyone says or suggests
Never said that, sweetie. What I did say was that some powersets, esp. those without +KB, can have a lot of problems with Trappy. This mission is VERY doable: bring shivans and/or a HVAS if one has trouble. Problem solved.

Now being forced to go get temp powers is pretty silly IMO, for people so powerful they are about to become Incarnate, but whatever works.



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
I call complete and utter BULLHOCKEY. That is completely untrue. It most certainly *is* five minutes.


We have been told many times that people have "been told how to complete this mission with no problem whatsoever." In case someone new to the thread missed the actual strategies that work on very squishy characters with no +KB powers, here they are:

*Prior to beginning the arc, turn your difficulty down to -1.

*Bring one or more of the following: 1. Friends, if you have any on at the time you want to run this who are not busy doing other stuff. 2. Shivans. 3. A Vanguard HVAS. 4. Both shivans and a HVAS. Boom, "MISSION COMPLETE."

Ignore all sternum-beating, "I iz l33t!" wild unverifiable claims, etc: just do this and problem solved.
You're so confusing I think I'd rather try to converse with a purple-afro'd elephant with a bowling ball for face.

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
Actually, it really is five minutes.

Look here

Lifetime 300 (units are in seconds)
I stand corrected. Guess it just seemed shorter. I never actually looked up the time, as even with -50 endurance, all i did different was turn off a toggle or two, and proceeded to beat them down.



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
I call complete and utter BULLHOCKEY. That is completely untrue. It most certainly *is* five minutes.


We have been told many times that people have "been told how to complete this mission with no problem whatsoever." In case someone new to the thread missed the actual strategies that work on very squishy characters with no +KB powers, here they are:

*Prior to beginning the arc, turn your difficulty down to -1.

*Bring one or more of the following: 1. Friends, if you have any on at the time you want to run this who are not busy doing other stuff. 2. Shivans. 3. A Vanguard HVAS. 4. Both shivans and a HVAS. Boom, "MISSION COMPLETE."

Ignore all sternum-beating, "I iz l33t!" wild unverifiable claims, etc: just do this and problem solved.

Never said that, sweetie. What I did say was that some powersets, esp. those without +KB, can have a lot of problems with Trappy. This mission is VERY doable: bring shivans and/or a HVAS if one has trouble. Problem solved.

Now being forced to go get temp powers is pretty silly IMO, for people so powerful they are about to become Incarnate, but whatever works.

You know, but the plasmatic taser, and the hand grenade temp powers offer Knockback. And both of those are a lot easier to get them Hvas and shivans..



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
You're so confusing I think I'd rather try to converse with a purple-afro'd elephant with a bowling ball for face.
Go do that; that way you won't be attempting to put words in my mouth/on my keyboard that I never said.



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
Now being forced to go get temp powers is pretty silly IMO, for people so powerful they are about to become Incarnate, but whatever works.
Forced to get temp powers? No, if you need to use temp powers you either have a bad build or you are just bad, that's all there is to it.




Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
Go do that; that way you won't be attempting to put words in my mouth/on my keyboard that I never said.
Relax. Seriously, just relax. This is a flame thread. You've gone from arguing to screaming out the same thing over and over regardless of what anyone says. I'm not even going to egg you on, you're way over the threshold of sensibility here.

Originally Posted by Fiery-Enforcer View Post
Forced to get temp powers? No, if you need to use temp powers you either have a bad build or you are just bad, that's all there is to it.
So my Dark/Dark/Soul, who runs... 7 toggles at once isn't allowed to use Recovery Serum when Dark Consumption is down?

At least when I made my L2P statement I didn't shove that kind of garbage down anyone's throat. They're temp powers that drop like crazy. Go kill FIFTEEN minions and one will probably drop. Everyone can get them, and they can get them with little effort. Your post is fail.

EDIT: Granted, since I got my Cardiac Radial, I've since eliminated my end issues.

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



Hate to chime in so late but I thought I might have a few inf. to toss in.

None min-maxer. Most of my characters are still building IO sets (Only 2 of my characters have attained full righteousness 2 out of a kajillion mind you=/ ) and a lot still have less than 5 IOs. I don't carry shivans or the like too often (except for those aforementioned 2). My reflexes are sub par and I've been told my characters power choices some times seem "funny".

I DO on the other hand carry all but 1 of the insps I can carry and use and replace quite frequently on each and every character.

Out of the 28 characters I've done this with, I've only had a problem with ONE.

A 50 emp/sonic currently residing in Virtue, who IS one of the aforementioned 2 and his problem came from mighty midget agro to which no keyboard and mouse cables can defend themselves from and needless to say he bit the dust. Up until the five finger grab from below he was having no problem and I don't expect his next attempt to be a problem either.

I don't see how anyone has had a problem barring those suffering from RL agro or machine malfunction ... and the few that legitimately whiff the first go, assuming their eyes are still open and their pulse is still ticking away - should ace the second go all nice like.

"I just might suck and I've had zilch problems here. If you are having problems it's not the mission. It's you."

feel free to not reach me in the City @Does Not Exist.
All other locations I can not be reached in are =
XBL- BigBlueMachine/Steam - BigBlueMachine/PSN-BigBlueMachine/ RL aggro - "Husband","Daddy","HeyYou!" and "blue"



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
I point you to the upping of difficulty of getting Shivans, to limit their use by solo players. [And this worked, because I never bother going to get Shivans nowadays, due to increased speed of respawn times on firebase turrets].
I point you to the fact that you're making things up.
"the upping of difficulty of getting Shivans, to limit their use by solo players"
Kindly explain this part. Acquiring Shivans did get a bit harder, as a side effect of PvP changes. They did not directly change the mechanics of getting Shivans and they did not do any of it to limit their use by solo players. You're making that part up.

I point you to the several places that Warburg nukes have been disallowed, the Cathedral of Pain springs to mind as well as.... gosh, didn't they *just* make it to where nukes could not be used in Apex and Tin Mage? Perhaps I am remembering that wrong.... but yes, nukes have been disallowed in several instances.
I point you to the fact you're making things up again. Even after admitting you might be wrong about Apex and Tin Man (you ARE wrong about them). you still claim nukes have been disallowed in several instances.
1) Cathedral of Pain
2) Please list any others you can come up with.
"One" is not the same as "several".

Y'might want to rethink this stance of yours.
<snicker> Yeah, really, you might.

Unfortunately TRAPPY CAN INDEED HIT THROUGH A *TRAYFUL* OF PURPLES. My Defender can testify to the veracity of this statement.
So can a grey-conning minion. Everyone always has some chance to hit. We all know this.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



ran this solo with my AR/Dev blaster

No prep work, only isnps where what I got from the mobs on the map

Got to his room. Layed out my Auto Turret. Popped a small red, plus force of nature.
Killed his bifurcations as they came, popped a small green when he hit me down to below half health
He was defeated just as the 3rd was summed.

No use of lava
2 insps used total.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Someone looking for a fight: I point you to the fact that you're making things up.
"the upping of difficulty of getting Shivans, to limit their use by solo players"
Dude, I am sorry to inform you: when the PvP changes went into effect, diminishing returns made it more difficult to beat the firebase without turrets respawning on you. I used to never have anyone without shivans, who was of appropriate level; no one. I was in there several times a week getting shivans for this one, that one and the other.

I never bother nowadays due to diminishing returns. Maybe you do, hats off to you. I never do. When I go in with a team to get them for a special task, we're always the only ones in the zone. Yep.... diminishing returns sure was a nifty idea. It completely revitalized PvP zones!

Or not.

Unfortunately TRAPPY CAN INDEED HIT THROUGH A *TRAYFUL* OF PURPLES. My Defender can testify to the veracity of this statement.

So can a grey-conning minion. Everyone always has some chance to hit. We all know this.
I'll get back to you when a grey-conning Hellion is a problem for me on a mission arc, or when I have to consume four Lucks in order to try & stop him from hitting me. Until then, I don't really think Brawl from a grey-con is that big of a deal, nor does it validate your idea that this somehow, some way has a thing to do with my feedback regarding the Mender Ramiel arc.

I might, if I were looking for a fight over such a trivial idea. But not today.



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
I'll get back to you when a grey-conning Hellion is a problem for me on a mission arc, or when I have to consume four Lucks in order to try & stop him from hitting me. Until then, I don't really think Brawl from a grey-con is that big of a deal, nor does it validate your idea that this somehow, some way has a thing to do with my feedback regarding the Mender Ramiel arc.

I might, if I were looking for a fight over such a trivial idea. But not today.
He was saying that even the lowest of minions can hit you if the Random Number Generator doesn't turn in your favor. So, because of that, Trapdoor can hit you no matter HOW many purples you pop if the RNG says so. 5% universal hit chance.

You, however, decided to interpret that as something completely different.

My guides:Dark Melee/Dark Armor/Soul Mastery, Illusion Control/Kinetics/Primal Forces Mastery, Electric Armor
"Dark Armor is a complete waste as a tanking set."



Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
He was saying that even the lowest of minions can hit you if the Random Number Generator doesn't turn in your favor.

You, however, decided to interpret that as something completely different.
Thanks, Captain Obvious. The subject at hand is a mission in the Mender Rameil arc, not grey-conning NPCs trying to land brawl on me as I stand around in Atlas conversing with a friend via tell. As if anyone cared about such a thing, least of all me.